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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50032476 No.50032476 [Reply] [Original]

>be landlord
>tenants complain about pointless BS at one of my properties like the doors arent locking, its too cold or that I charged them $100 for water when the bill was $80
>legally raise their rent next time it's up for renegotiation
>their only option is to leave and find another landlord to wageslave for

kek, every day I thank god I leveraged my first rental into 10 more, the sky really is the limit, my equity won't stop increasing.

Guess this can become the landlord general, no rentoids please, you incels kinda creep me out ngl.

>> No.50032614

I have a house at the beach I rent for 1700 a week, and stay there from November to February

>> No.50033174

How do you deal with evictions/tenants who damage the property severely?

>> No.50033315

fuck you

>> No.50033817

i break their fucking knees

>> No.50035140

Serious answers please

>> No.50035170

youll never find me

>> No.50035534

>be disabled rentoid
>ghost my landlord, ignore his calls
>raise the rent, doesn't matter I go on for months without paying
>their only option is to come personally begging for the money like a little bitch
>will probably shit on the walls and clog the toilet just for fun when I leave; there's literally nothing he can do

Feels good to fuck with landlords, best part is you can clog the toilet after he finally gets you evicted, doesn't matter yo go and look for another landcuck to fuck with

>> No.50035862

>telling lies
>bragging about shitting on the walls as an adult male

Truly living your life to fullest yeah! stick it to the man brother!

>> No.50035917

You fuckers are literally parasites that do nothing but leech off of hard working people. How does it feel to do nothing but exploit people? You fucking bums are the reason why I have to pay nearly 4k to live in a shitty apartment in NYC. FUCK YOU ALL, GET A REAL JOB.

>> No.50035939
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