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File: 33 KB, 590x110, youtube_xaio_mei_mei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49997198 No.49997198 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from this?

>> No.49997256

Stop fucking spamming shitty twitter threads you fucking faggot.

>> No.49997267

Long big pharma with antidepressants and other mental health "meds" in their portfolio.

Also, fuck yourself twitter Nigger

>> No.49997286


also, yeah this fucking world sucks dick man. The only guarantee in this existence is suffering. Happiness isn't. And if you find it, it's a fleeting moment that falls through your fingers. But guaranteed you will suffer one way or another before you leave. This world is so fucking rotten.

>> No.49997317

My pet is on the brink between life and death. If she doesn’t make it, neither will I. This is the lowest point I have ever been in my life. I can’t take this bros..

>> No.49997330

Sell Helium Tanks

>> No.49997332

sell tissues.

>> No.49997340

excising is better.

>> No.49997343
File: 152 KB, 860x602, 1628329678342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad now

>> No.49997344

Your pet is unique but neither the only one capable of loving you nor the only one you could possibly love.

>> No.49997368

Bro it’s just a pet, yeah you’ll be sad I was bummed when my dog died but Jesus Christ why are millennials all dog/cat parent faggots who compensate for their biological urge to be a parent with an animal? If it was your wife/kid I understand but it’s just an animal bro. You’ll be fine.

>> No.49997388

And often these fleeting moments of happiness are for very minor and irrelevant things.

An Italian poet said that the only time where a person is ever truly happy is during infancy. Life isn't worth living beyond that.

>> No.49997389

Animals are better and nicer than people you retard

>> No.49997454

That's what your brain tells you to remember too. Infancy is full of frustration a little traumas.

>> No.49997695

retards, clearly not twitter. I even put youtube in the filename, but I guess phoneposters can't see that.


>> No.49997705

>Video unavailable
>This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds
Such is life

>> No.49998024

dubs of peace love and truth, thank you for your sentiments anon

>> No.49998422

By becoming a multi dimensional parasitic organism which has manipulated humanity since it was conceived, in order to feed off negativity.

>> No.49998639

Life is hard and nothing comes easy. There is so much stuff you need to know, but the hard part is actually doing it. For good executions you need practice, that means routine and discipline. Most people lack that, even worse.. they don't even have the will to learn and definitely often never have the will to take action.
In the past, it was the community pushing and exerting pressure over the individual to do this and that, whatever needed to be done at work and around the house or land. Also the will to learn and act came from the wives and later on children. Something was always pushing you to keep going and survive.

Nowadays as a neet you don't have those

>> No.49998785

my border collie was smarter than most people i know.

>> No.49999064


>> No.50001271

Based Castaneda poster

>> No.50001366

>eternal beta cries for his mommy

>> No.50001400

How is starting a thread with "How do I profit from" not a permaban offense yet?