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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4999650 No.4999650 [Reply] [Original]

>crypto gets a big step closer to mainstream adoption
>always thought it would be a great thing
>actually its extremely off-putting seeing normies talk about crypto
>my gut instincts tell me this is when to sell
why is this? I never thought "gut feelings" were real until now. every fibre of my being is screaming for me to sell now

>> No.4999700

ok well if you havent made it yet you never will anyway. Sell half your coins

>> No.5000012

Cause you‘re a fag thats destined to be poor and wiped out. Everyone sane and all the Chads buy now you fucking retard

>> No.5000045

nice meme

>> No.5000083

Normies talk about stocks and entrepreneurship and they are either LARPing or fail miserably.

>> No.5000111


>> No.5000148

it's because we bought expecting the price to go up when crypto has wide adoption by actual users but now it just has wide adoption as a speculative asset and people are maxing out their credit cards to try and get on, which is a textbook bubble.

crypto was undervalued when you got it and now it's overvalued based on something that hasn't even happened yet and might not. so now you get to sit around and watch everyone make a ton of money knowing it's all bullshit and you'll want to die every fucking day until this shit crashes. it better fucking crash

>> No.5000196

because it's obvious that none of these people have ANY IDEA what they are doing.

not a SINGLE ONE understands a SINGLE THING about encryption. Let alone cryptocurrencies. They are literally sheep. The tip of the flock will make money by virtue of being in front of the rest of the sheep pushing forward.

THe best part about it is, those curious sheep will be the ones crucified by the rest, when the whole thing inevitably blows up. We will be as untouchable as the gods on olympus. Now where'd I park my yacht?

>> No.5000236

True, but I just more than doubled my money in 24 hours

>> No.5000246

lol you have no idea.

>> No.5000277

Gut feeling >> cortical rationalization.

"gut feeling" is literally the best source of information available to you. Just make sure you filter your emotions first. Gut feelings often cause us to feel emotions, but the emotions are your reaction to the gut feeling, not a part of the gut feeling itself.

>> No.5000355

>that pic


>> No.5000432

pretty much this buuuuut...
Speculation is the means that funds, interest, and adoption for actual use happens. Speculation won’t matter as much once actual use happens but actual use doesn’t proliferate until a lot of people have a lot of coins. dotcom bubble was necessary to build the successful businesses that emerged from the boom and later wreckage.

>> No.5000445

there is always great money to be made in bubbles.

Some of us prefer not to take advantage of people that directly.

I'm already 25x this year. Now I'm more concerned about keeping that money than chasing risky profit, no matter how lucrative the profit. The money I made can do real things for me to change my life. It already has. I can make more money on safe daily plays than any other job available to me. If I fomo my stack into something trying to chase moons . . . I could lose this quite comfy position.

When this speculative hype has bubbled down, I will buy back in. The price point doesn't matter, it's the pattern that determines risk. I did the same thing in 2013-2014, timed the bottom perfectly and never lost a cent.

missed gains >>>> lost money

>> No.5000611

when does that crash happen though?? I got in during the summer and went through two major crashes (Bitcoin cash) & (china leaving) that cost me almost everything. Should I wait to get back in or put more money in now?

To clarify next time i get in im not touching it for years after. which was my original mistake.

>> No.5000904

its always safe to get in on a dip, depending on how long you want to wait. My first btc purchase was buying the crash from 1150>600. I bought the bottom and sold at 900, the top of the dead cat bounce. Then I waited out the bear market for at least 6 months before buying in. I dont think the bear will be as long this time.

but regardless, I bought at 430, held
bought at 340, held
bought at 220, held
bought at 340, held
held until this year.

Start buying when its been going down for a while and you think its at least halfway done going down. Then keep buying (at lower and lower prices) until the price reaches your original buy in point. I put in every spare cent I made during the entire 2014-2015 "crypto winter".

I started selling "early" because 10x was my target. THe gains you could have made are IRRELEVANT. Only the gains you make matter. Anything else is hindsight and speculation.

Set goals and follow through. Or fall victim to your emotions and lose money.

>> No.5000951


this shit is continually moving forward. If you are watching where you could have gone in the past you will not get where you are trying to go in the future.

>> No.5000967

So one should have sold Google stock when normies started talking about it?

>> No.5001034

normies will get bored of it after a while like they did with pokemon go. they will inject the market with new capital and then they will promptly exit the market to go chase after whatever the new fad is

>> No.5001333

you invested more than you can afford to lose

>> No.5001400

Many reasons my dude
>literally zero actual adoption
>no sign of any adoption beyond speculation for the next 2 years
>massive surge of "lol free money" bag holders that you can dump on

Dump, pick an upcoming developing coin, hang on for the x1000% in 2 years as it matures.

>> No.5001960

I quite enjoy letting normies talk on for minutes at a time about crypto and then just completely decimating them in front of their friends. Always makes for a good chuckle.

>> No.5002249

It really is off putting. I bet this is a similar to how old money feels about new money.

>> No.5002459

>new fad
I don't see many other investment fads out there bb

>> No.5002513


>actually its extremely off-putting seeing normies talk about crypto
this is me, except when memes started becoming a thing outside of 4chan.

>> No.5002553

it makes me comfy inside because I know for a fact they are retarded. This means I must be at least marginally more intelligent than them and therefore higher than them in the food chain.