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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4999118 No.4999118 [Reply] [Original]

>"We've seen mortgages being taken out to buy bitcoin. … People do credit cards, equity lines," said Borg, president of the North American Securities Administrators Association, a voluntary organization devoted to investor protection. Borg is also director of the Alabama Securities Commission.

>> No.4999165

This will be a bloodbath. Even when there’s no crash, a good dip will fuck weak minder fucks up

>> No.4999170
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>buh buh but it's nothing like the tulip bulb bubble guys!

>> No.4999192


>> No.4999205

you mean like the subprime bubble... interesting, waiting for the peak to short it at 100x

>> No.4999215
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hahahaha...fucking burgers, when will they learn.

>> No.4999216

...yet they will STILL make money. This shit is fucking insane.

>> No.4999220

$8 more dollars.. thats it, no more

>> No.4999251

They won't, they don't understand any of this shit. They're all going to lose it all. This is going to be a terrible christmas.

>> No.4999253

Well that's retarded. I wouldn't put any real stakes into BTC it's way too volatile. Put in a few thousand if you have it to spare, but don't start throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars into it because it has had a recent spike...

>> No.4999307

Gentlemen, we are experiencing the BOOMERang.

The BOOMERang is a generation-defining event in which we - the computer-savvy NEETs - take back the wealth stolen from us by the Boomer generation through superior crypto experience and knowledge.

>> No.4999322


> be crypto
> buy 100 LTC with credit limit
> said LTC goes to $1
> banks come after my anus

> be 2020
> crypto is new currency
> use 1 LTC to buy lambo
> banks come after my dick

I guess we'll see.

>> No.4999361

inb4 government steps in and fucks over american exchanges

>> No.4999370

Lol what the fuck is wrong with people seriously

>> No.4999416

Stories like this are the canary in the mines that it's time to cash out.

She whale will eventually cash out and crash it and the normies will panic sell, driving it lower. This is when you buy back in

>> No.4999431


> be government
> create massive bubbles all the time
> pop said bubbles all the time
> new bubble made by private sector
> said bubble is 500 billion now

It really would be a shame if the burger's government popped this one.

Would be a real shame... Wouldn't it?

>> No.4999479

Their only mistake was not doing this in 2012

>> No.4999491


but then the exchanges wil just "go offline" like they have been doing

>> No.4999494

i mean that is what he said they are waiting to see what regulators do to bitcoin before doing anything
he made a note of mtgox
regulation is coming in the US it's only a matter of time

>> No.4999541
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>yfw he's up a ton and you were making fun of him back then
>yfw you realize fiat is the bubble

>> No.4999556

Remember it could take 5-6 years to get back to where it is now. Maybe longer. My bags were very heavy when I bought at 500. 2013 I bought at 613, took until end of last year to get back to that. Those bags were very heavy.

>> No.4999560

Care to explain?

>> No.4999594
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>regulating an open source global asset limited in amount is possible

>> No.4999597

Oh yeah, stock market for sure makes me nervous now.

Imagine if the stock market crashed 60% and bitcoin only went down 30%. kek. How mad would boomers be?

>> No.4999606

>This is going to be a terrible christmas
but which christmas

>> No.4999631

>im a wizard and i know the tops
It will pump to $40k and will crash to $20k and you will get back in at a loss.

>> No.4999637

just gotta choke the chokepoints

>> No.4999641

Isn't this what happened in 2008?

>> No.4999683


yeah but this time it'll be different

>> No.4999697

>drug addict steals phone = steals coins while he's taking a piss
>rain floods tent, goodbye phone
>tree falls on tent, goodbye life
Bad idea desu

>> No.4999711

>believing countries can make their own laws regarding buying/selling bitcoin and exchanges

>> No.4999780


Tulip mania's, much like the housing crisis, and dot com bubble's, problem was that it end product was the price point. These are currencies. Its fucking different retard.

>> No.4999875


If you don't think the government can get all the boomers to believe bitcoin is a terrorist currency used by the millennials to fund Saddam Hussein's nuclear arsenal in an effort to dismantle the walls protecting the Mexican American border, that if dismantled would release all the illegals into the United States, causing widespread massive chaos due to lack of jobs for Americans - you must be living under a rock.

>> No.4999897

Yep, and in 2000s and in 20s etc

>> No.4999927

these arent currencies though, theyre assets

>> No.4999999


Oh this next stock market correction is going to be a bad one. Only question is when. I'd say soon, but, people have been saying that for like three years.

