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50012501 No.50012501 [Reply] [Original]


>Marijuana smokers had higher blood and urine levels of several smoke-related toxins such as naphthalene, acrylamide and acrylonitrile than nonsmokers, a 2021 study found. Naphthalene is associated with anemia, liver and neurological damage, while acrylamide and acrylonitrile have been associated with cancer and other health issues.
>Another study done last year found teenagers were about twice as likely to report "wheezing or whistling" in the chest after vaping marijuana than after smoking cigarettes or using e-cigarettes.

>A number of studies have shown an association between marijuana use and injury, both physical and mental.
>Marijuana may make sleep worse, especially for regular users, study finds
>Marijuana may make sleep worse, especially for regular users, study finds
>Heavy use of marijuana by teens and young adults with mood disorders -- such as depression and bipolar disorder -- has been linked to an increased risk of self-harm, suicide attempts and death


>> No.50012521
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>> No.50012535
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I’m smoking weed right now

>> No.50012536


how's that booster vax boy

>> No.50012540
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That includes the number of schizos who shit their pants on the first hit?

>> No.50012542
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I used to be a le epic pot head but then I took the /pol/ pill and start taking NAC and snorting 9-me-bc
Now I work a 9-5 job and get paid 45$ an hour working as a data analyst

>> No.50012545

>mental disorder
Skitzo pharma Jews projecting again

>> No.50012554
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>> No.50012565

weed bros we fuckin lost the culture war

>> No.50012578
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>> No.50012579

>People who partake in risk taking behaviour more likely to visit Hospital
Oh Jews..

>> No.50012598

The thing that makes me hate potheads is their absolute refusal to admit there are any downsides to their vice of choice. Most tobacco and alcohol users have no issues admitting using either has health risks and potentially dangerous to the people around them. Yet, potheads act though weed is some miracle leaf that cures every ailment and has no downsides/risks whatsoever, and they make sure to mention this every living fucking second.

>> No.50012616

I smoke weed and consider it to be a borderline hard drug. Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine, all provide a sort of buzz but nothing takes you into a different state of mind quite like marijuana. Also it is now proven to pretty much cause heart attacks if you go really hard tokin’.

>> No.50012624

You don't need to keep spamming your msm Jew article picture by picture
There are obvious downsides but they are vastly overstated. Much like the downsides of smoking regular tobacco are vastly overstated. Of course people will defend it. It's typical Jew play to make wild accusations and force you to defend yourself.
No vice is good for you but some are better than others.

>> No.50012630

Have you been listening to Lars Larson again, OP?

>> No.50012649

I grow it for work in the USA, and ya know what, OP is a fag

>> No.50012711

That can't be someone's name.

>> No.50012714
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It makes them
Low t
Low iq

>> No.50012772
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Are you a pot wagie? Lol
Gives me yo money White boi

>> No.50012812
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>> No.50012833

>>50012772 only after i'm done polluting ur streets with my glorious trees, madnigga. never will be tho. might as well long the pots bruh frfr, shits here to stay

>> No.50013230

Why don’t health insurance companies demand to know if you’re a pothead then?

>> No.50014980

page 11 bump

>> No.50014995

anything to get that outrage ad revenue I guess

>> No.50015052
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No I will not elaborate

>> No.50015145
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>> No.50015169
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Aww wtf I hate weed now :( Thanks, Mass Media

>> No.50015206

I used to vape weed regularly. Everyday and multiple times a day. I could function no problem. I took a tolerance break because I wasn't feeling it. When I got back into it, it felt like hard drugs. I couldn't function. The last two times before I quit I felt like I couldn't breath and about to have a heart attack. Too scared to even try weed again. Probably for the best. Not sure if it was just me or if weed has gotten more potent to the point where it can do damage.

>> No.50015219

>drug users are more likely to have severe health issues prompting them to seek escape from reality
more news at 10

>> No.50015238

Why are faggots like "small govt" and then they want to legislate fucking everything

Let me smoke weed you cunts

I don't give a fuck what you do stop caring what I do with my money

>> No.50015280

do the needful and do not redeem the weed ser

>> No.50015322

meanwhile tobacco is proven to increase T. vapeoids and weedtrannies btfo.

>> No.50015360

marijuana increases T big fella

>> No.50015450

The majority of weed users overuse it and are lazy af. And they never shut up about it it drives me insane.

>> No.50016714

immediately discredited

>> No.50016746

Anyone I know who smokes weed regularly is either depressed/ mental issues or have gotten really really slow and barely leave the house

>> No.50016781

I had a similar experience. it never happens when I use actual flower instead of vaping. cutting down to once or twice a week instead of 2-3 times a day made it alot more enjoyable. definitely not good to do it every day
>couldn't breath and felt like a heart attack
thats an anxiety attack. probably the best to stop for you especially if you're just generally on edge

>> No.50016813
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wish edibles worked for me
even ate an entire one of these in one go and still nothing

>> No.50016817

You can't even speak english you retarded third world faggot. I have an idea, why don't you go suck start a shotgun. That would make the world a better place.

