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50064058 No.50064058 [Reply] [Original]

Will financial success help me acquire a girlfriend? I would give anything for a few years of real intimacy with someone who genuinely cares about me. t.25yo kisslesshandholdless virgin

>> No.50064100

Don't worry about shit like that and you'll be golden. Try to improve the life of your loved ones and yourself

>> No.50064147

>your loved ones
so my mum, my siblings? Yes sure but it's not the same I'm sure you know what I mean

>> No.50064393

Please anons I know some of you have gfs tell me how you did it

>> No.50064423

sup chairman

>> No.50064426

remove the autism from your brain and you'll be good to go

>> No.50064442

I'm you but in the future, I'm 34 years old and have never touched boobs, seen them in real life or ever talked to a woman.
its over for me

>> No.50064466

yes it will help, but only if you have the courage to actually go out and talk to girls.
a friend i know made 650k in crypto and it hasn't helped him at all because he waits for them to come to him and is afraid of rejection

>> No.50064467

>who genuinely cares about me
This is not the place to fantasize bud. Women will never care about you.

>> No.50064536

What do you mean!

This is my worst fear, literally keeps me up at night

>> No.50064552

If you truly believe it will, it will.
Otherwise fuck that shit, get so good at something that no one you know is better.
You just gotta be around one and tell them you like them. Don't go all in a first but try not to be a pussy about it.
fascinated = fascinating

>> No.50064583

it will happen to you, when I was your age I thought I would never end up like this and that I had plenty of time. suddenly its like 10 years later and I'm still in the same spot.
its not that hard to give up, the dating market doesnt look good for old virgins like you and me.

>> No.50064623

I was 25 when I realized that I'd have to do something to change course. Wasn't that hard, just talk to women until one reciprocates interest.

>> No.50064663

Its not very hard once you get there. First of all, fix yourself. Get your life together. No (decent) girls wants to date a skinnyfat NEET in shitty wallmart clothes. Hit the gym, get a job/education and learn how to dress well.

Then, stop giving a fuck about girls. You will likely not get the one girl in particular you have had a crush on for years, which is okay.
Learn how to be confident and especially how to ask a girl out. Having your life together gives you the confidence you need. You really won't care that much if she says "no" to a date once you are confident in yourself, since you know you are somewhat valuable and there are many other girls out there.
You have to understand that you, as a man, ALWAYS have to make the first steps. No matter what bullshit feminist propaganda told you. Ask her out? Its your job. Find a decent place for a date? It's your job? Kiss her for the first time and initiate sex? It's your job.
Most young men fail not because they don't have enough opportunities with girls, but because they are too afraid to take the lead.

>> No.50064669

Yes ofc but it won’t make her magically appear.
Money is one key trait women desire. And money helps you acquiring or improving the others.

There is a girl out there for you.
Become the best man you can be and get out there and find her. You will have to face your fears

>> No.50064844

>until one reciprocates interest.
never happens

>> No.50064901

Fucking hell bro, Just focus on yourself. stop the wanking and buy the matic. Financial freedom will help but do it for yourself.

>> No.50064971

Basic rules:

1: Have a job
2: Have a social circle
3: Don't be fat

Bonus points for having your own place but this depends what age you are. That's pretty much it. Social skills are like riding a bike; you need to actually get on a bike to get good - you need to actually interact with people to do the same. You don't need stand-up comic levels of conversation but you also can't be a NEET who weirds out cashiers because you never leave your mom's back room.

>> No.50065305

be attractive, (you can't change your genetics) but you can work out, dress well and have a decent haircut/beard trim.

attractiveness trumps everything, because it insantly sets the mind into "I want to fuck this person and I don't really care about what he/she has to say or what her values are, I can figure that later".

be confident in your personality, what you have to offer. desu if you are a kissless virgin you either have to fake it at that point and just pretend you already fucked a bunch of girls or find some desperate shy girl (which is rarely the case, and even those want a chad).

best resume I can give is, girls are companies hiring you (a product) to fuck them, make their lifes more fun and eventually have kids/family. If you don't fit into the mental image they picture themselves with you are out.

don't waste your time with girls you don't find attractive unless you plan to pump and dump then for practice. you will hate your guts having to be with someone day by day you don't find attractive. and desu women don't really offer more besides their body, womb and company/being nice to you.

