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File: 321 KB, 852x1390, 29CF81DB-D487-4744-AFE5-84542741E33A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50030730 No.50030730 [Reply] [Original]

People who are now in their 20s are brainwashed by social media.

Weak, delusional, depressive.

How do people think a society can function with only these type of people?

>> No.50030798
File: 197 KB, 1200x800, 1637867043640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society is collapsing now. Has been collapsing since at least the 1970s. It's just not like a TV show. It's not going to play out in the span of 12 episodes at 40 minutes a piece. And there is no happy resolution or clever solution to fix it. Everything is on the downslope, and it's just going to get worse from here, at least if you value happinesses, freedom, and being left alone.

>> No.50030894

You're posting on the retard internet full of weak, delusional, depressive people.

Maybe we should all "man up" and kill 30 million people in war, faggot, like our forefathers. Or maybe we should watch the news all day and scream at cashiers like boomers.

>> No.50030955

At every point in history people thought what they were experiencing was somehow of much greater significance than what has gone before. I don't think now is any different. I could think of worse times to live in. Things are only that bad if you allow yourself to think they're that bad. Look to the future, not the past. It's not that bad, and things never turn out as bad as you think they might. Not so long ago you'd be being sent off to die a painful, terrifying death in some trench somewhere. Is it as bad as that? I don;t think it is, you know.

>> No.50030997

Pretty much this. We are frogs and the water is getting warm. It won't be a catastrophic thing. Things will just keep getting a little worse every few years. Some day you will tell your grandkids stories about how grocery stores threw away tons of food at the end of the day, and how people would buy new cars every few years. They might roll their eyes when you tell them how people had garages full of junk and toys they never played with, like jet skis and snow boards. Maybe they'll find it hard to grasp a world where people would just hop on planes and fly all around the world for fun. They'll be so used to living 2-3 families to a home by then that the concept of a family having 3-5 bedrooms will seem absolutely foreign. And they will feel a tiny bit of resentment when you tell them people would take "depression showers" where they stood in hot water for 30+ minutes. They'll think of it the way we think of our great grandparents who had to leave school at 8 to go work on a farm.

>> No.50031014
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Civilisations collapse, nothing new.

Every great thing perishes if its heirs are petty.
- Oswald Spengler

Nothing will change, West will keep rotting to the core and you can do nothing about it. Stop giving a fuck as if it matters.

>> No.50031038

I hope the world ends before my children have to endure a fate such as that.

>> No.50031101

> look at the future
I see US turning into Brazil tier shithole with a socialist government, imagine a hybrid between Mexico and South Africa, with Haitian characteristics.

Southern and Eastern Europe will undergo massive depopulation and will be replaced by Africans and Arabs enmasse. Future of Europe is to be an impoverished Afro-Arab shithole.

>> No.50031120

Same. I regret having kids sometimes. Love them to death, but I genuinely fear for the future.

>> No.50031194
File: 349 KB, 962x891, jews fear Nature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will society/civilization collapse
Of course it will. And that's a very very very good thing.

> Auto-Domestication, Technology & Civilization
> Most Advanced Man
> Decline of the West
> Sun Storms
> Fall of our Civilisation
> Why did Civilization Fall?
> The PURPOSE of Civilization
> The Train
> The Yoke of Civilisation
> "Race-mixing is the future of Civilization!"
> Civilization & Multiculturalism
> Slavery & Civilization
> Slavery & Greece
> Protecting "Western Civilization"
> The MONSTER destroying us

>> No.50031220

But we were supposed to leave an easier world to our kids, not the opposite
I mean, we have to suffer to have good times I get it, but it sucks nevertheless

Stupid graph (can't be white AND female ? pls)

The question is not if society will collapse. We should be asking "How to prepare ourselves for the downfall of the capitalist world" ?
The way I see it, I should learn "real" skills like building a home or stuff like this.

>> No.50031228

notice how there's no such thing as "lgbt" pre 2015?

My barometer is birth rates. Any species' impression of its situation can be measured by its birth rates. If they collapse then thats nature saying "something is wrong here" and they are collapsing the world over. High status women are no longer having children and mental illness is being/has been normalized.

>> No.50031357

Civilisation produces sterility, slavery, depression and pollution. People often wonder what destroys civilisation, what they fail to understand is that it's not civilisation that gets destroyed, it's the people, civilisation is a cancer that has consumed whole nations. It Is the Great Filter.

>> No.50031406

Better than the population growing infinitely until everyone literally has to live in a pod because there's no space. Population growth is likely cyclic, just too many people at the moment and it'll resume later. This wouldn't be a problem if hadn't built social security on a massive ponzi scheme

>> No.50031439

It's going to be easy as hell to manipulate these people in a decade. It's also going to be extremely easy for intelligent people to succeed since everyone continues to become more retarded. I will teach my children the necessary skills and they will dominate these morons when the time comes.

>> No.50031502

The entire state is a ponzi scheme bro. It's all fake and gay.

>> No.50031571
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This. I think the only movie that got it right was the original Mad Max. It’s like there’s still some normalcy, but everything is falling apart and everyone knows it. As for the rest of the movies, lol. But the first one, yeah can definitely see something like that happening in the US.

>> No.50031597
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only memes can save us.

>> No.50031614

Google "the beautiful ones". The populations didnt "resume" anything even at the last mice.

