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50062906 No.50062906 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50062923


>> No.50062930
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>tfw tripled vaxxed
lol have fun being dead, chuds

>> No.50062944
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>> No.50062970

I'm unvaxxed, rest of my family double or triple vaxxed. We all got covid in april and I had the mildest illness. Not saying it's because I'm unvaccinated, but I am saying being vaccinated didn't seem to help them at all. Try eating a decent diet and going outside every day, it's just a moderate cold.

>> No.50062973
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tfw your boomer coworkers who are vaccinated complain of catching covid meanwhile you are unvaxxed and have been in large crowds since outbreak with no issue

>> No.50063003

If they try to push lockdowns again, it's a huge buy signal because it means more stimmies and thus more brrring. It's pretty obvious at this point covid was a giant fucking scam (goypox is too), but the last brrring produced a huge bullrun.

>> No.50063018
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>> No.50063036

Don’t care, I got my natural immunity. Enjoy your 72nd booster

>> No.50063053

So you're implying that your family has a shit diet, and doesn't go outside; but not you?

>> No.50063065

This is complete bullshit.

>> No.50063091

That's not what I was implying. It's not like they had near-death experiences. I didn't even get a cough though, just felt hot for a day and then was exhausted with a stuffed nose for a week.

>> No.50063106

yeah everyone i know has it, and they're all vaxxed. everyone who isn't vaxxed doesn't have it. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.50063109

covid is a common cold which circulates year round and doesn't "go away"

>> No.50063136

This is BA5. Huge immune escape so prior infection/vaccines barely work. Also attacks the lungs like OG strain.
Everyone who dodged corona so far is getting it and people who get it say it is really shit, hits them hard. No more 'just felt like a cold'.
Hospitalizations are up. Not sure about deaths though, I think they somehow are still down (I suspect everyone who was vulnerable to dying already got killed off in earlier waves).

>> No.50063155

the narrative is being ramped up again, huh? I guess it would be too optimistic to expect the geriatric retards to come up with something new at this point

>> No.50063164
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>This is BA5. Huge immune escape so prior infection/vaccines barely work. Also attacks the lungs like OG strain.
>Everyone who dodged corona so far is getting it and people who get it say it is really shit, hits them hard. No more 'just felt like a cold'.
>Hospitalizations are up. Not sure about deaths though, I think they somehow are still down (I suspect everyone who was vulnerable to dying already got killed off in earlier waves).
You talk like a shill faggot. "HUGE" immune escape. "ATTACKS" the lungs. "HITS THEM HARD". But uhh yeah deaths are SOMEHOW down!!!

>> No.50063187

I got raped by delta, any evidence this one goes deeper into the lungs like the old style COVID did? The new style omicron one literally has been a fucking cold, I had the one that makes it hard to breathe.

>> No.50063235

sounds fun, I'm in

>> No.50063243

You have the same opinions as the nice Tv news ladies who ask Fauci what freedom we can sacrifice to save an AIDS boomer.

>> No.50063250

OG covid was just a cold since the beginning.
Delta? same.
Omicron? same
Future versions? Same

you make me start believing in that distorted gender theory, because i see no mens here, you're fucking pussies.

>> No.50063257

As far as I understood so far, from the Wuhan variant to the Omicron, all new variants were more contagious but less lethal.
BA5 is extremely contagious and a bit tougher than Omicron "1" but nothing compared to the Wuhan's original virus.

Btw Moderna already has a vaccine, containing 50% the Wuhan virus and 50% Omicron and (((0%))) blot clots. It should be released very soon and this fall they'll start again vaccination campaigns, hopefully only for over 60 boomers but I highly doubt.

>> No.50063272

i hope

>> No.50063274

He hasn't stated any opinions retard.

>> No.50063284
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if the covid death rate goes up, bitcoin goes up.

>> No.50063327

>the narrative is being ramped up again, huh?
There is no narrative yet, MSM is ignoring it. This is from anecdotes from friends and scientific research.