My question is, what will that do to bitcoin? I don't think anyone really knows, since it came after the 08 crash.

>> No.5000009


Actually it depends what bureaucracy you're talking to.

If you're talking to the IRS - it's property.
If you're talking to the FBI - it's currency.

Basically it's fairy jizz at this point.

>> No.5000019
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I don’t even want to get rich anymore, I want everything to crash and burn, I want to see normies ruined.

>> No.5000054



>> No.5000058

This is why I cashed out by last coins last night

Official /nocoiner/

I still hustle a bit in crypto though as a vendor an exchange and make decent bank from normies

>> No.5000099

agree with this guy, they lack the discipline and will leverage themselves beyond their means
they will need to cash out just to pay the interest on the loans they took out
im holding lots of crypto ~$10,000 USD worth (for me that's a lot)

i'm going to continue holding and building up my cash reserve to lay in wait for the next big crash and scoop up more crypto for a steep discount.

im seeing solid gains with my current accumulation and looking for further good entrance points for other coins (specifically looking at XMR).

>> No.5000112

how can people be so retarded? why do normies ruin everything?, they literally spit in everything that's worth something. If it wasn't for their stupidity we would be ok.

>> No.5000124

All hail anon

>> No.5000138


> borrowing against stocks

Welp that's not good.

>> No.5000156


>> No.5000165


>> No.5000223

> get rich off crypto
> cash out little at a time to silver
> crypto and stocks crash
> sell silver that's at $35 again
> buy up all the cheap stocks and crypto


>> No.5000229


>> No.5000234
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yfw you realize crypto are collectibles and not property nor currencies.

>> No.5000247

checked and keked
sextuples of truth

>> No.5000313


Well anon you do have a point.

>> No.5000342

Seems like different agencies claim shit that suits their needs

>> No.5000348
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>muh normies

as opposed to what? you NEET """"""""traders"""""""" who, in truth, know jack fucking squat about finance? every single day I watch you little idiots run around panic selling, falling for each other's shilling, and basically demonstrating the business acumen of a roulette wheel. and you somehow pretend you're better than random fuckers FOMOing bitcoin? is it a false sense of superiority? is it because you're hipsters? do we really need a hundred threads a day about "normies"?

>> No.5000354

Me too. I want to turn on the news and see irl pink wojak faces.

>> No.5000377

Shut up fag

>> No.5000378


Gives you the ability to lock up more people, thus meeting the quota set in place by the private prisons.

They're is a reason USA has the highest prisoner to population ratio.

>> No.5000402

>They're is a reason USA has the highest prisoner to population ratio.
More blacks and mestizos?

>> No.5000403
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I hope this doesn't mean I'm causing something awful to happen.

>> No.5000436

no... the boomers will unironically come into the crypto market, crush it and take all our money without knowing anything about the technology. boomers are literally the parasite generation. they sucked the very life of this planet dry, raped us all and soon they will nuke the entire planet before they retire forever. boomers are a fucking curse. literally the worst of the normie classes.

>> No.5000438
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This is exactly what I'm doing with my profit-taking.

>> No.5000446


Not sure why you're trying to make it about race, when it actually effects us all.

25% of your population incarcerated isn't a race matter, it's a government problem.

>> No.5000451

>everyone on biz is the same person

>> No.5000469


> t. normie logic

>> No.5000475

I was looking at silver and gold, but, those are pretty volatile too..

>> No.5000496

you will be left with piles of useless shiny stones. HAHAHAHA

>> No.5000508

Amerimutts are so fucking dumbs, no wonder why jews prosper like mice in a cheese factory.

>> No.5000518

Then a bunch of third world countries would be higher

>> No.5000521

>These are currencies.

You're delusional.

>> No.5000541

I know, right? Let's seize the means of production while we're at it, comrade.

>> No.5000546

25%? are you high? its not even 1%

>> No.5000591
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Stocks eternally BTFO

>> No.5000594


>> No.5000603

"We've seen mortgages being taken out..." uh-huh...so out of millions of investors around the planet, you know of a couple people who took out a second mortgage?
Shut it down.

Beanie Babies
Short selling

>> No.5000646


My bad

25% of the world's prison population.


> “It’s a stark fact that the United States has less than five percent of the world’s population, yet we have almost 25 percent of the world’s total prison population. The numbers today are much higher than they were 30, 40 years ago despite the fact that crime is at historic lows.”

Also it's higher than 1% if you count people on probation or some form of.

>> No.5000654

I put my entire life savings into btc. A few weeks ago. Made a lot of money.

