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50030939 No.50030939 [Reply] [Original]

A year ago I could’ve sold my LINK and bought a centrally located apartment at one of the hottest spots in a medium sized European city for $350k cash, no mortgage. It would surly made my life easier, elevated my status and stopped me from rentcucking. Instead I told myself that to delay gratification so that I may become financially independent one day and create a big beautiful family without feeling economically constrained.

Right now, I’m not sure I made the right decision back then. I’m stuck at my rentcuck studentdorm room and 90% poorer

>> No.50030986

Who would've expected a $50 cycle top? I honestly expected at least $150

>> No.50031007

Congrats on 20/20 hindsight. Now imagine you'd sold and it went $1000 eoy last year. Which is worse?

>> No.50031019

Same, I literally thought the same

>> No.50031043

Well the top was in May, and the second top was the community memeing it into existence. Should have fucking sold the meme top.

>> No.50031056

Same like you. The thing is that Sergey dropped those little "crumbs" like the "make it like next month", all those little shits, at the worst fucking moments. Every few months he would make it seem like this shit was around the corner. Without that I probably would have sold. But his stupid fucking hints. Fuck. He's a good thinker but I fucking hate the way he does communicates.

>> No.50031083

That's why you don't sell everything
But when everything is screaming retardation, sell at least 50%

I sold into the 69k candle based purely on techincals and didn't think that was it. I rebought the war dump and got rekt during the Luna destruction and everything that followed. So I learned to not fight the trend and the trend was/is down.

>> No.50031166

Somewhat similar here fren. Had over $400k at the peak and now I am back somewhere in lower 5 digits sitting in a small one-room apartment in an ugly af town being either depressed or slaving at an internship for $10 an hour.
Even worse is that I managed to lose half of my stack last year by being a greedy and impatient retard and longing Link at >$40.

>> No.50031224

TA at the time did indicate this was on the table, especially if Link were to retrace its losses against BTC during the bull market. Turns out we were completely wrong, and if we want to find answers we can start at the following premise;

Nexo is insolvent

Machinsky tried to flee the country

>> No.50031315

>doesn't sell when dogcoin is on saturday night live
You don't deserve to make it

>> No.50031585

I've never sold any of my crypto and am a millionaire now (in crypto) despite the bear. Sure if I'd done X, Y and Z i could be even better off, but many, many people mistime that call and fuck it all up. You tend not to hear so much from them. Time in the market, not timing the market is real. Good luck with your future calls of this sort.

>> No.50031672

I only have 1,000 LINK but I had a mini version of this. My cope is that I would probably have never sold at any price, they’re on my ledger waiting for staking and that won’t change. It’s Stockholm syndrome at this point.

>> No.50031714

Real talk. What do you guys expect price will be after SmartCon

>> No.50031722
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>centrally located apartment
>the hustle and bustle of the city

>> No.50031737

We will make sure every LINK pump is shorted back to where it started. LINK has the precedent of never pumping. It is literally the worst asset to hold.

>> No.50031756

anon with a four figure portfolio you're best off not concerning yourself with the madhouse at all, just buy the cheap tokens and learn your lesson - euphoria will return and you will have learned a valuable lesson if you just hold on and maintain the confidence of your convictions.

im rooting for you big guy

>> No.50031841


>> No.50031868

50x? cmon

>> No.50031945

he meant 300 cents

>> No.50031992
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maybe a steady boom to $70, there is precedent for 10x link in bear markets, but the macro for btc/crypto is that we have never seen a recession so anything can happen.

consider this release from YC advising VC's on market conditions.

>> No.50031995

Chainlink token is a good token that is very useful and interesting. You made the right choice by holding LINK token. Now while you continue to hold Chainlink token, tell everyone you know how good it is and how we can all make it by holding LINK token. You can't make it if you sell all of your Chainlink token.

>> No.50032007

Aren't you afraid that it's different this time around. It's been up only for 14 years and now the chickens has come home to roost.

>> No.50032055

why won't they let us break out
todays pump, completely retraced within hours

>> No.50032090

>and bought a centrally located apartment
ngmi could be decentralized using chainlink oracles

>> No.50032184


A reasonable house (not an apartment, your fucking cuck), a cheap vehicle and an inexpensive cumdumpster are legitimate quality of life investments that every young man should aspire for.
This triad will protect you from fear and tribulations for decades to come, and enable greater gains than just saving it out of greed endlessly.

