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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49981818 No.49981818 [Reply] [Original]

>try to stake dot
>polkadot.js ui straight from '90
>need to have minimum 1 dot in wallet so you don't get deleted
>need to have minimum 10 dot to become a delegator
>make controller and stash accounts
>pick 16 validators manually
>stake 50 dot, don't get rewards
>your validator didn't get picked, maybe tomorrow
>only max 256 nominators of a validator gets rewards
>hard global validator limit
>hard global nominator limit
>indian youtube staking tutorial on their website

>> No.49983228

Those are legit good points desu, but they're already addressing those issues. They recently introduced nomination pools in kusama that should pretty much remove all those staking limits. And there are starting to show up new wallets with a better UX, fearless wallet or talisman. Polkadot.js should only be used by experts in the long term and not for the regular use cases like staking or governance.