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50031300 No.50031300 [Reply] [Original]

How do I turn 200k into 2 million?

>> No.50031345

Short 125x BTC and wait for the 8k bottom later this year

>> No.50032413

Buy LUNC at its lowest and wait patiently

>> No.50033381


>> No.50033876
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I wish I had 200k to gamble on leverage lmao. Suicide incoming.
Poorfag with a death wish here: how do I make it from almost nothing to 200k to gamble on leverage?

>> No.50033939 [DELETED] 

you can only do so through alpha leaks from the hbar foundation, where you'll be investing as early as possible in the next 100x

>> No.50033965

Put everything you have into Squidgrow

>> No.50033974

Convert into Mexican Pesos

>> No.50034068

suck my fat cock

>> No.50034087

High risk leverage trading. For example shorting $2m (10x leverage) worth of apecoin at $5.55 and closing it now. And doing such trades over and over again until you're rich.

>> No.50034123

Zoom out lol

>> No.50034146

buy low
sell high

>> No.50034240
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A squidgrow nigger I see you

>> No.50034243


>> No.50034858

just long MATIC whenever the market slightly goes green
works for me every time
ive been longing it all week long last week and made back all i lost. it pumped like 50%

>> No.50036494

Hypermine check the whitepaper and see for yourself https://hypermine.club/

>> No.50036529

short link with 10x leverage to 3.2

>> No.50036554

Wlunc all in

>> No.50036575


what trading platform do you use to long it?

>> No.50036601

Hard work and time

>> No.50036632


>> No.50036684

move the decimal point lil nigga

>> No.50036780

i'm kinda in the same position, have maybe 220k liquid in stables ready to go. Planning to distribute my stack like this and dca in:
ETH - 40%
AVAX - 15%
METIS - 10%
MATIC - 10%
LRC/NEAR(?) - 10%

The remaining 15% reserved for shiny new shit + shitcoins. Hopefully this gets me a 10x+ average at least in the next cycle.

>> No.50036815

DCA into profitable companies with good fundamentals and buy 1 pair of knee pads and suck 2,000,000 dicks for $1

>> No.50036871

All in RLC it's unironically going to 100x again

>> No.50038895

You might want to bag some based assets

>> No.50039797

start a business and don't fail like most retards

>> No.50040073

what are the based assets, I'd like to know

>> No.50040103

All in NXM its unironically going 100x again

>> No.50040117

same way i turned 200$ in 2k .. all in lunc baby

>> No.50040119

All in ORE its unironically going 100x again

>> No.50040147

All in VET its unironically going 100x again

>> No.50040187

Roulette wheel at the casino. If you lose the best, just keep reloading the save file and trying until you win

>> No.50040199

Buy FTM.
FTM at $1 is already a 4x. FTM at $3 is close to what you need. And it would still be undervalued at 3.

>> No.50041513

you really don't need to shit in your panties to mention you shitcoin, lots of small caps are relatively cheap now, ZRX, ORE, LBLOCK and couple of others, use your head poorfag

>> No.50043208

That's true anon, what ever you mentioned I got no clue about those but I have loaded my self with QANX.

>> No.50043442
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LUNC is about to pull a Shib, binance literally just posted a "how to buy LUNC" guide like 15 minutes ago, get in now and you'll easily turn 200k into 2 million.

>> No.50043467

gamble and win or don't
we all gambled recently and lost, ie the ukraine war. no matter what anyone says, 99% of us bought something before that expecting at least something out of it, only to face this incredible crash. once the war is over, you will gamble again and buy something, then maybe china will go to war and you'll lose it all again, or you won't. it's always a gamble.

>> No.50044148

Worst advice but he might want to try it out. It's better to buy some good alt now and wait for the the next bull cycle. Say ETH, LOX, VRA and HBAR.

>> No.50044204

What amount did you turn into 200k?

>> No.50044230

I live at home and work for the family business. So I save everything

>> No.50044306

Well fuck you then.

>> No.50044389


>> No.50046334

>How do I turn 200k into 2 million?
buy USTC 4 days ago and sell now
it's as easy as that

>> No.50046467

He should go back in days to make a financial decision, ah ah!