>any evidence this one goes deeper into the lungs like the old style COVID did?
Indeed there is evidence on Syrian hamsters already this one invades the lungs unlike BA2.

>> No.50063329


I got covid a couple weeks ago. I was coughing up large chunks of mucus and my chest hurt quite a lot. Felt like I was dying. My 3 vaccine doses did not seem to help. Also im 28 and not obese or any health conditions.

So yea people here might be right about the vaccine not working but COVID is actually awful and an older person or someone with health conditions is probably gonna die if they get this regardless of vaccine. Maybe thats just what we have to accept though

>> No.50063346

>hopefully only for over 60 boomers but I highly doubt
Try 6 month old children

>> No.50063357

real talk long covid seems to ruin your life permanently

>> No.50063370

German health minister already they they "are already preparing for fall".

>> No.50063383

Good article on BA5 showing genetic distance. Some say it should really be called SARS-COVID-3 and not Omicron.
Also, Paxlovid is not as effective anymore.

>> No.50063412


Long term impacts from any virus have always existed in a small % of the population.

We're blowing up neurotic women's reports of feeling sick as 'long covid'

>> No.50063433

>MSM is ignoring it
yeah, right

>> No.50063480

I got tinnitus from it, completely justed my life. good thing I’ve already been dead for a few years

>> No.50063498

over 1/4 people get long covid and it can cause debilitating shit like chronic fatigue and some never get their sense of smell back.
Imagine losing one of your 5 senses permanently.

>> No.50063504
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bidet admin failing in all the most humiliating hilarious ways. reminder that this chink-cia bat-aids project was probably released on purpose to fuck with trump. guess corona-chan won't be banished so easily when you summon her to do your midwit bidding.

>> No.50063523
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>mfw pureblood
lol have fun with your clots and VAIDS, zogbot mudblood!

>> No.50063631
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lmao long covid sufferers are disproportionately neurotic women
it's the new chronic fatigue syndrome aka "I'm depressed and need attention"

>> No.50063637

Yeah everyone already died from covid, that's why the midterms are going to look so strange huh?

>> No.50063760
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>over 1/4 people get long covid and it can cause debilitating shit like chronic fatigue and some never get their sense of smell back.
>Imagine losing one of your 5 senses permanently.

>> No.50063797

Can confirm, I just had an argument about it with my boomer parents because they're so scared about it. I already catched the chink flu and survived, why should I care ? Let the elderly and weak people vaccinate themselves to death, and just leave the rest alone.

>> No.50063881

Kek, to be honest neurotic women are generally physically weak, but some doctors suspect somatic causes, because they generally find nothing that could cause such symptoms.

>> No.50063897

One of my friends had chronic fatigue syndrome or something similar. He slept like 16 hours/day for 3 months. Weird as fuck. Probably was actually some mutant chink jungle parasite or some shit

>> No.50063922

My anecdotals from friends and family is the unvaccinated ones hardly even notice but I guess that's BS because it doesn't follow your narrative

>> No.50063942
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Vaxxies put the nothingburger virus under evolutionary pressure with their half baked non-sterilizing shitty clot shots so it mutated to be a stronger escape variant..
Thanks vaxxies, keep up the good work like obedient cattle.

>> No.50063953

>10 shekels have been deposited to your account

>> No.50064016

>falling for the CFS is depressed women psop
Look op Simon Wessely. This dude made a living aiding the government of claiming suspicious shit like Gulf war syndrome and ME/CFS was psychological. This and his membership made him president of the royal college of psychiatrists. The CFS isn't real, sickness of veterans isn't real narratives were pushed so hard every single fucking npc like you has it as their default programming.

>> No.50064048

Real talk long covid doesn't fucking exist. There's no clear definition, there's no hard data.

>> No.50064089

if some woman complains about (((long covid))) accuse them of having man flu and watch them lose their minds

>> No.50064099

oimcron and all its variants bred to shit in South Africa, a country with one of the lowest vaxx rates. this isn't an antibiotic.
>muh cattle
imagine thinking that willingly taking Xinpooh's viral semen up your own ass to pwn the libs makes you an independent thinker.

