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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 1200x720, am-i-ready-to-have-a-baby-when-is-the-best-time-to-take-a-home-pregnancy-test-hpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50013337 No.50013337 [Reply] [Original]

I'm financially ruined

>> No.50013356

congrats don’t be a retard retard

>> No.50013362

Upload the birth on onlyfans. Problem solved

>> No.50013380

just get an abo- oh wait

>> No.50013399

you made it anon, you dont have to spend money on it you can put it to work right away. passive income

>> No.50013412

Congratulations, I hope you sold

>> No.50013454

It really isn't that bad if you aren't retarded about it.

1. Find a midwife. Not for the hippy dippy reasons, but they are cheaper, and they don't overprescribe useless procedures. Check references and make sure she has contacts at the local hospital of your choice and can do a transfer.

2. Get decent insurance, shop around, don't just rely on what work gets you. When I got my wife preggers, I fucking bought insurance on the obamacare marketplace for less than I was paying for corpo insurance that specifically had a good pregnancy plan that covered midwifery & shit.

Total cost for delivery: 4k, with 3k of that being deferred payments because the hospital immediately gave us the option to do a 0% payoff over the next three years, and fuck yeah I took that with the current rate of inflation.

When kid is born.

1. Cloth Diapers
2. Costco/BJs/Sams Club Membership is real
3. If wife can tittyjuice the spawn, fucking let her breastfeed. Formula has finicky availability and is a massive drain.
4. Hopefully you aren't fully retarded and didn't buy half of amazon for baby shit (or more accurately, you managed to get your spouse to part with the credit card.)
5. If your spouse makes less than 50k/year at her job, congratulations, you are now a single income family. Daycare is a fucking retarded expense, and what she isn't making in money, you aren't spending in daycare. Plus, the kid is growing up right.

>> No.50013457

Congratz, i hope its not a nigger!

>> No.50013496
File: 57 KB, 976x850, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me ten seconds to realize that this wasn't a COVID test

>> No.50013518

>this meme again
abortions aren't outlawed you satan loving cuck, you can still kill your baby in your precious jew worshiping states

>> No.50013649

give her a cup of pennyroyal tea

>> No.50013693

That's an inconclusive test that first line is looking pretty sketch.

Tell that bitch to fire up a fresh batch of piss.

>> No.50013737

Why the fuck does it cost an entire month's worth of median household income to have a fucking child?
>It's almost like they don't want you to have a bountiful large family.

>> No.50013790

Congrats. Having my third kid in 3 weeks. Love my kids more than can even be described and you will too

>> No.50013793

The kid(s) is not your problem. Children are the best thing that can ever happen to you. The question is do you have a committed partner or someone who is going to turn you into an alimony simp restricting access to the most important thing in your life.

>> No.50013827

My hospital bill before insurance was $150k. I got out for “only” the out of pocket max of $11k. System is fucked

>> No.50013883

how may test you had for covid ?

>> No.50013924

150k for a birth? no wonder whites arent having kids anymore.

>> No.50013927
File: 4 KB, 225x225, anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50013932

Man mine was 15k before insurance knocked it down to 3k. If they were going to saddle me with more than 10 i was just not gonna pay and negotiate till ibgpt on the poor person 5 dollar a month for life plan that gets written off their books in like two years

Reminder that with inflation the new middle class starts at 100k a year. But if you are poor having kids is fucking cheap.

>> No.50013955

Fuck you anon been trying for months just want a cute happa daughter I can rape repeatedly

>> No.50013985

having a baby is extremely cheap. it is only that parents are retarded and they buy branded clothes and expensive toys. those kids become the spoiled brats that you see everywhere.

>> No.50014026

Multiple complications with twins, NICU stay, etc. this was “pre insurance negotiated prices”

>> No.50014177

Real financial advice OP. Call the hospital ahead of time. Negotiate costs. Make clear you don’t want “out of network” specialists providing routine care.

Hospital pull this shit all the time. The hospital may be in network but the hearing specialist or the nurse administering an epidural is out of network for some god damn reason.

