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File: 273 KB, 1200x1500, Joe_Biden_presidential_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50029593 No.50029593 [Reply] [Original]

>prevents a recession and ends your bear market

>> No.50029717
File: 60 KB, 857x681, 1626477173054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american politics

>> No.50029730

Joe Bi-Dan isn’t in charge of Jack Shit.

>> No.50029891
File: 145 KB, 600x413, 1656380648211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50029913

>prevents a recession
How's that, anon?

>> No.50029927

Leaving interest rates near 0% for two additional years while printing the same amount of money we did for the first 2 bailouts is how you prevent recessions
The state of biz.

>> No.50030026
File: 176 KB, 962x1344, FWBRrOVUYAEDPKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crude $111 a barrel
>S&P just dumped
>the great conclusive idea to come out of the G7 is to get every single country on Earth to impose a price cap on the export good of another country

>> No.50030104

Reminder Powell was
>appointed by Obama
>promoted by Trump
>kept in the same position by Biden
Both parties serve the same interests when it comes to what really matters, the money.

>> No.50030164
File: 100 KB, 1063x697, 2022-06-27_10-08-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dumps all oil reserves
> now beggin SA, Iran and Venezuela for oil

>> No.50030312

Buying oil is good
>but they hate uncle sam
me too, now gimme cheap gas

>> No.50030329
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>G7 pledges to invest $600 billion into infrastructure for developing countries.
We can't even pass a bill to fix our own infrastructure but can pledge this.

>> No.50030370

I'm fully aware of how classism and corruption by one demographic works. The comment is more geared towards the actual state of the board now.

>> No.50030378

He caused one so he could prevent one.
Still working on that second part.

>> No.50030407

Biden is such a shitshow that when asked even he didn't approve of his performance.

>> No.50030523

The difference is the chinks are absolutely handing first world leadership's asses to them on a plate when it comes to market dominance in emerging markets and they got there basically by offering slightly better terms than the IMF. We might not think about these things as citizens but finance ministers sure as hell see how the IMF can basically blackmail an entire country into letting foreign powers dictate their economic policy.

Things are not going great for western citizens but it's not yet to the point where we'd say "yeah, I'd rather take a chinese loan than live through this". Third world countries, however...

>> No.50030658
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>> No.50030855

>recession prevented
Bro it's June and he'll need to pump us literally 20% to break the bear market.

>> No.50030867

The sad part is that diehard DNC voters will believe this

>> No.50030984
File: 87 KB, 558x584, liberal fascism biden blames buffalo shooting on KKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already believe that in-womb infanticide is an inalienable right and that people concerned about open borders are literal Nazis. Believing the Great Leader saved the economy is pretty small beer.