>> No.50032205

No. I think that Chainlink is going to be a very successful project and that anyone like yourself who knew about it but didn't buy will be filled with regret for the rest of their life after missing out. Bad enough not knowing about it, but what you're suggesting is that we ignore it. If you're not just fudding then I shudder to think what's in store for you.

>> No.50032264
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this type of thinking won't help you. you made a decision at that time based on what info you had. you'll get ta idiots saying "i knew it!" but they also had no fucking clue as otherwise they'd be long retired and not hanging around here.
the problem with link is that it is so hard to sell with all the crumbs AND confirmed stuff. shit like the schimdt announcement or both swift and google speaking at smartcon. it's fucked up that none of that moved the prices.
anyway, we are where we are now and the next six months look very interesting. from the blog post yesterday i think that staking must be coming in q3. we also have smartcon, the abstraction layer and ccip to come.

>> No.50032267

this. this is worse.

>> No.50032327

sergey and schmidt had committed to the "hiding strategy" it is what it is

>> No.50032368

>this is worse
You won't make it because you'll sell next time it hits $50 and you'll be fucked. Enjoy your new playstation or toyota corolla or whatever it is you're after

>> No.50032409

yeah agreed. i do think that they may depart from that soon though as they have a lot of the groundwork in place now and that they're releasing 50m link into the market during a bear. is in their interests for price to get a good bump.

>> No.50032744

Dude I sold all my eth at 12$ that I bought for 5$ it would of been better just to hold

>> No.50032793

dont feel bad anon. I was worth 1.1 mil during Links peak now its around 150k. Still confident Link will go far beyond ATH after staking launches.

>> No.50032806

my first sell point was $100, was going to sell 3000 of my 15000 LINK and just coast until stake.

I honestly couldnt believe $50 was a the top, i didnt even think we were close.

I did sell around 1000 LINK at 30ish, still..

>> No.50032841

What do you think price will be with the initial v0.1 staking release

>> No.50032863

supposedly thats in August, I think it will inch to around $30 at launch then slowly rise to $100+ over the next few months

>> No.50032909
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no one has any idea but definitely it will bring a lot of eyes on link. i think also as it will completely redefine what "staking" is. this isn't some inflationary rewards bs but an actual security layer

>> No.50032928

same. I barely sold any LINK for that reason. Still kicking myself, but we'll get there again.

>> No.50032986

I really doubt that guy is alive after the run to $1400 in 2017

>> No.50033001

I thought we'd see $100 before the dump. I even knew that Elon going on SNL was the top, but in my delusional state I thought it was only the top for everything except Link.....

>> No.50033016

did you post this before, i see to remember a thread like this
also i've shorting link since december so i'm looking to buy some property

>> No.50033430

Same here thought LINK would at least hit $100 where I would sell some

>> No.50033503

Nexo is insolvent by the way.

>> No.50033523

so what, i'm making a killing shorting this dogshit

>> No.50033676

By Allah I pray you get ran over by a truck right after your buy property.

>> No.50033747
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i'm so tired
terrible performance in the bull
and now it's not doing any better in the bear
how does it make sense that a project enabling all of defi on all chains is less valued than ghostchains without any dapps or meme shitcoins
i was hopeful on jan 1 that steak and ccip this year would reverse things and here we are now
ccip always delayed and zero hype from anyone outside the link bubble
and they're fucking over steak so hard by only enabling it for 10% of holders, all while dumping 50M again this year
all the ogs who held are demoralized and they're still pulling this kind of shit, all while refusing to do hype marketing
they're not even announcing mid-level partnerships anymore, literally only scam dapps and stupid nfts
despite monopoly and network effect they still cant create network sustainability, they have thousands of customers generating billions of profit but they're asking 1000 bucks a feed all while carrying all the risk and insane gas costs on their shoulders
it's all so fucked and black pilling
endless bullish news are getting no echo outside of the link bubble because they refuse to sell to vcs and pay off influencooors
where the fuck did the 120 mils tokens already dumped go that they need to dump another 50m this year
fucking maddening to see worthless ghost chains and scam tokens getting big investors and retail exposure instead

>> No.50033777

already found a nice farm in quebec, 14ac with river access for 250k cad
I will never wage again

>> No.50033818

Honk Honk.