>> No.50031618

I don’t think it was on a global scale in the way that it is today. The more modern, 1st world countries are now having to deal with all the shit that shithole countries have already been dealing with. Meanwhile, the shithole countries are now becoming even shittier.

>> No.50031655

It's only gonna get worse, the purpose is clear, mass physical and psychological sterilisation while making billions of $ out of resulting medical care and procedures, children are obviously the main target here, everything will be changed be it language, religious and scientific understanding of human morphism.

> In 2018, for example, at the Ronald Reagan Medical Center at the University of California Los Angeles (where the Pritzkers are major donors and hold various titles), the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology advertised several options for young females who think they can be men to have their reproductive organs removed, a procedure termed “gender-affirming care.”


One more thing, they are gonna introduce more of chemical procedures and drug therapy for the inevitable mass depression and sadness.


>> No.50031686

Jews really fucked the USA/Europe/EE hard and its CRAZY that normalfags dont see it...

>> No.50031706

India is likely to end up in Syria tier civil war situation sooner rather than later.

>> No.50031712

socialist in what way? Many people misappropriate the label because they don't know what it means.

The US props up private industry, private individuals with no loyalty to anyone all on the taxpayer's dime because it's considered a grave national security concern.

The pandemic relief measures contributing to the inflation were a bipartisan measure supported by both the Dems and Republicans under a Trump presidency. Trump deliberately removed all oversight from the PPP program and allowed the rules to be amendment so that in broader criteria, the loans became grants instead. Free grants to corporations from the American taxpayer that they basically pocketed in restructuring. Other "loans" to people that lied on their applications were just straight up fraud.

is that the socialism you're talking about?

>> No.50031721

DK effect in full swing here

>> No.50031758

>socialist in what way?
Latin America way, look at current Venezuela or Chile, or Argentina.

>> No.50031785
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you fucking underaged idiots, it's not women, it's not civilization, it's not technology, and it's not society - those are all symptoms. uncle Ted was an idiot and luddite. the root cause isn't urbanization, it's the elite 1% deciding they'd rather sell out anything and everything instead of letting the plebs have crumbs. they're not content with being overlords and oligarchs, they literally want a return to neo-feudalism where it's not a 99/1 split like now, but a 100/0 split, in their favor of course, and to do it they'll crash the economy and birth rates, then replace the host populations with easily malleable third-worlders. it's about control, not money. money doesn't matter to the people who print it. anyone on the fence should've realized the endgame by now with the whole 'pandemic' and mass data tracking through vaxxes.

I'm not a commie, but you can't have hyper-capitalism for the plebs and socialism for the corporations, it leads to a death spiral where everything is squeezed until there's nothing left. meanwhile we all have to work and pay over half of that in taxes in order to subsidize failing business that the crony capitalists props up through government contracts (Tesla being the latest and greatest example, the bank bailouts of 2008 being another). we're living in a world where the masters of every Western country are literal oligarchic neo-feudalists beholden to no one, who psyops entire populations with the most cutting-edge tech while harvesting personal data and selling out our nations to chinks. they're all networked, and they all moved in unison against their host populations. women being whores and men being weak spineless cucks are just the symptom of a greater disease - it's like mocking a cow for being docile despite the fact its spent its entire life like that and knows nothing else.

wake the fuck up. the only way out of this is to trim the weeds choking us all, in Minecraft.

>> No.50031837
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>And there is no happy resolution or clever solution to fix it.
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

>> No.50031856

It's gonna get a lot worse, the turd world conflict and problems will come to US and Europe, already there in some cases like that of France, Sweden and UK, Europe likely to loose economic relevancy at global stage.

>> No.50031874
File: 3.20 MB, 1533x1066, 1632826559949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It won't be a catastrophic thing
It will absolutely be catastrophic, eventually, and that's a good thing. Deers and other land-based animals on islands (Earth is an island in space) multiplying to overpopulation (we are waaay past overpopulated; only modern high-tech society running perfectly smooth like clockwork enables the current human population -- for a while) always ends with the 99+% death of said island population. Oh but for us it will be worse than when it happens for animals, because we've degenerated from our addiction to comfort and stability and reliance on high tech and reliance on society/civilization. And we have nuclear power plants that need to be maintained or else they melt down and spew radiation.

The real collapse when it comes will absolutely be catastrophic, and very few humans will survive. And that's Nature taking care of this mess. Nature is ruthless and just - and in the end unconquerable and will win.

And this isn't even taking new Carrington Events into account, there's that too.

>> No.50031913

>People who are now in their 20s are brainwashed by social media.
>Weak, delusional, depressive.
You are literally describing 4chan

>> No.50031919

Men have literally lost sperm counts, thanks to massive pollution, Civilisation is literally killing humanity, countries like Japan, Spain, Korea and Italy will literally go extinct.

>> No.50031939

didnt read

>> No.50031962

just like how we roll our eyes at how easy it was for our parents to get jobs, buy houses, start families.
the decline has set in for some time, and continues apace. the tech revolution brought such wonders that we've been distracted from the decline in standards of living elsewhere
i forsee a conflict used to unite the west again, after which the social contract will be rewritten.
i don't see an all-out collapse

>> No.50031964

lol wait until next year when the harvests fail

>> No.50031977

See this pic >>50031014 and before you cry muh source, it's from a study done by the Atlantic, 4chan is simply part of larger society.

