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5005246 No.5005246 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Bizbros,

Here's my plan to avoid paying taxes on my crypto gainz:

I will spend all of my crypto on purchasing mining equipment. Then I'll start an LLC dedicated to mining cryptos. At that point, all profits will come from mining, and will be taxed accordingly like a real business.

Only potential drawback is my crypto is stored on Coinbase right now, so the government may potentially know I had a significant amount of money stored away at one point ($200k+), but if it's spent and gone, then who's to say what really happened? I could just say I lost it on the market or something. Thoughts?

t. amerifag

>> No.5005313

The U.S is a strange place

You guys sound like paranoid lunatics, the IRS can't be THAT good

>> No.5005346

Do you think it's smart to purchase mining equipment right now? It seems like ROI timeframes are getting longer and longer and profit margins getting slimmer.

Also, if you register as a business, how are you going to explain where all of the expensive equipment came from?

>> No.5005396

Love the name. Hail /TEG/

>> No.5005398

my plan:
>cash out

>> No.5005411

>Also, if you register as a business, how are you going to explain where all of the expensive equipment came from?
I doubt anyone would ask.

>> No.5005456

If you google "IRS understaffed" you qill find several news stories claiming that only 1% of returns filed get audited

I think we all get nervous anyway, I do as well.

>> No.5005472

What is really to stop you from saying you lost it all?

Although then you can't really use to buy anything but candy bars and chips for the rest of ever.

>> No.5005474

say you lost it in the bitfinex goxing.

>> No.5005532

Thing is though, they didn't get Al Capone for anything except tax evasion

>> No.5005543

Auditor here... They will most certianly ask. Actually it might even be the first thing they check.

>> No.5005563

How does the IRS handle crypto that has been washed through Monero?

>> No.5005638

That's because if they know you owe, they send you a letter saying pay up or else. They don't have to audit you if Coinbase shows you selling $200k worth of crypto and you haven't filed any gains

>> No.5005780


Mining on a large scale is pretty difficult. Lot's of heat, and the machines are unreliable so you need some good software to automate reboots and stuff which all the good stuff is custom because people don't want others to get the upper hand.

>> No.5005857
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OP here

But that's the thing, I'm technically not selling for cash on Coinbase... I'm using Bitcoin to purchase mining equipment. All they'll know is I sent a bunch of BTC to some random address...

The mining equipment will be hosted in a foreign country. Once I've purchased th emining equipment, all I have to do is pay for electricity, and a modest rental fee. The venture is theoretically profitable because of a. the current price in BTC, and b. cheap electricity. Plus I'm buying the equipment at a slight discount. But these are just details.

So basically, I will be getting daily deposits of BTC into my wallet from this mining venture. I was thinking of considering this the be "profit" in terms of taxes for my "mining business". Does the IRS really care where or how I'm getting my BTC from the mining venture? Surely it's all a but too abstract for them at this point?

>> No.5005926

But really, the profitability is of secondary importance to the main point of this thread. Really, I just want to know if this plan would succeed as a money laundering scheme.

>> No.5006202

Run first you stupid burger, cash out in another country.

>> No.5006360

>keeping his coins on fucking normiebase
>thinking about TE


you are a stupid fuck

>> No.5006481

Not really adding much to the discussion.

Facts are, most people start with crypto, or purchase crypto, through Coinbase, so developing tax evasion strategies for those users would help a lot of people keep their money.

I think my idea has a chance of working because Coinbase, or the IRS, don't really know where the hell my crypto is if its not on their database or held in the Coinbase wallet. For all they know I could have lost it.

>> No.5006656

I keep seeing more and more faggots on this board complaining about this.
I have an idea on how to launder crypto money. There's 3 problems with it:
- my business partner doesn't want to develop this cause he's afraid of jail
- it's in a legally gray area in the same way that Obsidian messenger is a gray area "we are legit guys that are building a legit app, but we can't stop pedos and terrorists from using our app"; the problem is that while their solution is decentralized, my idea won't be so I can become a target for whoever investigates this shit.
- the more people use it, the more it will be known as "money laundering central" because people can't keep their mouth shut.

Anyway, if there's more interest for this I'll make a thread one of these days explaining it in more detail to gauge biz's opinion on this.

>> No.5006726

crypto will create two industries
crypto financial detectives
crypto money laundering accountants

people like accountants are definitely going to need to learn how to program now

>> No.5006983

just pay your god damn taxes like a good goy

>> No.5007041

Will coinbase fees be write offs on my taxes?

>> No.5007116

Ill gladly pay my taxes so I don't have to look over my shoulder for the government all of the time. Yea, it's capital gains and it sucks.

You know what sucks more than taxes? Prison.

>> No.5007154
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They are if they target you. It's just the matter of actually getting targeted by them so really most of us don't have anything worry about, but a few will be picked and strung up for the slaughter.

>> No.5007244

Please consult a professional.
You plan is fucking retarded
You are fucking retarded.
Now that we have that out of the way. Where the fuck are you going to say you got the contributed capital for your new LLC? If your this retarded your probably to retarded to start a large scale mining operation. You'd likely see better return by leveraging you capital in the real estate market with a traditional 20% down mortgage. If you have less than 100k just slowly cash out using local Bitcoins. 100k to 4M just pay your fucking taxes and leverage that capital. 4m+ consult a professional.