>> No.50065317
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met her in college. sat next to her in class and 2 months later we started dating. she's my first gf so I had no experience with women prior. all I did was just listen to her and try to react best way I could. made mistakes but she could see I had good intentions and we clicked. college makes dating so easy since people are more social and willing to give someone a chance bc expectations aren't high. for example most students are broke so most people aren't going to care that much about your financial status, what you drive, where you live, what's your job etc. there's more chances for someone to get to know you and see if they like your personality which is almost nonexistent in the real world.

honestly if you can't land a gf in college there is no hope for you bc outside of school it's a lot harder. i'll even admit if I she saw me on a dating app or met me outside of school she would have 0 interest in me.

>> No.50065327

lastly get the image out of the head that people are special and unique, they really arent. there are dozens of copies out there who look the same and pretty much act the same and have the same tastes. one of the worst things a man can do is fall in "love" with a girl. women will trample on you once they have power over you.

>> No.50065349

*i'll even admit if my gf saw me on a dating app or met me outside of school she would have 0 interest in me.

>> No.50065434

I'll admit that if your gf saw ME on a dating app, she'd fantasize about marrying me for my big muscles and cute dog, not knowing beneath this chiseled exterior there lies a true autist hiding behind his cute pet and anabolic steroids.

>> No.50065454

things that work in my experience in no particular order:
-being successful
-being direct about what you want
-being funny
-looks work but are auxiliary

-all girls like a guy that's different from the rest. In school that's easy because it's a small closed ecosystem, becomes harder after but when you know the girl you're into you also learn about her ecosystem.
-making them laugh somehow always works. It's because girls are carefree because they don't take life seriously (they need a man for that).
-directness about what you want works because girls don't know what they want. Subconciously rhe want to be led and a guy with a plan is interesting to them.
-success works, but is auxiliary to directness about what you want. Success can mean because you executed your plans and then it works, or you just wing it and got lucky in which case you'll attract a wrong type of girl.
-Looks are the least important of all. Yes looks are an expression of the above and that's important, so don't be a slob and be Spartan to yourself. But I have been with girls that are attracted even to downright ugly guys, because of the aforementioned traits. Girls that only go for looks are not all vapid; some have an understanding that looks get you ahead naturally, so it's a bet for them, or they have a strong babywish and their Volkisch genetic memory speaks to them.

Good luck anon, trying out different girls teaches you a lot about yourself. But don't waste too much time sowing your oats. Settle down with one eventually and don't make the mortal mistake to always want one better. Because then you end up like me, alone and childless and drifting evermore blackpilled.

>> No.50065499

sorry bud but she's against dating apps/ online dating. if she couldn't find anyone irl her parents would just set her up with their friend's sons until one clicked. is the fate of chinese daughter with trad parents.

>> No.50065569

I worked with women and If you spend 40+ hours a week with the same people you'll grow to like each other as long as you're not repulsive. My biggest recommendations would be look better and speak to more people. If you can't talk to someone who's not your gf, how do you expect to talk to someone who might become your gf? Be more social.

I don't know how socially reclusive retarded people get partners. Sometimes you see those people who are totally socially inept but they still have partners. Your guess is as good as mine as to how they pulled it off.