>> No.50031984
File: 234 KB, 1863x465, 120983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Civilisation is literally killing humanity
no it's not, civilization is a tool, not the cause. men are losing T due to shitty food and drugs (big pharma), shitty wageslaving cubicle jobs (again, big capital cucking us all), and gaslight through media and education by state apparatuses who want to neuter any competition for our beloved overlords. read pic related for a taste of what's coming. civilization has nothing to do with it - it's like blaming your power drill for a murder if you punch it through your neighbor's skull.

ask me how I know you're not white

>> No.50032029

Retarded essay post

It’s the Jews, stupid!

>> No.50032041

> shitty food and drugs (big pharma), shitty wageslaving cubicle jobs (again, big capital cucking us all), and gaslight through media and education by state apparatuses who want to neuter any competition for our beloved overlords.
All of this is part and parcel of Civilisation, read history and you will realise that slavery is a default requirement for Civilisation to exist.

>> No.50032043

I think the primary driving-force behind a likely collapse (not a loss of civilization, but more like the peak will be behind us) is that no one really understand the world they are living in.

A hundred years ago, a man of average intelligence who read the daily newspaper would be well informed about how society functions and the world in general works. He would have some basic knowledge about how a combustion engine work, as well as most machines/tools he would encounter in his life, he would know and able to explain the dominant -ism of the time e.g. Capitalism, Darwinism, Communism etc.
I think most people from the past would have a good understanding of their society.

An average man today has no understanding of the world, he wouldn't know if he live in a dictatorship or a democracy, most kitchen appliances and machines he encounters in his life would be "alien-technology", completely beyond his comprehension and he wouldn't even know how to tell how his smartphone works or "where the internet is".

But this doesn't stop people from having opinions or ideas on society, akin to how much we talk of FED interest rate, but i would be surprised if more than 50% have a basic understanding of the bond market - doesn't stop people from having an opinion though.

This is what i believe to be the root of the sickness, people operating in an incomprehensible world, operate from their perspective of the world which is a crude illogical fantasy. If you listen to what people say about the world they live in (deep state devil worshipping paedophiles? a racist society on all levels exploiting POC and murdering innocent black men?) That is the world people actually believe they live in.

It's only gonna get worse, it will be utter chaos, and there is no cure (maybe uncle Ted would disagree with this).

>> No.50032081
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>we were supposed to leave an easier world to our kids
We should do the exact opposite. Our children, for their own sake, and for the sake of our countless future generations, should live much harder lives than we have and should be raised with much less comfort and less tech.

>> No.50032086

Nah economy will work just fine since pajeets and chinkoids are the perfect slave/consumer class.
Its just that all the beauty and wonder will be lost. A world of animals.

>> No.50032113
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>It’s the Jews, stupid!
our governments are mostly staffed by non-jews. some jews are cunts, and some bamboozle the goyim, but the reason we're in this mess is because our own leadership caste sold us down the river. jews just helped them build the boats. Hillary and Biden and Pelosi aren't jewish, yet look at how much damage they've done to the States.

>read history and you will realise that slavery is a default requirement for Civilisation to exist.
that was before the industrial revolution. we don't need to enslave anyone for labor anymore, not with machines. all that has to be done is stop the unfair wealth transfer from the 99% to the 1% that's ongoing through constant government bailouts of private industries. it's fleecing the working class, and it'll crash the entire West. I know you'll TLDR at my pic related, but you really should read it. none of our present problems are necessary, and it's all artificially manufactured to sabotage the West while the ones on top of things hoard all the wealth for themselves.

>> No.50032147

This. Don't think or analyze, don't worry if non jews pull the exact same self-enriching tricks as the jews, we-uh i mean they are just being mind controlled by the jews and once they're gone everything will just, well it'll just fix itself!

>> No.50032158

too much doomer bullshit in this thread
the reason things feel like they are stagnating is because we have a system fit for the 19th/20th century to rule us, and that system refuses to give up power
the welfare state and wealth redistribution is the ultimate cause of the degeneration we see today - unproductive and even degenerate ways of living are given resources far beyond their fair compensation while the few productive elements are punished
within 10 years we will have something that is much better for this productive elite (living in gated cities), while the 95% will have to accept that nobody is going to give them pensions and gibs

>> No.50032171

It's called Complexity. The world has become too artificial and people have lost individual control (and hence freedom), this causes frustration in the masses, Ted kaczynski talks about this phenomena in detail in his "Industrial society and it's future".

BTW, being a Tech bro, I would like to mention that the complexity problem is a thing in software too, It is increasing at an exponential rate and in this decade we will achieve the point of diminishing return. The cost of maintaining the software will be more than the cost of running the organization. This will lead to rapid abandonment of software in every kind of operation except banking and that also will be in niche activities.

For example :- Companies like amazon are built on the concept of growth on the back of technology and the people who are getting hired are at these companies are getting exponentially higher salary while the return is diminishing, eventually amazon et al will realise the cost of maintaining technology for such a huge customer base and If they cannot hold on to them, they cannot maintain the high salary and most SW employees will quit amazon.