>> No.50064101
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Pureblood Chads report in. Feels fucking good to know we are immune to fud/propaganda and we successfully resisted the most intense psyop in mankind's history.

>> No.50064106

Yup. Got it again this week. Second time. As bad as the first, maybe worst? A bit of fever, sore throat and chills. Last time my sense of taste and smell returned to normal fairly quickly, hopefully this time they will return too. I hate not tasting food.

>> No.50064108

>this isn't an antibiotic
yeah if it was an antibiotic it would have actually worked

>> No.50064114

ok but have you ever had sex with a woman before

>> No.50064134

>Grandmas and grandpas die
>Leave timmies their shekels
>Timmies invest the shekels in imaginary internet money
>It goes up
Yep, checks out.

>> No.50064148

seem that china semen you willingly gargled has infested your burger brain, rendering you too retarded to argue with.

>> No.50064152

>This is from anecdotes from friends
top quality source m8

>> No.50064191

what the actual fuck is this

>> No.50064195

that would suck, but if I had to pick one sense to lose, smell would be the one I'd miss the least. It would affect taste though and I love a good meal. Also love a shit meal so maybe it balances out.

>> No.50064212
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Had it twice and survived with a history of pneumonia. Good luck with your experimental "vaccines". All I did was eat soup, take vitamin c, d, and took kratom. Ibruprofen for the headaches. Drank water. No prescriptions, hydroxychloriquine, or boosters. Had the original virus and the omnicron. If you die, you die. Just like with the flu which disappeared when Covid came around.

>> No.50064230

>force the entire population to give up their lives, friends and families for two years while you hurl emotional abuse at them
>"gee why is everyone so tired and unmotivated it must be covid"
kys kike

>> No.50064252

have fun with your shriveled nuts until you spontaneously drop dead in the streets jew slave

>> No.50064278

well the new is that they're going to use the lockdowns to prevent inflation and fuel-related uprisings. Because in the west when the doctor says to stay home the revolution simply has to wait. I hate my coward countrymen so God damned much.

>> No.50064300

I am picturing you as some lard ass sickly man child wheezing constantly with inhalers all around you

>> No.50064304

I'm married with kids, why are you asking ? Having sex with a lot of strangers is not a life goal you know.

>> No.50064306

your schizo narrative was written by some commiecuck on his parttime night shift

>> No.50064333

No, it's not. You're falling for it again.

>> No.50064356

if they try that shit again I am going to commit violent acts against the state apparatus. Hope you're reading this EU feds.

>> No.50064373

>wife & kids
> >>50063797
I hope your schizo delusion son grows up to be a fine young tulpa

>> No.50064421

My whole family has it right now, including me.
This is my second time getting it, but my dads first. He has bad lungs due to being stabbed 12 times by Mexicans. He's still handling covid like it's just a cold.

>> No.50064446

100% bullshit

>> No.50064458

Definitely. My business is still in the red because I haven't recovered yet from all the COVID restrictions. New lockdowns or mandates would mean death for a lot of companies.

How is your MTF surgery going ? I hope dilating isn't too painful. Keep faith sister.

>> No.50064476 [DELETED] 


>> No.50064492
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>imagine willingly taking untested experimental medication with negative efficacy

Your boss knows what's up with shit like that:

>> No.50064527

Can confirm. Brothers wife a couple days past due date got a fever and baby came. Stuck in hospital with positive test and new baby.

BTW, fuck insurance. They made her drive 2 hours to their hospital of choice.

>> No.50064537

You're literally never going to do anything. You love the state and want to empower and control it, just like everyone else. Besides, glowies can hold themselves accountable, you don't need go trouble yourself.

>> No.50064545

nooooo they promised me it was done
they cant do this, they lied to sell me on the vax
I demand a refund

>> No.50064575

How do I get unvaccinated? I've gotten some nasty immune system related health issues since taking the vaxx

>> No.50064591 [DELETED] 


>> No.50064689
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You're eligible if Bong.