>> No.5007280

The only persons that needs to be in prison is the president of Bittrex and Poloniex.

>> No.5007366


This. It's bullshit that Americans are taxed out the asshole on crypto but it's better than getting fucked by "Nasty Nate" in prison.

>> No.5007558

Reminder that the purpose of crypto is to challenge the big government. You don't owe them slave dollars and you sure as hell shouldn't sell crypto to pay their bills. Its slavery. It is a moral issue. Don't do it.

>> No.5007587

Bro, the thing is, you are approaching it like it's a traditional business, it's not.

I'm literally generating money out of thin air with this plan. The government has literally no idea how to gauge whether my overheads are realistic or not. This isn't a fucking store or laundromat.

Do really think the IRS knows how much a mining rig costs? Do they know how much electricity costs are? My rigs aren't even going to be in the US. My overheads are absolutely minimal. You are an idiot for making assumptions about my business model.

>IRS here, hey anon where did you get the BTC from

>my mining contract which I nought for next to nothing

>Uhh, sounds good, move along citizen..

>> No.5007821


They are pretty incompetent, but when they come for you, they come hard to make an example.

>> No.5007845


As long as you don't write off the equipment, it is not their business and they can't do anything about it.

>> No.5007950


CPA here. You're a retard if you think that will work.

>purchasing mining equipment
>start an LLC
>dur hurr no trail with this

Fucking brainlet

>> No.5007997

This poster has achieved objective intelligence.

>> No.5008040

What if you just "happened to find" a pile of cash or gold burred in your backyard? Would that be taxable?

>> No.5008110

Home much in gains you got? I'm sitting here compy at 1 mill and I plan to keep holding. But if I cash out I will pay my taxes in Canada instead of off shoring so I can comtinue to receive the CCPC small business deductions from anything I purchase with my gains. I'm looking to get 5 mill in gains then buy a 20 million hotel with 20% down at 10% cap and live off the 2 mill I make each year which will only be taxed at ~ 13% thanks to the small business deductions.

>> No.5008142

yes, if you want to spend it in any credible amount.

>> No.5008215

If you are Americans then why the fuck do you not just move to Puerto Rico?

>> No.5008221

are GPUs so unreliable they actually go off while mining?

>> No.5008225

>Start LLC in the Cayman Islands
>Start LLC in USA or Europe
>Cayman LLS sells licence to US/Europe LLC
>Whole profit goes to Cayman LLC
>0 % tax on profits

Works well enough for other businesses.

>> No.5008273

Depends if you want to use that money for anything else. In Canada small business get taxed at a lower rate if they are owned by Canadian corporations.

>> No.5008304

dog at my homework won't fly dude. that's like withdrawing 200k from a bank account and when they ask where did it go? oh, i accidentally flushed it all away, it's gone i swear.

>> No.5008798

Uuuh, be careful, anon.

>> No.5008895

Honest question. If the IRS comes at you for tax evasion, can you just be like "oh shit guys honest misunderstanding, heres the owed taxes"?

>> No.5008914

buy Monero. problem solved.

>> No.5009015

I was hit by a drunk driver last year and got $45k tax free out of it (It came from the attorney general). I used that to invest since june and have tripled it since then. Would I need to declare my holdings??

>> No.5009614

a tragic boating accident with my laptop

>> No.5009717

Have you been to Puerto Rico? No matter how bad the rest of the United States is, at least it isn't PR.

>> No.5009760

keep in mind that exchanges are only required to report investments >$20,000 so most of us are in the clear

>> No.5009848


No, you are the retard. There is no paper trial. I'm sending my crypto to some random Russian bitcoin wallet, what the fuck is the IRS going to know about it? Think outside of the box, people.

>> No.5009875


Good plan, OP.

You can also use crypto cards like TenX to pay for stuff from crypto and then act all dumb. "Hurr, but I wasn't converting it, I thought McDonalds accepts Bitcoin now, what u mean I have to pay tax for my burgers??"

In regards to keeping fiat on exchanges:
>"Hurr, but that was not real fiat, did you not read tether story? It is fake dollar, they can take it anytime, they are all scams anyway and can steal anytime, I can't even withdraw my money, it is all a bubble hurr durr, exchanges get hacked and take ur moni, it not real"

Then buy BTC back on the exchange, transfer that BTC to your hardware wallet (you can claim you lost it at this point), then use that BTC to buy mining equipment (transfer from another wallet) and have that be an investment in your business.

Basically, there are several ways to do this.

>> No.5009893

Anon, impressive gains, you've already made it, congratulations. I'm sitting on ~$300k profit from crypto. Was thinking of putting ~$100k into the mining operation.

>> No.5009945

no, by that point you will owe penalties or possibly much worse depending on how much.

they may actually let people self report for past years on gains that they didn't report without much punishment, but that hasn't been announced yet though.

>> No.5010026

Uhh, if you have "profit" from "mining venture" you still have to pay taxes at this point, so wtf is the reason for this convoluted scheme? Unless your original coins are tainted? In which case just launder them via monero.

Really, and what happens when Bitcoin price crashes and your mining farm can't compete and goes out business? What will you do with all those graphics cards?

>> No.5010060

See, kids, this is how a high inhibition beta cuck looks like.

Can't take the heat, milky boy?

