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4998118 No.4998118 [Reply] [Original]

What are you mining?
Did you go nvidea way, or supreme amd gentlemen way?

Currently putting down 20kh on cryptonight and 250mh on lyra2rev2, electroneum is making a killing atm,.

Post pics of your nigger tier rigs

>> No.4998166

How much is your set up, where can I buy? What's the best site to mine? And best pools? I would love to invest and set up my stuff if you would red pill me.

>> No.4998301
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this and 3 antminers somewhere in western europe.
A 6x vega 64 rig costs 5k€ here, and a 7x1070 about 4.5k

I'd recomend the vegas, since they are absolute beasts at l3 cache coins like monero. Each vega makes 2k hashes.

If you want to mine shit like neoscrypt and lyra, nvidea is the way to go, but we all know cryptonight is the algo you want to bet on.
If you are a comoplete nigger, id recomend nicehash, but it got hacked recently so...

Pool depends on the coin you want. First you need the miners. I recomend downloading a miner for each algo, start with claymore for eth, xmr stak for monero/etn or one click miner/cc miner for nvidea

>> No.4998487

Solid Info.

>> No.4998570

how big a psu do you need for 4 vegas

>> No.4998622

I would go with atleast 1200w

>> No.4998660

1600w would probably assfuck my north american outlet

>> No.4998689

As for the redpill, mining is like a hedge in crypto world. You will make money if the market goes up or down, and you can resell your hardware after 1 year and get a big slice of the investment back. You can also run the cards till they melt, but I'm not quite sure about the life expectancy of a card mining for 24/7 (make sure you undervolt and bring down core clock like 5%, you only need memory clock for most algos.)

You will also notice you can mine a shit ton of promissing shitcoins, and just hold them (mined 2k etn in 3 days and am also holding 100vertcoin)

If you can get antminers s9 for less than 2k$, disregard everything I said and buy 10 of those.

>> No.4998698
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Currently running:

1 x 6 GTX1070 Rig
1 x 6 RX480 Rig.

Want to.buikd a third and buy the parts with my previous mining profits. Worth doing it now or waiting for Volta to ship? Considering 1070 TI's if not.

>> No.4998728

I use 1600w for 6, so 1200w for 4 should do the trick.
This is for cryptonight undervolted, If you try to do neoscrypt It will crash.

The vegas are intricate when it comes to power usage, they can either eat 150w or 400w. I got them to 180w each with a 900mv undervolt and -21% power target.

>> No.4998808

whats your outlet voltage / are you in canada/usa?

>> No.4999194

yeah please tell i dont wanna burn my shed down

>> No.4999218

why no asic?

>> No.4999292

should I wait for some new upcoming GPUs?

>> No.4999791

You could always use 2x 850w

Ampere/Volta customs won't be out till next summer, even then I wouldnt expect more than an 1170 around current 1080ti Levels. Calculate your ROI, 1070ti will have a better resale value

>> No.4999932

2x 850 is the same load on the circuit if the two outlets are on the same one

>> No.5000066

Bulwark on r9 280x my card sucks I’m only getting 7 mhs ... but hey this is my first time trying to mine

>> No.5000197

Two or more psu would allow you to split it up between circuits

>> No.5000511

i find DGB and UFO to be the best for mining.
also Moon to some extend.

>> No.5000570

Always outta stock. Same guy. New ID.

>> No.5000649

You sure? We just had the Titan V launch so was guessing that the consumer cards would be out early doors 2018. Figured it would take a while to configure them for mining but even then anything with an ROI less than 6 months seems pointless.

>> No.5000724

unfortunatey that would require hiring an electrician, looks like I’m going to be doing that either way

>> No.5000753

230v in non cucked countries

>> No.5000774

like which?

>> No.5001142
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>> No.5001165
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>> No.5001203
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>> No.5001233

Bout to get an antminer s9. Electricity is very cheap here in Tacoland. BTC here I cum

>> No.5001302
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>> No.5001339
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>tfw too dumb to mine

>> No.5001422

if you had just one (1) antminer S9, what would you mine with it?

>> No.5001580

how is the PSU called? looks tasty

>> No.5001688

If you're too dumb and have money find a nerdo friend to help you out. Or are you also:

Poor and no friends?

>> No.5001760

Hewlett Packard hot swap 1200w

>> No.5001781

nice, thanks

>> No.5001827

each card gets redundant connections though a y cable to two of the 1200w PSU's

850watt psu runs motherboard and risers.

>> No.5001923

whats a good motherboard to use

>> No.5001983

all the psu's run at 50-60% load. best efficiency that way. And I can power off of 2 regular 15 amp breakers.

16kh/s on cryptonight. Mining electronium

An 8 card rig makes $4000/mo by itself and uses $100 of electricity/mo

Cost of rig is about 6300 currently.
>If you can even get the parts.

