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50031093 No.50031093 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that American elites are selling out the country because they plan on abandoning it.

Probably will even make a big weepy display of being "in exile" because of the "violence" (there will not actually be much violence, just a lot of poverty and population beholden to foreign interests that have total control over our finances and data).

>> No.50031131
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>> No.50031188

They will literally not be able to get away with it

>> No.50031330
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Ok ill bite. And go where exactly. It not like theres a secret safe undiscovered continent somewhere.

>> No.50031363

>Probably will even make a big weepy display of being "in exile" because of the "violence" (there will not actually be much violence, just a lot of poverty and population beholden to foreign interests that have total control over our finances and data).
Yeah, just like they did to Germany.

>> No.50031402

Israel. Just look at the number of American corporations moving their operations there while they close shop in the US. Specially in the tech sector.

>> No.50031435

America protects israel from the entire muslim world dum dum. If america goes Israel goes too.

>> No.50031442

Canada because it can feed whatever forces come to defend it and elites will take advantage of the fact that they still have a population of monarchists and create a republic they can abuse there once again.
The USA will be fine in general, it is still extremely resource rich. The social situation is going to be very very bad (it already is but you know what I mean).

>> No.50031524

They'll move to rich countries where the standard of living is higher, wages are higher, and their type is welcome. Plenty of places in the Eurozone, New Zealand, Canada, China, UAE, Africa...

>> No.50031568

reminder that

>> No.50031606

That is what they want you to think.

>> No.50031611


"they" already have

>> No.50031624

They won’t go in exile, however they will increasingly live in gated communities and even city sized ones. They will probably relocate their families to more "peaceful" places like NZ or Switzerland at the first sign of trouble.
The US remains too juicy of a market, even in turbo brazilification. The future is the US stopping to exist as a nation altogether and becoming just an economic zone.

>> No.50031661

lmao you think europe and the anglosphere are gonna survive the collapse of the US? That's pretty funny.

>> No.50031760

>the standard of living is higher
>canada (see china)
>new zealand (see china)
Omegalul. And why the fuck would elites care about wages if they've already made it? New Zealand is a beautiful country to move to if you removed the kiwis.

>> No.50032352

to go where?
there isn't anywhere to go
>inb4 israel
israel isn't big enough

>> No.50032626

I was thinking Cuba but okay.

>> No.50032717

Honestly i think it has more to do with generational incompetence. We had some real killers running the country during the cold war, but their children and grandchildren are now running things and they are not the men they inherited their positions from. a sort of plowshares to plowshares in 3 generations type thing.

I also thing propaganda is a double edged sword. They've neutered the intellectual capabilities of several generations of americans now through various means (media, education ect), but it had a leaky effect. It was slower to impact the elite, but here we are today and we're run by true believers.

And then on the other hand if you're religious it seems obvious that the hand of God is moving through the world today and shaping events.

>> No.50033045

>We had some real killers running the country during the cold war
The influx of South American immigrants that we deal with today is a direct consequence of our government doing pants-on-head retarded things in their countries during the Cold War. We deposed multiple democratically-elected leaders who were poised to bring finally bring stability and sustainable wealth to that region at the behest of literal fruit companies.
>I also thing propaganda is a double edged sword. They've neutered the intellectual capabilities of several generations of americans now through various means (media, education ect), but it had a leaky effect. It was slower to impact the elite, but here we are today and we're run by true believers.
This is legit though. (It's also the plot of Bioshock Infinite and to a lesser extent Jordan Peele's US but I think most people missed that.)