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File: 53 KB, 685x410, roewaderedditor1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49984973 No.49984973 [Reply] [Original]

Redditors are sterilising themselves over RoeVsWade. How do we profit from this, financially speaking?

>> No.49984989

>make a post for pol
>add "how do we profit from this financially"
>suddenly its a biz post

>> No.49984990

we already benefit from it enough without profiting from it. stop being greedy.

>> No.49985002

>everything I don’t like is /pol/
sneed and dilate. you will never be a woman.

>> No.49985014

i didnt say anything about liking the post, but this has nothing to do with biz

>> No.49985022


>> No.49985028

What a fast response time.
His dad was never expecting grandkids, he already knew his son was gay.

>> No.49985038


>> No.49985053

Sounds like you already are a woman, fag

>> No.49985054

Chud's Law:
Everyone that contradicts your narrow world view is transgender

>> No.49985059

Do these men really need a vasectomy? How the fuck do such cuck losers like this even get sex?

>> No.49985064

while these abominations sterilize themselves for the sake of "muh liberal sjw religion" trash browns are shitting out children non stop

>> No.49985073

Anon is compelled to post this here even though there is a containment board specifically established for his ilk. Exactly whose opinion are you hoping to solicit on an anonymous business and finance imageboard? Reported. Maybe you'll be able to respond before the jannies come for you.

>> No.49985083

They've been memed into thinking that the lesbian art hoes at the pro choice protests will bang them if they've been castrated.

>> No.49985086

This but unironically. Sterile women and whores are just pathetic men without dicks.

>> No.49985090
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the gene pool is saved

>> No.49985099

this is the gold mine
you profit by selling anything that taps into this, maybe set up a social media echochamber/funnel to whatever product you want your outraged audience to buy
you'll need to keep up with the news and be creative which seems like a lot of work

>> No.49985110

>polcel doesn't realize how cringe he seems to everyone

>> No.49985112


>> No.49985125

stupid nigger you underestimate clown world the weaklings outside the internet men and also women no matter how dumb and ugly who are made for easy mating and having sex and breeding are fucking non stop

>> No.49985133

Do lot of Social accounts and tell them you got your vasectomy at Dr Snips clinic and how great it was. Get cut from Dr Snips for the leads

>> No.49985139


>> No.49985148

This “guy” just just hates his parents and tries to be virtuous about it… Plain retardism to do something to your body you can’t rollback…

>> No.49985153

Just invest in the stock market and wait. There will be way more unwanted pregnancies carried to term than there will be onions boys getting vasectomies. In 30 years they will be occupying the lowest rungs of society, driving down wages and boosting productivity. And unlike illegal immigrants from South of the border, they will have cursory education and English language competency, and can't be removed from the country or have their influx reduced. Additionally, some of the most successful ones will auto enroll in 401(k)s. All of these will positively affect the stock market, given its inherent ponzi nature.

>> No.49985159

>I am ending my bloodline for political reasons.
Kek he really showed us.

>> No.49985182

Do none of you fuck?
Jesus christ.
What if you get a girl pregnant, do you want to pay child support?

Jesus you fucking bunch of celibate losers.
Men who fuck sometimes get women pregnant by accident.
If guilting her into getting an abortion is no longer a solution, I'd rather take things into my own hands and prevent the pregnancy in the first place.

Or abstinence, which is apparently your preferred method. Me, I like to fuck.

>> No.49985193

I’m a married father of 3 and abortion is a demonic sacrificial ritual

>> No.49985204

Now if you get a girl knocked up its pretty much the same.
1. If you live in a blue state nothing changes.
2. If you live someplace where it's illegal, you guilt her into a vacation to soften the trauma of an abortion.

More expensive but same end result. Plus now we get idiots like this sterilizing themselves so its a win.

>> No.49985208

Yes that makes it business and fiance related wtf do you want

>> No.49985209

nothing I just find it funny

>> No.49985244

lol regret over your own decisions so you have to punish any man who didn't "settle down" with the first woman who let him cum in her.
I'm sorry your life sucks and you have to sleep with only one woman for the rest of your life. Don't take it out on the rest of us though.

>> No.49985246

>How do we profit from this

Short professional clowns. They will never be able to match the contents produced for free by redditors/twitters/etc.

>> No.49985253
File: 843 KB, 500x281, 1c38de198bbf175df4f99efdb9417f08.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the pull out king

>> No.49985269
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bitches are batshit crazy

>> No.49985280

Trannie's Law
Keep spamming "Chud"

>> No.49985281

Excellent business decision my friend. Maybe we should take out ads on reddit for snip centres, get that referral money?

>> No.49985291

my wife was 25 when we married and lost her virginity on our wedding night. just because every woman you know is a whore doesn’t mean every woman I know is a whore.

>> No.49985299

Nobody likes trannies.

>> No.49985308
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heckin racists win again

>> No.49985326

Are white men in generally this much of pathetic cucks?

>> No.49985330

Excellent call. What is the ticker?