>> No.50033831

the cope is off the charts

>> No.50034021

I dont understand either. I could've dumped link and went all in on eth and made it by now

>> No.50034327

fucking this, well said anon. fuck this all hurts. I was at 140k LINK at my peak. Down to 75k. had to unload leverage. fuck me.

>> No.50034391

>x10 is bad
he got it twisted

>> No.50034533

also this bullshit


>> No.50034640

well you can take advantage of matic's current price to accumulate so you'll recover the losses you made on link once polygon's bull run begins

>> No.50034766

I was lucky last bought a house cash by selling at $40. I've been accumulating at these price to get my stack back.

>> No.50034977

$10. Serg hyped the Schmidt presentation as "learn more about the future applications of smart contracts" at consensus so.. I am not holding my breath. Not fudding, just.. don't think smartcon is going to be much.

>> No.50035016

wow based anon

>> No.50035047

Sergay just betrayed


>> No.50035726
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This. I've also noticed no one ever has a decent reply to this shit anymore. LINK seems fucked for the next 2 years and I think LINK holders are finally entering acceptance stage after a long long long denial phase.

>> No.50035823
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>all the ogs who held are demoralized
please don't speak on my behalf, i'm permanently euphoric.

>> No.50035843

It’s common knowledge that 90% of LINK OG’s came from /pol/, and are thus unironic Nazis and extremely racist. This is evident when you look at the chats whenever Chainlink presents at conferences such as consensus or smartcon. It’s always N word this, N word that.

I personally don’t want to put my money into a project like that and keep that sort of company. Moreover, I question the intelligence of people who shill LINK given their backwards and racist political views.

>> No.50036610
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Mate ive held this for 4 years and I dont say this to fud, but if anything it will dump.

Im too battered after holding this for this long.
That being said in bear markets, LINK will just do a random 5 - 10 x seemingly out of nowhere.

When this happens pay close attention to the LINK/BTC pairing chart. If the chart begins to look ridiculous on the pairing its time to sell.

Link is a bear market token.

>> No.50037120
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Takes like this give me confidence not everyone left with a bag is a complete retard. I don't know how many times people need to learn to temper their hype.

I feel LINK will not hit $50 again for years and it'll be a grind to get there. Everyone forgets staking being released on its own isn't the mechanism for price appreciation everyone wet dreamed about in 18, it requires adoption at scale too. First time this market has traded in a recessionary environment is another important condition. The demoralisation is worse when expectations are untethered from reality, a la SC0 and SC1, Consensys, this or that presentation, etc. I just need to find peace with the retarded decision not to sell during the August 2020 blowoffs on the BTC and ETH pairs.

>> No.50038086

>adoption at scale too.
It was profitable, who knows after defi unravels. I am curious if they will delay staking because of defi carnage.

>> No.50038129

Same. Not really worried about the price until V2 staking, CCIP, DECO, FSS, CANDID, ISO20022 are live, I'll start worrying in Q1 26 if we aren't $100

>> No.50038208
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They won't delay it, v0.1 is just nothing to write home about. That's my point. You need mass adoption etc for this singularity dream to play out. That was the idea from the very start, enterprises piling on at an "insane vertical rate".

I find this whole thing fucking hilarious personally because I was saying all through the year and last that when staking comes it'll be beta and won't be freely accessible or maybe no NEET nodes, common sense would say so, yet I was called a Bulgarian gypsy jew pajeet for it, same way I said it wasn't coming at SC1 or Consensys. The most bearish part about LINK is how increasingly hopium dependent anons here have become. I can barely justify holding this cunt thing anymore.

>> No.50038213

>only 14ac
Checked and Fucking Kekd thanks for the laugh Leaf. You'll never know what its like to ACTUALLY make it

>> No.50038638

man i dunno, look where we are compared to even a year ago in terms of size of team, number of transactions, schimdt, swift, marsh, lexis nexis
also the staking announcement was far better than could be expected. team using their supply to subsidize early holders
these markets are fucked up, yes. but from 2019 we know how quick it can change with a few green candles and suddenly it's flavor of the month. people have short memories. when the market sees genuine returns from a non-scam protocol there will be reaction. remember pgp too

>> No.50038691

Dude I already knew about LINK way back in 2017 and didn't buy because I was poor, then saw it skyrocket from $0.50 to $50 like nothing over the course of 2 years.

