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49993545 No.49993545 [Reply] [Original]

There has to be more to life than just consuming products

>> No.49993573

Nope that's it

>> No.49993589

becoming the best version of yourself. becoming great at something you're passionate about. finding a beautiful woman. falling in love with her. starting a family and raising your children to be happy, healthy, and successful people.

>> No.49993603

Yea, you can also make the products that people consume. Pick a side, OP.

>> No.49993657

It's literally just about having children. If you don't have children, your life is a complete waste

>> No.49993680

you'd think right? but even the simple things require consumption of something

>> No.49993687
File: 62 KB, 600x400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always help burn the jews

>> No.49993730

There is also get exited for next product.

>> No.49993747

This. It adds joy, depth, and accomplishment to your life that you will never get from anything else. Highly recommended.

>> No.49993778

At a minimum food, water, shelter. Consoomerjism is what drives the economy, advancement in the sciences and had moderised into the troons you pay to coom.

>> No.49994241
File: 19 KB, 381x235, b9d0b500-f077-11ec-8669-c1f3c9a3847e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding a beautiful woman. falling in love with her.
>starting a family and raising your children to be happy, healthy, and successful people.
here i fixed it for you

>> No.49994477
File: 275 KB, 530x678, you WILL be happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49994578

The Age of Exploration ended 2 centuries ago.

>> No.49995275

only if you believe what people say about places you've never been

>> No.49995511

acquiring as much knowledge as possible, and finding a way to add something new to humanity's codex of understanding our place in the quantum foam

>> No.49995515

the age of quantum exploration is only beginning desu

>> No.49995529

It's mostly spite, actually

>> No.49995530

Trying to not become one