>> No.50046484

make $

>> No.50046518

By throwing it into the ocean cause you would never get 2 million.

>> No.50046965

Who thinks about getting 10X when inflation is this high as well as recession is also knocking at the door.

>> No.50047228

He is probably livid to the current market conditions at this point looking for a 10X says a lot about how dumb he is.

>> No.50047242 [DELETED] 

You buy into HBAR, you believe in the HBAR foundation and you wait. That is it.

>> No.50047357

The best option right now would be to sit your fucking ass down on the sidelines and wait for better price actions.

>> No.50047422 [DELETED] 

trade with leverage, maximum x3
t. almost a billionaire until the crash just from TQQQ and bitcoin

becoming rich is not even hard, most people are just weak pussies, it gets even easier when you are already rich, like i'm fine with having 10 million so I just gamble all my money above 10 million

>> No.50047475

Go to medical school and work for 50 years until you have your own practice and can let someone else run your office.

>> No.50047511

Might as well just while away the time playing some web3 games, cometh could be a good place to start from.

>> No.50047716
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Buy ALGO, anon. I'm serious. Most people vastly underestimate Algorand's huge potential, as they are driven by daily hype. But there is no other L1 with better infrastructure in terms of sustainability, scalability, and multi-chain Web3 compatibility.

>> No.50047744

Open a business in China selling food over 美团

>> No.50048854

By doing a x10

>> No.50050065

If you will flip that much in crypto, then you will have a very long wait, months perhaps years if you become unlucky. Waiting for the rock bottom is what I am looking at particularly ETH, although I have already secured my wallet with a privacy protocol, the integration of the Railway DEX has made it seamless on-chain and has made in-app swaps possible.

>> No.50050879

Not now, but buying the bottom will help you in easily securing your target. Nobody knows the fucking bottom is the world'S biggest problem. Hitting Squid Squad DAO program is another cool way to reduce the heat

>> No.50051042
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That's not really feasible. Crypto is the real deal now.

>> No.50051304

You are on your own, poorfag. I'm chilling and squidding around in the DAO Ocean at peace. Better off

>> No.50051348

Okay, Li. This is a REKTy advice and I hope your poor mom taught you well

>> No.50051454
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Buy LOX now, sell when it is listed on Binance.

>> No.50051514

What the fuck is that shitcoin?

>> No.50051524

Keep it and show it to people who might invest in a business that you work your fucking ass off for 10 years and eventually u will have 2m but if it fails start another and do the same but avoid making the same mistakes

>> No.50051632
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do your research dumb ass

>> No.50051766

Female To Male?

>> No.50051829

The problem with insane leverage is a 1% move in the wrong direction results in liquidation. It’s literally just coin flipping. He is best to play safe and do at most 10x leverage short and be content with the million dollars when exiting short at $10k

>> No.50052465

Just buy BTC in the fall when it hits 10k and wait until 2025 for 100k

>> No.50053133

bruh literally just make money out of money bruh wtf are you even asking here, like are you retarded ? you literally just need to make 20% per week for two months and you're good.
fucking retard

>> No.50053255


OP needed only 10x tho.

>> No.50055167


>> No.50056829

ok but how. jerk

>> No.50058633

Buy now. Wait for the fucking bull

>> No.50058645

go to a bank and exchange dollars for dimes

>> No.50058650


>> No.50058692
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That's like waiting forever, moron. I'd rather buy MINA or RAIL. Has more potentials to go 100x than a coin struggling behind its shadow

>> No.50058706

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.50058750
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Not a single privacy altcoin, and you are expecting to make it

>> No.50058766

>profitable companies with good fundamentals
You have any example in mind?

>> No.50058775

You can buy a lot of lottery tickets for 200k. Almost guaranteed to win millions.

>> No.50058790

Perhaps when RAILFTM becomes a thing and Railgun deploys its privacy system on the chain, I'll consider it

>> No.50058826

He made it while he was gambling. Hence not going to last very much

>> No.50058856
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I'm all for L1 and privacy with multi-chain composability but I don't think Algorand is what should be thought about in that regard

>> No.50058859


>> No.50058897

Is it it over? If so, then it is fuckin OVER

>> No.50058932
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Most recent 10xs

>> No.50059432

Good fundamental projects are majorly defined by projects enabling privacy and security. Those are basically everything needed for DeFi to go mainstream

>> No.50060082

How is lunc a 10x? Am I missing something

>> No.50060154

You could start by looking in the metaverse chad, sure to get more adoption following the interest of big companies like YouTube and EA sports.

