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File: 175 KB, 586x765, ripplegods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5005308 No.5005308 [Reply] [Original]

I told you guys, theres no stopping Ripple from taking over crypto.


>> No.5005368

Where has it been confirmed? That search engine coinbase screenshot doesn’t prove anything. When you click on the “supported currencies” link it doesn’t list Ripple.

>> No.5005406

type any other coin in that search bar that isn't listed. You won't get that result.

You can also type in site:coinbase.com xrp in google. Check that second result.

It is going to happen, its obvious now. 99% sure of it.

>> No.5005620
File: 112 KB, 1460x394, Screen Shot 2017-12-12 at 5.05.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed. someone was building a page and forgot to turn indexing off and it got crawled

>> No.5005801
File: 55 KB, 645x651, 1505428374791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real
xrp moon mission is a go

>> No.5005846

>Ben Bernanke

They literally need a crypto they can control.

>> No.5005901

Check again.

>> No.5005907

You kids are so fucking stupid. Bernanke isn’t the owner of Ripple. He doesn’t even have anything to do with Ripple. They invited him to speak at their conference. They also invited a lot of other people, including Vitalik, and even some of their competitors.

>> No.5005936

i was invited. guess who i am?

>> No.5006006


The link doesn't matter, dummies.

Look at where it follows through to: https://www.ripple-xrp.nl/

That's a cached version of the page from the 9th that can be indexed if someone gets the redirect to forward to it through google seo.

Some pajeet is pumping his horde of your shitty cripples right now and you're biting hook line and sinker

>> No.5006186

Do you think the ex Chair of the Federal Reserve goes there for free?

You’re a retard.

>> No.5006229


Coinbase doesn't run completely centralized coins though

>> No.5006443

Literally nothing you said was even relevant you mouth-breathing down syndrome child. He was a paid speaker, which just makes your claim look even more retarded, your claim that he's somehow behind Ripple when they have to pay him to speak. LOL you are so fucking dumb. I hope you lose all your money and realize deep down that it's a result of your stupidity.

>> No.5006466

>thinking Jewbase cares about muh decentrilisation when normies flock in in their tens of thousands to buy "the next bitcoin at $0.50"

>> No.5006482

Its literally this site that its finde the results from you fag


Congrats. Youve been ponzed.

>> No.5006490


>> No.5006562

Something tells me you have no idea what XRP even is. The coin is not centralized. RippleNet is, but you don't even have to use RippleNet to trade XRP. In fact, most XRP holders have never even touched RippleNet. It's an enterprise platform for banks. XRP is decentralized.

Try to know what you're talking about before you actually start talking.

>> No.5006618


It's pretty much confirmed. I tried this myself and it worked.

Worked only for Monero, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum Classic (wtf coinbase really? ETC?)

>> No.5006629

ripple is a scheme for banks to wire money to each other so they dont pay fees taxes or get monitored. they'll get to use it for a while but it will blow up eventually

>> No.5006659

Ripple is the incumbents coin. True cyrptobelievers should reject it.

>> No.5006702


>Doesn't understand what the poster is saying

>> No.5006706

>shilling so hard for a useless, centralized, 90% premined tulip