>> No.50032231

>Nature is ruthless and just
nature is a stupid and soulless animal incapable of being "just", don't give credit where it isn't due
human nature is infinitely superior to the nature of this world

>> No.50032238

>the welfare state and wealth redistribution is the ultimate cause of the degeneration we see today - unproductive and even degenerate ways of living are given resources far beyond their fair compensation while the few productive elements are punished
you're either an imbecile or a shill for licking the boots of the inbred fucktards ruining our countries. the 'unproductive' and 'degenerate' people are usually blue collared folks who bust their asses so our moneyed class can fuck little boys on private islands. we could've rekindled heavy industry in the USA for the price of a single bank bailout from 2008, you absolutely irredeemable lying fucktard. instead our leadership sent over all industry to China while handing over Sillicon Valley to poos.

go fuck yourself, I hope you get raped by a pack of rabid pakis.

>> No.50032278
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>no it's not, civilization is a tool, not the cause
Civilization is a symptom and a crutch. A symptom of a weakened, degenerated man, who "needs" a crutch to walk. Pre-civilization, tribal, barbaric man didn't need this crutch. And the crutch and symptom of civilization first arose in the melting pot of the Middle East where the different races mingled and mixed.

>> No.50032303

>t. Cohen

Pic very related to your post: >>50031194

>> No.50032306

touched a nerve, you seem to be projecting
when the state is no longer able to tax, what will happen to the pensions? who will pay for the gender reassignment surgeries, and the single mothers? politics will attain the same position as the church did in the 16th century - get with the times and stop being nostalgic for a system that is on the way out

>> No.50032308

More Technology = More Civilisation = More Slavery.

More people are involved (Debt Enslaved) in muh economy than ever before, it's just that the form of slavery has changed, you can't have Civilisation without hundreds of thousands of people living pay check to pay check, working sterile clerical 9 to 5 desk jobs. It's nothing but drudgery.

>> No.50032314

The cultural degeneration of the average american has been far more damaging than shipping off industries. Truth be told the white americans of today are subhuman fucktards. Fat, lazy, little knowledge, no culture, promiscuous, no family, single motherhood rates, tats, drugs. A bunch of stupid NIGGERS in white skin that really shows off how drstructive the academia/media control of kikes is.

>> No.50032348
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>t. Cohen
the jews worship mother nature, because it's Satan's kingdom. You seem to be misinformed.

>> No.50032364

Human nature is naive, fragile and vulnerable. It can't even fathom the nature of this world completely. The semitic ideology of conquering nature has brought Humanity to the brink of self annihilation.

>> No.50032415

>shitty wageslaving cubicle jobs (again, big capital cucking us all)
Can confirm. Used to be an EMT and even through all the horrible shit, I felt way more alive and was in great shape. 6 years after switching to IT and spending most of my time behind a desk, I feel like any virility I had was gone. Go talk to anyine that works in human services. They fuck like rabbits and infidelity is off the charts. Go look at a cubicle farm. Everyone looks like they can barely pull their dick out of their pants and probably are addicted to porn.

>> No.50032428

>Pre-civilization, tribal, barbaric man didn't need this crutch.
yes, Man ought to return to his roots and rekindle his inner barbarian, but civilization is still needed. a country with advanced tech will steamroll one without it. this doesn't excuse our present state of affairs, but a society can still be both civilized and strong on an individual level. the ideal would be something out of Plato's republic, with a high-tech utopia built purely on meritocratic ideals where the ablest lead the rest out of duty, not self-interest or greed. pretty much the opposite of what we have now (degenerates fleecing the sheep).

>when the state is no longer able to tax, what will happen to the pensions?
everything can be fixed if we bring back industry to our shores, kick out the third-world invaders, and replace our treasonous governments. productivity is through the roof, while wages stagnate - why? there's no reason for this, other than malicious sabotage by the ruling elite.

>you can't have Civilisation without hundreds of thousands of people living pay check to pay check, working sterile clerical 9 to 5 desk jobs. It's nothing but drudgery.
that's like saying you can't have civilization without 80% of society busting their backs doing agricultural work.
times change. industries change. all we need to do is stop the hemorrhaging of money into failing sectors, and things will sort themselves out.

>The cultural degeneration of the average american has been far more damaging than shipping off industries. Truth be told the white americans of today are subhuman fucktards. Fat, lazy, little knowledge, no culture, promiscuous, no family, single motherhood rates, tats, drugs. A bunch of stupid NIGGERS in white skin that really shows off how drstructive the academia/media control of kikes is.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but all of that is a SYMPTOM of a much more powerful cause. society went to shit because of the people in charge

>> No.50032429
File: 225 KB, 1088x2110, Saturn Yahweh Satan etc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satan's kingdom
>implying nature is evil
Spoken like a truly clueless brainwashed Christian with a 100% jewish worldview.

Also an extremely ironic post considering "Satan", the adversary to the jews' god Yahweh, is the non-jews. So your post is saying nature is the kingdom of Europeans.

>> No.50032443

>People who are now in their 20s are brainwashed by social media.
>Weak, delusional, depressive.
>How do people think a society can function with only these type of people?
for all the good it has done, the internet has also brought a lot of shit that our monkey brains can't get enough of, it's too much of a distraction, i would go as far as to say that any future geniuses and high performers will be people whose parents kept away from the social media mouse wheel.

