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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49983180 No.49983180 [Reply] [Original]

First Kleros Fork Edition

>> No.49983209
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My friend says Kleros doesn't work.

>> No.49983341 [DELETED] 

Mizu's evidence for case 1205 is very convincing and changed my mind into voting yes.
>t. former no voter
He won't let this case end until he wins anyways.

>> No.49983437
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You have no idea what I am going to do with you

>> No.49983593

Does a fork exist yet? Or is that just macabre speculation?

>> No.49983601

I want to kill clement

>> No.49983631


>> No.49983667

51% attacking Kleros and destroying any reputation it once had as "decentralized" justice. PoH is already considering a fork:

>> No.49983681

Am I gonna get rich with 300k PNK? Am I going to receive some fork?

>> No.49983794
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>> No.49984121

Do you think Kleros and PNK holders can survive this? I am disgusted with Clement too but don't want to fud my own investment. I used to troll that faggot hard but realized it wasn't very productive and in fact harmful to my wealth.

>> No.49984139

Is it actually over? POH leaving Kleros.. one of the big applications actually using kleros..

fede and santi fighting on twitter

what were we thinking..

>> No.49984151


or is this some kind of guerrilla marketing?


>> No.49984222

My immediate thoughts are that any fork would likely not be well maintained, seeing how Kleros is already moving slowly to V2. I don’t doubt some prior devs would step in to help with the fork, but it would likely divert precious effort, and lead to an under serviced fork. Kleros is still very much nascent, it hasn’t grown to the point where it could just be forked and then used with the same ability/capacity, let alone grow and be improved for the benefit of the ecosystem. But who knows? I’m baffled by the behavior of Clement and Fede, I wish they’d be more responsive.

>> No.49984764

Together, they are greater than the sum of their parts. Split apart, we cannot say what the outcome will be for certain, but I think it would weaken both projects considerably. A better solution would be reconciliation before undoing years of harmonious work.

>> No.49984789

The best thing would be if that greedy frog eater just distributes his tokens between holders

>> No.49984817


>> No.49984822


>> No.49984901
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I hold 1mil PNK and will serve justice until the end of time. See you in court Clément

>> No.49984920

>Do you think Kleros and PNK holders can survive this
Attacked by it's own founder, of cours it's not ever going to survive. It's fundamentally over.
Kleros will be bankrupt.

>> No.49985058

I am not terribly surprised by Clement but am unhappy with the lack of transparency from Fede on all this. I think the only way to proceed is to get rid of Clement and fork his bags. He is a clever guy so he would do everything possible to avoid it or take Kleros down with him. Kleros has so much potential even without his brains.

>> No.49985127

Federugger is in on it.

>> No.49985210

He seems to be hinting that without this sort of compensation, staking in courts, etc, that it would be more profitable to quit the Coop and stake as a non-associated holder. I get the point, and am generally on their side, but probably the single most important quality of a project besides the actual technical functionality is the integrity and trust worthiness of the developers themselves. Clement refusing to relinquish such overwhelming control is like the story of the farmer with the golden goose. He would be well served to let the goose (Kleros) keep laying golden eggs, rather than cut it open and kill the reputation of the project.

>> No.49985248

can you trannies stop flooding the thread with your conspiracy theories. all you have to do is appeal the decision, he doesn’t own 51% of the general court, he owns less than 20%

>> No.49985277

Denial. He is a financial bully and a thief. Nobody is going to risk their money appealing an increasingly larger sum in a broken court ran by thieving developers.

>> No.49985560

Not trying to FUD
Not sure what will unfold. Perhaps if some clearly defined explanations and reconciliations occurred, then things can return to a state of general peace. As with most things on the internet, the problem is due to a small minority of community members. Frankly, the dissidents who dislike Kleros will probably not find a better outcome elsewhere. Subjective oracles like Kleros will always have a spark of humanity injected, so their political views will not be assuaged with a fork. Crypto has yet to find an adequate solution for individual politics, whether it be Kleros or that Ludoviko faggot. A very interesting experiment indeed.

>> No.49985741
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i love men i love taking dick i love it when a man is top of me making manly noises while railing me
ugh ugh ugh i love men they're so great
also fuck pnk kleros is a south american front for money laundering

>> No.49986374

Hi Dave

>> No.49986603
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>> No.49986645

>trusting devs

>> No.49986650

I swear by Shiva will never redeem sir

>> No.49986790

Let's be real here. Who is going to integrate their product with Kleros after Clement has been exposed as a greedy thief? That partnership is most likely off the table now.

>> No.49986807

OK, thief might have been too strong of a word but you know what I mean.

