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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50032539 No.50032539 [Reply] [Original]

For an actual happening to happen Saylor needs to crash and burn but that probably won't happen anymore. Bitcoin needed to go down to 3.5k to fuck him over but it bottomed at 20k. He still lost a few billion but that's nothing in the grand scheme of things

>> No.50032637

He hasn't lost anything . Are u ok, financially speaking?

>> No.50034241

not done bottoming yet, this was just a pause

>> No.50034620
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He got liquidated at $21k and created a cascade of liquidations that wiped out all the big players
I know because /biz/ told me, they are super smart people

>> No.50034644

I think we'll see a double bottom at the worst.

>> No.50034652

This guy got reckt during the dotcom bubble.
Him being so obsessed with BTC makes me uneasy desu.

>> No.50034670

>unrealised loses

>> No.50034708

If the 2022 crash cycle holds it will dip another 10k in 1-3 more weeks.

>> No.50034719

no he only got margin called at 21k but had more than enough collateral

>> No.50034742

>unrealised loses
BTC will never go back above 30K. So his unrealized losses are pretty much set in stone

>> No.50034771

stock market will bottom out then the golden bullrun will begin (srs)

>> No.50034869

You all shorting MSTR but vanguard just doubled down on its exposure... over 500M

>> No.50034872

>BTC will ever get to less than half of its previous ATH
Wow, this the dumbest post I've read in the past 15 minutes

>> No.50034887

you may as well sell now. The Ponzi scheme is reaching it's end point

>> No.50034903

jej, curious how you come to this conclusion if you are being serious

>> No.50034961

things are different now. Even whales are starting to give up

>> No.50035199

This faggot doesn't care if bitcoin or the stock takes a massive dump. Other idiots actually bought his stock way overpriced on the way up. They're the ones that will be left holding that bag. Second, the buying patterns reveal him to be an utter retard that was pretty much buying the top (at 50k+). As far as hype goes, never get high on your own supply. This bullshit company and it's overconfident bullshit artist filing for bankruptcy is exactly what bitcoin needs long term. Plebs have it backwards, bitcoin doesn't need microstrategy, microstrategy needs bitcoin. The 'worst case' scenario is cheaper coins for normal people that aren't degenerate gamblers and hype merchants.

>> No.50035252

>le ponzi
go back to youtube

>> No.50035328

Kek. you think the bottom is already in?

>> No.50035347

>it bottomed at 20k
oh sweaty summer child..

>> No.50035857


>> No.50036659

he's fucked if it goes down a little bit
going to 3.5k means he's posted ALL of his company's assets as collateral. in reality he gets liquidated long before then, at some point he has to cut his losses.

>> No.50036731

How new are you to life?
Been selling "digital assets" since the 90s. Its popularity grows more and more each year, because the world is becoming more digital over time.
Bitcoin will never die simply because it's the first of its kind. Your shitcoins are worthless though.

>> No.50036848

he doesn't start hitting margin calls until sub 4k and has plenty of collateral left

the company itself makes money just fine. back out the impairment losses on the income statement

>> No.50037644

>at some point he has to cut his losses.
he's really fucking obsessed with BTC. Just look at his twitter

>> No.50037665

>the company itself makes money just fine
lmao his company makes jack shit. His debt comes calling in 2025. Saylor Moon is screwed

>> No.50037824

Unfortunately Bitcoin does need microstrategy and other institutional investors if it's ever going to continue growing in value. It didn't hit $69k at the hands of an army of plebbitors investing a few hundred bucks on Coinbase and Robinhood. If institutions back out, say goodbye to all dreams of $100k, or $1M, or whatever moonboys are hoping for.

>> No.50037843

Then he will be fine, the bullrun will be back by the 2024 halving and BTC will be 100k+ in 2025.

>> No.50037848

>He still lost a few billion
Did he sell? Or was it a Margin Call you kept spamming? Liquidated? What's the line now faggot?

>> No.50037954

A good barometer gauge is to look at how many normalfags (women, boomers, redditors, niggers, etc) thinks BTC will moon by 2024-2025

>> No.50038094

>MicroStrategy Inc.’s Michael Saylor says he will consider issuing more debt in order to help finance the company’s purchase of Bitcoin as part of its corporate strategy.
>“We’ve been pretty clear that we’ll consider equity and debt financings,” in order to buy more Bitcoin Saylor
>This week alone, MicroStrategy announced that it had acquired nearly 20,000 tokens for an average purchase of $52,765 per coin after issuing $1.05 billion in convertible bonds.

>> No.50038143

yeah that's what I hear every norman retard say