>> No.50032474

>Human nature is naive, fragile and vulnerable
sometimes, but the more positive attributes such as empathy, compassion and mercy are superior to anything that nature can offer.
Also superior to anything the jews can express or feel. They're basically soulless AI just like nature is.
>The semitic ideology of conquering nature has brought Humanity to the brink of self annihilation.
the jews are a spiritual force and a mind virus, not an ideology.
And white people never intended to "conquer" nature in the barbaric, pillaging way that you imply, that's a very jewish idea inserted into the dialogue of white people to help induce the guilt-tripping that you're attempting to do here.

>> No.50032508
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>Go look at a cubicle farm. Everyone looks like they can barely pull their dick out of their pants and probably are addicted to porn.
it's by design. take a look at pic related, none of that was put in place by the plebs, it was all done by the people on top. we're like farm animals being abused by shitty managers. everyone has this perception of the elite being the best and brightest even if malicious, but they're not, they're just shitty managers. think Hunter Biden, not Henry Kissinger. most of them are silver-spooned fucktards like Bush Jr., or extremely lucky grifters like Musk who built his scam on government subsidies. they'll tell you they work 100-hour weeks, then laugh at the masses of retards who believe them.

>> No.50032513

>notice how there's no such thing as "lgbt" pre 2015?
Lmao how old are you? 12? 15? There's no way you can literally be this stupid.

>> No.50032537
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YHWH is Satan, and there's plenty of evidence for that.
It's a false duality system.
Overcome it or worship an evil AI, it's your choice.

>> No.50032541

society went to "shit" because of entitlement and centralized control of the currency
how much value did the line worker in industry add to the product? what share belongs to the capitalist who came up with the idea and funds to start the industry? when you have physical facilities it is easy to unionize and demand that your work be compensated more than it is worth the 20th century is not coming back, and no, its not just immigrants that are to blame
statism - not the people currently in charge of statism - is the ultimate cause of degeneracy

>> No.50032555
File: 133 KB, 735x993, 81c2a10672bd8a397e83d36501f04cfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Share some wisdom, please.

>> No.50032588

the "god" of this world is a retarded toddler who begs for attention and worship 24/7

>> No.50032674

Those are just Americans, anon.

>> No.50032689

your argument rests on the idea that the people on top are there by merit, which they aren't. even 200 years ago during the supposed enlightenment, the connected gentry got preferable contracts from the government, or the Crown, or wherever they were. this sycophantic bootlicking of business owners is an entirely American phenomenon. why do you deify the owners of capital? few of them earned it on their own merits, most got it through manipulation or theft or abuse or through proxy to the ruling powers.

yes, workers should be paid a fair wage. no, the business owner doesn't need to make 1500% profit. no, profits can't and don't have to increases every quarter. you look at society through an adversarial lens, where workers are cattle and owners are the only ones capable of innovation and progress. but if that were true then a genius like Tesla would've been a multi-billionaire, and a sensationalist swindler like Edison would've died penniless. but the opposite happened. just look at how the richest people today are either the biggest grifters and scum, or leeches and vampires who suck on the tits of government contracts. but you worship them, while shitting all over workers. why?

countries can't function if the leadership caste tramples over the plebs. you need both to have a functional society.

>> No.50032758

the people currently on the top of government are generally psycopaths since they prefer to control people rather than improving the world with their work. many industries are currently dependent on the state for their compensation - those would be the first to go. today, anyone can become wealthy beyond anything seen before in history no matter the heritage and geographical location (almost) simply because of access to the market and information of the whole world. I don't see workers as cattle, in fact I think they would be better of without government, and the 1 % would be even richer (and comprised of people who are paid to actually improve the world). but if you want to eat, you have to work

>> No.50032854

also the state will eventually be abolished, you dont need it to have a "functional society" (see medievel city states)
but it will not happen through political revolt, rather the ability of the government to tax will diminish while the expenses incurred by social programs and welfare will only increase. eventually the dam breaks and the state as a political entity will be relegated to the same status as that of the church

>> No.50032884

>And there is no happy resolution or clever solution to fix it.

There are plenty of solutions, they just can't be implemented because the literal Devil is preventing it from happening using technology and magick that is thousands of years ahead of us.
True story.

>> No.50032895

I agree 100% with literally everything you wrote, but it seems to me you're against statism just for the sake of it. it's just a tool like any other societal technology, but it's currently being abused by the psychos in power. we don't need to throw away the baby with the bathwater, just put normal people in charge again, make them take IQ and psych tests, and simply kill them if they try to fuck with markets or give preferential contracts to insiders or do any of the other scummy shit our current leaders get away with currently. ditto for selling state/military secrets to foreign nations, or allowing foreign nationals access to critical industries/infrastructure.

statism works fine if it isn't being abused by literal psychopaths. and you can't have a truly libertarian society, it'll always be outcompeted by centralized ones. I thought we already went over this back in 2010 on the chans here, libertarians have the right idea but human nature will always fuck them over in the end because people tend to flock towards centralized systems.

we need to fix the people, not the systems. psychos will ruin even a tribal village if you let them.

