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50025912 No.50025912 [Reply] [Original]

>no home
>no family
>no experience in any field
>crippling inequality
>"work until you're 75 goyim stop being a NEET!"
>10 year gap on cv

No college or workplace will take you after 30. 27, 500k. I will rope if I don't double until 30.

>> No.50025929
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>> No.50025933
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>> No.50025982 [DELETED] 

Reminder that all incels must be brutally murdered

>> No.50025988

from my experience working in the industry and networking with a lot of these crypto bros the prime time to make it is in your early/mid 30's.

ive seen too many dumb fucks get super rich in their twenties and get heavily into drugs, get snared by a gold digger and babytrapped because they're thinking with their dick, flaunt their wealth excessively and get taken advantage of by sycophants, etc.

ive seen very few dudes have the emotional/mental maturity to be smart after making it in their 20s, some of these dudes straight up arent alive today. 33-38 seems to be the prime spot for making it because youve gotten more emotionally mature, smarter, but you can still pick up early 20s women and party every now and then

>> No.50026050
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Its already over for an incel neet like you whos done nothing for 10 years

>> No.50026060
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>> No.50026064

You keep repeating that as a way to give yourself an ultimatum of "work hard to make it before 30 OR ELSE"
In reality life doesn't stop when you hit 30, and even if you are in a shitty situation, or low financially, you will have to deal with the situation as it is presented to you. If you have to be homeless, you will be homeless, if you have to eat a dog, you will eat a dog. It is what it is, and if you think that once you hit 30 you can't advance financially, you won't, because you have decided this is the case

>> No.50026084

Cool fown with the anti-semitism.

>> No.50026096

This chart tells me if you have a quarter life crisis you'll live to a hundred, but if you don't then your mid-life crisis will be around 34 so you won't even live to 70.

>> No.50026229

It's not that you CAN'T make something of your life after 30 if you've done nothing for the past 10 years, it's just the odds are against you.

If you've done nothing, what's making you decide to change? Fear? Most people with ambition want to prove themselves in some way, have you suddenly developed ambition?

This lack of ambition and willpower is what is lacking. There's always exceptions, people who change and develop this willpower after 30, it just gets harder to change your fundamental character past 30. In some ways you need even more willpower than you would have done in your 20s, willpower that you supposedly lack entirely.

Again, people can change and develop skills past 30, but it takes tremendous discipline. Most give in and accept their mediocrity.

Even if you made a million, one day you'll tire of playing video games and regret all the time you wasted.

>> No.50026494

might as well ape your belongings into a handfull of degen plays and hope for the best then

>> No.50026573

this is what i do man,
moon or dust if i dont make it ill rope
>simple as

>> No.50026616

Reading Ted Kaczynski is what made me change at 27
It is dishonorable to help the socio-technological system by continuing to be a consuming schlub for it

>> No.50026623
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>almost made it last bullrun but fucked up held
>turning 30 this year
>no gf/wife
>still rent cuck

Bros it’s fucking over for me

>> No.50026634

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.50026683

While I'm not overly familiar with any of their life stories I think it's safe to assume that these were the career highlights of already successful people; not late bloomers starting out

>> No.50026716

Can confirm, 27 year old schizophrenic and homeless going to rope very soon

>> No.50026757

It's overrated.

>> No.50026979

Every single one of these sounds like a fever dream and I am afraid thats a good sign in current market conditions.
Do they have proper twitter activity?

>> No.50027069

im 38 and ive had sex with 500 women. but im poor

>> No.50027282

you have to all that in your teens. its the magical time

>> No.50027361

jesus how do you manage to be a rent cuck past your 30s? literally anyone can get some credit off their bank and buy a house....

>> No.50027413

you don't have to make it, but you should have something to show for your 20's. if you fucked around on the internet for 10 years then yeah people will be weary of you.

>> No.50027455

I got a job after 30, without any "experience" as a wagie, but only my experience as a tech guy.
I'm a 3rd worlder though, so I don't make as much as americans.