>> No.5010177

WTF? Your plan is to "make 5 million"? So you think Bitcoin will magically keep going up because reasons?

I'm in the same shoes, but I'm not that naive. I know this is a fucking bubble and I have cashed out enough not to feel like a loser when it bursts.

If you plan on mining saving your ass just know that you will get outcompeted and once the difficulty drops or rises you might just be out of the game. It is extremely competitive.

>> No.5010270

I've already bought dollars on Cuckbase multiple times, short term capital gains tax is ~35%. I'd like to avoid taking that hit on my ~$300k profit.

Surely small business taxes are smaller? Actual legitimate question... I assumed it would be less than 35%, but you are right about the scheme being pointless if this is not the case.

I already calculated to see if the scheme would be profitable, trust me, I've taken multiple scenarios into consideration.

Now, for the sake of clarity. All the BTC for this venture is going to a Russian BTC wallet. All of the miners will be in Russia. Only costs to me as owner of the miners is for rental space and electricity (very affordable prices). All profit is going to my BTC wallet. Only thing that needs to be taken care of is taxes on these profits. Since they are not capital gains, I'm not sure how to treat them, but I thought maybe treating them as business profits may be a good start. Perhaps there are better methodologies that can be adopted.

>> No.5010306

Nigger, BTC could easily make 10x gains at this point, it's not outside the realm of possibility, and we aren't even considering gainz made from holding other cryptos.

>> No.5010329

Why don't you just do what Roger Ver did and denounce US citizenship and go to St Kitts, buy property there and then cash out with 0% taxes? There are plenty offshore jurisdictions with 0% or 5% low tax rates, why are you thinking of a way too convoluted method for no reason at all, just taking additional risk?

Just buy the BTC back with those smelly dollars and say you mad a mistake or something and thought those were tethers, then sell BTC via localbitcoins and get real cash on your hands or just sell BTC to your friends or something.

There are a lot of ways to turn it into cash without converting it via bank accounts.

>> No.5010341

>Nigger, BTC could easily make 10x gains at this point, it's not outside the realm of possibility, and we aren't even considering gainz made from holding other cryptos.

It could also crash to 95%. Did you not see the post about ultra normie Insta models buying BTC packages? What more confirmation do you need that this is euphoria bubble reaching top?

>> No.5010394

capital gains are taxed at ordinary rates until you've been there 10 years.

>> No.5010472

>Falling for biz fud

Bro, people have been posting shit like that for months, and will likely continue to in order to convince you to cuck yuorself and sell your BTC.


Bro, I've seriously considered it, but giving up my citizenship is out of the question at this point. Also, selling for cash peer2peer or through a BTC ATM/TENX card is impractical with my level of profits. I'm not going to go to sleep with $300,000 cash under my bed, lol. I want that money in my bank account...

>> No.5010507
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>> No.5010620

No you have it all wrong.
1.Cash out
3.Buy land in siberia
4.Build mining rigs in siberia, with no need to pay cooling bills because -20 degrees F.
5.Become so rich that you can buy off the IRS
6.Move back to the U.S.

>> No.5010640

>Also, selling for cash peer2peer or through a BTC ATM/TENX card is impractical with my level of profits. I'm not going to go to sleep with $300,000 cash under my bed, lol. I want that money in my bank account...

Right, you want to use "safe bank", but don't want to pay the price for using it aka taxes? Here is something else you might want to consider - buy index funds (stock ETFs) with crypto. How? This is how:
Transfer crypto to Mona.co, Tenx and similar cards. Then find a stock broker who accepts card deposits (they exist), then transfer the sums to this stock broker, you will end up paying about 5% in credit card fees and spread if the card company has any (TenX does not, not sure about others). Ok, but now you can buy stocks with). Buy a shit load of index funds and don't look back.

The time, effort and risk spent on your mining operation to "save on taxes" which might not even be that low for income from Butt mining.

>Bro, people have been posting shit like that for months, and will likely continue to in order to convince you to cuck yuorself and sell your BTC.

Yes, and it is becoming more and more apparent. And it is a good sell signal. Remember that old saying of shoeshine boy giving stock tips? Well, taxi and uber drives now are giving crypto tips. Even dumb sluts are buying crypto now. Normies are retarded and will dumb at first Wall Street orchestrated crash. If you don't know when to take your profits and when to click that "SELL" button you just end up a loser with a garage full of beanie babies. In this case - a Trezor full of cryptobutts.

>> No.5010708

We don't need shit from you and your faggot friend. Its easy, get a credit card like Moneco or Netteller. Pay everything in life with crypto. Easy

>> No.5010842

Good luck getting your assed rammed for money laundering you fucking idiot. Pay your taxes or fucking move somewhere you don't have to.

>> No.5010864

Mona.co cards are not yet available.

First time hearing of Netteller. Do they provide crypto cards?

>> No.5010879

Yeah, what he does sounds like going from "tax evasion" crime to "money laundering" crime for no reason, basically increasing your risk 10x.

>> No.5010953

I was going to do this, probably a dumb method but was just going to throw my holds into my offline wallet and sell XMR on LocalMonero.

You don't have to pay taxes if you make under 30k, and that shouldn't be hard to fake if you keep enough off exchanges most of the time. But I'm definitely moving to a decentralized exchange ASAP.