>> No.5000667

Maybe the 25% is the proportion of male negroes in the clink. Sounds about right and I see no problem that needs fixing here.

>> No.5000711

> six nines
must be truth

>> No.5000729

What about the other 75%? There are too many Mexicans uglying up the place too.

>> No.5000791
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damn, I was hoping to make more money than that :(

>> No.5000798


Prisons are a business in the USA.

>> No.5000825

>These are currencies.
*breathes in*

There's a reason even the most ardent bitcoin proponents dropped the currency charade and now call it a store of value, bitcoin is awfully inefficient as a currency.

How many people buying into it do you think actually plan to use it as a currency? Virtually no one, people are buying into it as an speculative asset

>> No.5000838

>dubs (11)

>> No.5000856
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> mexicans
> uglying up the place

>> No.5000893


What makes you say that? Is the stock options or justice system?

>> No.5000912

bitcoin is a store of value. it's has a lot of value indeed. literally the most valuable comodity in the entire world. more valuable than gold, lithium, silver, copper, tin and even food. people literally cannot survive in the future without the bitcoins.

>> No.5000941

Are you trying to claim that to be an average Mexican? You're serious?
Have you ever even been around those things before?

>> No.5000991


Which coast are we talking about?

Cause last I checked the ones on the East coast are questionable, but boi the ones on the West coast like here, that are mixed.


>> No.5001011



>> No.5001067
File: 2.73 MB, 640x359, Mexican goblin queen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks this is what all Mexicans look like
Less than 1% of them, amigo, more Congolombians look like that, coupled with their god awful attitudes and narcissism.

>> No.5001087

>the wealth stolen from us
Glad to know you think you had X amount of wealth guaranteed to you before you even departed your father's balls.

I can't wait to watch all of you cunts get crushed by your hypocrisy.

"Wall street adds no value! They just flip digital nonsense back and forth and steal my money! They are not smart! They do nothing! Pure greed! THEY ARE EVIL!"

"I will flip this digital nonsense back and forth and steal everyone else's purchasing power. I am a fucking genius! I DO SO MUCH! I AM THE UBERMENCH!"

Kill yourselves.

>> No.5001091

Why does a particular coast matter when they're almost everywhere? And why are you now saying it's the mixed ones that look good? So those people are only decent when they're given some better genetics from other people because Mexicans can't cut it themselves. Just more degredation of Europe's peoples to bring up the lessers. Disgusting.

>> No.5001095
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This is what they look like where I live.

>> No.5001102
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You trying to say whites don't ugly up the place?

>> No.5001175


I'm already left with useless shiny stones fuckwit.

>> No.5001178

Mexicans don't even into crypto.

>> No.5001184


> asking why coast matters

You need to travel more.

> mixed ones that look good
> implying anyone from mexico is 100% mexican

Just stating that a mexican from mexico is 100%, but a mixed mexican is 110%.

> better genetics from other people
> implying we're all 100% niqqa, European, asian, ect.


>> No.5001235


>> No.5001990
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I like this timeline

>> No.5001998

Boomers are generally a bunch of socialist faggots though so I'm not sure what you meme by that

>> No.5002187

One side of me wants cryptocurrency to take off into a $10 trillion+ market cap, and the other side wants this bubble to pop hard just for the keks.

>> No.5002223


>> No.5002356
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Holy shit man what did you do

>> No.5002443

When the stock market crashes, hopefully in 2018, we're going to see unprecedented amounts of capital flow into crypto.

>> No.5002565

Ironically boomers created crypto. Boomers will invest in 1st and second generation blockchain developed years ago with no crypto knowledge whatsoever. It will moon and kill alts making all NEETS poor again. 3. gen blockchain will they find late 2018. Arkies have already sold or are dead by then. Boomers become node owners and tesla owners. Such is life for the most mediocre generation.

>> No.5002590

i-i didn't m-mean too...

It's very possible. I think we would get a sharp dip right at the stock market crash, then probably a quick pickup, but I'm pulling that out of my ass and have nothing to go on. Crypto is still young, we'll have to see how it behaves in down world markets.

I'm hoping it's a place people run to, but I think right now the exchanges need to get a lot better first. People would be worried about those going broke or shutting down or not being able to get their money out.

>> No.5002831

I agree. One of the main problems with crypto is the bottleneck between it and fiat, who controls that bottleneck, and how stable it is.

Does anyone here want to start an alt/fiat gateway with me? We can copy Coinbase's business model and legal structure. Leave your email.