>> No.50060188

get a job, get to 200k, keep working
simple as

>> No.50060228

Would start using the blockchain when Railgun is deployed to it. Can't be fooling around with my privacy.

>> No.50060235

ICONS. Secure lands in sport metaverse with it alongside the biggest celebrities in sport. What other way to define a based asset

>> No.50060264

Imagine the experience of winning lotteries in the metaverse. Can you imagine the feeling?

>> No.50060297

Redpill me

>> No.50060351

The only asset I have my eyes on is the land on sports metaverse. The fact that live event tickets can be found on the lands has made it even harder to get out of my mind.

>> No.50060374

Put 200k in the bank and start sucking 500 dicks a day dressed up as a anime girl

>> No.50060384

Buy LUNAC right now

>> No.50060391

Dude be shilling hard

>> No.50060418

Can't y all come up with something new

>> No.50060444

Just non binary

>> No.50060473
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Get a virtual land on a metaverse. Showcase your NFTs and have the big guys spot them out. You'll make more 100x

>> No.50060583

I'd rather try my luck with nfts than touch lunc again. Besides nfts have secured the interest of sports names like Adidas and Nike. They must be doing something right.

>> No.50060633

He's gonna get rekt and pick up his favourite pink wojak

>> No.50060668


>> No.50060770

I have a feeling the real assets are in the metaverse and it is evident through the class of investors in the sector ranging from soccer legends like Cristiano Ronaldo and Iniesta to companies like Sony and PlayStation home.

>> No.50060805

Cause of the burn right

>> No.50060823

Privacy protocols anon. Still undervalued with massive room for profits.

>> No.50060847
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trade it for MXN

>> No.50060930

And who here can give legit advice

>> No.50061024

I'd rather save up for the land sales on the sports metaverse. At least I get my own fan cave there.

>> No.50061166

Anon is reminding me of the Otto blockchain that deals with security and preserves our privacy. Horizen, Keep and Ergo are also focusing on the same path but ofc with different ways to deliver. Don't focus on one project alone you mother fucker.

>> No.50061271

How much do you want?

>> No.50061308

Lunc. Any fool not buying now will regret.

>> No.50061734

You are too positive as if bullrun is still in your

>> No.50061924

Virtual lands are getting the hype now anon. Otherdeeds started the fucking run, I'm minting some on Honeyland desu

>> No.50062300

Fucking retard. I don't buy anything today. I just want a solid projects that will definitely survive in bear season. I'm seeing it in a compliant decentralised finance that prioritize our security. Stop listening to the fake news bastards.

>> No.50062311

Minting a land? Wtf

>> No.50062409

A little over a million

>> No.50062507

That's not much due to inflation

>> No.50062518

Wtf is MXN

>> No.50062576

the last time somebody asked this, i said put it all into 3 digit ENS domains. this was when they were 10e per(6 weeks ago)

now they are 20e and im telling you the same answer

but /biz/ is retarded and only buys dogcoins so im sure he didnt listen, and im sure you won't either

>> No.50062721


Basically what I am doing, waiting patiently for the prices to drop down and already have my eyes on a web 2 to web 3 onboarding project, we know the next big thing is web 3.

>> No.50062748

the metaverse niche is all about hype, I am more particular about projects whose use case cuts across different niche, a cross chain interoperability project in mind as it identity management cuts cross many blockchains

>> No.50062854


I honestly believe the guy is speaking from his own pov, ALGO doesn't really need to be shilled on here, it is a based project and you retard knows this

>> No.50064155

Easy. You just have to use multiplication.

>> No.50064172

Take a pen and write additional zero.

>> No.50064374

Think how you could turn 2mil into 200k and do the opposite

>> No.50064584

buy into a random meme coin the wait for the latter to happen

>> No.50064600

disgustingly undervalued right now especially when you consider how fast their ecosystem has been growing and how much HBAR Foundation has been pouring funds into developing this ecosystem recently

>> No.50064603
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>> No.50065273

I would have asked you to short btc. but I don't advise people to trade. so I'm just gonna ask you to buy a good project like Otto or Ftm and hold it for long term.