>> No.50014197

The most expensive thing about kids initially are diapers unless you go cloth which you should. You'll get used to the dealing with the mess very quickly. Which isn't much because they're fucking tiny.
Other than that, small kids aren't that expensive. The don't eat fuck all or do fucking anything. The biggest con/lie ever told is
>kids are sooooo expensive
>having kids early ill ruin your life!
Bullshit. They say that because once you have a kid you stop being a good little consoomer piggy they can milk all day.
You (should) become more fiscally responsible. Which means (((they))) can't bleed you for frivolous expenses, subscriptions and purchases all year every year.

Remember what a tight-ass your dad was growing up? It's hard getting money out of a good, responsible father. That's why advertising targets women and children.

>> No.50014202

Also know that all of your lady’s terrible hospital meals are covered but yours aren’t so you will be lying to eat in the cafeteria everyday if you don’t pack food

>> No.50014247
File: 109 KB, 453x678, 1627111954697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fret not OP. This guy's got you

>> No.50014258

Boomer's cope

>> No.50014267

>Holy fucking shit /biz/ is retarded look at the filename

>> No.50014282


>he fell for the insurance meme

A pregnant woman getting medicaid is a fucking joke

>> No.50014367

abortion lol

>> No.50014405

I had my girlfriend file for medicaid as a single mother with out knowing who the father was, paid $0.

>> No.50014464

>A pregnant woman getting medicaid is a fucking joke
If they aren’t married…. I make $300k/year we aren’t qualifying for Medicaid.

>> No.50014597
File: 171 KB, 326x326, 1511574405210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one post by this id
Why does /biz/ always fall for these retarded larp threads?

>> No.50014647

Sorry Anon, get well soon from Covid.

>> No.50014674

Just go to a hospital and never pay it retard

>> No.50014728
File: 9 KB, 246x205, 1632498743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you sell your LACE right now you will hace a nice 15k profit from yesterday's pump, that should cover the pregnancy alright

You did buy LACE right?

>> No.50015448

fr fr

>> No.50015492

men cant get pregnant anon

>> No.50015641

covid isn't that bad you'll be fine

>> No.50015667

>Ever missing an opportunity to get robbed blind by bloodsucking middlemen

>> No.50016119

COVID isn't that bad, you will pull through.

>> No.50016161

Doesn't mean shit... You can still have babies and make $$$ Play your cards right and work harder...

>> No.50016613

Hey Anon, it might be tough for a while, but you have the best thing that could happen to you. Any financial issues are dwarfed in the long run. You'll be ok Anon. Just work to be the best Dad you can be.

>> No.50016644

I will buy the baby how much

>> No.50016693
File: 317 KB, 1200x900, 5E7F7AE0-A445-4A25-B470-6EDABBB316A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come now anon, don’t be a bigot

>> No.50016740

wear a mask next time chud

>> No.50016762

Americans have to pay to give birth in a hospital????!

>> No.50016768

man made horrors.

>> No.50016769

weak like means not pregnant, sorry

>> No.50016782


>> No.50016918

Raising kids with a good partner is the best thing you can do in your life. When I became a dad, my whole outlook on life changed. It is insane how powerful the fatherhood protection/nurturing instinct is. I love my wife but I LOVE my daugther. The best day in my life was when my daughter was born.
Being a dad can also help you at work -- you're seen as more mature (you're not just a kid, you're a provider for your family).

>> No.50016987

You a nigger for whining about 11k when it sounds like your 2 babies sick as fuck and required a shit ton of medical care.

>> No.50016994

Lol I make 6 figures so thats not a lot to me at all, id hardly feel it lmao

>> No.50017000

Oh no, Jews can't sacrifice babies to moloch anymore. Guess we'll just have to raise them now.

>> No.50017044
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, 0D7D09DE-99E4-4C7F-B980-701CF93B8003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont americucks want universal healthcare again?
t. faget from commie leafland

>> No.50017047

This. There's nothing more fulfilling than raising your children and seeing them growing. Unless you're still a child in your head of course, then for the love of God don't make kids.

>> No.50017131

It's a Gunt!

>> No.50017144

They just have a shitty education system. They're functioning disabled people.

>> No.50017169

>americans have to negotiate with their insurance before having children