I pumped my wife for 3 years with pullout as our only birth control. When we married, she was pregnant within 3-4 months.

>> No.49985336

invest in cat litter
women not going full ted kacyzinski over this honestly has made me question their respect more than any goofy /r9k/ women hate compilation or onlyfans thot

>> No.49985358
File: 977 KB, 1241x730, Just like my Funko Pops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Redditors and 4channers don't get along, but Redditors sterilizing themselves is based. This is the one time their political correctness and progressiveness makes me proud. Show them you mean business, Reddit!

>> No.49985360

that’s what happens to a generation raised on jewish media and sugar

>> No.49985370

Biz and 4chan is definitely as "outraged" and triggered as often and easily as reddit.

>> No.49985377
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Like pic related,say that the donations are for helping women get abortions.

>> No.49985384

I live in a sane country
There is also such a thing as contraceptive

>> No.49985410 [DELETED] 

Ok Rabbi

>> No.49985415

Imagine sterilizing yourself for roastie pussy

>> No.49985418

have you not heard of anal sex before? get a clue

>> No.49985420

The saddest part is, 4chan posters don't even need to sterilize themselves :(

>> No.49985422

This is /pol/ now. Deal with it nigger/kike/tranny/faggot dilate and seethe

>> No.49985424
File: 43 KB, 821x374, roewaderedditor2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit just got real boys. The satanists and jews are coming for you rednecks.

>> No.49985423

Don't want babby?

(for readit)

Don't make babby.

>> No.49985438

I was initially upvoted enormously and then banned from Reddit (again) for breaking character after telling white men they need to sit the fuck down and be humble and they have zero business at any of these rallies unless it is to die fighting the largely white police forces that are brutalizing protestors. Pretty sure I would have been the top post from upvotes if I didn't get shocked at how positively people were responding to what I said and start calling them out. That site is something else.

>> No.49985444

>if I get a vasectomy women will finally choose me over chad

>> No.49985451

A lot more sex than non-cucked incels.
You be surprised at the number of Women reward sex for that kind of White Knight bullshit

>> No.49985460

He didn’t say your wife is a whore, he said you’re a little soi boi who married the first woman who let you cum in her, and now you’re trying to frame your weakness as a strength.

>> No.49985463
File: 832 KB, 1003x460, OD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Misoprostol. Its a chemical abortion drug but used for horse ulcers. lol its the liberal version of hydroxychloroquine.

>> No.49985467

Women who don't get red pilled off of this are retarded and need to be culled

>> No.49985502

I really don’t care what someone thinks about anything if they believe not being a genetic dead end is a weakness.

>> No.49985509

Better to larp as fellow redditor and gain trust in those communities by posting fabricated social material.

Once trust is established satellite accounts start posting about this doc with the fine hands that made the procedure feel so effortlessly.

Plebtards will ask what doctor and we link them to landing page with lead magnet. Give us email for free consultation.

Then talking to doctors and see which one pays most.

>> No.49985513

It's a good thing these retards are sterilizing themselves. You can profit by printing wacky tshirts saying "I snipped for Roe!". Theses manbabies love wacky tshirts.

>> No.49985515

>the Satanic Temple
So a synagogue?

>> No.49985518
File: 16 KB, 669x155, roewaderedditor3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the briefest moment, a redditor became self aware enough to consider the optics of "jews and satanists team up to make abortion legal".

>> No.49985533

>Bearish for housing

>> No.49985539

Back alley vasectomies. Let them show their solidarity by snipping their fellahs.

>> No.49985549

And that's a good thing!

>> No.49985553

So its pretty obvious - start a darknet "pharmacy" where you sell "abortion drugs" for Monero etc. Pretty easy community to target and I bet its untapped.

>> No.49985558


>> No.49985572

Peppingtons has a nice peener

>> No.49985575

no a satanic temple sacrifices children to a demon with a goat head, not sacrificing children to a demon with a bull head. completely different things

>> No.49985600

Why is /pol/ celebrating white people sterilizing themselves? Or does /pol/ want more non-white babies?

>> No.49985607


good /biz/ advice

facebook snipe some groups like the aussy did for BLM?

>> No.49985608
File: 341 KB, 799x628, 1603208799500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49985623

/pol/ hates women so /pol/ wants women to suffer all consequences regardless of whether they were raped or consensually had sex with jamar. then /pol/ forces them to have the black baby because /pol/ hit itself in confusion because /pol/ is a bunch of easily manipulated retards fighting against their own beliefs.

>> No.49985624

More like
>i ended my bloodline out of misguided hate for my dad
Jfc just get a tattoo or something if you really want to rebel

>> No.49985628


It's white leftists sterilizing themselves. They are being far outbred by white conservatives.

>> No.49985635

It's a legit question. Companies do this all the time. For example, companies are already virtue signaling about they will cover out of state abortions for their employees and give them leave. Maybe we could set up a charity where we claim we are donating to women who need abortions but we pocket it instead.

>> No.49985639

White people are complete faggots now, it's good they are dying off. Getting outbred others is an honorable given their state.

