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5000682 No.5000682 [Reply] [Original]

What price we gonna be worth q2 2018?


>> No.5000704

Q2 2018 means mainnet, plasma, and staking. $2 easily.

>> No.5001018

That would be nice
I could retire on that

>> No.5001438

I don't know man but everyone here says that if you hold at least 10k then you'll make it

>> No.5001561

I expect a 300m cap at least sooooo... about .50

they'll be in singapore working directly with kyber to join both platforms

>> No.5001617

300mcap in 6months? Only a x3?

>> No.5001619

crypto market cap is going to increase x20 in 2018. it's impossible to say how high req will be but i think it will beat conservative predictions

>> No.5001645


give us a number to jack off to or fuck off

>> No.5001678

second this

>> No.5001699

300m at least...
yes its very conservative but a 3x in 6 months isn't bad

If I said a 1b+ cap I'd be accused of shilling :^)

>> No.5001700


dont forget token burn

>> No.5001718

i don't think $15 EOY 2018 is outside the realm of possibility. really depends how high the crypto market cap actually goes and how many businesses adopt REQ

>> No.5001750

Does REQ seem too good to be true to anyone else?
What's a reliable amount to risk on this?

>> No.5001751

also depends on how many coins are being burned by then

>> No.5001809


>> No.5001843

Req holder myself.
The only downside would be if the team didn't deliver. But based on previous updates they actually delivered more then expected.
So that's why it's considered so undervalued right now.

>> No.5001849

i put 5000 sheckles into his

>> No.5001884

>Does REQ seem too good to be true to anyone else?
It might, but it's been developing well. Not like those other ICOs which released to 5-10x, then got dumped like a bitch. When this dropped to $.03 it was literally life screaming at you to put all the money you could into and hodl.

Reliable risk is always up to you. If I'm Bill Gates I'd put like $100k. Average joe might put about $300 now and see where it goes.

>> No.5001898

I put 1250 into this , lets hope for a $15 eyo price next year.

>> No.5001915

kind of
but they have first market mover advantage and a team motivated enough to make it happen
YC approved and the team won some ING award for their last project

so if they can establish a solid customer base (from YC alumni / ING contacts / partnership contacts) it'll be the next big thing in crypto

we're talking about a potential multibillion dollar project currently valued at 100m

>> No.5001974

Bought 200k. I totally believe in this. This is by far the only coin right now that looks solid.

I hope for at least 2$ by Q2 2018 and about 11$ by end of Q1 2019.

>> No.5001978

Thanks, I was thinking around that number. That's like a week of pay anyways.

What is the prior experience on the team?

Yeah, I don't expect to go to Lamboland with anything. It's more just cool to be investing in something interesting.

So I take it the concept with REQ's appeal is that it will gain value through corporate application rather than Normies slamming the buy button on coinbase?

Also thanks for all the answers anons. REQ threads are the friendliest places on /biz/.

>> No.5002026

tfw my dick just got hard and I bought 100k,

>> No.5002049

Jesus, I'm a REQ holder myself but that 11$ prediction. I'd like to believe anon but I don't want us to be like those derailed linkies.

>> No.5002060

50/50 on req and xrp
am i gonna make it?

>> No.5002095

Anon, anon. I put 45% of my savings in REQ, and now it is 65%. I may go down in flames, but that's okay because the other alternative is a financially worry-free life. Get rich or die trying, my friend. Can't take this life too seriously.

>> No.5002146

Won't have REQ the same scalability issues as Bitcoin and Ethereum? Once everyone uses REQ, the transactions will be slow and expensive.

>> No.5002197


the team previously created Moneytis for international money transfers which is currently used and transfers millions a year. as Moneytis they won the ING startup competition. its the exact same team working on Request now, so they've all been working together for between 1-5 years.

individually, each member of the team has extensive experience in fintech/banking/blockchain. you can check it all on their linkedin's

>> No.5002222


Ethereum's scaling solutions will be ready Q2 2018 which is when Request will be 100% ready to go according to roadmap

>> No.5002227

I'm probably marrying rich anyways, but on the off chance that falls through, this will be nice for extra money.

Alright, I've been shilled. I'll buy some when I get home from work.

>> No.5002228

It's not too far fetched from reality. That would be like a 7 billion market cap. What REQ aims to do, being a whole payment network with audit, escrow services, tax modules, crowdfunding plattforms, automatic legal services, on top of the online payment system and god knows what other APIs, can have this project into such numbers by the time the whole crypto market cap is into 1 trillion or more.

Remember REQ and many other ICO were born this year and only have months in the market. 2018 and 2019 will see the consolidation (and death) of many projects. This is one of those who looks like it will survive in the long term.

>> No.5002393

Then tell me why REQ is compared to other shitcoins in the top 100 completly undervalued when its potential is near limitless.

And i don't understand how the wanna be successfull in auditing and tax modules use case. Way too complex and way too many barriers.

>> No.5002547

the coin is not directed at normies

>> No.5002698

the Ycombinator guarantees it survives.

>> No.5002823


>> No.5002989

2017 was the year of the crypto. Doubt we will ever see such a boom again.

>> No.5003009

This sadly

>> No.5003037

Shouldn't it be 2018 as the year of the crypto? Now that normies are on the bandwagon?

>> No.5003080

You have to think an amout you can lose, but you could make it 10 or 100x.
Can I lose 500$? Yes, if theres a big chance it makes me 50 000$

>> No.5003142


if you ignore those retards you will have a much more enjoyable crypto experience

>> No.5003196

Quit fucking talking about req! My bitcoin is pending you holes!

>> No.5003270

Wrong man. The crypto market will reach $5-$10 trillion in 2018. (and REQ will capture a good slice of that).

