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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50055724 No.50055724 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up to realize you are in the body of a man who is undeniably attractive
>top 0.01% face
>top 0.01% body (physique competitor tier)
>top 0.01% voice (think orson welles)
How would you leverage these factors financially in order to make as much money as possible?
Hard mode: No modeling or acting.

>> No.50055737

gay porn

>> No.50055783

sucking dicks

>> No.50055798

necessary and degrading.
just open onlyfans.

>> No.50055812

>necessary and degrading.
oops meant unnecessary

you could also do youtube

>> No.50055824

Become a politician

>> No.50055849

What would you even do on onlyfans? How would you get a market?
Seems like places like that are super saturated with people trying to "make it" that it would be hard to get a pipeline.

>> No.50055862

Ok OP, I'm attractive, but would i still be autistic? That's the relevant question here. Because I'm actually quite attractive IRL, enough that people often give me compliments, but it doesn't matter due to my autism.

>> No.50055870

Unironically a con man for wealthy aging gays. Just bounce around from San Francisco to New York finding gay men to seduce who will drop large amounts of cash for me on highly liquid assets like cars, designer clothes, and jewelry.

>> No.50055895

You have the exact same brain that you have now, but you are attractive enough to get glances and stares from most people and when you speak to them you will probably get some form of compliment in the conversation

>> No.50055908

Make a startup and larp your way to raising funds, if you're smart, looks will help.

>> No.50055913

The best use you can think of for 10/10 looks is to suck old men's dicks? What the fuck is wrong with you

At least become a male prostitute for rich milfs you fuckin fag

>> No.50055919

Would you seduce them sexually, or strictly with conversation?
Would you do anything with those liquid assets or would you just skurt around with that lifestyle?

>> No.50055950

>You wake up to realize you are in the body of a man who is undeniably attractive
I go to work, not to work but to socialize.

>> No.50055981

So come up with a startup and do presentations to venture capitalists?
Seems like the most plausible route so far; halo effect would probably work, though would there be a startup idea that would be catered around your personal appeal, or would it just be any startup?

>> No.50056050

go into a stage and scream BITCONNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECT as loud as possible

>> No.50056177

I had a dozen attractive women compliment me on my badass mustache this weekend. Still went home alone.

>> No.50056221

just be an instagram influencer get paid to party with hot girls and promote luxury lifestyle items

>> No.50056739
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Step 1: Read the future.

With those kind of advantages you will be a celebrated success in any field.
So which field is going to be the next "dot-com boom?" the next "bitcoin"?
Personally I would go into healthtech. it is just about to come of age, which technologies ripe for promotion and commercialization.

Step 2: Gain high status.
Humans are literal monkeys, and are easy to manipulate - though rather than responding to and working for tasty grapes, they mostly respond to and work for status signalling. Dominance status signals, and more importantly, prestige status signalling.
I will need more prestige status-pull to really maximise my trickery of the simple human mind for money making.
So I bum a ride to California.
Just by opening conversation with the receptionist at a top school and stating my ambitions I would very soon be offered more sit-down talks with professors and then be offered a fullride scholarship in the highest-status Harvard program. To keep ratcheting up the status-signalling advantages; I give lectures and presentations where nerds and nerd-girls would be fawning over my every word just because I am pretty. I would select as hard as possible for the most dedicated and loyal simps and simpesses, and put them to work tutoring me to further upgrade my INT points, while also getting them to work rigorously ensuring what I am saying in my many TED talks and podcasts is scientifically true.
As my fame grows I will grace the smartest of my fans with a visit, and interview, and job offer: They fans will see the chance to work with me and earn my praise as high status (remember this is the "grapes" that their monkey brain wants most of all, even more than money or cars or any other material thing) "Join my new company and lets 'do good for the world' " I will tell them in my smooth Adonis voice. This too is a trick to get the monkeys working hard for low pay: Nothing triggers the monkey status-seeeking more than "doing noble works"

>> No.50058381

kms to help even the odds for the other guys out there

>> No.50060176

Honestly the best so far. Only thing I'm curious about would be how you'd get in contact with top professors. I don't know much about academia but i don't think professors have receptionists

>> No.50060251

Obviously I'd learn to code.

>> No.50061757
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I would suck up to them. Literally if necessary. You don't get to a 100 billion dollars without sucking a few cocks.
But really, the answer is just to do the salesman thing and never give up: build up dox about each professor, read their papers, put them in your CRM call schedule, and keep calling/emailing/texting/twitterDMing/walking in with free donuts until they listen to your 30second elevator pitch, and thanks to being very good looking, success rate with this might get up to 30% or so. Whereas a normal salesman would be rejected over 90% of the time.

>> No.50062859

closing is a vital part of the lifecycle