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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50019534 No.50019534 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50019553

just fix it nigga. easy

>> No.50019563

This is why you either preface of follow all statements with "this is not financial advice, I am not a financial advisor". Shit isn't a joke.
This is financial advice.

>> No.50019562

should have told her to buy ICP

>> No.50019569


>> No.50019571

just fix it you lazy millennial

>> No.50019578

no, family or other normies dont care/remember about this shit, your relationship with them will be ruined regardless of your smug legal dodge

>> No.50019582

This is why you ask your parents for money and tell them you're using it to get a doctorate or give them grandkids, then gamble it all away while taking out personal loans at high interest.

>> No.50019586

She may be insane so I don’t really care

>> No.50019587


>> No.50019597

Just get a loan

>> No.50019626

I oversee several portfolio's what is important is that the people who are investing understand the risks. I have told everyone I advice that my stock portfolio's can drop 50% in value from whatever point they bought at and that they need to be prepared for this.

>> No.50019627

Is she saying when she's sending it?

>> No.50019670

This is why I hate women. She admits she doesn't understand why etherim (whatever that is) has lost money. Why would you invest money in something you don't understand? Even if her fat neet son suggested putting some money into crypto as a possible retirement fund, she should have done her research on what it was personally, or at least had her husband look into it (its a mans job to manage finances). If she can't understand the basic principle that cryptocurrencies go up and down regularly then she should have avoided putting money into it.

>> No.50019679


Everyone does this; It's not a phenomena that is limited to women. We have weekly suicide threads here from anons who don't understand that money can be lost in this space.

>> No.50019711

At least men understand that their fat neet son has 0 control over the price and won't send a retarded text like "fix it now". A father would just rage at his son that he has lost money in crypto but understands that it isn't in his sons control to do anything about that.
Even the most financially illiterate retarded male knows this I bet.

>> No.50019731

Tell her BitDAO is buying 380 ETH daily
It will go back sooner or later

>> No.50019755

Just give the etherium man a firm handshake for the price to go up.

>> No.50019778

>this is why we don't love you
no bitch, its the other way around.

>> No.50019794

whata fucking retarded buffoon bitch it's called ethiriem you dumb slut

>> No.50019799

lmao fix this shit bitch. Tell them to buy more and buy some matic while they're at it. you wrecked it you wrecked it.

>> No.50019800

Or just tell them when it is actually a good time not at ATH.. I tripled my gf's (now fiancee) networth by not being a normie investor.

>> No.50019810

Nice of you to do that for your fiancée's boyfriend.

>> No.50019824

she'll leave you

>> No.50019889

>Fix it. Now
Why are american women such entitled bitches. Imagine slammingg those Karen around when they get uppity. Makes me wish for shariah.

>> No.50019903

no, i trade for a living, i tell them like it is, people in finance and especially in crypto try to rip each other off at any chance, if they want to buy ill help them with basic guidenance, but its foolish to bet on others, hoping their tips will make have you set for a lifetime

>> No.50019914


>> No.50019936

Because the US is a service industry. They expect someone else to be able to fix or service anything because everything you can think of is a service industry. Financial advice, plumbing, cars, computers, IT support at there job, food, delivery, taxis, dog sitting, childcare, photography, wedding planners...

>> No.50019957

Kek my chad dad was like "heard the cryptos doing bad you need money to buy dip? You know if you really believe in this stuff now might be a good time"

>> No.50019974
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I'm not a financial advisor
but I'd advise you don't advise others on financial decisions when it comes to crypto

>> No.50019999

so I buy now or?

>> No.50020026

I've seen enough schizo boomer posts from male boomers to suggest otherwise. You fuck over your parents finances with shitcoins like this, expect to be disowned.

>> No.50020048

Fix it. Fix Etherim now.

>> No.50020058

never give financial advice about anything
they will blame you for their losses and they wont thank you for their wins

>> No.50020094

Wow. $45.

>> No.50020109


>> No.50020204

i told my dad to buy chainlink when it was $0.2
i don’t see a problem
just don’t tell them to fomo into the top

>> No.50020336

I told my dad to fomo into Bitcoin at $19k in 2017. He should’ve listened to me. He didn’t. I also told him to buy Bitcoin when it was $10 and he didn’t listen then either.

>> No.50020513

just give mom back the money but ask to be paid in handjobs instead
easy peasy

>> No.50020747

at $4.5

>> No.50021329

Quads confirm

>> No.50021366


You did the exact same thing as the guy in the OP. The difference is that you got luckier.

