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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50035076 No.50035076 [Reply] [Original]

i love this board and id be destroyed if anything ever happened to it.

>> No.50035099

I hate this board and will cry tears of joy when glowniggers eventually nuke this place

>> No.50035138

Have you been to other parts of this website? They're actually so worthless it makes me see the value in staring at a blank wall for 12 hours straight

>> No.50035153


>> No.50035166

Some of them like /diy/ are neat, but painfully slow and inactive.

>> No.50035171
File: 29 KB, 511x671, A951AD17-582E-485D-B38A-B588B46494C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEC is going to "regulate" us. It's been a pleasure, boys

>> No.50035174
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>> No.50035221


>> No.50035233

Yeah the inactivity is what makes them good though. Most of the high traffic boards are actually unusable because they just fall victim to the lowest common denominator of retard.

>> No.50035320
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Yep. I've made tons of frens and bros in /fit/, /sp/, /x/, and a few others. Those boards just have based retards shitposting for the laughs, sprinkled with some legitimately good advice.

/biz/ is the fucking most beta, insincere, toxic cesspool on the board by far. People call each other faggots and banter on every board, but this place reeks of legitimate malevolence and hatred behind the arguments and conversations. That's if you actually somehow converse with a human and not some shill bot or stinky pajeet or chink shill. I suppose that's the nature of money and career being involved, but holy fuck is this board AIDS.

>> No.50035366

Okay, I never understood "Glowie" or "Glowniggers" what is that?

I've been away for awhile.

>> No.50035391

>insincere, toxic cesspool on the board by far.
Nah /biz/ can't hold a candle to /pol/ /v/ /g/ or /a/

Absolutely pozzed shitholes relative to their subject matter. This place is shitposting light compared to them imo

>> No.50035474

Same here pal. I started with /b/ when I was just a lad around 14 years ago.

>> No.50035558

Love you too, fren

>> No.50035596
File: 10 KB, 316x160, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ may not be the first place to learn of new happenings any more, but it's the best place to discuss them.
No number of pajeets and gypsies and retards can undermine the fact that when a good discussion gets going with completely anon participants that it's the highest level discussion on the internet, because nobody has any cred or reputation or ego at stake, being that everyone is anonymous.
I love this place too, anon, I care about it. I hope as many of us as possible of us make it.

>> No.50035635

Pathetic loser. You go to /r9k and be with your own kind.

>> No.50035912

i like it but i get banned too much. I've been banned for most of the last 6 months i think. And they ban me from all boards. Last time i was banned was for 2 weeks for suggesting a token to someone who was asking for suggestions of tokens to buy, i even checked it for scams etc. I'm getting kind of scared to post anything anymore and I rarely made any threads

>> No.50036328

ive been banned from this board a dozen times alone and i keep coming back. dont care

>> No.50036345

Glowie, glownigger, spook, code for fed.

>> No.50036370 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 758x1011, belle pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you really took the ban like a good boy? you know its just cache and ip right?

>> No.50036394

I don’t feel this way about this board but for /fit/ yea, even if a lot of them are jerking it to a bunch of larpers

>> No.50036405

I love you too my bastard

>> No.50036850

Id cry tears of joy the day this place gets shut down by the government. Fuck this website, I'll be able to leave the internet and live in peace

>> No.50036907

You will always be NPC tourists to be dumped on

>> No.50036940

/a/ is great, idk what you're talking about. Gochiusa threads, guppies threads, snek threads are all comfy, and seasonal threads are just talking about the show with some shitposting. Nothing wrong with that.
I never go into manga or shonen threads though, so maybe that's different.

>> No.50037281

I'll spoonfeed you fren. That's from Terry Davis, a brilliant schizo who created an TempleOS. He did a lot of streams (I think it was a lot, I never had enough attention span to follow it) and in one of them he mentioned he once ran over a CIA agent with his car. He also said they're niggers and glow in the dark, so it's easy to spot them and you should run them over when you see one. That was great memery and the rest is history.

>> No.50037495
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We will all be shitposting on /biz/ forever. Probably even in hell.

>> No.50038569

checking the fpbp

>> No.50038726

me too fren. just move to web3 biz if anything happens

>> No.50039478


>> No.50039497
File: 31 KB, 199x175, Screenshot from 2021-07-07 02-42-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

web.3.0 is fucking cringe and needs to be killed and then killed again

>> No.50039615
File: 22 KB, 357x400, 9E382361-BCAB-4A6A-9D1C-23C5663DE8EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed gents, this place cannot last forever. already you can see signs of decay on the board and the fun hasnt even started yet. places like this will not be allowed to exist and be easily accessible to the common man. already the false flags are ramping up to paint this place in a bad light and eventually action will be taken. be thankful for this place while you have it and enjoy it while you can and i’ll see you in the next one.

>> No.50039667

Was about to post this. /a/ and /pol/ used to be a lot better, but the quality dropped off a cliff around 2016. for /a/ it was maybe closer to 2012. /v/ and /g/ have always been pseud shitholes that have somehow maintained their abysmal qualities. Probably made even worse by the new age neckbeards/twitter refugees
That's how I felt about /qa/, look where we are now. Nothing will EVER replace that board, not even sharty.

>> No.50039692

Well thats ominous

>> No.50039847

leave then. this place was never good and theres no point you being here. go elsewhere. facebook maybe

>> No.50039853
File: 15 KB, 398x398, bob_reid_dobbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a subtle paean to $IDs staking and burning program

>> No.50039880

go back then faggot

>> No.50039898 [DELETED] 

Shut up, glowie

>> No.50039920

hurr durr im retarded

>> No.50039927
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Your days of shitposting will soon come to an end. Enjoy it while it lasts incel, because there is a new Internet coming and KYC will be mandatory for posting anywhere.

>> No.50040140

Same anon, I just turned 30 this year and I must've started fucking around on /b/ when I was like...16 or so? before moving to /v/

>> No.50040342

then leave

>> No.50040529

You stupid faggot the shills don't know about those boards. Delet

>> No.50040714
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Icp solves this


>> No.50040843
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I get banned consistently for calling sam bankman and everything his jew hands touches a scam.

>> No.50040861
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schizo. they don't care about this place.

>> No.50040912

And that's why I love this place, lurking threads just to watch retards attack each other over their choices in imaginary internet money is one of life's great joys. The fact you can also get lucky off some retard posting extremely low effort memes for a coin and make a shit ton of money off it is absolutely beautiful