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File: 384 KB, 546x978, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49999217 No.49999217 [Reply] [Original]

you did remember to send the HR roastie a bouquet of flowers... didn't you?

>> No.49999228

clever lad

>> No.49999256

Must be good-looking or he would be fired and getting interrogated by the police.

>> No.49999294

I'm gonna try this one

>> No.49999327
File: 22 KB, 512x512, 1655415030092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like fucking wheat and barley

>> No.49999365


Kissing ass works with women, go figure.

>> No.49999428

it's a nice practical gift, she can mill it then get in the kitchen and bake a fucking loaf of bread

>> No.49999443
File: 56 KB, 657x527, 1631218431805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't leave a filled condom at her desk

>> No.49999489

i hate hr so much
i hate women even more

>> No.49999552

and what is the evaluation of an hr lady?

1. hate = hr + lady
2. hate = hr * lady
3. hate = hr ** lady

>> No.49999632

hr only exists because of women my hatred of hr is just a subsection of my hatred of women

>> No.49999680

He probably didn't get the job.
And he was probably good looking otherwise he'd be in jail.

>> No.49999689

Looks nicer than flowers tbqh

>> No.50000274

wheat's expensive these days

>> No.50000292


>> No.50000323

I kekked

>> No.50000378

>"Hey Anon, thanks for the wonderful talk the other day, we really enjoyed it. Oh and thanks for the flowers and snacks too, so considerate, we ate them all in an hour haha!"
>"So anyway, I'm sorry to info-"
I've gotten so many rejections at this point that I hang up the phone before they finish their sentence. Is this a bad move?

>> No.50000424
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 02B60930-9A7E-4578-B043-BCEB8DF235D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top jej

>> No.50000485

>I hang up the phone before they finish their sentence
>Is this a bad move?
Yes, you blackpilled faggot. Here's why. You need to ask them what you can do to make yourself the type of person that would be employable in that position. I got an awesome position after being rejected by a company, asking the above question, being told what qualifications I would need for that job, then going out and getting them, and reaching back out to the company a year later. They were happy to hire me, and I've been on an upward trajectory within that company ever since.

>> No.50000628

>looks like fucking wheat and barley
Yeah, should have picked red roses lol

>> No.50000769

HR goon detected

>> No.50000934

You nigger, they will never tell you the real reason. They are not going to risk a lawsuit.

>sorry, but you are ugly

>> No.50000937
File: 275 KB, 530x678, 1647947932253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even tangentially related to an HR position. Job security all throughout covid. No vax. Sneed.

>> No.50001022

I would be called a creep if I did this :(

>> No.50001059

Good morning from Kazakhstan

>> No.50001097

>and reaching back out to the company a year later
If they told you fuck off why crawl back to the teat?
Fucking wageslave

>> No.50001099

Alright, I'll play ball. From the perspective of an employee who simply wants a well paying position, who cares if they hire you based on your looks, based on their fear of a lawsuit, or based on something else?

No matter how much you want the world to be ideologically driven by merit, it will never be that way 100%. Better to learn how to operate successfully within it while still staying true to your own morals. That's why it's better to learn from rejection rather than burn bridges.

>> No.50001151
File: 171 KB, 1160x2048, IMG_0668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Job security all throughout covid
Thank you for your service

>> No.50001167

guess who will definitely not get called back if another similar position opens, retard

>> No.50001431

Great move. They are not worth your time. Next you need to start stalking them to remind her how she fucked up

>> No.50001546

It’s unreal how much I hate women

>> No.50001679

Lol that's pampus grass. A plant that you put in your front garden if you are a swinger / host swinger parties. I think the candidate was suggesting something a little more than a job contract.

>> No.50003250

it's perfect for hr roasties. they're dried plants, meaning no watering and no chance for the roastie to kill them again. growing up, my mother made a shit ton of dried floral arrangements that were in picture frames all over the house. father also liked dried bugs/butterflies mounted.
>just midwest things

>> No.50003267

wtf is that?

>> No.50003300

I see it as a metaphor
>These flowers are dead and dried up
>Your uterus is dead and dried up

>> No.50003358
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Based Beyond Belief

>> No.50003364
File: 213 KB, 1222x681, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dried floral arrangements have been around for centuries. i think it's more about the form rather than the actual species/color

>> No.50003437

peak slavecuck post

>> No.50003459

it can be both. All single women co-workers who put everything into work. I'll buy them a dried up dried up floral arrangement as a slight at their infertility in their 40s.

>> No.50003461

>Eww Stacey, that creepy guy who applied for the IT role just sent me flowers. What a loser!

>> No.50003476

I'm guessing this is the zoomer version of a firm handshake. God damn faggots.

>> No.50003781

>"modern" "woman" with a degree
>knowing how to cook

>> No.50003845


He still didn't get the job.

>> No.50004095

>So anyway, I'm sorry to inform you that you won't be able to start working until next month since IT needs some time to set up your computer, is that all right with you? And congrats on the job!

>> No.50004102

giving someone wheat at the top, lol
also isn't this a micro aggression and sexual harassment nowadays

>> No.50004203

What ever dignity you had left, burned to ashes when you went crawling back, begging like a bitch.

>> No.50004612

>ignorance is dignity
lol, lmao

>> No.50006301

Ignore this shit and improve grip strength so you get a firmer handshake. When a boomer talks about firm handshake he means bone-crushing, that's why most younger millenial's don't get this advice and think it's a meme.

>> No.50006341

Only if the candidate was a non chad, if Chad or a woman then it’s fine.

>> No.50008244

Do hr roasties really like eating flowers?

>> No.50009290

>sorry we're looking for a trans person to fill esg quota
>cuts off dick
>you're hired

>> No.50009341

>so anyway, I'm sorry to inform you so late in the evening but I just couldn't wait to give you the good news

>> No.50009453

As she carried them to her office, she had a trail of floating debris behind her .

>> No.50009537

At least I build stuff.

>> No.50009568

It's an inflation dog whistle
>a measure of wheat for a penny
>three measures of barley for a penny
>but damage not the oil and the wine

>> No.50010681
File: 62 KB, 570x575, 6y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So anyway, I'm sorry to info-"
Sie vill hire me and Sie ville be happy

>> No.50010920

Of course
>he doesnt apply to jobs as a way to hook up with hr roasties

>> No.50011001

Holy shit, I'd kill myself LMFAO

>> No.50011079

No actually I just imagined fucking her while waiting for the process to complete. I never even saw a picture of the bitch I just edged hard to the sound of her voice and what I imagined her as. She ended up vouching for me and landing me the job on the upper end of the price spectrum. Guess the astral attraction shit does work after all.

>> No.50011424

no one would ever say that

>> No.50011463

this. these fags would hire white male incels if they were an hr roastie equivalent regardless of merit.

>> No.50012124

Fucking kek, this nigger begged to find out why he was hired instead of just reading the job posting? THEN he went crawling back after doing as told?
AHAHAHAHAHHAAHA, just lie on your resume you fucking retard