>> No.50016820

The issue is that these niggers don't separate weed from their daily life like majority of alcohol enjoyers do. Comparing it to nicotine is kinda fucking stupid because of the limited effect that drug has on your daily functioning. Meanwhile fuckers will smash 3 bowls and go make coffees at their pet cafe while neglecting their personal hygiene + forgetting shit constantly. If you go to work drunk you stink, you slur, you possibly stumble, but if you're a jaded addict you can maybe hide it. People don't even need eyedrops or whatever other fucking tv trope to hide their affectedness. You just say you slept like shit and the red eyes + dopey mannerisms are waived. In my circle of acquaintances, several brag about how easily they coast through a workday stoned as balls. Its an unhealthy mindset and the fact is that because being high is less obvious than being drunk, niggers will find ways to work high. I drink, smoke weed, smoke cigarettes + a pipe but lord smite me if I even accidentally involved an unknowing third party. Stoner fuckheads need to treat this shit for what it fucking is and accept that MIND ALTERING SUBSTANCES ALTER YOUR MIND.

>> No.50016836
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>> No.50016857

No one cares about your fucking retarded blog post faggot. You forgot to mention you also SMOKE COCK.

>> No.50016861

I smoked daily for 8 years
Haven’t touched the stuff in 2 years now
Got to the point where i wasn’t even feeling high anymore just a bit paranoid

>> No.50016880

Hey man, chill out

>> No.50016896

everyone I know who smokes cannabis is a skinny, limp-wristed fag

>> No.50016903

>than nonsmokers
Now compare it to tobacco smokers
Imagine my shock that potheads are full of toxic substances
Half of their diet is literally chips

>> No.50016939

I'm sorry, I just want to see druggies behind bars. I can't explain it, but I really just don't want people like you around me. The only solution to my problem is strong drug prohibition. sorry bud

>> No.50017016

>Uhhh Noooo!!! Smoking herbs is bad for you!!! Take this antidepressant instead and watch the kardashians and niggerball on tv instead!

Watch me not give a fuck. What's going to happen? I'm going to die? Oh no! I'll miss out on my precious 2030 pod and bugs!
Life is meant to be enjoyed. You made this thread because you are coping, and take it out ith your ego image of "I'm better than pot heads."
Keep coping

PS: not even going to open your link to (((CNN)))

>> No.50017022

what about edibles?

>> No.50017075

I don't smoke pot often but when I do it is a very mind altering drug for me. I have absolutely no idea how people can smoke and then drive or go to work. I am floored on the couch in a thought loop and seeing colourful see through shapes in my minds eye as I try to focus on them to bring them into reality.
It's a nice drug on occasion but potheads piss me off. You have to be an absolute emotional trainwreck sober to feel normal whilst blitzed

>> No.50017432
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>links cnn

>> No.50017445


>> No.50017540

Yeah, they always claim is good cause it's from nature too, which is a retarded argument

>> No.50017582


I don't hate potheads, but they are annoying. I don't like weed, shit sends my anxiety levels through the roof and makes me feel absolutely mentally retarded. All I wanna do is go to sleep. But weed smokers try to get me to smoke weed all the time "Dude it's weed lmao!". They think I'm refusing a good time or something.

>> No.50017604

Weed fucked me up for years after a single bad trip, I think people that are slightly schizo get really bad symptoms from it, I remember de disassociation lasting 2 years.
Only ended after taking Testosterone

>> No.50017606

same anon. kinda weird to browse this forum sober.

>> No.50018064

I vape weed 4 times a day every day. I have been using it for nearly 10 years and I haven't been sick in almost 3 years.

>> No.50018112

I quit weed to keep smoking cigs like a loser faggot. Never smoke cigs and rips bowls all day.

>> No.50019060

What's NAC?

>> No.50019658

i live near trenton nj. niggers literally cannot function without weed. if they step outside, they're high on weed. if they're still inside their apartment, they're high on weed. i've literally smelled weed in my car, with my windows rolled up, while driving 60 mph on route 1 before.

>> No.50019774

>A number of studies have shown

>> No.50019786
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>> No.50019807

I cannot even begin to imagine smoking weed whilst driving. I was stuck in motorway traffic yesterday for like 4 hours and it was so stressful constantly having to brake or dodge retards that didn't indicate

>> No.50019841

>Marijuana smokers
stopped reading dont care I only vape

>> No.50019851
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if the media tells you its bad you should do it. thats 2022.

>> No.50019937

I used to smoke weed pretty much everyday and it made me waste pretty much all my time and I didn't do anything.
Once I stopped smoking it I was amazed how much better and productive I felt all the time and life generally got better.
Most of my friends went though similar experiences, and the ones who never stopped smoking it all the time are bacially losers.

>> No.50019947

After smoking for 8 years i have finally quit weed. It has been 6 months since i last lit up. Weed is poison for the brain, it is our version of soma. Fuck weed and the people who push it.

>> No.50019983

Because you're going to make me pay for your healthcare

>> No.50020112

Does no one in this thread know that CBD is an anti psychotic that counteracts the paranoia of THC?
Take 100ng a cbd before you smoke and you won’t get anxiety.

>> No.50020261

>just take more drugs to counter the effects of the drugs
>weed is harmless dude its just a plant legalise it
I don't think weed should be illegal but I wish pot heads would shut up about it.

>> No.50020362

You’re a faggot

>> No.50020441
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>Democrats are now the anti marijuana party
Talk about a flippening

>> No.50020452

Pothead here

I got mad psychosis probably going to be homeless soon, living in a shed right now

>> No.50020539

Wrong board, big boy.

>> No.50020569
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>> No.50021148
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>take this to change your mind state
>no of course its not a drug

>> No.50021506

This stoner faggot sits next to me at work. He's constantly coughing and clearing his throat. He has a bunch of other autistic breathing tics, probably done kind of neurological damage.