>> No.50021451
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You forgot to say this isn't financial advise.
For example, buy QANX, but NFA.
> Fix her etherim or face her wrath.

>> No.50021453

Fake as fuck

>> No.50021457
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Buy high, get parents to fomo in as well. Classic /biz/ neet strat.

>> No.50021553

I made my dad make $20k. While I'm still struggling with unrealized gains and unable to sell. At least he gave me 2k.

>> No.50021596

If they ask just say “oh yeah the tech is promising but most of it is a scam so you should do your own research and be careful” or “just buy $100 worth to watch the price action while you learn more.” Never tell them what to buy or what you own, never bring up crypto yourself.

>> No.50021636

>no you cant just be smart to buy the bottom in a bear market
>you are just more lucky than the guy that buys in the middel of a rally and drags his retarded cunt mother into it
sure buddy luck

>> No.50021667

id never have told anyone to buy crypto so high. I recently told my friend "nows actually a great time to buy crypto if you can hold for a few years, but i have to let you know you'd have to possibly see your position crash by 50-75% if btc hits 10k.

>> No.50021843

Got my big brother to buy eth at $40 i swinged and lost all he just holded like a retard

>> No.50021890

2k on 20k is baller as hell.
he took all the risk and paid the taxes and you got 10% before it's paid.

>> No.50021922

dont invest more than you can afford to lose mother

>> No.50022047

Sounds like your brother is the smart one, and you are the.... Hopefully you are good looking atleast

>> No.50022088

holy cope, just fucking fix it incel

>> No.50022278

the only incel is the simp incel that is you anon. hurr this anon said things bad about girls I better rush in and simp defend them cuz I cant get laid by choice and am desperate for girls to notice my existance. I KNOW ILL SIMP INCEL FOR WAHMEN THAT GETS ME LAID!~ <--- this is you

>> No.50022354

bak 2 reddit
he understands he's just baiting you

>> No.50022360
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Is this Panic or Anger?

>> No.50022477

insightfully, still denial.
denial because the mother thinks her son can bail her out.
panic sets in later when she realizes she's on her own.
so we still have a long ways to go.

>> No.50022782

not from reddit and going back 2 reddit is pretty subhumanoid IQ to say.

>> No.50023007

This normalfag shilled my bags to retarded boomers kek, based.

>> No.50023305


>> No.50024368
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>> No.50025597

What I tell people when they ask me about crypto is "anyone telling you to get into crypto is either new to crypto or a grifter"

>> No.50025619
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Based dad

>> No.50025663

Retard here. Told my parents to buy GET at 7 fucking dollars. They're not mad at all but I feel bad honestly. I don't give advice to anyone anymore.

>> No.50025722

It should have been obvious to anyone with a brain that normies are retarded and that if we had trouble predicting this shit then we shouldn't let them get even a single meter close to it.

>> No.50025767

It's actually women who are the best at managing resources while men do the gathering (trading), of course this is in a perfect scenario where the woman isn't trying to run off with your money.

>> No.50025787

Tell her to grow diamond hands bitch

>> No.50026296

Users can already catch a glimpse of syscon's applications with their ground-breaking NEVM whose first phase was introduced on 6th December 2021.

>> No.50026361
File: 242 KB, 1096x940, 5908925_202108165572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send her pic related

>> No.50026469

Based and dadpilled

>> No.50026537

lol look at this stupid cuck

I bet he has money on Nexo

>> No.50026780

Go back faggot. You aren’t fooling anyone. And nobody cares about your le low iq ad hominem

>> No.50026782

DISCLAIMER: These are opinions only for entertainment purposes, not investment/financial/legal advice. Past performance is not a predictor of future results. This is not personalized but rather general educational and informational material. Do your own due diligence and/or consult a registered financial advisor before taking any positions. You should not take any of this information as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. I am not a financial advisor and anything that I say should not be seen as financial advice. I am only sharing my biased opinion based off of speculation and personal experience. An individual trader's results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. It is important to keep in mind that there are risks associated with investing in the stock market and that one can lose all of their investment. Thus, trades should not be based on the opinions of others but by your own research and due diligence.

>> No.50026981

I always tell people "get your money on an exchange and wait for a big crash, then enter the market."

>> No.50027002

incel comment. most people are npc retards not just women