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49983831 No.49983831 [Reply] [Original]

>people obsess about saving for retirement at 60-70

Why? Being old isn’t fun, and there’s a chance you can get diagnosed with a terminal illness during your 20s/30s/40s/50s before you even get to your retirement age to finally access your retirement fund

I use to think my siblings were retarded for spending all that money going into debt traveling the world in their early 20s, buying fancy cars and all that shit, but they actually did life right… they did that stuff when they were at their peak adult-youth, now they have experiences and memories for life that they experienced when young. They got it out of their system, now they can just relax the rest of their life.

Meanwhile us autists waste our peak adult years (20-30) grinding away in order to maximise out funds for age 60+ … As if it fucking matters by that point…

>> No.49983846

>I'll retire.... someday when I'm 60-70
>I'll get a good paying job.... someday after I've graduated

>> No.49983855
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>not saving for retirement

>> No.49983880

If you can't full off FIRE before needing to go on Social Security there really isn't a point.

>> No.49983889

pull off, not full off

>> No.49983903

You can work hard in your 20s when you have energy and then relax later or you can relax in your 20s and have to work hard when you can barely move without occuring pain everywhere. Out of these two options working when you are young makes a lot more sense to me.

>> No.49983919

Saving for retirement in your 20’s sounds extremely flaccid.

>> No.49983924

Pro tip: cost of living rising will make it so you can’t just retire on a “decent” amount of investments

You now need a shit load to ever think about retiring

>> No.49983952

Lol this, I know many 60 year old boy,Ed’s that did what op’s advice is and they live in crappy homes paying rent and still working, they have good story]it’s though of all the things they did in their youth, that is it though

>> No.49983955


All the more reason to start saving instead of wasting your best years.

>> No.49983996

Do none of you have wealthy elderly people in your family?

My grandfather is in his 80s now, multimillionaire, and he can’t even enjoy it because he’s tired all the time

My parents own multiple properties in their 60s and are too tired to do anything besides watch tv all day.

All of them tell us to enjoy life when you’re younger because it’s all fucked when you’re older and no amount of money can fix being old

This is why my siblings all went yolo mode in their 20s

>> No.49984011
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>retirement at 60-70
try 30-40

>> No.49984021

It's a real dilemma. I have no issues being frugal but I also don't plan on getting too old so I need to find the right balance of saving/living and maybe even alter my investment style appropriately. Anyone else in the same boat?

>> No.49984023

It's called raising a large and loving family. Imagine being this kiked

>> No.49984022

To extend on this

The life my parents and grandparents have aren’t any that much different to people their age who live in state-housing on government pensions, they all do the same shit at that age

Your taste buds go to shit as you get older so you being able to buy a $80 steak vs a $10 steak doesn’t even matter

>> No.49984047

the problem is anything you enjoy as a 20 year old is practically useless when you're old anyway

"good memories" don't help when your back hurts 24/7 and you get exhausted walking up a flight of stairs

basically life sucks no matter how you spin it

>> No.49984051
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try 25 biiatch

>> No.49984074

I’m speaking from what my own parents said to me and my siblings

My parents did the whole saving for retirement and maximising investments and they literally told me and my siblings to do everything we want to do when we’re in our 20s and not to wait until later in life because when you’re older it’s harder/impossible/shitty and your brain can’t even enjoy it at that point, which is why they said to do all that stuff young when our brains and bodies are still young and fresh

>> No.49984101

Your siblings are degens, they should be starting family in their youth. Old years are fine if you have family and take care of your health, the body isn’t wrecked at age 60 unless you are a fat fuck

>> No.49984106

because there are more chances of dying of old age than of a terminal illness or a sudden accident, plus working old is not fun, also what other option do they have?

>> No.49984141

My siblings are all married with kids in their early 30s now

They spent their early-mid 20s travelling the world and gaining experiences, then in their late 20s got married and had families by their early 30s

Us autistic investment incels have no families, no experiences, nothing, just investments we stare at everyday and coom over how much compounding interest we’re getting and how much we will have by age 60

>> No.49984165

>Your taste buds go to shit as you get older so you being able to buy a $80 steak vs a $10 steak doesn’t even matter
I read somewehere that there is a correlation between a good sense of smell, and life expectancy. Maybe because it makes life worthwhile. The finer nuances of "taste" are basically all smell.
My mom has excellent sense of smell and at 82 years isnt showing any signs of being "tired" or losing appetite and discerning taste for food.