>> No.49986882

I've never owned any PNK and wish they would fucking rug already
I've neen seeing these threads since 2019 and will never buy simply because the product is faulty at its core
You cannot "decentralize" justice. The only thing PNK can ever do is some votes and polls on random stuff no one gives a shit about

>> No.49986924
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On the fun side we get to fud for years while bagholders get more desperate every month.
Clement doing insurance fraud on-chain was the biggest lulz so far this year.

>> No.49987018

>Clement doing insurance fraud on-chain was the biggest lulz so far this year

What's the tl;dr on that, I don't follow the project

>> No.49987055

Based Victoria.
Any good grinder stories?

>> No.49987094

It's also been proven to be Clement's address. People are pissed and they're completely silent.

>> No.49987111

As for why Clement is doing it, most likely they were bribed by the insurance issuer. For the insurance issuer this means all of the gain and none of the risk. Those who signed up for insurance get less rewards and all of the risk.

>> No.49987154

Kleros is fine and none of what you are saying is true. You’re mad about the outcome of a case. The case was decided properly too, 1170. Time to get a life? Clement and Federico did nothing wrong. You’re a loser and if you could fork you already would have. You don’t have the skills. The golden goose is not Kleros, the golden goose is clement/Fede. Don’t forget it

>> No.49987231

please stop 51 % attacking the court

>> No.49987310

Seething denial.

>> No.49987413

It honestly reads out loud as if Clement typed it. Nobody else would be defending this shit.

>> No.49987966
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Watch what Kleros gonna do, when Justice run wild on you!

>> No.49988029
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>> No.49989003

Why the fuck did he do it? I don't fucking understand. He had Vitalik's blessing; Kucoin waiting to list his coin; and companies frothing at the mouth to partnership with his coin. Why the FUCK would he do this to his own project.
Fuck I'm seething. I've all in on this piece of shit, and I don't wanna sell because I'm already down 60% since I've been DCAing since fucking February.

>> No.49989045

Anon, I'm sorry but it's over. It's best to move on, sell, and not waste your time here. You can make the money back quickly on other projects.

>> No.49989063

Guess I'll sell on the next 5% pump and go all in on rose. Fuck me, selling is gonna hurt. It'll be like I didn't work this year at all after I eat the loss.

>> No.49989080


Why all in? Pick 3-4 projects. Less profits, but odds one of them does 100x is much higher. There's nothing worse than bagholding a project for years and barely breaking even while literally every other coin is up 10-100x. Diversifying just a little bit usually prevents that.

>> No.49989098

>Why all in?
I work minimum wage since I'm barely out of highschool. So "all in" for me was only 6k, which frankly, isn't enough to diversify.

>> No.49989110

It's dead. Stop making threads

>> No.49990248

never go all in on some randomass shitcoin

>> No.49990731
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I saw this anon capitulate on the blockchain

>> No.49990815

that was me

>> No.49990962

I hope you all learned not to invest anything in a South-American run project from this.

>> No.49991114

why swap for weth opposed to just eth?

>> No.49991257

Don't know why it says it's wrapped ETH on the etherscan. I swapped it for regular ETH. And the amount in my wallet reflects this.

>> No.49991535
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Imagine trusting this face

>> No.49992852
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>PoH and Kleros functioning relatively well.
>Complainers looking for power get involved, Avraham the defrauding maurader, Ludivoko the sycophant
>Autist Clement bans a bunch of people, general shitshow of use of moderator powers
>Santi pissed
>Clement and Federico pissed
>Ludoviko the whining phd student is pissed
> Generally pissed of PoH spanish members pissed
>Start a new telegram, see desire to switch to DAO governance, fork Kleros, find alternative, or some variation
>Some HIPs and a general desire to make a PoH group more in line with "democracy"
>New PoH DAO telegram discusses how to take control of Kleros and pooling PNK together.

Its really just an autist fest. Jeez these morons can't just calm down. I don't use reddit, but I imagine this is what happens when a reddit community has a fight with mods. Its so stupid, and everyone would benefit from calming down and finding common ground. But what do I know, I'm just an anonymous nobody. Now that feelings are hurt, it will only escalate.

>> No.49992869 [DELETED] 

Paid ebook leak

Thanks for purchasing my ebook, if you leak it or resell you will be reported and your data will be made public on the forum

In this method we will be using a RuneScape private server that pays money for voting on it on toplists

Go tohttps://mega.nz/file/gd8DmJ6R#UAx0Swi713V0PS5azKcWGPAK8QNTAeN5RCqRRuedOew on your PC
Unzip the file
Install java if you already don't have it installed on your PC
Run the client.jar file
Wait for the RuneScape private server load
Create an account (no email needed)
Click on the vote button on the right hand bottom corner
It will open a list of 10 sites to vote for the Private server
Each vote gives you $5, after voting 10 times you will have $50 that you can cash out to BTC, PayPal or your Payeer account.
Repeat this process every 12 hours
An easy $100 per day

>> No.49994563

Kleros: sounds great, doesn't work!

