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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50077817 No.50077817 [Reply] [Original]

>No news will have a positive effect on price
>Staking is having zero effect on price
>No enterprises will use LINK
>LINK will soon be under $1 when BTC dives another 50%

Sergey is no different from Justin Sun or Jun Hasegawa. You believed a guy that rug pulled his previous project, bought his dad an exotic car with your ico funds, and lost all of your value against the BTC, ETH, and USD pairs. Worst CEO in crypto

>> No.50077852

Your post has thoroughly demoralized me.

>> No.50077857

Nexo is insolvent

>> No.50077885


>> No.50078036


>> No.50078057

Enterprises have been using link for years

>> No.50078425

Feels bullish and i'm buying more each week. Took a loan out to buy more and i already have 60k Link. It's such a certainty at this point that the price is an utter gift and the fud campaign does nothing to convince me to stop. Please, please do screencap this and refer to it this time next year. Of course you won't, though. $6 is a steal.

>> No.50078497
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How much link you holding?

>> No.50078531


>> No.50078572
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>> No.50079619

You'll be so disappointed in a year's time

>> No.50079873

Hate to contribute to the FUD but I'm worried that maybe LINK is one of those situations where the best technology doesn't necessarily win? There's a lot of examples in history of computers or video game consoles or whatever that were better on paper but they lost our to inferior tech because the other tech was faster and more popular. I feel like chainlink isn't actually going to be super valuable because if it was, it would be performing like it did during the other bear market. The market says oracles are important enough for rank 24, but we clearly overestimated just how valuable link will be. People need data sure, but there's no data without apps and people build apps on eth or avax or matic. I think link already mooned it's moon up to rank 5, and now it's correctly ranked. Will float in the mid 20s from now on.

>> No.50079985

It’s common knowledge that 90% of LINK OG’s came from /pol/, and are thus unironic Nazis and extremely racist. This is evident when you look at the chats whenever Chainlink presents at conferences such as consensus or smartcon. It’s always N word this, N word that.

I personally don’t want to put my money into a project like that and keep that sort of company. Moreover, I question the intelligence of people who shill LINK given their backwards and racist political views.

>> No.50079991

This isn't one of those threads where I just say the token sucks. The underlying factor killing this token is the lack of meme pumpamentals or heavy usage, hence the enterprise talk. The only way this goes to the moon is if a large entity was using the network, not just supplying data.

The Robinhood listing proved it, they got a 10% bounce and immediately lost it all in a span of a couple hours.

>> No.50080051
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>>Staking is having zero effect on price
staking isnt on yet, nobody knows if it will affect the price
>>No enterprises will use LINK

>> No.50080096

but it is useless, what would those enterprises use the goddamn token for?

>> No.50080908

What was it Eric Schmidt said only the other day.. This is going to be a very good year. He sounded very confident. What could he be referring to? I think I know. I think many of us know. Let's continue the little charade, however..

>> No.50081023

token not needed. also, nexo is insolvent