>> No.49985644

Well the demon Solomon communicated with was the fallen angel Samyaza (Samael) who was one of seven fallen archangels. The baphomet represents the sacrificial goat or Samael in his form of Jesus Christ. The bull represents MLK which is 'malek' (ancient hebrew had no vowels) which means 'angel' and why bulls/cows are worshiped in India as this practice dates back to Mesopotamia. The major of the seven malek is Samael. So yeah it's about the same idea. Also the "star of david" represents the seven fallen archangels where they do idolatry in worshiping them; the center piece of the star representing Samael. Before all of this there was the worship of Ishtar who had prostitution in her temples and they had sacrifices using burning. It's all on wikipedia and stuff.

>> No.49985645

>I'd rather take things into my own hands and prevent the pregnancy in the first place.
based retard removing himself from the gene pool. thank you.

>> No.49985656

Makes sense.
Most of the incels out there are white conservative though.
Oof. It's a shame my race is going down like this.

>> No.49985667

this guy is a psychotic loser faggot and his dad was right to scream at him like the faggot he is

>> No.49985670

Women generally go after looks.

>> No.49985688

> Most of the incels out there are white conservative though
Statistically false, conservatices in US are more sexually satisfied and have more kids than liberals, even their marriages last longer. Liberals are literal trannies with mutilated genitals now.

>> No.49985690

it’s going down but it won’t end. it will be to the detriment of all other races while we harden our own and separate the wheat from the chaff

>> No.49985701

>Statistically false
Post your source.

>> No.49985726

money greatly helps
but they do think with their pussies

>> No.49985731

I get zero pussy anyways desu, so I enjoy the drama. If it means women go on a sex strike now, I support them.

>> No.49985734


you've got a small lens there buddy, confined by 4chan. In the real world white conservatives are having kids, leftists aren't.


>> No.49985740

Well, if you did your research or had any interest in data collection and analysis you would know how to profit off the incoming poor black and brown people baby boom that is going to explode across red states that are going to ban or already have have their trigger laws taking effect banning abortion.
Investing in low income food commodities and social services. Companies that supply products to low income welfare recipients. Those entities buying up low income housing. Basically anything that keeps red state welfare shitholes afloat. And banking on them becoming even bigger leeches till their slave caste of children come of age to be exploited in the labor market. Unless the court abolishes child labor laws as well. Then we won't have to wait that long.

>> No.49985758

incel cope

>> No.49985763

I agree that conservatives have more children than leftists, but most incels are conservative. You can easily tell by the language incels use when referring to women.

>> No.49985776

suicide cult

>> No.49985778

I am posting some other related links too.





>> No.49985791

>incoming poor black and brown people baby boom that is going to explode across red states
This is exactly what is going to happen. I'm just here wondering why /pol/ is encouraging this?

>> No.49985808

Leftism always has been a suicide cult from christianity to the postmodern western marxist leftism.

>> No.49985815

I just crossed myself three times.

>> No.49985834


But you are insuinating that "incels" make up some giant percentage that somehow offsets the 41% deficit leftists face in birth rate. And you have this belief because you are on 4chan too much and you have let it warp your world view. The vast majority of conservatives are traditional family men. Stop moving goal posts. I stated originally that conservatives had more kids, period. I have not waivered. You are trying to support data that means fuckall in my original statement. Remember, you responded to ME, I couldn't care less about incels, they mean nothing,

>> No.49985842

Read my post above yours. Amount conservatives who have had sex and have a family, yes I agree they tend to have bigger families than leftists. But most incels are conservative and you can easily tell this if you hang out in any groups with large incel populations like I do.

>> No.49985881

>I agree that conservatives have more children than leftists, but most incels are conservative
Get off 4chan and touch some grass and you'll see the massive amount of lefty incels. They literally become fags/trannys and have gay sex because they're tired of being incels

>> No.49985888

>you responded to ME
Yes, I said oof in response to your post. You responded to ME in regards to my incel comment on someone else. Why get upset about most incels being conservative anyway? Chances are you have a lot of children anyway so you shouldn't have a dog in this fight.

>> No.49985892

on one hand it's good that PoS like that won't ever reproduce but on the other hand I want to punch him in the face anyway for being such a kek

>> No.49985893

Christcucks are encouraging that, Nazi Fascists like me actually support abortion, just read about history of abortion, it was pushed and encouraged by eugenicists.

I personally think that the whole abortion bashing stuff in general is nothing but christcuck tantrum, abortion itself is nothing but a medical procedure, banning itself does nothing on social level, In a decent non subhuman degenerate society, abortion wouldn't be a "current issue", it would be a medical procedure carried out in extreme conditions. Women won't think of it as muh right or whatever.

>> No.49985905

>have gay sex
So... they're not incels. Do you even know what an incel is?

>> No.49985906
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>> No.49985919

Fags are still incels in my eyes. Even worse imo

>> No.49985946

>everything I don't like is an incel
>everything I don't like is a nazi
You're no different from leftists.