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49995901 No.49995901 [Reply] [Original]

why does it feel like porn is meant to sedate me
can i profit from this

>> No.49995937

Because it is

>> No.49996172

who the fuck still watches (((porn))) in 2022

>> No.49996190
File: 3.36 MB, 1468x7675, Lemmings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49996191

I watch porn, what else am I supposed to do?
Jizz in my sleep like a tard?

>> No.49996206

>sedate you
Tf are you watching?

>> No.49996216
File: 68 KB, 750x708, 1651567016786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ode to Silikone (Stop Watching Porn)


>> No.49996220

becoming a nullo is going too far

>> No.49996229

How tf does porn even do anything for u any more

>> No.49996256

I have a very needy and demanding cock, my balls produce more semen than I need and there is nothing I can do about it.
Porn is very effective to release that load so I can move on with my work.

>> No.49996261

I had this problem and it was very embarrassing when I was at a sleepover. It disappeared after I started to wank. Porn is also useful now because my wife doesn't have big sexual needs, unless she's literally in heat. So thanks porn.

>> No.49996306

if you tried nofap for a week you have a burning desire to smash other men's skulls in and claim their women

>> No.49996310

I still have this problem as an adult
I can go a couple days without cuming but at around after day 2 it gets very critical.
My cock just gets hard and oozes out precum. Very annoying.
My brain feels like a slowed down computer with 5000 Chrome tabs open until I take care of that Boner. Its hell.

>> No.49996315

use your mind

>> No.49996346

That's the high test curse. Sadly women with high libido are a rarity.

>> No.49996351

And then remember the porn?
Why the hassle? Seems more efficient to get it done as fast as possible.
I dont want to spend 50 minutes jerking off to the feint memory of a tit

>> No.49996388

You jerk off the memories of previous sexual encounters instead of rewiring your brain to get off being a cuck watching people fuck instead of doing it yourself. Or worse you start fantasising being the woman and become a tranny.
You do have precious sexual encounters to jerk off to, right anon?

>> No.49996398

>You do have precious sexual encounters to jerk off to, right anon?
No I dont

>> No.49996412

I knows you're a coomer. Coomers don't have the confidence or urgency to get laid. Probably should fix that.

>> No.49996435

>Probably should fix that.
That doesnt solve my problem