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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50062800 No.50062800 [Reply] [Original]

It is literally 10x easier to make a million dollars than reaching platinum in league of legends

>> No.50062832

easier to be fat, than a place to sleep or take a shit.

>> No.50063300
File: 59 KB, 1215x683, Taliyah_OriginalCentered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped playing league when they gutted my main, Taliyah, and made her a jungler.

Bro all I wanted to do was stone infidels in the mid lane, like, is that really too much to ask for?

>> No.50063318

I'm d3 but in six figure hell

Excited for fiddle buffs though he's my favorite champ and was unplayable after 12.10

>> No.50063331

they brought her back to mid recently actually

>> No.50063354

wait what?

>> No.50063495

the other anon is right they gave her a rework massively buffed her e to being a poppy anti dash stun field so now its on veigar e event horizon levsls in terms of power nerfed her w massively but finally gave her back her aoe on q.
so now shes op because she basically hard counters alot of the op champs who dash left and right.
its basically as strong as cassiopieas w grounding effect.
they’ve been nerfing her damage every other patch since then instead of addressing the elephant in the room which is her e’s antidash field being too toxic.

>> No.50063520

same thing happened to cass if shes good while having a w that basically invalidates all the popular dashing champs she’ll be considered op so she has to stay underpowered so yasuo and yone mains stop crying.
its why riot kept tipping and toeing nerfing everything about cass til they finally hit her w after nerfing everything else several times over.

>> No.50063528

I see. Well shit, I might actually get back into league, I mean, unless they gut her again.

>> No.50063545

they're working out the balance but it seems like she's back in mid to stay. Still really good and played a lot at the highest ranks even now

>> No.50063589

I never reached a high rank (le gold shitter) but I remember in low elos Taliyah was really unpopular, so most people didn't really know how to play against me. Absolutely devilish level 3 powerspike kills and all that. Of course, being out for a few years now I'm sure that's changed a bit.

What's the meta currently like?

>> No.50063624

>playing video games that amount to nothing, not even having a story to learn something from; literally just a time waster
Grow the fuck up, retard.

>> No.50063629

They did a huge patch recently to lower the overall damage in the game by buffing everyones base stats so its kind of in flux, like 20 champs are getting changed every patch right now

>> No.50063641

Witnessed the destruction of an anon's life.

>> No.50064690

just played my first game in years went like 11/3/13
goddamn i suck tho i was clunky as hell