Now I feel a bit wiser and am waiting for the market to cool off and stabilize a bit/sideways for a few months before I start DCA'ing into LINK

>> No.50038800
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I sold a portion of my stack at $50. It was enough to allow me to move to Los Angeles and still have a few years of runway until Link moons again.

Thank god I sold. I genuinely feel sorry for the rest of you.

>> No.50038828

Yeah we got cucked with link, awesome gains early on but shit during the bull market

>> No.50038853

this is well said and I'm not sure I could put it any better. I am considered a mini whale/dolphin by my stack size but it's no longer worth enough to make a difference in my quality of life. This is all because of Sergey. He's a terrible executor/executive by today's timeline. I can't think back to a time in the past 3 years where I can say "I'm so glad I went all in on this". He continues to make empty promises and fails to reveal serious partnerships. No one cares about pancake swap or lady luck token but here we are. It almost feels like they're purposely doing this to drag on as long as possible, and fuck over their long term holders the most

>> No.50038866

i generally am pretty tempered with my expectations for chainlink but i really feel like eric schmidt's talk is gonna be big

>> No.50038872

same boat anon. I used to have a supercar. had to sell that this year. super embarrassing.

>> No.50038923

The problem is you need sufficient cash flying around to support these moves. It doesn't happen out of nothing and the market is totally risk-off for the foreseeable. You need to wait at least for a Fed pivot and that's a year away at least. We've never traded through an environment like this, let alone just the baseline we've had last year with QE and stimmies and credit through the roof. Maybe we get a move at some point but I'm not willing to bet it's the 10x needed just to get back to ATH. We just should not be trading at $5-7 at this point. It's ludicrous and at some point you have to take stock of reality.

>> No.50038962

>singularity dream to play out.
Price appreciation and singularity are two separate things. I was under no delusions in 18 that staking was going to be singularity - if you were well.. thats on you.
>d won't be freely accessible or maybe no NEET nodes
Literally everyone with more than 2 braincells has been saying this for years.
>The most bearish part about LINK is how increasingly hopium dependent anons here have become.
Ah and there it is. Subtle fud, well done bulgarian jeet.

>> No.50039000

That sucks anon, sorry to hear. I went a little lighter and bought a high perf. car for $70k cash, and paid off house as well. Sergey has fucked everything up so much that I've had to reevaluate the next 2-3 years and now we have scenarios where LINK hits $1-2 based on BTC at $8k-10k

>> No.50039091

I got a 3k stack for three thousand USD many years ago and well... I'm not selling anytime soon.

>> No.50039193
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>was under no delusions in 18 that staking was going to be singularity - if you were well.. thats on you.
I said directly in plain English that my frustration is with people who thought so, you comprehensionlet. That was the whole point I was making. The fact you see my point regarding beta staking feeds into my point, not contradicts it dumbass.
Your last sentence is the standard retard take clogged up LINK threads. It is perfectly rational to be dissuaded by the uptick in constant hype of nonevents amid bad PA. It is objectively bearish, hyping nothingburgers over and over like "no, THIS is definitely the thing this time!" before it flops and price underperforms again. If you've got tempered expectations yourself, I have no idea why you're acting like you disagree with me.

>> No.50039268

you do you, but I am a 2017 OG linkie, dr;ns etc. I stopped buying during the insanity of 2020-21, but the past few months I started stacking again. Aggressively, like I've nearly doubled my stack, which for me is a lot, more than I thought I'd ever stack. Market could tank more, no doubt. But this is definitely the opportunity you dont want to miss a second time. I'd rope if I got the chance at $6 LINK in 2022 and didnt hit the buy button

>> No.50039418

This. You’re more likely to make it by just holding for 5+ years. Most people just don’t have the patience and try to time the market. They usually end up losing

From 2018 until now I’ve sat on a 100% link stack and gone from 4 digit net worth to 7 digit. Had I tried selling each pump I would have fucked up and lost half my stack. Same with yield chasing, everyone here was throwing their link into aave and bancor and ended up getting liquidated or fucked over. Cold storage is the way to go if you want to make it, at least with something like chainlink

>> No.50039505


>> No.50039554

he knows what he's doing. its a bird of a feather flock together. sergey si no better than his best bud mashinsky the holhol cukcing jew

>> No.50039657

Sergey shilled multiple scams and even allowed said scams into his inner circle of un-released products and involved them with launch plans. Eg. Celsius and CCIP, Bancor and CCIP

With Jews you Lose. Sergey is a Russian Jew.

