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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50033181 No.50033181 [Reply] [Original]

red pill me on money

>> No.50033214


>> No.50033267

Money is just alchemy.

“Scientific method seeks to understand things as they are, while alchemy seeks to bring about a desired state of affairs. To put it another way, the primary objective of science is truth, that of alchemy, operational success.”
― George Soros, The Alchemy of Finance


If you can fine tune the incentives and sell it you'll do alright.

>> No.50033379

try trading 5 sacks of rice for an oil change
pls create a new thread discussing how it went

>> No.50033562
File: 112 KB, 1242x1544, FJT8f3EXoA0mViT.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally none of it is real.

>> No.50033637
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It’s true and here’s the crazy part: someone would take your life for enough of it

>> No.50033643

Basically for thousands of years humans sought sound money, which up until the early 21st century was a title given exclusively to gold and then earlier before that also silver. In the 20th century, a spectacular madness infected the world, and now today we live in a clown world and use clown money and few even realise just how bad things have really gotten.

>> No.50033692
File: 38 KB, 460x352, 8P9Rn3Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money can be exchanged for goods and services

>> No.50033731
File: 1.57 MB, 300x257, Daisy-Laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
New car, caviar, 4-star daydream.
Think I'll buy me a football team.

>> No.50033794

what do you want in return for something that you do for me? you gave me your time, but i can't give you my time. i can give you an item, but its unlikely that you can give that item to someone else for their time, i also don't want item they gave you for your time. so now how do you value your time? that value needs to be transferable between everyone. sort of like a medium of exchange for your time. before, they used to give out gold and silver for time. you could trade that gold and silver for something else that someone might be willing to trade because that gold and silver was directly correlated to your time. but obviously, carrying all that gold and silver is too much of a burden and could be dangerous to keep at home. you give it to someOne that could be trusted by everyone and that someOne would give you a paper that explains how much gold and silver you have. but that someOne started getting a lot of people to trust him and soon he had a lot of gold and silver. he learned that he could borrow your gold and silver get more gold and silver and then give you a small piece of his profits. he started doing that with everyone that trusted him. soon he had a lot of gold and silver. so he started letting people borrow his gold and silver in exchange for a small percentage of their gold and silver. that someone was extremely trusted so people began trading the explanatory piece of paper because they all trusted that someOne. people could trade those pieces of paper amongst themselves and take it back to someOne to get gold and silver in exchange. someOne also began to allow other people to lend out their gold and silver in exchange for a small percentage, of course someOne would also be entitled to an even smaller percentage because he was the guy in the middle. soon someOne became extremely wealthy. everyone trusted someOne and because of that people continued to trade the pieces of paper amongst themselves.

>> No.50033808

none if it's real

>> No.50033823

People think clown world is new. Truth is, we've been living in a clown world since learned to farm.

>> No.50033889

This thread is shit. Talk about some elitist conspiracies or something this is just boring.

>> No.50034033
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>The sun will explode in 3 billion years
>Why don't you care? We're all going to die!

>> No.50034048

Go be a retard somewhere else >>>/x/

>> No.50034144

Get back
Im alright Jack keep your hands off of my stack

>> No.50034150

>red pill me on money
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. In order to redpill you on money, you must first be red pilled on the spiritual. Storing up riches in heaven more important than storing up riches on earth. Life is full of every distraction you can imagine, and the constant temptation to turn many of those distractions in to your God or idol. Most people today idolize money. As mentioned above, many will kill for it. If nobody had any money we would all be much better off, I think. I do not mean that with vitriol or a projection, though I cede that it could be. I think.

>> No.50034199

Money has always been a way for the mint to defraud people of their goods and savings. This has been the case from ancient history all the way to year of the lord 2022. Money is necessary, but in the wrong hands it is the source of all our troubles. Crypto will finally solve this age old problem of the temptation of the entity controlling the mint to defraud everyone else.

No this is describing central banking, and it doesn't work.

>> No.50034220

Money don’t mean shit to me it grows on evil trees, breaks up families, it’s more like a disease. Causes tension. Did I mention? It’s the government’s invention. Currency. The mighty dollar. For twenty bucks you can make somebody’s daughter, suck or hook or holler, turn a boy into a baller, Watch his chips stack taller. You see it’s all or nothin in this game of survival. Got hustlers holdin on to their scams across they bibles. But it’s viable for me to stay tribal and keep making these flows undeniable.

>> No.50034239

Money is just debt. An IOU that passes from hand to hand

>> No.50035254

>this is describing central banking

>> No.50035351

you're smart
Unless this is a pasta, that is

>> No.50035410
File: 82 KB, 923x322, Aristotle quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If nobody had any money we would all be much better off
money is needed the moment a society is formed.
money isn't inherently bad, i think Aristotle said it best