>> No.50027520

This. It's the saddest kind of cope like 'Bill Gates was a college dropout!' Yeah, his family was also rich as fuck so he realized he didn't need the only useful thing (((college))) gives you: connections. And his mom was on the board of Intel who selected his company to write their standard OS over two more highly qualified companies.

>> No.50027533

Is this the absolute state of serfdom? If nobody will take you, start your own gaddayum company. Starting a family as a measure of success is borderline retarded. Abdul, 21, seven kids and three wives living on gibs is success? Raking up working hours to pad the pension, is that a requirement for prosperous geriatrishitty?

Nigga start freelancing doing whatever, build up capital on the stock market, hang out in places outside your bedroom and just breath mayn.

>> No.50027554

OP is implying that he will commit suicide if he doesn't make it by 30

>> No.50027589

Those people were developing skills before their careers took off. OP is just accumulating shitcoins and probably spends the rest of his time playing vidya

>> No.50027713

OP already made it
I'm 35 KHHV with only 100k in the bank
just lost my job too, so going back down to like 95K until I find the next one

If I had a shotgun I'd have done it already. Why is it so hard to get to 500K? I'd retire in a van or something if I had that, and explore the national parks. Seeing as I'm a boomer now anyway. Fuck

>> No.50027744

As someone who had a 3 year gap on my resume, I can tell you that lying is not only a good thing but also mandatory. Don't try to be honest, tell them what they want to hear, worst case they don't call you back

>> No.50027829

you already have a shotgun dude
absolutely nothing is stopping you from climbing to the top of a tall building and jumping

objectively the safest and least painful way to end it all

>> No.50027933

I'd land foo hard and make a crater

>> No.50030273

yea at 27 I also thought like that 30 is some big number but then it came and nothing changed

>> No.50030298

nigger, you are probably richer than 75% of your peers

cheer the fuck up

>> No.50030552

>35 is midlife crisis
I thought Midlife crisis was generally later?

>> No.50031522

It's the age old dilemma of should I have spent my 20s being a wage slave and had fun in my 30s or fucked around in my 20s and tried and failed to amount to anything in my 30s.
The argument is really all about balancing success and enjoyment in life.

>> No.50032826

how the fuck were you able to save 100k???

>> No.50032866

fuck you nigger i'm 35 and only have $15k in the bank

>> No.50033340

Before 30 you need at least one of the 4. A home, a family, rich or become chad (if you even have potential to become a chad). If you have none of these things by then, then it’s over

>> No.50033410

Great demoralization thread. You'll get them next time tiger.

>> No.50033679

Made 85% of my wealth after 35. Millionaire at 39, retired at 40. Spend time now renovating houses because I’m not a piece of lazy shit. Write music and paint in my spare time (and fallout 76, filthy casual here) with no interest in ever selling any of the art, just for self engagement. OP is a faggot

>> No.50033751

Just because you can take out loans doesn't mean you should.

>> No.50033803

why not. still better than paying rent. never gonna see that money back again

>> No.50034064

Beaner looks like a cracked out Ewok.

>> No.50034542

33, 8k

>> No.50034594

-32 dollars in my bank
and no crypto
and serious health problems
Quit bitching faggots.

>> No.50034812
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this is a larp r-right ??
not only did you have the economical advantage of having an income/savings during the 2008 crash (you could literally invest in anything and have made it)
but let's say the average salary is 30k-70k, 30% goes towards taxes, 30% towards food/rent so even at the lowest end of 30k/yr you would have 90k of which you definitely should've invested to return your yield tenfold or 210k to invest with.
I genuinely don't fucking understand? ? ??? You have to be a complete crackhead or something right ?

>> No.50035945

Did you not read "serious health problems"
I suppose not considering you're just another ESL faggot who hates my Mcdonalds flag honoring the sacred rite of the cheeseburger.

>> No.50035994

That means the vaccine is working

>> No.50036527

t. Real estate agent.

You don't get those years spent on interest back.