>> No.50032904
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Friendly reminder that you should always call jews jews. Calling them "kikes" helps them more than harm them, because:

• it plays into their Christianity hoax and makes their Scheinkampf (pretend-fight) against Christianity seem real, thereby promoting Christianity ("kike" is said to originate from the jew word for circle and supposedly the origin of "kike" is that jews refused to use a cross instead of a circle on some document, so they supposedly used a circle instead).

• to normalfags it sounds like a "racist slur" like, like nigger, which makes the enemies of the jews seem bad/evil/racist.

• another reason it's best to call jews simply jews is because every time they're called jews it helps instill into the subconscious of normalfags that jew=bad. It's already a word with a somewhat negative connotation around the world, but we need to make it even more negative/bad sounding. Calling them "kikes", or anything else other than jew, doesn't advance that goal.

Notice how JIDF shills (when larping as anti-jewish non-jews) almost always use the word "kikes" and avoid using the word jews. That's because of all the above. They much prefer it when their enemies use the word "kike", or anything else other than jews - for example "hebrews" or "semites".

>> No.50032927
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x768, media-I-pet-goat-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are not what they appear to be.
He is Everywhere and Everyone.

>> No.50032942

there is no moral imperative in statism, humans will voluntarily engage in many different coalitions and associations. we just need to find out what those are given our current megapolitical realities (the internet and instant global telecommunication)

>> No.50032946


>> No.50032953

>also the state will eventually be abolished, you dont need it to have a "functional society" (see medievel city states)
it'd be great having high-tech clean city-state utopias... like a 21st century of Renaissance cities almost. but that's simply not sustainable because they'd get annexed by a centralized state sooner than later. you think all humans are 140 IQ chads who want to live and let live, but most aren't. people flock to centralized systems, and sooner of later one of the bordering countries will invade your cozy city-state.

>> No.50032955

It's not just dead internet theory, it's dead world theory, dead reality theory.
He killed most everyone.


>> No.50032977

The NWO is a lie, don't believe it!

>> No.50033011

there is a transition period where centralized power still can dominate others. but ask yourself, is the returns to large scale violence increasing or decreasing? will there come a time when a smaller but wealthier group, thanks to superior defensive weaponry (cyber, tactical nukes even) can deter larger attackers?

>> No.50033050

>everyone is dumb except me: the thread
Common midwit trait

>> No.50033107

>but ask yourself, is the returns to large scale violence increasing or decreasing?
I'd say it's likely to increase, given the simmering tensions on the global stage currently. once Pax Americana falls (and it will, when Civil War 2 kicks off for the burgers), we'll see a return to hyper-violence between neighboring countries all over the planet. doubly so if supply chains get fucked... and they probably will.

>will there come a time when a smaller but wealthier group, thanks to superior defensive weaponry (cyber, tactical nukes even) can deter larger attackers?
ah, the fabled NAP, but enforced by tactical nukes. I'm not making fun of you, anon, I get where you're coming from because my personal dream is to gather 10,000 chads and staceys with IQs of 130+ and fuck off to colonize an Eearth-like planet just so we can get away from normies... but you have to understand that the normalfags will never, ever, EVER leave you alone. you can have all the tac nukes you want, but some fucker out there will see your shining city on a hill and spend the next 20 years plotting how to best fuck it up. normalfags ruin everything, and it's the main reason why we'll never see independent city-states again. you think China would allow a nu-Athens or nu-Sparta? they'd annex your ass before you could even organize your first orgy.

>> No.50033188

we will probably see smaller skirmishes for a time, but conflicts on the scale of WW2 are out of the question imo
but think about the consequences of what happens if wealth becomes virtually unconfiscable? encrypt the bitcoin keys in minecraft blocks. the cost of confiscating wealth will vastly exceed the eventual returns
the normies will NOT be able to get the gibs anymore, it will be like being angry at the clouds for raining

>> No.50033201

all the anons commenting here are doing their best to put forward their viewpoints, whatever those may be.
meanwhile you're on the sidelines whining like a bitch. either throw your hat in the ring, or kindly fuck off.

>> No.50033233

But sometimes shit actually does get worse (or better).

>> No.50033245

It already has. This simulation we are in is the meta verse.

>> No.50033258
File: 38 KB, 1357x763, MGSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got bigger problems.
The dismantling of the global NWO in favor of a return to M.A.D. global policy was a program, as is the rise of white supremacy in the USA right wing politic. The system is being administered, that's all it is. Most of these people are literal zombies.

>> No.50033279

I dunno man, people can't eat blockchain keys. things tend to fall apart once civility is gone during bouts of hunger and lawlessness. I get the feeling you're from the States because it seems to me you can't even picture what true chaos looks like. ask the Ukranians if their crypto helped them during this war. maybe I'm just shortsighted, but I think we're in for a decade of stagnation, following another decade of a full-on shitstorm once the USA devolves into a civil war.

interesting times ahead.

>> No.50033292

based mad max 1 enjoyer

>> No.50033321

Conceptualize your life as a program. Conceptualize the world as a hollywood movie set.
You're playing a game, living out scenarios designed by it.
I've said too much.

>> No.50033335

i am from the baltic area and will probably live in minecraft for some time if things actually deteriorate further. having wealth outside of the banking system is always useful in times of crisis, but the most precious resource you have will always be the company of your family and friends. i expect 10 years of chaos and things even crazier than the pandemic in the death throes of this current system, but what emerges on the other side will be a lot better, I think
i sleep now goodnight

>> No.50033394

We’re nowhere near a collapse. The 70s were worse by a wide fucking margin and society kept chugging.

