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File: 76 KB, 1106x1012, D95395EF-09B9-4389-B8B0-F72EF862208C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50058937 No.50058937 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>go to some concert whose band consists of music degree college graduates
>music sucks ass no matter the genre
>go to concert whose band consists of either group of retired boomers, 20s/30s hobby musicians, or people who don’t even know anything about music itself other than their own instruments
>always a hell of a concert and sound wonderful
Many such cases. What the hell is going on with colleges and music degrees? These kids aren’t idiots either - some of them went to top music schools and when it comes to concerts they always sound like shit. Why?

>> No.50059023

musicians who went to college are just rich kids who did music their entire life. most famous musicians are dropouts or self taught like kevin parker and the weeknd. im sure some of the music degrees are good producers or sound engineers though

>> No.50059052

The best musicians are drug addicted degenerates not classically trained scholars. Just the way it is.

>> No.50059056
File: 39 KB, 656x679, F79CE3EA-5AD1-4E4A-BBF4-B898926F57AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

college makes people dumb

>> No.50059093

Considering you posted on the wrong board I'm gonna assume you're too stupid for the music

>> No.50059115

classically trained musicians overthink it.

>> No.50059229

This in a nutshell.
They become more knowledgeable about music theory and what they are taught by the schools, and they can apply their knowledge in such a way to where it may be technical, and musical but to a degree is "boxed in" and lacks the same freedom of application and soul that would come from the fresh mind of someone that wasn't indoctrinated.

>> No.50059726
File: 219 KB, 718x544, 75d47831cd5536497c1aa254c60ef05ec7d56efa24f07a75c14181cfd22ee193 clownpiece v60 coffee brew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can apply that to other topics as well; I've seen cases of people studying a language for years, majoring in it, they know the ins and outs of the grammar, the history, all the little tricks, yet they can barely speak it because they never bothered to communicate with it.

>> No.50061462

As a musician, I can tell this anon knows the bizness

>> No.50062239

musical professionals in general and classical/jazz performers in particular are not interested in the same things you are in music. they are looking at technical proficiency, accuracy of performance, interesting composition, acoustics, things like that.

basically youre a pleb who enjoys pleb shit, though theres nothing really wrong with that.

>> No.50062298

I've been on both sides of this

It comes down to family. If your parents own a bar, and sing the blues to you every night. Then yeah, at 10 years old you will preform and be on the road to being a bad ass rock star. You don't even have to be a prodigy if you come from a singing family

You can study music but by the time you're in grad school, that kid in the bar has 15+ years experience on you

>> No.50063200

Music is not a skill that can be credentialed. It's value is purely correlated to merit, and anyone (but not everyone) can achieve it.
Is probably one of the better rock/metal songs I've heard in the past year, despite being a song inspired by a little girls' cartoon.