Coinbase userbase is exploding. biz is exploding. crypto subreddits are exploding. So much new money is coming in it's not even funny.

And don't forget China/Korea. New generations of wealthy people are looking for a return on their investments. Some of them are buying up real estate in the west. Some are investing in stocks. But many are eyeing crypto and moving their money there.

Don't underestimate 2018. It will be a great year.

>> No.5003275

Think about it : eth was 8 1 year ago. Now 600. Think this is sustainable?

>> No.5003321

Oldfags will remember: the crypto boom can die from one day to the other.

Look at Charlie LTC comment ytd: think this guy is stupid ?

>> No.5003359

this guy is right. crypto market as a whole is far from it's peak still

>> No.5003385

I bet you got less than 200k in crypto?

Wishful thinking vs rational analysis

>> No.5003402

Yes. ETH is going to $2000 bare minimum next year, if not 5X that. How do you not understand that the entire business world is looking at using it and investing in it?

>> No.5003463

what is a good buy in price for this coin, if not where it is currently at right now

>> No.5003532

Entire business world has done just fine without it

>> No.5003536

I can't wait when REQ hits $15 and you fags will buy it at ath FOMO'ing.

>> No.5003546


If the market was rational, you would be right. But this isn't the stock market with thousands of financial analysts with PHDs in math running valuation models to determine the correct price of an asset.

This is crypto. Literally everyone is a retard. So much new money is still yet to come. You might as well ride out the wave while you can.

>> No.5003656

So why didn't you invest in ETH in 2016? I see you are quite the visionary.

The way people think now: look, this xyz coin increased by 100x in 1 year. Too bad I missed that BUT if I invest 10.000 now I LL have 1 million in one year because the "normies" are coming. Not realizing you are the normy yourself.

>> No.5003771

Lmao...implying that they don't want to keep innovating and saving/making more money with more efficiency.

Idiot. Look at the Accenture reports from fucking March, saying that ETH will save banks 30Million++

The number of Barry Shillbert trolls on this board is too damn high.

>> No.5003801

I invested in 2015 :)

>> No.5003868

And you still need 5x? How is it possible?

>> No.5004019

>$5-$10 trillion in 2018.

You not deluded anymore, you are clearly insane.

>> No.5004028

>And you still need 5x?

When did I say I need 5x? Yes, another 5x would be nice. I think it will be even more than that though.

Have you heard about staking? It's when the ETH supply stops growing forever, ETH tokens are most likely going to be BURNED during transactions (AKA DEFLATIONARY, better than bitcoin), and ETH stakers will be able to make 10% a year in ETH dividends just by holding ETH.

I know you already know this since you're a troll paid by Barry Shillbert, but just in case anyone else is reading.

DONT DO ALL YOUR RESEARCH HERE. GO TO /r/ethereum or anywhere similar to see the vast amount of real-world businesses developing on Ethereum. This is the real deal world computer in the making folks. Cheers to all!

>> No.5004108


this is the most normie-friendly alt coin in all of crypto. The sub reddit is growing 10% per day, which is historically faster than any other crypto subreddit.


REQ can implement off-chain scaling solutions if need be. But I have faith in the ethereum core dev team.


2018 will be the year of promising alts. Ethereum market cap may double or triple in 2018, but much of that money will flow into promising ERC20 tokens.

Shitcoins will die and the few viable ones will moon incredibly. You can already see it happening. The normies start out on coinbase and gradually the trickle into reddit, biz, niche markets, and ultimately alt coins.

>> No.5004255

>move all my LTC to Eth last night because deep down I knew it was the future and just wanted to ride the LTC wave
>LTC goes above $300 and now I thi k you are a dumbshill spewing bullshit and I just blew my chance at making it on the true BTC replacement.

>> No.5004380

Do you honestly think that LTC will replace BTC? Come on now, it's crap and you know it.

Ethereum futures are coming in January. They will announce it any day now and price will explode nonstop. Hold onto your ETH if you're smart!

>> No.5004404

>Bitcoin climbs to $50K
>ETH, LTC, XMR keep their ratio.

That's 5 trillion market cap right there. You don't think people are going to be buying BTC at $50K when there are some people saying BTC could be $1 million?

>> No.5004585

Let's say bitcoin hits $1M

Who is going to buy at $1M, people who think it will hit $10M?

It's not gonna hit $10M. So why would it go to $1M? It'll never be the "End price" these people claim it will be (McAfee, America's BIGGEST BTC miner surely doesn't want to push his own agenda right) It's literally the carrot dangling from the stick that propels an animal to chase after. At some point this ponzi scheme will come crashing down.

>> No.5004760

Yeah you are right. The growth will be infinite and we will all make it.


>> No.5004890

ReQwhales apply here https://discord.gg/MADpAB
sub 100k reqlets not allowed.

>> No.5004948


Let's say bitcoin hits $10K

Who is going to buy at $10K, people who think it will hit $20K?

It's not gonna hit $10K. So why would it go to $20K? It'll never be the "End price" these people claim it will be (McAfee, America's BIGGEST BTC miner surely doesn't want to push his own agenda right) It's literally the carrot dangling from the stick that propels an animal to chase after. At some point this ponzi scheme will come crashing down.

>> No.5005500

So you're saying Bitcoin won't hit $1 million? Ok. I never said it would. I said people THINK it will. That alone can bring the price up.

>> No.5005963

Moneytis for example is prior experience, read up on it

>> No.5006299
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Not with XRP.

No one has ever made it with XRP except for the devs with their premined bullshitcoin.


Unironically this.

$0.50 by Colossus (before the 22nd) and sky is the limit after that, if the product is as slick as it looks.