>> No.50065960

contrary to what almost everyone else is saying
>look good
>have a personality
>hold a conversation
everything else is completely fucking unnecessary, especially if you're meeting chicks using dating apps or cold approaching

>girls don't give a rat's ass about money
unless you're either homeless or a millionaire
>girls don't give a rat's ass about your social circle or lack of it
I had 0 friends as a virgin and still have 0 friends while getting laid regularly

looking good, being funny and knowing how to hold a conversation are key to making any date a success
holding conversations means asking questions and pretending to be genuinely interested in what she does with her life

girls love talking about themselves, capitalize on that every chance you get and you'll have your fingers down her panties a few dates later

>> No.50066042

step 1: clean up yourself, get an haircut and change your clothing style (look for inspo on pinterest, “basic style man”)
step 2: gym, build yourself it takes time but you gmi
step 3: try to engagé with more people during the day without looking akward and build confidence
step 4: gf

>> No.50066313

you should have to post gf before giving advice here

>> No.50066367

how do i approach more girls?

tips for /biz/ autist pls

>> No.50066645

>financial success only then maybe very likely a bitch will care about me
what did you not understand about your own stupidity nigger
success is to achieve your goals, not money
isn't really worth it, never change for a woman
better be autistic and authentic even if that means no woman in one's life than a fake and gay norm conform normalnigger lemming that always only follows the well established authority no one knows what they are planning in their evil heads and everyone thinks "oh but they are the good ones the kind ones they would never do bad thin gs and hurt us they will only do what's best for everyone of all of us" and don't understand that those evil fucks are only in it for their own gains and if they destroy other people's lifes they don't give a fuck as long as they rule and get from the gray masses what they want

>> No.50066706

Just get ripped bro. Hit the gym like a maniac and take testosterone, t3 and a quality caseinate protein and start slaying bitches left and right. It changed my life and if I did it anyone can do it

>> No.50066736

what is t3 and caseinate protein?

will it make me bald? :(

>> No.50066768

Get her drunk. Put some rehypnol. Bam. Instant gf

>> No.50066780

Don't care about balding or any of that gay shit. Masculine energy is scarce in today's world and the only way of getting it is becoming a modern greek sculpture aka even bigger than them. T3 is the active thyroid hormone use low dosages. But as always DYOR but TRUST ME BRO. Get ripped and women won't ever be a problem again. It will take time and you will suffer but the reward is becoming a king

>> No.50066881
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but what if you look more like the guy on the right?

>just shave and go to gym
im not sure that would help him

>> No.50066902

Told her she was a man on an online game, turns out she was a depressed girl who suffered bullying and was actually hot.
We were on the same guild for one year not talking nor anything then we started to talk more when she was the tank on one dungeon and ended up travelling to met her, 15 years have passed since then.

>> No.50066915

if that guy had a body like zyzz he would get plenty of girls and anyone telling you that he wouldn't is a confirmed kissless virgin.

>> No.50066938

He should be going to the gym anyway and making a fucking effort. The hair for starters.

>> No.50066966

Get a cool car no joke. Also pay for her food most days

>> No.50067036

>Until one reciprocates interest


>> No.50067114

Holy fuck you are retarded.
Do you even understand how much knowledge, dedication, time, and gear/supplements that kind of body requires? Not to add that you need quality genetics - height, broad shoulders, slim waist, ability to retain mass during cuts better than average.

>> No.50067128

You sound gay

>> No.50067160

>just become peak aesthetics bro

>> No.50067215

Genuinely think I have low T. I live in europe and currently poor af finishing my degree. Any other way to know apart from doing an expensive test?
Also what changed for you?

>> No.50068708

bump because i need a gf

>> No.50068719

Doesn't matter just get ripped stop caring about anything else
Start hitting the gym. Think about when you can afford it and know what you are doing

>> No.50068747
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>genuinely cares about me
stop watching anime and disney anon its for your own goood

>> No.50068761

banged her in the back of my friends' minivan

>> No.50068781

I spent my entire 20s in relationships with women despite earning barely any money and spending the whole time as a loser perpetual student. I'm also probably a 50/10 on a good day.

Women arent hard, but fuck I regret not being single and enjoying my 20s. Wasting it all in relationships where you cant do what you want when you want sucks.

>> No.50068877

>Also what changed for you?
Everything. Women aren't even the best part. It's knowing you are the man and everyone know it

>> No.50070225

how did you do it anon?