>> No.50065575
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I'm surprised you all are so dumb, nothing is multiplying anytime soon we're still hugging the bears. Better go for privacy protocol

>> No.50065594

privacy has become a buzzword suddenly. I feel there are powers controlling the cryptoverse. I'm speculating on Otto blockchain though.

>> No.50065606

I heard otto 10 token will be distributed once they launch. I think Ftm is good I'm already considering getting it

>> No.50065612

you guys need to get better at shilling
and who the fuck names their project "Otto"

>> No.50065643

All this advice will definitely work with turning your 2 mill to 200k

>> No.50065664

If they can do everything they've described, the coin will skyrocket in value.

>> No.50065684
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Have you heard of the great German strategist: Otto Von Bismarck? I guess not. I'm sure you're a terrible student of history.

>> No.50065698

Are u dying of cancer or something, stop acting like a retard and do some research

>> No.50065732

no project is gonna do a 10x or 20x in this market. y'all better hope the current value does not slip down further.

>> No.50065760

Also buy SYLO.

>> No.50065843

I hear Sylo had some sort of partnership with Otto? What's the deal on that?

>> No.50065970

Yeah hopefully, It gets even better with them because you may earn staking rewards by voting on claims and assessing them.

>> No.50066010

like some sort of DAO?

>> No.50066039

Yeah, a DAO that will vote dApps into the blockchain

>> No.50067278

redpill me on the sports metaverse shit pls.
Im not uptodate with the metaverse crap

>> No.50067299

put it all on red, then black, then red and red again

>> No.50068827

Find a x10

>> No.50068950

Invest into apes

>> No.50069804

Buy SHIB and wait till next year. Easy

>> No.50069876

I can tell you how I turned 2 million into 200k. I bought LINK and never sold.

>> No.50069919

Where do you short? Walk a newfag through

>> No.50070244
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Depends on where you're looking at. I don't see any reason why Rail wouldn't make a 10x overtime considering how big its anonymous wallet system is getting. The market is full of shit but saying absolutely no project will make 10x or 20x is dumb. Check the last 24 hours, I'm sure a lot of 10x has happened already

>> No.50070285

Now, you are judging a project based on its 'name' without even checking what's it's about. What sort of retard are you

>> No.50070366
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>we know the next big thing is web 3.
Plus one on this. But it is yet to be hugely invested in, compared to the metaverse esp. in sports and DeFi. Check the projects and compared their relative TVLs

>> No.50070480

You want to be spoonfed? dumbass. Find a search engine and search Lukaku, Amanda and Nas together with meteverse in the key words. You'll find something

>> No.50070482

I have a secret money machine that can 10x your input with 100% success rate.

Buy Eth and send to this address:

Just send a small amount at first and I'll send back 10x which provides the proof that it works. Then you can go ahead and send a larger amount.

Can't knock it until you try it!

>> No.50070507
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>> No.50070536
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You should be hanged and hanged again

>> No.50070633

>privacy has become a buzzword suddenly.
Not surprised. By any chance, if regulations become a thing, there is no escaping privacy requirement across DeFi

>> No.50070653

How many children do you have? sell one of them

>> No.50070677
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>> No.50070724

Buy HBAR and relax. The foundation is dropping millions on the ecosystem.

>> No.50070759

>the metaverse niche is all about hype
That's pretty dumb. You need to check the quality of people investing into it. Connecting fans and their biggest celebrities in the metaverse is not a hype in any way.

>> No.50070794

NO. Take your shit and fuck off

>> No.50070889
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I'd rather invest in NFTs with actual use cases

>> No.50070912

10x your 200k

>> No.50070937

I'd stick to the lands on sports metaverse. Not bad if I share lands area with Jordan Stewart.

