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50037529 No.50037529 [Reply] [Original]

What's the biggest risk you took that paid off?

>> No.50037536

opening my heart to a girl

>> No.50037558

I was approached by a security guard when I was a kid and told he had me on tape putting a bottle of Advil in my pocket. I asked to see the tape (plus, who the fuck steals Advil?). He kicked me and a friend out and warmed us of ever setting foot in the store again.
I returned the very next day and stole a DVD, just because I was so angry about being accused when I had done nothing. (Hell, we never even went into the pharmacy/medical section of the store.
I watched that DVD of Little Nicky SO many times, and each time, I flipped that guard the bird. Bastard.

>> No.50037570

Fucking faggot

>> No.50037572

putting my pee pee in a poo poo

>> No.50037590

dogbat, but I didn't sell when I saw weakness in btc.
Btc is my biggest regret. Dogbat is still my retirement plan

>> No.50037592

But did she open her pussy for you?

>> No.50037600

importing a balkan woman

>> No.50037604

yeah risk that paid off is the thread theme

>> No.50037610

Failing out of college, then going back again and getting a MS degree.

>> No.50037614

Where is this btw and what’s his reason for being such a madlad?

>> No.50037616

staying up all night playing runescape and leaving my room just as mom left for work so i don't get screamed at for being a loser neet

>> No.50037646

Just asking because the type of fag who opens up to a girl either gets friendzoned or cucked. So grats and all, just know that it’s not only your pussy.

>> No.50037667

you have a poison in your mind and it makes me sad that you cant see it

>> No.50037710
File: 61 KB, 630x630, F9BA3922-C20A-44F0-A885-4AB35888FE38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, I’m doing this right now.

I failed out of my first uni school, and then went back 2 years later.

I’m 28, and finishing my bachelors and onto getting my masters.

Glad I didn’t kill myself. I’ll be making 120k in April and work is paying for my masters.


>> No.50037734

what the fook

>> No.50037738

I once jumped across an opening draw bridge.

>> No.50037999

In 2017 my wife and I decided to undergo IVF treatment in the Ukraine as it had a world renown clinic with some of the highest success rates AND you could pick your own egg donor (our problem was lack of eggs).
It took over 12 months of medical prep to restart the wifes baby oven (early menopause, everything else works). Think like an old generator that's sat unused. Mechanically it all works, but it needs a bit of maintenance and kickstart.

Problems though
1. My country doesn't have a travel agreement with Ukraine. That meant getting all paperwork 100% right the first time, then physically mailing our passports to the consulate and hoping it comes back with no support from anyone. Thankfully I just so happened to have a client whos wife was from Ukraine so that helped a bit.
2. Malaysian airlines flight had recently been shot down over eastern Ukraine and there was no-fly over the east.
3. It's 15,000kms away, very costly and in a country no one we know has ever been to and we don't speak the language with no guarantee it would work.

Anyway it worked first time, baby was born 100% healthy and looked pretty much exactly like me as a baby. Basically a miracle shot in the dark that worked out perfectly.
Also the Ukraine (Lviv specifically) ended up being quite touristy, most knew english and you could live like a king on the dollar.
Also got to go to Prague for a week which is undoubtedly the most beautiful city I've ever been to

>> No.50038030

thats a nice story anon post fully deserving of its trips

>> No.50038033

I can't remember but probably something really cool. I do a lot of cool stuff

>> No.50038067

>because my life is dope and a do dope shit

>> No.50038161

Put 126 dollars on bombcrypto. RNG saved me and i got 2 Super rares and 2 rares on 10 gatchas. This shit gave me 5k dol after all. and for me who lives in 3° world shithole, that was a lot of money.

>> No.50038252

checked but didnt read lol

>> No.50038305

Saying fuck it and moving to Miami with nothing but two bags of clothes.

>> No.50038335

>want to have family
>have to take very risky, expensive trip to moderately unsafe country to undergo medical treatment with no guarantee of success with many possible failure points and no support
>great success
>have great family now

>> No.50038420

There was a bush fire raging up a big gully on our family farm. I was standing on the ridge looking at the advancing fire, when I saw 3 sheep at the bottom of the gully directly in the line of the fire. I had to decide if I could run down there and chase the sheep up the gully and have time to get out again. I thought fuck it I'm not going to watch those animals burn, so I made my way down there and began moving them away from the flames. I did my best then ran for it, getting out of the gully just as the fire hit where the sheep had been.

>> No.50038555

Another risk was to pay a businessman $60,000 to set me up in a business in a new area when I knew nothing about business. For the first year we nearly failed and had to make hard decisions and some changes, then things got better. For 5 years I had shit loads of fun and made lots of cash and learned a ton about running a business. Super glad I took the risk.

>> No.50038575

nice one and checked