>> No.49984175

Speak for yourself retard everyone here has at least 2 kids and 1 million dollars in liquid cash by age 28

>> No.49984212

The average person here is an incel neet

>> No.49984254

>Raise your family to be "not kiked"
>They barely make enough to sustain their own families
>No money for you

>> No.49984273


>> No.49984304

Blowing through your youth with no plan for tomorrow is exactly what niggers in Africa do, no exceptions. Also breaking your back so you can buy yacht in your 70s is retarded as well, there needs to be a balance in your life.
>My parents own multiple properties in their 60s and are too tired to do anything besides watch tv all day
Stay physically active so you don't end up watching talmudvision all day when you retire

>> No.49984317

My dad was active his whole life

Physically demanding job and lifted weights all his life and now at 70 has sore joints all the time.

>> No.49984328

Stop projecting you disgusting troon

>> No.49984329

Stop trying to help normies. They keep the system running by slaving away.

>> No.49984339

Doing sports is different than doing manual labor all day, stop being retarded

>> No.49984409

Poor whites raise large families, while you wageslave like a good goy for some furbabies

>> No.49984465

>fancy cars
Imagine getting a money black hole on par with roasties

>> No.49984489
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I dont have that problem, I retired at 23

>> No.49984561

Because not everyone on here is an anglo or a jew. If you dont have a rich family to begin with, you dont have much of a choice

>> No.49984849

My friends Dad was a millionaire, started his own business as a tradie worked his ass off sent his kids to school, finally they moved out and he and his wife built this beautiful million dollar dream house right on the water then boom, heart attack at 61 and gone a month later

I definitely made the most out of my early 20s, partied a lot and went to festivals, now I am 30 and pretty poor but the country will be socialist by the time I'm old enough to retire so who gives a shit? All I care about is making enough income in the meantime to support a family

>> No.49984866

i look exactly like this guy except i dont need glasses

>> No.49985879

See the thing is investing has nothing to do with your inceldom. You are probably genetic trash - balding/short etc. and you think that investing and sitting at the computer all day long is the reason while it's the other way around. Many of us are extremely autistic and not particularly good looking, if I said fuck it and I just tried enjoying life and yoloing into everything my life would be exactly the same, since I'm a fucking retard unable to form any relationships and I'm balding at 24. The average or above average person can get a gf and enjoy life, no matter if he's a hedonistic degenerate or he's saving up for a fucking retirement that may never even come

>> No.49985924

i intend to save after retirement and die with as much money as possible. My grandkids will od on crack bought with my lifes work and I will be smiling down on them

>> No.49985940

>terminal illness in your 20's
are you 11 years old?

>> No.49986018

what do you do all day?

>> No.49986099

Wrong. Getting old just means food tastes better and sex feels worse.

>> No.49986128

same but at 24, am 28 now

whatever i want online there is lots to see. Sometimes I travel preferably via train or plane so I can be online while i travel.
Never worried about money but also not splurging on materialistic shit.

>> No.49986145
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>genetic trash
get a load of the guy who thinks baldies don't dominate the ranks of "rich people", you really can't make up this level of self projection from a demoralized loser who is trying to cope by pretending they know shit about life as an incel 24 year old porn addict addicted to 4chan

>> No.49986216

I will never have sex.

I only ever ate a girl out who accused me of rape

>> No.49986234

>Meanwhile us autists waste our peak adult years (20-30) grinding away
not me, I spent all my 20s partying and chasing bitches

>> No.49986298

what coin or investment made you rich?

>> No.49986333

i bought eth early and was sane enough to sell part of it during peaks. Those individuals who made it out of the dotcom bubble with profit were my inspiration.

>> No.49986495

This, wish I wasn't as reckless though as I'm pretty pissed that one of the many drug combos I did has left me still standing with amnesiac brainlet tier memoery but oh well

>> No.49988563

I got that simply from alcoholism or maybe its just having nothing worth remembering

>> No.49990172

my plan, if I haven't retired after working for 6-8 years I'll consider myself a failure

>> No.49990239

I have traveled to more places then all of my normie friends. I almost never talk about it or post about it online. Parties, drugs, sex, the whole nine. There is no “experience” that will ever fulfill me, I will do whatever it takes to fight towards passive income so that the only thing on my horizon is free time. You do you.