>> No.50039701

$5-7 being the most likely median
$1-4 being the possible low based off TA/Support
$15-20 being the high if something crazy happens with regulation by end of year allowing btc AND eth etf

>> No.50039720

>The most bearish part about LINK is how increasingly hopium dependent anons here have become. I can barely justify holding this cunt thing anymore.
You said in plain English that you can't justify holding it - when literally nothing has changed from the perspective of what chainlink and sergey have been saying. If anything it is more bullish that a year ago. If you jumped on the hopium bandwagons.. again that is on you. Staking is this year, CCIP is this year - neither of these will kick off the singularity but only delusional faggots would think that is going to be the case, particularly after the staking roadmap announcement which was, bullish af. You are couching your whinging to try to get people to sell.

>> No.50039725
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relevant and rip

>> No.50039781

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump.Link is only going to $50 max. Right now I might make 5MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 3MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 10MM, but more likely 15MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link were about $80 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen.

>> No.50039799

what made chainlink holders be so positve for any outlooks of future? it amazes me. some call it cope but Chainlink team definitely did something right for how many committed community posts they have like this and general sentiment for such a poor performing and operated token

>> No.50039800

this is pretty low iq stuff, where did you hear this from? a ta youtuber?
listen to eric at about 0:30 here:

>> No.50039843

Thank you sergey and team for hiring roasties to jump team from 20 to 400-500 for absolutley no reason other than to market scam projects to "show" market dominance of oracles. Was this the right move? Time will tell.

>> No.50039865

Sergey played the game of big tech, not the game of big pump that crypto knows and love

>> No.50039894

>ccip always delayed and zero hype from anyone outside the link bubble
He had the opportunity to buy multiple bridges (debridge, stargate), but instead brain-raped the projects and came up with ccip days before smartcon. sergey is not the genius everyone believes but time will tell.

>> No.50039903

You're just being a pest at this point. The reason it's almost hard to justify holding LINK is price action, marry that up with the degradation of LINK sentiment where now you get called a pajeet Bulgarian for suggesting exactly the reasonable stuff you just mentioned eg staking won't come at Consensus or SC1 etc it is exhausting. You just called me the same for saying LINK sentiment is dogshit, which it is, and called it "subtle fud". LINK threads are totally allergic to reasonable takes now. I'm not the only frustrated baggie and I'll whinge if I want to about it, cunt. Thank you and gl.

>> No.50039911

ahhh sergey's best west russian jew friend, alex mashinsky

>> No.50039925

Its a dev conference. for $1477 a ticket+tax. Gtfo of this thread if you think they will announce anything useful

>> No.50039939

>I'll whinge if I want to about it, cunt.
Sell then faggot. Pro tip : you won't.

>> No.50039952

>feeds and the team are profitable
>we need to sell more tokens to support growth
which is it?

>> No.50039964

>almost feels like they’re purposely doing this

Kek I told you retards they are. I’ll say it again sergey does not like the shit you guys think is funny, telling the whole internet link is a nazi coin, spamming nbombs in the chat every time they do anything, fudding your own biggest holding for years. What was once an annoyance has embarrassed him to the point you retards are actively hated and they can easily stretch this shit out another 7 years before they HAVE to let it run.

>> No.50039981

I sold my LINK a few days ago. Feeling comfy in BTC. It's over. LINK can't survive a bear market, because all their customers get exposed as scams and disintegrate. They aren't even profitable anymore. Chainlink is insolvent. Sell.

>> No.50039985

posts like this show how much greed there was from back in the day
i only had 25k link due to be a student at the time and yet i used it well, took some profit, didn't be a crazy maxi and have done well
meanwhile too many in this thread state on 50 to 100k stacks and went crazy due to greed
we went from $0.15 to $20.00 in a bear market and it retired half the board. the other half is here today. poor pa since then but i don't think anyone can say poorly operated.

