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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49987514 No.49987514 [Reply] [Original]

>the year is 2025
>the layer 1 war has stopped, since no one directly interfaces with individual chains anymore
>in this multi chain world, all defi users are interfacing through the layer 0 routing layer known as the Reference Chainlink Programmable Token Bridge
>in addition to moving tokens, additional commands can be automatically adjusted, to balance portfolios and optimize yield across any protocol across all the chains and layers 2
>trillions of dollars have been safely deposited on the CCIP infrastructure and to date, no hackers have been successful at bribing network participants thanks to quadratic collateral staking and the anti fraud network
>enterprises have happily joined the complex blockchain space via this easy abstraction layer
>DECO allows users to interact with privacy oriented backend and trigger smart contracts with sensitive data enabling new use cases on chain
>despite the unique capabilities and trade offs offered by most chains, most txs are executed on layers 2,where Chainlink nodes additionally serve as validators and offer anti MEV protection via FSS sequencer decentralization
>thousands of defi dapps are themselves reliant on Chainlink price feeds while NFTs and meta verse gaming have gone mainstream thanks to VRF
>all the top enterprises and financial firms have joined the network as nodes, increasing node numbers in the thousands and earning +10% user fees from the entire blockchain economy
>NEET nodes are battling each other for scrap jobs, but some are quite successful as well as long as they remain dedicated to upholding highest data quality and uptime reliability, backed by large collateral pools thanks to a few og marines
>following the 2023 wall street crash, web2 institutions realize the value of web3 and begin implementing hyper reliable Chainlink's data in their products
>my node is processing millions in daily rewards, for being a critical pillar of layers 0, 1, 2, all the way to the dapps, enterprises and retail interfaces

>> No.49987691
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>the year is 2051
>Chainlink serves as the backbone for literally every aspect of daily life
>there are no more partnerships that COULD be announced as every major corporation is already publicly integrated with chainlink and operating nodes
>new developments are being made every single day to maximize the efficiency, speed, and accuracy of the oracle network
>the fourth industrial revolution, the singularity, the great reset... all of it was real: and every single datum, transaction, and contract is verified with chainlink.
>token price: $0.22
>24hr performance: -2.7%
>staking soon
>then you wake up and realize it was just a dream
>Chainlink doesn't even exist in the future
>you own everything, you are happy

>> No.49987708

ok but how long until 2025

>> No.49987786

Approximately two more weeks

>> No.49987798

Time traveler from 2025 here, what's a chainlink?

Sent from my Internet Computer

>> No.49987837

It’s common knowledge that 90% of LINK OG’s came from /pol/, and are thus unironic Nazis and extremely racist. This is evident when you look at the chats whenever Chainlink presents at conferences such as consensus or smartcon. It’s always N word this, N word that.

I personally don’t want to put my money into a project like that and keep that sort of company. Moreover, I question the intelligence of people who shill LINK given their backwards and racist political views.

>> No.49987846

I just wanna use these fucking 20k LINK to purchase a fucking home

>> No.49987863

>price: $12.35
Token not needed

>> No.49987888

>the year is 2025
Stopped reading right there. It's 2022.

>> No.49987898

Excuse me, hiwbdid you land there?
Can we see the inside of your hands?

>> No.49988062

Sounds more like 2030 without a recession to me.