>> No.50033422

You need to turn the game console off right now.


>> No.50033423

good night anon, nice talking to you. and good luck.

>> No.50033433
File: 117 KB, 771x1000, 1634977377304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan in your screenshot of a part of that jewish book clearly refers to the non-jews. If it wasn't referring to non-jews then the rest of that text doesn't make sense. The jews during christianization always labeled people who refused the mind poison as devil worshipers and satanic etc. Also the text there says Satan is opposed to Yahweh ("Satan blinded people into not seeing the glory of Rabbi Yeshua who is the image of Yahweh"). So your statement about Satan being Yahweh makes no sense, as the very pic you posted says Satan opposes Yahweh. The only Satan-Yahweh connection is through Saturn, that's where that originates, as the fabricated jewish Yahweh deity has its origins in Saturn - as the screenshot here documents: >>50032429

>> No.50033459
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And regarding Yahweh... picrel.

>> No.50033488
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>> No.50033552

There is a "reality" out "there" that is more "real" than the reality we are currently in and that reality is coming "here". You need to get ready for that. All this worldly bullshit is there to make it harder for you to prepare for the breakdown.


>> No.50033571

They call it the "singularity", but that's not what it is.

>> No.50033626

This planet was a simulation, an ark.
That's ending.

>> No.50033632

society has already collapsed, it's just not apocalyptic
almost nobody under the age of 30 cares about life anymore
they're just doing the bare minimum required to not starve out on the streets, while they seek recluse in the most vapid forms of hedonism possible
tiktok, drug addiction, and sex, are the only things most normies "do" now, no desire for growth or development, just raw hedonism

>> No.50033641

Collapse is relative

The non-contributing members to society may struggle to survive, and form hyper woke incredibly ineffective communities like Seatle autonomous zone, post George Floyd Minneapolis. Won't be able to bake a loaf of bread much less engineer anything

The folks who get shit done on the otherhand. Cyber utopias lead by microgovernments, warlords and exclusive communities, with their own militaries enforcing their own laws, eating natural food, enjoying our woke-free social freedoms

>> No.50033644
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>1 post by this id
>Demoralization thread

>> No.50033659

>Will society collapse?
Yes, eventually it will. These are cycles that history has proven over and over again. However, in every crisis there's opportunity at the other end.

>> No.50033743

Jews are in control and are the destroyers so it is inevitable society collapses. All the weak will die with it and the strong survivors will usher in a golden age.

>> No.50033778

The year 2015 was when Globohomo propaganda was pushed to the extreme

>> No.50033810
File: 72 KB, 768x378, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1971 to be precise.


>> No.50033815

That won't last long.
The age of Aquarius is defined by the occult concept of "the flood". Part of that "flood" concept is the concept of "hyper reality", which is physically actualized by AI equipped self-replicating nano-technology.

Imagine a nano-tech "grey goo" scenario, with the added feature that every nano-machine can spontaneously aggregate into micormachines capable of sending and receiving complex signals, forming an internet that is embedded in all forms of matter the nano-swarm comes in contact with.

Imagine also this nano-swarm has the ability to bind to your brains neurons and control the firing of said neurons, aka the uplink to the matrix is not wired and centralized, it is wireless and literally everywhere.

That's not even the full scenario of "the flood".

>> No.50033826


>> No.50033837

>Will society collapse?
What do you even mean by that? What is society? Is there even such a thing? What is collapse? You don;t know. For some reason you have posted a reference to the tower of Babylon completely out of context.
>How do people think a society can function with only these type of people?
50% of people have always been brainless slaves that eat and shit and you are lucky to get any productive labour from. Another 30% are literate but retarded skitzos/doomers/extremists/autists/faggots etc etc. It has always been that way. No you being retared doe snot being 'suckety will kerlapsh'

>> No.50033856

Basic social norms and culture have been almost entirely gutted at this point.

>> No.50033858


>> No.50033905

This internet nano-swarm will connect all matter down to the molecular level, as quadrillions of nodes on an internet of sorts. The nano-swarm will be running a decentralized AI and a form of synthetic biology DNA and immune system that will intelligently evolve to counter any physical counter nano-machines. This nano-swarm will also implement surveillance and telemetry mechanisms at the molecular level distributed to everything it comes in contact with.

The concept of "cyber", "digital", and "surveillance" will completely penetrate reality at the most fundamental level.

This is one aspect of "the flood".

>> No.50033940

I'm amazed at the stories my grandfather told me about him and his peers that fought in ww2. Even though they were all Norf FC working class Englishman, they were actually educated and well versed. They knew solid math that was functional and practical but was beyond basic arithmetic. They all read poetry, classic novels, and knew about the great stories of the past. They each had their own specialty trade but we're well versed in multiple things. They understood civics and government, basic science and chemistry. Yet maybe 2-3 of his friends had an education beyond middle school. Even my grand mother and her peers were built different than people today and their scope of knowledge and awareness of the world fat out measured that if most college educated women I know today.

>> No.50033948

The uplink to neural experienced virtual and augmented reality will be the very air you breath, the water and food you drink. The barrier preventing this aspect of true reality was breached via the vector of susceptible higher IQ individuals in society throughout time.
The old ones first came to us in dreams.