>> No.5010988


>> No.5010991

>Why don't you just do what Roger Ver did and denounce US citizenship and go to St Kitts, buy property there and then cash out with 0% taxes?
Giving up your US citizenship requires you to prove that you've paid all of your taxes. (including taxes on money earned outside of the US)

>> No.5011026

I don't even know how I'm supposed to pay my taxes legitimately, considering bittrex, whihc is one of the many exchanges i've used, hasn't even kept a complete record of all of my transactions (checked one of the .csv files today)...

But really, fuck paying taxes. Taxation is literally theft, those faggots in the government did nothing to produce my wealth, or the wealth of the entire cryptosphere. They can eat a dick for all I care.

>> No.5011234

I agree it is a moral issue, it's fucking robbery. Look, I have no issue paying some taxes even though it's robbery. But I have never cashed out anything to myself, only made hunderds of taxable trades. So you're telling me I'm gonna cash out for the first time, to pay the government for risks I took, and good trades I made, that I haven't actualized on at all?


pisses me off so much
and i gotta pay tax on the money i cash out to pay tax with, fuuuuuu

>> No.5011272

I've heard so many numbers put forth for the level under which you don't have to pay taxes, from 11k to 80k

>> No.5011405

Any place accept crypto for gold?

>> No.5011491

Honestly, why can't I start a sole prop, say my crypto gains are buisness sole prop income, buy mining equipment with the gains, then depreciate it all in the same tax year using the exclusion rule?

I read the IRS publication and this is 100% legal since you can intertwine sole prop income and expense.

Any thoughts?

>> No.5011511

No but I'm not American so can't get residence permit there
Otherwise I would move tomorrow.

>> No.5011625
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I'm guilty of this - and new - what are good recommendations? lets say I want to buy iota, ripple or dogecoin - how can I go about doing that?

>> No.5011667

And thats when they start investigating. By paying them you wave a huge crypto flag above you

>> No.5011714


Can someone refute this?

I work at a large bank in accounting and none of my coworkers who have CPAs can find fault with this

>> No.5011749

jmbullion but theres a paper trail, mailing address etc..

>> No.5011874

Did you that often rape has statues of limitations that vary by state? Murder has no statue of limitations. Neither does tax evasion.

>> No.5011883

I've been holding since 2011.
>This is a bubble
No shit. It will pop like the rest and Bitcoin will come back stronger.

Thank you, but 1 mill isn't making it. Making it is making enough a year that you can live like a king and have enough surplus left to reinvest each year. I'm only 21 years old so I can tolerate much more risk than someone older. I'm blessed in that I've also started making money outside of Bitcoin. Last year my dad and I purchased a commercial building and this year flipped it for a net profit of 250K.

>> No.5011958

Holy hell that's cheeky

>> No.5012022

All deposits over 9999$ are reported to feds. So if you are playing with this kind of money with no paper trail, you will indeed get caught at some point.

Now I don't think getting caught is actually a big deal. Radio ads all the time for people who haven't paid back taxes. These ads characterize the IRS as just constantly bothering you to pay.

They don't come to your door and arrest you like these stupid millennials think on biz

>> No.5012063

If you made trades and profited in FMV you owe capital gains no matter what you do with the money.

>> No.5012110


Not true if the sole prop earned the income. The mining equipment would then be fully depreciated in the current year, iffseting the income

>> No.5012122

>Now I don't think getting caught is actually a big deal. Radio ads all the time for people who haven't paid back taxes. These ads characterize the IRS as just constantly bothering you to pay.
>They don't come to your door and arrest you like these stupid millennials think on biz

I wouldn't recommend listening to this advice - the gov wants its cut and it can only get bad (more money lost in fines) to worse (loose even more money and jailtime)

>> No.5012146

Look it up yourself, it's on the IRS website.

Or take a random internet strangers advice: If you make under 30k a year (crypto gains included), you don't have to pay any taxes. I had meetings set up for LocalMonero until I learned this. I was going full tinfoil.

>> No.5012152

t. Millennial

The problem is widespread enough that it's a regular ad on multiple am fm radio stations.

>> No.5012195

Well it ain't income tho, it's capital gains from trading. What do you do when they eventually get their hands on Coinbase, Polo, and bittrex trade records and see unreported trades? You're going to have to fraud to say you earned the money in some other way.

>> No.5012213

ok, whatever you say - have fun

>> No.5012259


The sole prop's buisness is trading crypto and mining. Since it's a sole member sole prop, I should be able to claim this as buisness income.

This is definitely gray. I would need to clearly define the sole props business as this.

>> No.5012333
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what does that mean? like if you've made more than $20,000 in gains? if you invested $20,000 at first? i put in $400 like two years ago and my coins are worth like $24k. would i get reported?

>> No.5012480


That's not true at all. Short term gains are taxed at the same rate as income tax. Long term gains are taxed at 0% for the 10 and 15% tax bracket, which is where I think you're getting this from but if you traded your coins even once before 1 year they're not eligible any more for long term capital gains.

>> No.5012495

You'd have to go back in time and establish your sole prop before you made any trades.

>> No.5012543


Sole props don't need paperworked filed to become established on the federal level.

Depends on the state for state income tax.

>> No.5012596

Apparently it's extremely difficult to be classified as a Trader in the eyes of the IRS instead of an investor.


>> No.5012683


Hmm point taken.