>> No.50064776
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It means it's working, don't worry.

That's cool and all but what about giving your health back ? Oh right you can't cure myocarditis.

>> No.50064843

I was hospitalized and almost died from covid. then I got the jab and I cant use my left arm for the past year without pain. fuck them both. I used to run 18 minute 3 miles pre covid

>> No.50064913
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You shouldn't have gotten the jab after an infection.
Btw, now ~99% of people had COVID at least once, Omicron made sure of that.
And I believe in natural immunity, vitamins C and D3, NAC, Quercetin and Zinc.
I didn't have any issues and will definitely NEVER take the vax, I'd rather die when globohomo knocks on my door and points a gun to my head.

>> No.50064942
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> I'm a baby
> my grandma got more sick
no shit sherlock
covid was never supposed to kill the babies
every leading expert from the start was saying it's a nothingburger for young healthy people and it's mainly to protect the elderly and the system from inflating but you fucking conspiracy theory retarded from the left and the right can't fathom a world more complex than a cartoon villain.

>> No.50064945

>vitamind d defiency increases the chance of death by 1700%
Yeah anyone falling for this scam is retarded, even being fat isn't a problem aslong as you aren't obese
not old, obese and taking vit d turns covid into a weak cold

>> No.50064948

>corporate advertising is science

Take your meds

>> No.50064962

>COVID vaccine was made by a corporation
>safe and effective!

>> No.50064987
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obesity is a symptom, and not proof of illness, but it often is because of illness
the "doctors" who classify it as an illness are worthless brainlets
the medical industry in general has a bunch of mindless jerks who should be the first against the wall when the revolution comes (and I do not mean the antivaxxers are right)

>> No.50065001

I thought obesity just was a BMI above 30?

>> No.50065003
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Are you doubting science ™ ? Why are you a right wing extremist ?

Then explain to us why the radio ads in my country (France) try to convince people to vaccinate pregnant women and kids ? It literally makes no sense.

>> No.50065017

It doesn't matter what it is (the childish simplification of the BMI or anything else). It just isn't proof of any illness. It's just that many brainlet doctors noticed certain illnesses correlate with obesity and made the completely unsubstantiated claim that correlation is causation.

>> No.50065044

Insurgency is already happening. Polls created by EU/WEF cucks are massively against their narratives. It's hilarious.

>> No.50065050 [DELETED] 

>try to convince people to vaccinate pregnant women and kids
are you fucking stupid? I just told you every non-brainlet doctor was saying it's a nothingburger from the start for healthy young people
it's that the grandmas and grandpas would be dying and destroy the medical capacity; and not you just can't "lock them up"; that's what Boris and Trump the brainlets were imagining and then realized not everyone is a rich bastard living in a mansion on the top of a mountain having their shit delivered to them with androids.

>> No.50065078

>try to convince people to vaccinate pregnant women and kids
are you fucking stupid? I just told you every non-brainlet doctor was saying it's a nothingburger from the start for healthy young people
it's that the grandmas and grandpas would be dying and destroy the medical capacity; and no you can't just "lock them up"; that's what Boris and Trump the brainlets were imagining and then realized not everyone is a rich bastard living in a mansion on the top of a mountain having their shit delivered to them with androids.

>> No.50065130


>> No.50065133

Pretending you’re healthy doesn’t make it so, fatty.

>> No.50065168
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let's see who lives longer .."chad"

>> No.50065187
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>it's just one incident bro

>> No.50065214
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> it's only the bodybuilders bro

>> No.50065263

We just got fucking Marek'd

If those stupid niggers actually knew anything about science we wouldn't be facing this situation.

>> No.50065280

Says who?

>> No.50065292

Yeah sure you might live longer than some roided freak, but probably not much longer. Don’t kid yourself that there are healthy ways to be fat.