>> No.50071045

How to reload save file, I think I actually selected perma death for my run through

>> No.50071121
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>I just want a solid projects that will definitely survive in bear season.
And which projects have you been monitoring? except PriFi projects of course because it seems that's where all the attention seems to be going to right now

>> No.50071150

Gambling is the fastest way to do this, sport betting to be specific

>> No.50071443

All in S&P 500 and wait 34 years

>> No.50072406

I wonder how y'all do trading without concerns about everything totally visible on the blockchain. By all means, I think its reasonable to stay anonymous considering how much hackers are flying around these days.

>> No.50072800
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Like ICONS? Getting virtual lands with it alongside top celebrities is "based asset" in my opinion

>> No.50072947

Check RAIL price actions. You could have easily done it with it

>> No.50073164

>Not entirely gambling if you can be involved in it yourself
I've been thinking about betting in the metaverse. I know quite well how virtual games are a big deal in sport betting

>> No.50073285

stake it till you make it.

>> No.50073439


>> No.50073618
File: 84 KB, 500x625, 6ldlbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the market is down so why wont you relax and earn some token while watching some quality shows at Script.tv.

Its a win win actually.

>> No.50073830

Anon, what you need to do for this is very simple. Buy BOBA and make your wish come true. BOBA can now easily do 10x on Coinbase and when the market recovers.

>> No.50074018

Good thing there are already privacy protocols being put in place to integrate with defi and other smart contracts.

>> No.50074085

become a high-class escort and suck 200 dicks for $1k a pop

>> No.50074112

When I read this the first thing that comes to mind is Railgun. The fact that a good amount of iys circulating supply is staked shows the community believes in long term profits.

>> No.50074119

Do you have a personal financial interest in anon buying BOBA?

>> No.50074173

I'm a frequent user of escorts, and when you do the math, it's staggering. Most of the girls I fuck are about $300. Lot's of them make 200k+ a year. That means they are sucking 600+ dicks a year LMAO. Some of the asian girls are making 500k and do 8 appointments a DAY.

>> No.50074195

Kek, you should get a rope to hang yourself while you're at it. I'd rather save up for the land sales on sport metaverse than invest in a coin on life support.

>> No.50074224


>> No.50074251

Retards have no redemption anon

>> No.50074303

That's true. There are more platforms emerging for sports gambling especially in the metaverse.

>> No.50074343

Sports metaverse is a thing?
I know of metaverse banking which is being introduced by CryptoXpress.

Next up could be sex in the metaverse.

>> No.50074356


>> No.50074421

You must be living in a hole somewhere, open your eyes anon. The metaverse is even a big deal in sports with stars like Messi and Ronaldo aping in and Manchester City has commenced the building of their own stadium in the space with the help of Sony.

>> No.50074476


>> No.50074489

Sex in the metaverse would be next level kek.
Metaverse banking seem fascinating as I imagine being to do basically everything I go to the bank for from the comfort of my home.

>> No.50074498

Who watches tv in the crypto space. We're here to make money retard

>> No.50074523


>> No.50074548

The sports metaverse is definitely a thing and is expanding by the day with more and more athletes getting involved including Amanda Nunez and Roberto Carlos.

>> No.50074577

But not yet, FTM can go to single digits. Then buy with low leverage.

>> No.50074596

Is it worth destroying yourself like that though

>> No.50074619

>Amanda Nunez and Roberto Carlos.
Who? Lmfao

>> No.50074643

We watch charts, not tv

>> No.50074681
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Next level shit right there and I'm waiting patiently to see how they pull it off.
I'm anti banks.

>> No.50074777
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Unironically buy LUNC before it's too late

>> No.50074797

Jast sayin'

>> No.50074820

*just ffs

>> No.50074828

I've been telling you faggots to buy this for days, but you just wouldn't listen. It's not too late tho, you can still repent.

>> No.50074949

Most folks don't like banks desu we only stick with them cos the options are limited for now.
No surprise to see if they're platforms that are looking to provide better and simplified services and that could change the game overtime.

>> No.50076552
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it would need to have a 6 trillion dollar market cap to hit $1. i think that last night was a good time to exit because the market cap was underbought at $400m and it hit $1b. now there's no momentum

>> No.50078195

>destroying yourself
they're just having sex

>> No.50079776

buy when nobody tells you to buy, tells you its over, unless you are actually investing in something broken or that nobody will use in the future.

>> No.50080383

pesos noob.