I guess you could say holding the crypto properties is required for your buisness to hedge risk.

It's not really the same as securities trading as crypto is treated as poperty by the IRS, not securities.

Gray indeed, but I'm still not finding anything egregiously illegal with this plan. The CPAs at work and our Deloitte auditors agree, although they do warn I would be a prime audit target.

>> No.5012694

>The IRS is piling up victories in tax court against individual traders who inappropriately use Section 475 MTM business ordinary loss treatment for deducting large trading losses.

Ruh roh


>> No.5012707

oops i linked the wrong article


>> No.5012755

LOL just pay the fucking taxes you retards why wouldn't you...

>> No.5012775
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NEET here

I have a huge mix of mining (both rented and self-built rigs) and trading. Massive amount of in/out for a relatively small gain (but large in terms of % compared to stocks I guess). Probably 10k in crypto buys, 12k in crypto sales, 5k in mining equipment, 6k in dedicated servers, and 20k in crypto holdings.

Do I just itemize everything and hold on to my butt or what?

>> No.5012799


Yeah again, I'm not trading securities. I'm holding shitcoins to hedge my mining buisness in the event the mining operation coins go sour.

The intent is different.

>> No.5012802

I'd like to buy ripple, made an account on gatehub yesterday. waiting for my bank info to get approved. what a cringey process.

>> No.5012811

I should note that I have records of my purchases/expenses/sales but getting records of mining each individual crypto is going to be nearly impossible. It's just fucking absurd the amount of transactions I've done on the various blockchains. So not sure what to do about that desu

>> No.5012824

i dont get why people are so worried about the irs and taxes

just wait for them to do an audit, might take years , if ever

then all you need to do is pay the tax bill, plus interest/penalties

you dont go to jail over afirst time offense anyway

>> No.5012852

>i dont get why people are so worried about the irs and taxes
>then all you need to do is pay the tax bill, plus interest/penalties
>plus interest/penalties

>> No.5012857

better caul sall xd

>> No.5012874
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Because the taxes are like 30%+. That shit will decimate my gains

>> No.5012876

GDAx and polonieux

there are very easy vids on youtube that explain how to transfer between each if you want ripple for instance

>> No.5012881

>$200k worth of btc stored in normiebase
>thinks he will make it

>> No.5012883

lol they dont. The trail ends at Monero, that's the point of monero.

>> No.5012891

jesus christ... that's horrible.

>> No.5012951
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can someone explain monero to a brainlet such as myself? people keep saying "use monero" but how does that help? like how am I able to actually buy shit with the money I made using monero

>> No.5012971

b-but hillary said taxes are too low!

>> No.5012979
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>> No.5012996
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>muh bubble
Seriously kill yourself. We had snpp dogg, 50cent and others twitting about BTC and accepting BTC payments in 2014 and nobody gave a fuck.

And guess what, the normies that talk about bitcoin, 99.99% of them own 0 BTC.

And guess what, fiat is the bubble.

Bitcoin is going to be worth millions and you are going to kill yourself.

>> No.5013013

Ok and then how do you go from monero to USD? And I mean USD, like bank account or cash.

>> No.5013055
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>muh normies

They DON'T matter.

>muh beannie babies analogy

Seriously end your life.

>> No.5013056

In theory you change it back to bitcoin and then send bitcoin for things which is effectively anonymous as it has been washed through XMR

>> No.5013079



>> No.5013199

>dur i dun heard it on da radio these dumb kids on the fourthchan don't know nuthin
t. Retarded Normie Boomer

those ads are for poor people who owe a few thousand dollars in back taxes but are broke and need to settle. If you have real assets have fun getting them seized.

>> No.5013220

This sounds like a pretty good plan. I think it would be legit. Mining expenses would be deductible

>> No.5013237

It's simple, Most cryptos are super easy to trade, it's all on the ledger, literally a public list of transactions. Monero is not traceable, the buyer, seller and amount sent from every transaction is kept secret. So you trade your bitcoin for monero then transfer the monero to a decentralized exchange not tied to your identity, trade monero for whatever and there is no trail, absolutely no way to connect the money to you.

>> No.5013259

Sauce? I'll try digging up my source too.

>> No.5013311

>I'll pay them mafia tribute so they don't kidnap me later

>> No.5013335


Source? That's common tax knowledge.

Look up the short term capital gains publication. Literally just google it.

>> No.5013397

>i'll use publicly funded services and infrastructure without contributing anything
Ever try leaving mom's basement?

>> No.5013406

>publicly funded at gunpoint

>> No.5013408

I was just thinking. Hypothetically, I buy $1000 worth of btc from Coinbase. I take that $1000 worth of bitcoin and then move it to an exchange. I trade coins and now that $1000 is worth $10,000. I transfer that $10,000 to coinbase and cash out. Report that I bought and sold $1000 in my return and not bought for $1000 and sold for $10,000 and get taxed on a $9,000 gain. How does the IRS know what wallet is who's and who's it isn't? Thing is that they don't. All of the gain could've been given to me in theory by people over the internet. Am I wrong?

>> No.5013480

they're looking at the fiat deposits etc dummy
if you want to hide it you need to find another way to cash out obviously

>> No.5013584

But there really isn't a way for them to prove that you did what I described unless they were to get the records from the exchange

>> No.5013614

>But there really isn't a way for them to prove that you did what I described unless they were to get the records from the exchange
yes but what you described is fucking retarded
if your goal is to hide your gains just buy monero and cash out using alternate means

>> No.5013660


where are you getting this information? it simply isn't true. any trade is considered a taxable event.