>> No.50036872

you're not the only person I was responding to faggot
very evident to see why you're poor given your abysmal mentality
also "serious health problems" means absolutely nothing, psychiatric industry brotherhood with big pharma all kikes creating bullshit illnesses

>> No.50037216

>31 years old
>150k networth, enough to get 3 cheeseburgers and some fries in 2023

Its fucking over, I never had a chance - just burn it all down already

>> No.50037613

I will probably die before I'm 40

>> No.50037626

Found the schizo.

>> No.50037660

well just make sure not to reproduce. are you ugly? post your body, cant be that bad?

i mean why did youre parents make you?

>> No.50037957

Fuccc im 25 and feel I'm either just starting my life or reaching a peak.

>> No.50038268

It's all relative, bro.

>> No.50038294

retard cope. If I don't make it by 28, I'm jumping off the golden gate bridge

>> No.50038400

tfw 29 and never had a job, Sergey got me my first home last year, got myself a gf and planning to have a kid next year, also got myself a bluechip divvie stock folio which pays me nearly $30K/year -- still have a crypto folio split across 3 low-caps to hit retirement next year.

Life is /comfy/, and it's thanks to /biz/ shitposts

>> No.50038576

>op is faggot and so are these demoralizing threads
500k is enough starting capital to do a million things. I wonder how a Literal retard ever acquired this amount of money in the first place. If you have no family or home what are your yearly expenses 25k? You could literally do nothing and live for 20 years

>> No.50038792
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>mfw im 30yo NEET with no job experience, never even made a CV

>> No.50038868

>'Bill Gates was a college dropout!'
people who parrot this also don't realize that he's a smart guy, nepotism aside. if he stuck with his CS degree, he probably would've made a few mills anyways without starting Microsoft

>> No.50038932

Also that his family was already pretty fucking wealthy, which is 99% of all cases anyways

>> No.50039047

You need to be over 18 to post

>> No.50039050

And he dropped out of Harvard to build his company in a rapidly growing industry. Most people drop out of a poly sci program at their state school to smoke weed and work as a team lead at dairy queen.

>> No.50039824
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>> No.50040308

Some of us were just too stupid to make it, I got pressured into studying 2 uni degrees for the "prestige" from 2010 to 2020 (1 art degree, no career, 1 science degree, also no career) and missed the entirety of the bull run, now 32 KHHV and $80k in debt living with parents with no future.

>> No.50040325

>bro look at these remarkable exceptions you'll totally make it

>> No.50041971

im 25 virgin living with my mother ahaha

>> No.50042001

Ive realized this is true and everyone just lies about their age by 5-8 years.

>> No.50043670

Because your dick control you instead of using your brain to think. You still have the opportunity in the to in the current market situation waiting till the next cycle. You might get rich before 41 if you buy ETH, SCRT, ATOM and some other low caps.

>> No.50045659


>> No.50045782

I realize this is /biz/ and we got a lotta young guyss here but 'bu
>30% of 30k goes to taxes
Nevermind you're literally underage and have never held a job lol.

In this world you kill yourself when you retire because you realize you wasted your life being a wagie.

>> No.50045930

i'm 24 and my life ends this year
i can't cope with being 25
i'm so fucking old
i'm barely into six figures and a lifetime of waging stares at my like the barrel of a gun
honestly it might be better to just shoot myself

>> No.50047166

No they don't. I just want a house in another state, they won't loan to me, credit score 850, white, no debt.

>> No.50047277


Investing in contraception, STD's Med's, and Sin Stocks would have been a smarter move.

>> No.50047314

Whats the story behind this guy?

>> No.50047644

>850 credit score
>can't get credit
sure thing

>> No.50047723
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are you saying
>no possession
>no responsibility
>no wage slaving

we just can't stop wining OP

>> No.50047787
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this is a very misleading motivational bullshit, those people weren't sitting on their asses doing nothing and got the bright idea so found these successful companies out of nowhere they were already well on track either on their work or ventures

if you are a loser with no education or skills don't expect this to magically happen to you