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50026759 No.50026759 [Reply] [Original]

>Currency depreciation is a fall in the value of a currency in terms of its exchange rate versus other currencies. Currency depreciation can occur due to factors such as economic fundamentals, interest rate differentials, political instability, or risk aversion among investors.
Why didn't Ukrainian hryvnia collapse bros?

>> No.50026798

Speak English, doc. I'm from /pol/. Simplify this using words like 'kikes' 'based' redpilled' 'degeneracy' 'globohomo' and 'white genocide'

>> No.50026870

>Currency depreciation is a fall in the value of a currency in terms of its exchange rate versus other currencies.
no. currency depreciation is an increase in the supply of that currency.
depreciation is 1) making more of something, thus reducing its scarcity, especially when the greatest factor influencing its value (to wit, the market demand for it) is that scarcity, or, 2) numerical representation of loss of value through simple time decay, an accounting fiction which attempts to model the utility of the good over time absent all other factors (damage, theft, etc.) which can occur in that time, based on the fundamental economic idea that having things now is more valuable than having them at some later point.

>> No.50026910

I will plant a mango tree in your mother's cunt and fuck your pretty sister in its shade

>> No.50027017

suppose, for example, that OP is not just a faggot, but that he was the only faggot on the entire earth to ever suck cocks. no one had ever sucked cocks before, and no one ever will do it after he is gone -- unless and until OP teaches you how.
OP's value to cocks is extremely high, but by teaching you how to suck cocks, he is depreciating this value. this would be an expensive lesson and he would charge you a lot of money for it, because he is able to understand that, even though he's a cocksucker.
now suppose there are actually 100 OPs on another board and it comes to light that they are all master cocksuckers, just like you and OP are here. you two only suck cocks here and those 100 only suck cocks there, but the relative difference in supply and demand, which is an analog for an "exchange rate", is not actually a factor in determining whether OP has depreciated his cocksucking value. he simply has, period.
relative purchasing power is completely outside the definition of depreciation. the US can double it's money supply while the swiss only increase theirs by 5%, but both of them have depreciated, you faggot fucking cocksucker.