>> No.5013677
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Are there any exchanges that let you cash out to a debit card, that they issue? It seems like you could get around taxes by having the money put on a debit card that's not tied to a bank account, provided the exchange doesn't report the cash out.

>> No.5013710

fucking brainlet with the muh shoeshine boy
back in fucking 1820 when stockbrokers were getting their shoes shined by sambo on the corner, information about stocks, ect was only known and exchanged by a few circles of people. Then lo' and fucking behold the internet was invented and information travels instantaneously across the planet. shoeshine boy analogy doesn't apply here. Not saying the market won't crash sooner or later, but if you think you're the one who can call the top...got sum bad newz for you boyo

>> No.5013726

I know Monero isn't traceable, but honestly how is it different if the IRS sees the $10,000 anyways?

>> No.5013729


they're going to get the records and go after people bringing in a lot of money. it's only a matter of time. crypto is a wet dream for the irs and regulators once they figure out how to manage things. i'm guessing it will be through a massive amnesty plan involving fines and backtaxes and interest, like what they did to the swiss banks.

>> No.5013803

Then go to china or russia where the US has no extradition treaty

>> No.5013810


20k period for the year. Buy, sell, send, or receive. If you go above that they have to report it to the IRS. If not, they don't and there's no way the IRS will no about it unless you report it or get audited which is extremely unlikely.

>> No.5013828

The mere fact that I am butthurt over taxes means that I have contributed taxes, numbnuts. I'm not saying I haven't benefited, but it's a third party getting a cut from all transactions of any kind conducted on it's turf for no reason other than it being on it's turf.

The state is no different than a mob boss busting kneecaps and burning stores over unpaid tribute.

>> No.5013851

If you don't think the IRS is going hard on crypto this year, you're going to be surprised.

> coinbase

The IRS has 97% of all your user data currently. not a joke, it's been reported.

You will be made an example.

Don't fuck with the IRS, don't be an idiot.

>> No.5013897

When tax man asks what happened to your monero, how do you report it?

>> No.5013910
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Honestly, it sounds scarier to report gains to the IRS instead of not reporting. Like it seems like you'd be painting a target on your back and it will lead to and audit.

>> No.5013957

Nice plan bro

Let me know what American jail cells look like

>> No.5013982

Because of money laundering laws, that's illegal in most countries.
I've never seen a crypto debit card that didn't have a low limit, like $300.

Believe me, I'd be running that kind of business if it was possible to do legally. Taking a 2% conversion fee would be more than worth the PCI-DSS compliance headache.

That literally doesn't matter. (you only have to do this if you are giving up citizenship) Millions of americans living abroad just don't report any of their earnings to the IRS.

You can just not pay taxes on gains realized outside the US. It's not rocket surgery.

>> No.5014019

do you have to report anything if you just hold and never cash out for fiat?

>> No.5014108

coinbase said they're going provide some sheet you print off with all your trades.

>> No.5014149

and yes.
Even if you hold, you pay taxes (same with gold).

>> No.5014270

Is kraken considered normie?

>> No.5014273

when i started making huge amounts of money trading i paid 130k for a citizenship in a small country.
moved there and have been making the big bucks ever since.
i pay 2% taxes where im at now.

>> No.5014363

What? that is absolutely retarded. I don't pay taxes on my shitty stock I am holding

>> No.5014403

Wait, you have to pay taxes on commodities?

>> No.5014453

wtf, taxes on gold? Isn't that only if you sell.

Let's say your investment increase 100k in value, and you pay 30k in taxes, then what happens if your investment drops to 0? Do they pay you back the 30k, I don't think that is quite how it works.

pretty sure you only pay taxes on income and capital gains. So if you sell for a profit then you would owe tax

>> No.5014472

Just like other types of income, the cash you earn from selling bitcoin for a profit isn’t all yours: Uncle Sam wants a cut and considers your bitcoin to be taxable, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

That’s fairly simple — but bitcoins that are held as an asset will be taxed as a capital asset, just like stocks

>> No.5014486

Not finding anything. I remember explicitly reading from irs.gov that if you make udner 30k annually pre tax you don't get taxed on capital gains.

>> No.5014515

Here's a fucked issue that (to my knowledge) no taxman can answer.

WTF happens if you use btc to buy stocks? I used a site a while ago (1broker) to do just that.

>> No.5014542

1. You don't pay taxes unless you cash out (fiat)

Send it to me in my country with no tax on crypto, I cash it out, I transfer it back to you in other ways, -5% service fee of course.

>> No.5014569

No matter what, i'm not a CPA.

Don't take tax advice from fucking 4chan.

I pay a tax attorney to figure out all this shit for me.

>> No.5014636

a lot of this info is new.

please read:

>> No.5014685

"Bitcoin exchanges, traders and related businesses should report yearly with details of US residents with virtual currency accounts with balances of more than $50,000 or US expats with similar accounts but with a $200,000 balance."

If you're like me and bought 20 btc (just for fun) way back in the day - i highly recommend getting someone to help you with this.