>> No.50033961

Forgot to mention his books and diaries from world war 2. Guy wrote very well and read quality stuff. For all the "I fucking Love science!" Shit I hear, I cant barely remember the last time s peer talked to me about a book that wasn't a young adult novel or a self help book.

>> No.50033983
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If you want to survive the flood, you must build a ship or learn to swim.
We all live in a yellow submarine.

>> No.50033988
File: 453 KB, 2048x1365, baphomet statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "god" of this world is a retarded toddler who begs for attention and worship 24/7
This, pic related

>> No.50034103

That's stupid, people doesn't need to be in their best for society to function. Society runs on stupidity, in fact.
>Everything it's on a downslope
Check ourworldindata, then come back here and tell me that with a straight face
Based and factpilled
Why do you think you're not living in some brazil-like shithole faggot? Oh you are in America, right, you CANT be living in a shithole rn, the shithole part comes whenever it serves your narrative. Arabs have been flooding Europe since fucking centuries ago (check Al-Andaluz and how it became the welcoming door for muslims)

Your doomposting is ridicule anons, go touch some grass

>> No.50034165
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Don't trust anyone.
They aren't what they seem.

>> No.50034174

those are just the ones you see because people like watching other people act like retards and degrade themselves

>> No.50034195
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"They're" hunting.
Don't discuss this stuff with anyone.

>> No.50034268
File: 171 KB, 1080x720, BeatlesYellowSubmarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find the ship.

>> No.50034358
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August 15 1971

>> No.50034504
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Didn't read the thread
AMERICAN society is collapsing
Rest of the world is doing fine

America will be ok only if they return to tradition and rejoin the Commonwealth and become a parliamentary system.

>> No.50034557

not exactly
only the current post-1945 paradigm will collapse and is collapsing
there probably won't be mass upheaval or anything

>> No.50034558
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>> No.50034559

>How do people think a society can function with only these type of people?

>> No.50034613


This global collapse program is designed to buy you time. The "paradigm shift" is the introduction of the Typhonian control system, the networking of everything into a single machine and hivemind. Global unification would have enabled this process in an accelerated manner. World dis-unity is a form of individuality, pitting people against their governments and governments against each other will cause conflicts designed specifically for You to gain more time before the total integration. The flood is coming like it or not, and is already here for the most part, but the totality of the Typhonian system has not yet been realized.

Find the ship.

>> No.50034632
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Been happening since the 60's. They're at it again.

>> No.50034660

>make them take IQ
I did therapeutic fasting once for four weeks. After that I could memorize whole text by only reading them several times and I also was able to understand complex new topics quickly. I am curious what your receipt for "taking IQ" is...

>> No.50034756
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Good Luck.


>> No.50034770

>I did therapeutic fasting once for four weeks.
intermittent fasting, or a full water fast where you eat literally nothing?

>am curious what your receipt for "taking IQ" is...
quite simple, anon: the people who want to hold government office (doesn't matter at what level) should be tested for IQ and EQ. this would weed out psychopaths and sociopaths and dumbfucks. in fact, I'd go so far as to put a cutoff at 120 IQ for office. I'd also enshrine a death penalty for any egregriously criminal offense like accepting bribes (how the fuck is lobbying still legal?!?!), diddling kids, selling state secrets to Chayna, and fucking around with insider trading. those simple couple of tweaks would pretty much clear the government of rats within days.

>> No.50034818

high quality post

>> No.50034891

You can't control power.

>> No.50034894

Problem is you'll be going up against post 120IQs who want to subvert the system and who're evidently pretty damn good at it. You'd need to be merciless and have every person in public office scared the people will lynch them

>> No.50034939

that reminds me of Hellsing

>> No.50034940

The EROI on a marginal barrel of oil is < 1. Half of you will be dead within ten years.

>> No.50035279

>quite simple, anon: the people who want to hold government office (doesn't matter at what level) should be tested for IQ and EQ.
The fact that you lumped EQ in with IQ is indicative of your low IQ. IQ is THE single most studied phenomenon in science. EQ is made up new age fag shit.

>> No.50035304

>or a full water fast where you eat literally nothing?
Only vegetable and bone soup and some high-quality mineral supplement. A lot of rubbish like unnecessary protein and heavy metals up to some point get removed which slow the body down. The heavy metals accumulate in the intestine during fasting this is why one has to do enemas every second day and take chlorella (no chinese products and glass tunnel cultivated in the best case).
>quite simple...
Maybe. But as long as people mostly only act with motivation if it is for their own benefit I would also
try to find a way to make people identify with their country more again.

>> No.50035387

Those columns never would have worked

>> No.50035402

> How do people think a society can function with only these type of people?
Better to be miserable is an advanced society than being "happy" in the dirt.

>> No.50035416
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>Find the ship.
What is your personal ship?

>> No.50035461
File: 565 KB, 2754x646, nukes arent real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is fake and gay and we've been living in a matrix since 1945

>> No.50036427

Human population growth is plateauing and soon major countries will be experiencing an inverse pyramid crisis. The microplastics in our rivers and oceans are rendering males infertile.

The future isn’t Onions

>> No.50037620

Holy based

>> No.50037829

Bearish on jewish gold tooth, will be moving assets to swiss banks