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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50004970 No.50004970 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>28 yo male
>live in Sydney Australia
>going for Network Admin Job
>they're offering 85k for it
>boomer says it's great money doesn't understand
>explain to boomer my first job that paid 65k was paying more
>hur dur 85 > 65
>explain inflation between now and 10 years ago means that my 85k is worth less than 65k 10 years ago
>I would be no richer than when I started
>boomer says inflation is made up for snowflakes to feel like victims
>I was on a 130k mid Covid until I got fired for not taking the clotshot
>only jobs left without mandates are low paying cunts like these motherfuckers

What a feeling to be in a society

>> No.50005030

not ur personal journal u flaming faggot

>> No.50005032

Yeah it is so we’ll wait another 2 years + 2 weeks adios

>> No.50005111

>got fired for not taking the clotshot
Did you at least sue for unemployment? My employer kept bullshitting us that we would be fired, but enough of us told them to go fuck themselves and they backed down.

>> No.50005276

This was almost immediately after the high court ruled we didn't have a bill of rights. I didn't even get to the point of getting legal help because fair work told me anything related to the vax and they cannot touch it, law access said the same thing. No point trying until the bodies start pilling up and judging by how fucking frequent the ambo sirens have been lately I assume it's soon

>> No.50006216
File: 520 KB, 828x632, 606517F8-BDB9-4096-A4C6-820F2A498561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait for the abo sirens

>> No.50006697

>it's soon
You shoulda listened STALKER, now you'll be worm food.

>> No.50006976
File: 24 KB, 524x485, 8614B5AB-321F-49D6-B638-E17AF4CF4BEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, 30 single
>white collar job making 85K in bumfuck nowhere
>Always been a loner so lots of money for toys’n’shit
>dad gets sick and so does mom
>help them move in with grandfather
>Coofening happens
>non essential
>have to deliver pizza because specialized field doesn’t fucking transfer in even managing a fucking GameStop
>Smoke weed with boss and accidentally eat the wrong edibles
>wake up in a fucking nuthouse three days later
>takes a week to get out
>find a bunch of odd jobs and end up working at Planet Fitness
>forced to take clotshot
>get the fucking thing and get sick for a week
>get term’s
>end up mowing lawns
>doing pretty good and can get a landscaping license quickly
>fucking gas prices out pace any profit I make
>literally eating whey and casein with peanut butter to survive
>money goes back into business
>jerry rig car to tow everything so I don’t have to buy a truck
>700 credit score, doesn’t matter since I don’t have “real employment.”
>end up working for uncle

>> No.50007199

haha wow that's awesome, it's a good thing you held the responsible parties accountable

>> No.50007245

Druggies fail at life and then get surprised. Happens all the time, but nobody is willing to blame the druggies.
Feels good to not consume hebrew liquor and hemp.

>> No.50007251

> it's not fair


>> No.50007276

go elsewhere to cry stupid wagie

>> No.50007331

Ha, losing your job because you believed all the dumb shit you read on here, stupid fucking retard. Braaaaaaaap
>Triple vaxxed, 105k GBP salary

>> No.50007483


>> No.50007499

Yeah don't listen to antivaxx bullshit, I got the three doses and never had any side effe

>> No.50007576

It has nothing to do with the efficacy or the side effect of the shot. It has everything to do with personal dignity and freedom. If you accept that your body is a instrument and can be modified or sold by your employee you automatically lose your dignity as a human being.

>> No.50008309

>>I was on a 130k mid Covid until I got fired for not taking the clotshot

>> No.50008366

Boomers not understanding inflation explains everything about their arrogance

>> No.50008494

>he doesn't know how to falsify the vaxxcard

>> No.50008635

you have already accepted that by working for someone else. hell even working independently you rely on customers and therefore other people.

>> No.50009279

Joke status not gotten

>> No.50010449
File: 3.88 MB, 5928x2920, SUMMED UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>boomer says inflation is made up for snowflakes to feel like victims
If he's not being a typical boomer asshole the leaded gasoline has damaged his brains

>> No.50010515

> can't spend 1k for a valid clotshot paper


>> No.50010548

>spend a whole ass grand just to entertain the lies of the current day

>> No.50010585

throw the boomer down the well
so my country can be free
we must grab them by the horns
then we'll have a big party

>> No.50010603

he is right retard


>> No.50010630

>I was on a 130k mid Covid until I got fired for not taking the clotshot


>> No.50010765
File: 138 KB, 230x711, Stalker_hl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yea I let the state and my boss dictate my literal genetic makeup how could you tell

>> No.50010829

>inflation is made up for snowflakes to feel like victims