>> No.5014763

You'd be taxed on the appreciation of btc and report your stocks at that cost basis for future gain/losses

>> No.5014781

Yeah sure, if that same mob boss was also funding national defense, roads and other public infrastructure, police, social programs... literally everything that we depend on to have a safe and orderly society comes from taxes.

You sound like a child who has never left mommy's basement when you show such a lack of perspective. You benefit from most of the things that tax revenue pays for. Why do you think you're exempt from paying for it?

>> No.5014824

I hope this is bait

> literally everything that we depend on to have a safe and orderly society comes from taxes.

yeah, so food, medical service, housing and clothing _all_ must be funded through taxes

fuck outta here brainlet

go get cucked

>> No.5014850

>you benefit from the mob protecting this neighborhood, therefore you should pay

>> No.5014893
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You can yell that all the way to jail friend but it won't change the fact you'll be looking through metal bars

>> No.5014907

Read the SEDM pulication The Trade or Business Scam

>> No.5014961

No he means if you keep your coins on CB, there will be absolutely no way of evading the IRS.

>> No.5014971

kek well if you take it to the most absurd extreme you can make it sound bad

Medical service is subsidized by the government even in the US, you idiot (and is fully covered by your taxes in every other first world country)

Your government, paid for by taxes, also makes it affordable and convenient to purchase those goods you mentioned. They also enforce the law so that no one can take away what you have.

Go ahead and tell the police that you don't feel their services are worth paying for, then I'll circulate that information to the local niggers, how does that sound?

>> No.5015064

Anyone here pay taxes on altcoin trades?

>> No.5015080

Most of you faggots earn less than 37 grand a year wagecucking anyway and the long term capital gains tax for that bracket is 0%.

The IRS also won't look too hard into trading between alts because the taxes from your lump profit would be the same as paying taxes on every single profit.

>> No.5015101


yep, short term capital gains. i made enough trades that it's been a fucking nightmare to go through and put into a spreadsheet. fuck it though, i'm not going to jail.

>> No.5015152

Nah, I transfer everything to Monero and then use localmonero. Only an idiot would pay taxes.

>> No.5015172

Soooooo ethereum gains are ok?

>> No.5015195

it's a barter exchange so you will owe capital gains tax. there's literally no difference between what you're saying, and cashing out and buying the miners with USD.

>> No.5015219

This analogy is so dumb. You're far too stupid to outsmart the IRS, I suggest paying taxes for your own good.

>> No.5015265
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Normie isn't the word you're looking for. It's P____t.

>> No.5015286
File: 252 KB, 640x361, IRS-Prepares-to-Audit-Raid-Dispensaries-The-Leaf-Online1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the IRS are basically on par with any other 3 letter agencys in the US. so yeah, it's not paranoia in the slightest.

>> No.5015295
File: 28 KB, 391x336, 6630f7482c18503df5f72250bab0f82e--tribune-newspaper-s-gangsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IRS is the scariest branch of the judicial system, when they find someone avoiding taxes, they go hard

Remember, it is a felony to fail to report illegal income on your taxes, including money you got for sex, and/or money you made from selling illegal drugs\guns\ectera
So the years in jail and the fines you owe the fed both pile up fast

>> No.5015300

You have no idea

You do NOT fuck with the IRS

>> No.5015339

Can’t we just log in one day. Send it to a weird 3rd party, reset the password, contact Coinbase and say you can’t log into your account that you’ve been hacked, continue exchanging between multiple wallets, create a rabbit hold of wallet transfers.

Even if you eat $1000 in transfer fees, if you’ve got big money, that won’t be a problem.

Technically if you create a paper trail saying you fell victim to a phishing scam and someone key logged you, could this qualify as capital loss instead of gains ?

>> No.5015343

Because taxation is theft and you're a massive faggot, gas yourself.

>Caught the shill

>> No.5015387

Fuck off nigger, I started with 17k.

>> No.5015405

They filed that to Coinbase for people who made big investments between the years 2010-2014.

They’re going after the whales that have so much money now, they can literally eat and shit bitcoins.

>> No.5015415

>No tax on capital gains
That is one thing I like about this damn place.

>> No.5015423

Yep the IRS is hiring shills to advocate for paying your taxes on 4chan LOL

There are a lot of massively deluded people on this board.

>> No.5015425

coinbase doesn't even work without 2fa

>> No.5015468

Well, theoretically, as taxpayers, we already paid taxes for that shit, so even by your own metrics, your argument fails. The government had literally nothing to do with creating crypto, or the trades we did. Gas yourself statist, neoliberal cuck

>> No.5015470

Yes, but if someone were to use their gmail account as their email account, it’s not hard to download the google Authenticator app and bypass having a text being sent each time.

>> No.5015519

Sure, I get the sarcasm, there's things like tenx, but you really buy sizable assets with a credit card can you?

>> No.5015559

This guy gets it.

>> No.5015567

>Medical service is subsidized by the government even in the US, you idiot (and is fully covered by your taxes in every other first world country)

my wife is a physician, her clinic accepts cash only, you are not smart

>Your government, paid for by taxes, also makes it affordable and convenient to purchase those goods you mentioned.

they make shit more expensive, all of these so called services that you think the government needs to provide could be provided in the free market

>They also enforce the law so that no one can take away what you have.

