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File: 1.74 MB, 880x3189, f724663fe3bed75e046d93b19ec6bdb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50022480 No.50022480 [Reply] [Original]

Two weeks bootycamp mane and get 100k at fagman hehhe

>> No.50022517

trust me mane just learn react 2 weeks max you'' be earning 6 figs

>> No.50022523

reality of the job

>npm install niggercumdoodlebuentes.js
>(6 hours of searching stackoverflow for nigerdumdoodlebuentes.js code snippets)

>> No.50022527

So I’ll just be a front end guy

>> No.50022556

>no C++ anywhere
yeah, lowest IQ monkey niggers on the rise

>> No.50022567

"It cannot be that easy. To program a computer? It must be hard."

"It's easy bro, you just sit down and program the computer."

"I don't know how to program a computer."

"You just sit down and program the computer. It's easy, bro."

>> No.50022599

>frontend roadmap
The absolute state of "muh C++" retards

>> No.50022647
File: 15 KB, 416x355, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to be a 120 IQ genius to program computers

>> No.50022675

the whole programming industry is pure smoke

>> No.50025116

do you even scrollwheel?

>> No.50025780

thanks i really like this graphic

>> No.50025853

kek this, its a good exercise to be forced to do in formal education
after that very little point unless you are cutting edge
like yeah ill just write pytorch myself instead of using theirs...

>> No.50025875

> genius, 120 iq

no, its the oppisite. Trying to make complex things as simple as possible

>> No.50025899
File: 33 KB, 357x498, pepe-apu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>npm install niggercumdoodlebuentes.js
>(6 hours of searching stackoverflow for nigerdumdoodlebuentes.js code snippets)
this is my job and I make 85k at 23. It seems too easy. I feel like it will all come down at some point and I'll be out on the street

>> No.50025944

this is just a nonsense meme chart
you don't need to learn 500 frameworks or whatever just get good at a few foundational languages and making shit that works
when you need to use some random bullshit nobody has ever heard of you will just learn it then
if you waste your time getting to grips with every esoteric branch of linux out there you will never go anywhere

>> No.50026030

it does an incredible job of illustrating
1. that most people are functionally retarded
2. that all women are functionally retarded
3. that one competent person is worth all the incompetent people in the world
it will get harder to go into tech as people realise the last point
i hope one day redditors who are good programmers stop literally doing other people's jobs for them to accelerate that process

>> No.50028076

>dude just learn to code

>> No.50028926

>you just mastered a language? Bad luck dude, a new one came out and we're all using that - keep up!
No thanks.

>> No.50029678

how long does it take to learn this?

>> No.50030304

Better plan: get really good about TALKING about coding, become a personable chad, become a project manager to the little codelets