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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50053714 No.50053714 [Reply] [Original]

Poland's GDP's higher than Swedens GDP

>> No.50053771

>falling for the gdp meme
only statistics that matter are % whiteness and purchasing power parity.

>> No.50053819
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>> No.50053824

Swede fag here.

I am not surprised to hear that since Sweden is turning into a 3rd world country.

>> No.50053830

>4x the population
>10% higher GDP

>> No.50054002

This is true

>> No.50054004

must be all those gibs they've been leeching of germany and the EU

>> No.50054072

Pretty sure my county’s gdp is higher than Sweden.

>> No.50054571

This, the utter state of poles.

>> No.50054636

Don't forget one of the lowest birth rates in Europe. That population will be gone soon enough.

>> No.50054696

We would do better if not for someone occupying us for 120 years and enforcing mandatory poverty and illiteracy, torturing to death 1/3 of our population while destroying every city and village or even without us being under full military occupation for 60 years by soviets stealing 80% of what we produce.
But what do we know about hard work, we only achieved one of the greatest jumps in economic development and standards of living in history of mankind.

Westerners are such retarded subhumans, you would still live in mud huts if you didn't had someone to steal from.

>> No.50054942

>average Swede has 0.8 kids
>average New Somalian has 3.8 kids
This is fine and actually a good thing, the population is going up!
>average Pole has 1.5 kids
OMG Poland is literally going extinct they need to be more like us tolerant and enlightened westerners and embrace feminism and…

Why are westoids like this?

>> No.50054971


>> No.50054989
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California's GDP is higher than Canada's GDP

>> No.50055004

i feel that the service sector has made the concept of "GDP" obsolete

>> No.50055076

Kek based

>> No.50055117

>muh Muhammad and Tyrone are inflating Sweden's birth rate
Cope. Theirs has been higher than yours since before the refugee crisis and didn't see any significant boost from it the refugee crisis either.