I get stolen from all the time from the government, not a good argument there

>Go ahead and tell the police that you don't feel their services are worth paying for, then I'll circulate that information to the local niggers, how does that sound?

it is proven in the courts that the police have no duty to defend me, they are reactive to situation. I live in a gated community and have home defense. Police are cheap compared to public education, both of which don't need to be purchased at the end of a gun barrel.

>> No.5015580

holy fuck the stupidity here is astounding.

You are going to go to jail, and it blows my mind that you think you've even thought this through.

>> No.5015604

>This analogy is so dumb. You're far too stupid to outsmart the IRS, I suggest paying taxes for your own good.

not an arguement. I probably pay more taxes than you, but go ahead and pay more if you think it is some moral obligation

>> No.5015610



he thinks the burden of proof is on the IRS

>> No.5015646

>Well, theoretically, as taxpayers, we already paid taxes for that shit, so even by your own metrics, your argument fails.
That makes absolutely no sense my friend. Just because things were paid for in the past doesn't mean they don't incur continuous costs. Police officers need a salary. Roads need repair.

You can try to morally justify tax evasion all you want, but in the end you're just trying to be a freeloading kid. I also don't give a shit about your personal politics, this isn't political it's just you being a deluded manchild.

>> No.5015651

That's what state taxes or meant to be for, dickface.

>> No.5015682

I know that, but the difference is how will the IRS know that?

>> No.5015787

a relationship predicated on theft has no moral authority


go read

>> No.5015876

It is rather typical of the gated community types to feel that they aren't obligated to support the very system that allows them to live their privileged lifestyle. Hilarious. Also, anecdotes aren't evidence you goof. Didn't they teach you that at private school?

>> No.5015894
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No, you misunderstand. I'm not against paying taxes. What I am against is the government taking my money in the form of capital gains tax, thereby profiting from something they had absolutely zero role in. The government did nothing to create cryptocurrency, and it did nothing to benefit the crpytosphere, and it had zero role in the painstaking trades I made. So they can fuck off. I will gladly pay state taxes to fund roads and schools and other vital infrastructure, but the Federal government can go fuck itself if it wants to bleed us dry with taxes to fund the military industrial complex and other corrupt extensions of the deep state.

Man child? Since you love sucking big government's dick so much, you must have a cuckhold fetish. How's this for name calling... fuck of redditor faggot, you have to go back.

>> No.5015970

They are coming for that sweet 50%. Just imagine. You believe you finally made it at a million dollars+, but then you remember that half of it goes to Uncle Sam.
Have fun funding for the next war.

>> No.5016036

Yeah except their service is shit and they line their pockets against the best interest of the population

>> No.5016040

Tell them you were hacked, easy

>> No.5016044
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>That's not going to happen

>> No.5016070

US police are a literal standing army on US soil with court approved zero-obligation to save the public from crime. Fuck the police.

>> No.5016078

I liked you until it was apparent you had an inferiority complex :(

>> No.5016155


Cash out in Mauritius and live like a king

>> No.5016186
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I say this every time these threads come up but nobody listens. Use crypto to buy acid , sell it for cash and double your money in the process while making sweet gains

>> No.5016278
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>> No.5016300
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lsd pepes make me so happy

>> No.5016470

>Honestly, why can't I start a sole prop, say my crypto gains are buisness sole prop income, buy mining equipment with the gains, then depreciate it all in the same tax year using the exclusion rule? I read the IRS publication and this is 100% legal since you can intertwine sole prop income and expense. Any thoughts?

Could somebody explain this in more detail?

>> No.5016558

they're probably still wondering how to moniter crypto, if you're gonna do that do it now before more regulations. worse case scenario you get fined 20k and have to go to a nice jail for a week

>> No.5016827

you are basically arguing for slavery

you are telling me that I should should accept theft because I owe into the system

can you seriously not imagine a system that uses theft? were you bullied on the playground?

taxation is theft, you have no arguments against that, only ad hominems

>> No.5016907


>> No.5016943

okay well how do I cash out of monero? Do I do something like,
>convert to monero on exchange 1
>send monero to exchange 2
>sell monero into ltc/eth/btc on exchange 2
But this next part what should I do?
>cash out ltc/eth/btc in person
>cash out ltc/eth/btc to coinbase saying it was a gift

>> No.5017912

If you think military is where all the money is going, you are wrong.

Social and Health benefits for fat niggers and spics is where the money goes

>> No.5018628

My god you are a moronic cunt.

If your comment doesn't prove that normies have arrived, I don't know what will.

>> No.5018644

>I don't understand how government and economics 101 work, the post.

>> No.5018978

who else will pay to feed all the niggers and mexicans???

>> No.5018980

Screw that, taxes on capital gains in burgerland are 25% that means I'd have to make 1,400,000.00 just to take home one million. $400,000 go to the tax man for no fucking reason at all. And that's just the federal tax, some states have additional taxes on top of that!

>> No.5019068
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>paying taxes to support niggers on welfare
>paying taxes for currency NOT supported by the gubmint

>> No.5019095

>a decentralized exchange
such as?

>> No.5019312

>start cook island trust
>start offshore LLC A under trust
>start offshore LLC B under LLC A
>start offshore bank account for LLC B
>move bags into monero/zcoin/zcash
>sell anoncoins for cash and deposit to LLC B bank account
>form new LLC under B for any large purchases
>even better use gains as collateral for loans