>> No.50040013

Link wouldve been the best investment today, and not 3 years ago. It wouldve been more fruit-able to play Eth and meme L1s/defi than LINK. I played both but could def have 10x the 7figs if I didnt hold 50% failing link the entire ride this season and bought it now.

>> No.50040016
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Made me kek. I can understand your saying so given the retarded decision I made to hold this shit since the 2020 blowoff. However I'm committed to selling if there's a decent market relief rally, anon. You say not to get dragged into hopium etc, which is nothing but truth imo, where we diverge is you feel more optimistic about shortterm outlook and what v0.1 staking can accomplish and maybe how long it will last than I am/do. I think we will unironically see practically nothing happen post v0.1 staking pricewise, at least certainly won't get towards ATH anytime soon.

>> No.50040046

>sold link at $40 and eth at $3300
>rebought link at $20 and eth at $1900, keeping the difference 50% stables 50% bigger stacks

>> No.50040056

another nothing burger. if if he mentioned link in his talk with cnbc today, the price probably wouldve dropped below $6 vs $6.37 as of now. No one retail or fund buys off cnbc / conference shills

>> No.50040060

That quote refers to the s&p index, not high risk speculating.

>> No.50040074

this is the most realistic / biases, but un-biased take i've seen itt

>> No.50040088

The great benefit of writing something more complicated than "price go down" is ESL users like yourself cannot comprehend.

>> No.50040089

that said, LINK is 3x overvalued. taken in inflation 2x overvalued.

>> No.50040131

hold for years. tell that to the reserve (ticker: $RSR) fagots

>> No.50040206

You can't compare RSR and LINK. They aren't even on the same level. LINK is a much more sophisticated scam.

>> No.50040246

with jews you lose. sergey is a russian jew best friends with the jews at bancor and celsius

>> No.50040264

half are not retired. they retired if anything off meme coins

>> No.50040400

err what about just selling some of their stack into btc or eth at that aug 2020 top?
or selling above $30-40?
or yeah gambling a bit of link into shitcoins at that peak
point is that this was all enabled by link going from $0.20 to $20 in a couple of years in the middle of a bear
many here have retired from that or at least gotten a year or two off work (like me)

>> No.50040434
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people like this guy
his btc and eth are still worth over $2m today

>> No.50040557

Wouldn't you technically have been better off selling close to the top then rebuying now at $5-6? Though to be honest LINK is one of those projects that you can't miss so it would be a big risk, I'm not a holder yet myself but I am planning on going big in the coming months

>> No.50040702

would he have been better off 10xing his link stack by selling at the top and rebuying now?
errr obviously?

>> No.50040750

I get it anon. All the link news is positive, the PA is trash. I held the top too. Sorry I called you a bulgarian.

>> No.50041182

Well, you’re not the only one OP. I feel suicidal because I made a pretty similar decision to you. My life has now been compromised in a way I really wouldn’t have expected back in 2017. It seems like we’re pretty close to understanding why Chainlink has been performing so fucking badly for the last couple years, though. Ever since these CeFi scams have come out and lured in fucking retards to “stake” their LINK it’s completely fucked the price action. We all noticed it time and time again, LINK would pump against the market, and within hours it would get smacked down with BTC dumps. The more I think about it the more my blood boils. Mashinsky needs bullets covering his entire body for the amount of bullshit he’s done. However, I will also give an honorary mention to every fucking retard that’s handed over their tokens to Celsius, Nexo and even fucking Bancor. Good job you dumb pieces of shit, your stupidity has set all of us back fucking years.

>> No.50041223

I honestly think we could be at $4 by then. I do not want to see it but deep down I’ve just got a bad feeling.

>> No.50041237

people forget chainlink PUSHING THEIR OWN COMMUNITY TO THESE CEFI SCAMS. eg. bancor, celisius

hell they even pushed nexo until the community said they were bulgarian scammers

>> No.50041317

how did bancor affect link's price when it's a amm?