>> No.50065313

> correlation is causation bro

>> No.50065332
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You just know this schizo has sub Africa IQ

>> No.50065342

she can SUKMA dick lmao

>> No.50065391

You're sperging out without answering the question, good job. Not getting the jab anyway.

>> No.50065401


>> No.50065427

this i died two weeks ago from covid

>> No.50065433

> strong, sustained correlation can be explained as coincidence, bro
It’s not like the causative chain of events that lead from being fat to suffering further health issues is unknown, you know.

>> No.50065439

I'm completely unvaccinated and have had 0 symptoms and been around everyone that's had it. Never done a test never plan to

>> No.50065487

> and no you can't just "lock them up"
No but you can reserve the vaccine for those risk groups who really need them. This would make it take longer before vaccine resistant variants emerge due to lower selection pressure favoring such variants. It would also reduce the prevalence of vaccine resistant variants in the population, since being vaccine resistant is less of an advantage when the population isn’t mass vaccinated. This would have been the simple and logical approach if health officials and the medical establishment tried to optimize for everyone’s health. Yet this was not done. Why? Please answer this simple question.

>> No.50065500
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I have Covid right now. Only got the first jab back in summer last year.
I felt really tired for 2 days, had some mild fever and headaches. Then it just passed. It's very slightly harder to breathe, but then again I'm asthmatic as well.
I know anecdotes don't really carry a lot of weight, but with these variants people don't seem to be getting all that sick. My family got it as well and only reported mild symptoms, basically a common flu.

>> No.50065517
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>> No.50065628
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>> No.50065683

>a nothing burger for young healthy people
The vaccine maims young healthy people

>> No.50065704

It's very strange watching a think tank full of mentally ill people.

>> No.50065730

>msm ignoring the opportunity to fear monger and stir up unrest
Absolutely the most far-fetched line of bullshit in the whole thread.

>> No.50065754


>> No.50065823

well no she can't. she's dead. dummy

>> No.50066121
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Obviously winter vagina caused by climate change, it is rather SADS.

>> No.50066202

It's even stranger living in a world where they're in power.

>> No.50066253

that duvet article gave me a heart attack

>> No.50066258

there are 2 versions of covid, mild version where most people recover quickly and continue live their lives like it was a regular flue.
The long lasting one 20% people get where you have breathing problems for months even after they recover. Its completely random which one you get.

>> No.50066271

>correlation is causation bro
This but unironically

>> No.50066311

>Its completely random which one you get.
No it's not, the overwhelming majority of long COVID is affecting women, and like I said before, we still don't know why it's happening.

>> No.50066319

I binge drink and smoke weed and eat burgers and drink redbull every day but still zero heart problems, oh almost forgot the unvaxxed status

Top of that i drove 50km with bicycle with no regular exercise couple days ago under direct sun at +35c, barely broke a sweat except when stopped

>> No.50066336
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, MV5BMmNjODQ5MTYtNzNlMi00MWY3LTkyYjMtZDgxMjA5ODg4MDRhL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzE4Mzk1MDE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is he so elite bros?

>> No.50066347

wrong board FUCK

>> No.50066665

Take care of them heavy metals that are used in most vaccines (mercury) to pass the blood-brain-barrier. One good way is the Dr. Klinghardt protocol. Others are therapeutic fasting or chelat-therapy.
But its important to do each one together with a therapist with experience in zhis field. The method first mentioned is the cheapest. Fasting accumulates the heavy metals in your intestine so you need to get rid of them anyway with chlorella (which is also part of the Klinghardt protocol or chelating agents. DYOR. It´s an quite fascinating field. Only buy quality products (Chlorella), nothing from China. Your doctor can´t help you here beause they don´t learn this in university. University has tight bonds with the pharma industry. Good luck.

>> No.50066745

I had the original back in March 2020. Fuck me that was one nasty thing.

>> No.50066772

Early 40s, among my friends those who got sickest were the only ones who did regular exercise, and still played sports.
The semi fats lardos shrugged it off.