>> No.49995377
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>> No.49995454

>create top 10 project
>kill it yourself before it does anything

>> No.49995517

Ive been away. Can I get a QRD on all the events that have transpired? I hold 150k pnk

>> No.49995553

>Can I get a QRD
it's over, you should exit with any funds remaining ASAP

>> No.49995640

repeat ze words for 40 virginias in the heavens sir

>> No.49996776

PNK is fine

>> No.49996975

That's what happens when most people come from biz + no strict rules. They should've banned that faggots from discord and tg long ago

>> No.49997002

>just dox your wallet bro
Biztards fell for this.

>> No.49997027

This is just sad that kids like 15 pretending to be a girl?

>> No.49997037

>How to create new wallet

>> No.49997049
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ANA/ZIGNALY, far superior and jeetless.

>> No.49997455


What did the creator of Proof of Humanity mean by this?

>> No.49997541

It means he's considering supporting a fork of kleros.
Honestly the frenchman and argentine need to get their shit together and clear everything up, this has been going on for way too long and I don't wanna see a good project die because of stupid horseshit.

>> No.49998089

Santi? Creator of PoH? Lmao, he put his name on the commie gib scam and took all the credit from kleros dev team.

>> No.49998344

everyone here is fking retarded.
All this ulitmately means that the community is in full control.

>> No.49999316

ChainLink does not have a product. I spoke with Sergey and he did not really had a plan to make decentralized oracles. He described systems appearing complex on the surface but after asking details he was just refering to a medianizer (have a set of trusted oracles and take the median response).

Perhaps they will be able to build something, but up to the best of my knowledge the Kleros team is clearly closer to having a running Oracle than chainlink.

Overall we try to be constructive with other projects (as long as they are not scams) and are very open discussing with chainlink.

>> No.50001855

it’s over

>> No.50001949

always has been kiddo

>> No.50002761

>case 1205
Man, I wish I didn't wait until the last minute to look at this kek. Not sure what to vote for
Is cross-referencing supposed to be assumed to be allowed or not allowed in PoH adress videos?

>> No.50002798

>Is cross-referencing supposed to be assumed to be allowed or not allowed in PoH adress videos?
Yes, check mizu's evidence.

>> No.50003121

Ok, then I guess I should maybe vote yes. It's just one thing that makes me unsure
The second 0 is missing which is alright since one mistake is allowed. Other than that I got pretty much everything else on the first try without looking at the actual adress. Just two of the 1s were a bit difficult to see in the first frame, but I was able to see them when I played the video.

It's just that final sequence that bothers me: bB92
I thought the lowercase b looked like a 6 which bothers me. I know addresses aren't case sensitive. And she uses lower case b earlier, but why would she use a capital ans lowercase b right next to each other. It should be consistent in my opinion. Part of the readability is to have the ability to tell apart two different addresses right? I know the chance of two adresses being identical other than 1 or 2 variables is almost zero, but in the off chance you'd still want to tell apart that b from a 6 right? Or am I over thinking it

Also, has anyone used PoH or ubi? Is it worth the effort o get on?

>> No.50003534
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Yeah, it's not a clear cut case but ultimately I would lean on the yes side based on rulings of earlier cases. Rejecting the profile also serves no purpose and goes against the spirit of the policy since it isn't a sybil attack.

>> No.50003564

>Also, has anyone used PoH or ubi? Is it worth the effort o get on?
A PNK airdrop for registered PoH users is coming at some point. You can also expect other airdrops.

>> No.50004182
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where to purchase the pinakion token sires

>> No.50004894

There is a Telegram group with a bot that monitors /biz/ for threads mentioning PNK or Kleros and directs a bunch of literal Indians to the board. I wish I was joking.

>> No.50005076

uninal sir

>> No.50006363

Mizu is right. Cross refferencing is normal and encouraged. Yes is the correct vote but probably won't win until the next round.

>> No.50006808

>Yes is the correct vote but probably won't win until the next round
More PNK for us in the end :)

>> No.50007005

It’s over

>> No.50007260

It always has been

>> No.50008135

>summoned to kleros court
>close tab

>> No.50008249

>close tab
>summoned to kleros court, again

>> No.50009617

>summoned to kleros court
>close tab
2 weeks later
>get evicted

>> No.50010200
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Univision sir