>> No.50041388

>posts like this
shut the fuck up newfag and never post here again

>> No.50041395

Love when linkies get all pissy, good buy indicator generally. When everyone's congratulating each other and planning yacht parties like last pump you know it's time to sell

>> No.50041410

it doesn't mean anything, it's still going to sub $1

>> No.50041437

this. chainlink is a fat russian man's scam

>> No.50041448
File: 286 KB, 1079x1152, gypped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI bought this for usd18, such a fucking ripoff. Have found this fatty's quant stuff interesting in the past. He's completely fucked it now. This he wrote in Feb 2022. I'd post the whole report but you're not missing anything, anons. Wouldn't have leaked it if it weren't a total rip.

>> No.50041506

Bancor is more that I’m just laughing at retards for being impatient retards and depositing their tokens into a “DeFi” (for all intents and purposes they’re CeFi as well) thing and they’ve lost a shitload of their stack.

>> No.50041561

will i be able to stake? yes? ok, so the price will go up
simple as

>> No.50041572

I just can’t get over the fact that we have been getting anal raped since 2020. When was the last time you felt euphoric holding LINK? $50 really didn’t feel that great, it was just getting dragged up by BTC. For the last 2 years it’s either been bleeding or getting dragged up by the market. The suicidal feelings start to hit when you compare this with the amount of dogshit that violently pumped. I just don’t get it, and even if we happen to pump and “make it” years from now I dunno if I’m really gonna care as much. I’m getting older, and the time this is taking is taking a deep psychological toll on me.

Unrelated, but I’m pretty skeptical of v0.1 steaking. It doesn’t feel like a serious thing, it’s so limited in scope and barely touches on anything in the second white paper. It honestly just feels like Sergey is reluctantly throwing us a bone because he has a ton of bag holders who have been fucked over hard for the last 2 years.

>> No.50041594

to be fair sergey kept dumping bags everytime everyweek every day every month and would purposely never acknowledge any of the partnerships the anons here kept shilling and seemed to be antagonistic towards links value going up and constantly wasted money on roasties and his ex-swift buddies in every position he could.
it all felt like a joke.

>> No.50041599

>I’m pretty skeptical of v0.1 steaking. It doesn’t feel like a serious thing
nice new bulgarian fud

>> No.50041604

Not to mention the most glaring property of v0.1, which is providing access to long term holders. I dunno how anyone can really feel stoked about it, to me it feels borderline insulting that we’ve been waiting this long and this is what we get?

>> No.50041620

Crash of may 21 was because link was getting too much traction

>> No.50041631

>called out Nexo in my original post
>Bulgarian fud
Just kys you braindead piece of shit.

>> No.50041699

what really pissed me off was that everyone else got another chance to sell at a new ATH in november (btc, eth, ada etc.) while link was lagging behind even worse and topped at 38$ before crashing the entire market again

>> No.50041749

you wouldn't be offended if you were not bulgarian

>> No.50041857

>18 posts by this ID
you are a midwit faggot

>> No.50041859

Wow, 1 single price feed, no other services, limited staking amount which is almost equivalent to the 50m planned to be dumped next year, no advanced rep tracking or slashing or any 2.0 features hyped 2 fucking years ago. Holy fuck I'm totally STOKED.

This is exactly the kind of retarded hopium I alluded to in my other posts. You're a low iq zoomer moonboi.

>> No.50041868

acceptance is the first step to take. we all make mistakes but the main thing is learn from them.

>> No.50041874


>> No.50041887
File: 167 KB, 860x774, 296-2965084_transparent-wojak-png-ding-ding-retard-meme-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50041888

shut up, bulgarian
u do not recognize OG link copy.pastafazool

>> No.50041904

if you were not bulgarian, you would not be offended

>> No.50041935

So an apartment in a shitty country is all that this would amount to?? Lol
What you should have done and what I have said for years, is set some targets and sell when you hit them, and improve your life while you wait
If you sold 20% at 50 you could have used that as a deposit on a fixed rate mortgage and lived in your dumb apartment while keeping the majority of your stack while you wait...
nulinkers I tell you

>> No.50041956

My main concern at the moment is definitely whether NEXO is solvent or not.

>> No.50042006

>he thinks link will ever pump to $50 again
oh sweet summer child. Next bullrun there will be new hype coins, and your old erc token isn't going to be it