>> No.5002999

Shiggy hope you aren't buying pamp, my nigga

>> No.5003066


Smart money will drop crypto for stocks.

>> No.5003199

In the aftermath yeah. But during?

Smart money will start buying stocks as soon as they /think/ the dust has settled. Easy to say I will, but I just hope I have the fortitude. I'm sure during that time everyone is saying "fuck the stock market" after just getting burned so bad.

>> No.5003223

CHAD boomers are investing THOUSANDS of dollars per week from their PENSIONS while they RELAX in their FLORIDA condos DEBT FREE.

>> No.5004209

How am i supposed to buy back in if it never crashes REEEE

>> No.5004517

> shiny stones
It's metal retard.

>> No.5004718

nice dubbiez

>> No.5005195

>what are backups

>> No.5005393

Oh this can only end bad
>BTC reaches new high
>people start selling
>price dips a bit
>idiots who just bought in start panicking
>normies start selling
>price drops even more
>media coverage, even more people get "sceptical"
>price drops even more

I literally cannot wait

>> No.5005693

Yeah no one ever said that since 2k, this is the first time.

>> No.5005959

>thinking that BTC is actually a currency and not just a digital store of value just like gold, domain names and even tulips


>> No.5005967

That's a jew

>> No.5005983

Yeah no sit this been happening for years now

>> No.5006080

But that's the great thing
Bitcoin always seems to rise from the ashes, while the normies lose their money, we know to just buy the dip.

>> No.5006105

a friend of mine just sold a 3.5 millions dollar house and the buy purchased with bitcoin

>> No.5006143

Tell him to enjoy the Interpol investigation

>> No.5006269

eh, I live among many millionaires.
millionaires dont pay taxes, son

>> No.5006695

In your wildest dreams peasant. Old monied "millionaires" might not. Where you live with keeping up with Jones Mommy and Daddy pay them in truckloads

And Interpol is coming for russian money laundering tied to illegal markets, not taxes.

>> No.5006994

>sell everything for memes

I love this timeline.

>> No.5007014

>1/32 Mexican

>> No.5007024
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This would BTFO every financial market. Whats worse is central banks would begin QE in a market crash which would literally skyrocket crypto higher.

>> No.5007056

Luckily I don't talk to either.

>> No.5007181


>> No.5007271
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>introduced socialist policies that fuck the next generations
>we need more socialism

>> No.5007305
File: 58 KB, 528x960, 14202619_1119563921460562_3200283179879759946_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh fuck us

>> No.5007353

Dot com bubble 2.0

>> No.5007413

t. knows nothing of social policy

>> No.5007524


>> No.5007704
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>Bubble anything
Name one (1) bubble worth investing in

>> No.5007794

Gold does have uses outside of being rare

>> No.5007849
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>tfw BTC will hit that during next crisis

>> No.5007926

Those digits. Witnessed.

>> No.5008009

normie stocks crash

BTC rises

>> No.5008071

Care to elaborate on how that follows?

>> No.5008227

Only with justice systems run by whites lol. Of course they don't have prisons full of their own people acting like their own people do all the time.

>> No.5008296

Boomers instilled policies like Social Security and expanded welfare all of which at the future cost of their children via taxation. Further reducing their ability to start families in a stable home environment because they need to pay for Tyrone's kids instead. There are more economic reasons, but also about a billion cultural ones. Don't forget your guilty for being born and all your economic action is oppressive, so hand it over goy.

>> No.5008325

>selling the only asset that really matters for imaginary meme money so you might be able to buy back the only asset that matters

>> No.5008367

And no one actually wants bitcoin to use as spending money

>> No.5008375
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Day of the pillow when brother.

>> No.5008391

Gold and silver are used in comuter circuits

>> No.5008550

Ah I see your point. Not sure it addresses the majority of his REEEEEEEE fit about libertarian/ancap/NEET/whatever hypocrisies towards worthless wall street but your gripe is solid.

>> No.5008570

>a few weeks ago
wait until you pay your taxes

>> No.5009241

If the market crashes you will see crypto boom like nothing you have ever seen. It will be fucking absolutely massive.

>> No.5009300

You don't understand markets. Boomers coming into the market will will expand it.

>> No.5009472

No this is pure greed and obv sell sign

>> No.5009485

Jesus Christ, coiners are so delusional. Read a fucking book.

>> No.5009753

Who here >cashed out the initial and then some
That is the feel I feel when it comes to my crypto today, can take it going down to zero but won't gamble with speculating on some dip that may never come