>> No.5002306

Hello, brainlet here, please explain 1) why there is so little discussion here about minig? Seems like free money after you get ROI back? 2)what is general time of getting your investment back? I understand it depends on coin and other factors, but i see ~6 month getting thrown around alot

>> No.5002347

What is the best strategy biz? Going for volume of coins or value?

>> No.5002358

4000$ a month? mining what?

>> No.5002477

My roi is currently 45 days and going down because I convert my mined shit coins to things like btc, ltc xmr and eth. and that makes me %20 gains on the stuff I mined earlier in the month.

>> No.5002566
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this is my projections for all my rigs together.

>> No.5002681

6 month roi is what people that don't know how to run the profitability numbers , choose a pool that is the right size for your farm so that you get the biggest take of the rewards and how to optimize their rigs software and consumption to me efficient and stable are getting.

>> No.5003010

>What is the best strategy biz? Going for volume of coins or value?

Hash rate and mining power. It is a waste of energy to mine big hashes for minimal gains. The cost of electricity is more than the value.
Volume in most cases.

>> No.5003086

that's what we want you to think.

>> No.5003111

>don't know how to run the profitability numbers
So 6 month is the worst result even brainlet miner can get? This sound breddy good. Why not everyone doing this? Same guy, from PC this time.


>> No.5003154

oops sorry, misunderstood. Re-read it and yeah I agree.

Go for big quantity if you are mining. go for small quantity if you are holding.

>> No.5003266
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My pakistani friends dad invested 15k euro into aorus graphic cards, thinking of inveating 1 k myself

>> No.5003281

It is actually really hard to set up right and get it stable and get the temps and consumption under control.

I've been in the IT world for almost 20 years and this was a real challenge. I had to even write some custom software to do a couple things.

And yeah you are right, The people that are doing it well don't talk about it. It is a huge secret.

>> No.5003457

I see. I assumed that you need to know thing or two.. I only assembled my personal PC 2 years ago, i learned what each part do and choose everything myself. But this one a little harder i guess.

If i do not have your expirience under my belt, what kind of gains is realistic for me? If i build one of those.

>> No.5003574
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then there are things like the x11 glitch that bottoms out the difficulty for a few mins.

Think of it like a an air drop of free coins a couple times a day.

It doesn't last long but if you have a miner up and running and hashing when it happens. It basically $10-20 bucks worth of coins per day. This is what I have running on some older nvidia cards in just regular desktops around the house.

>> No.5003576

How much doe you make monthly?

>> No.5003753

dont listen to the retard its fucking easy as shit just keep a few oc profiles saved in msi afterburner and switch the depending on the crypto you mine currenty also ofc either set up an auto switching mininer or switch yourself once a day to the most profitable coin

>> No.5003782
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I have an r9 390. I tried mining bulwark but I was only getting 9 MH/s while people with way worse gpus get way more so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

What should I mine? Please guide me, I'm scared and lonely

>> No.5003866


If you want easy mode and 6mo roi do nvidia cards and set up for neoscrypt and lyra2REv2 coins.

Then you can do the afterburner stuff.

>> No.5003924

also about the same for 470/480/570/580 setups.

>> No.5003936

even with super easy mode 3mo ist easily possible

>> No.5003990

its the safer bet and probably the safest way to get into the crypto market without risking half of your life savings on price fluctuations and volatility.

mining gives you a lot more options because you can mine different currencies and if you have a big enough operation you can cover yourself in case of price crashes by using a certain percentage of profits (~10% or so depending on your operation) and shorting your crypto coin. This way you still end up in the green no matter what happens and can pay your electricity bills.

Either way it's not so popular here because it's not a get rich quick scheme and instead is a slower but less risky way of making gains in the emerging crypto market

it just requires up-front funding for the hardware and setup time and operating costs

i opened a company here in canada and keep all my profits in the company to get a better tax rate and also to claim my hardware equipment as a company expense and save some money on taxes.

>> No.5004064


Is there good stating guide you can advice? I mean i can google alot of information myself, but anything you personally recommend?

>> No.5004066


I am doing this as an offshoot of another business of mine.

>> No.5004075

my current plan -
50% mine and hold
50% trade

>> No.5004143


Been mining Ethereum since May of this year. I have three 7 GPU rigs. Two rx580s and one rx570. In total my hashrate is about 585 MH/s, which nets around 2.5 ETH a month (including inevitable downtime).

It's a hassle, even with a small operation like mine. But they've more than paid for themselves at this point.

>> No.5004190

lol not really.

The info is out there but it is scattered all of the internet.

I am not following anybody's exact guide. I am taking the best practices of of probably 5 or 6 different ones and and using what ever works best for my hardware and situation. It took a lot of testing.

My fiance says i need to do a Youtube channel about it. I'm not so sure.

>> No.5004200

good stuff
it costs $20 to open up a company here in Canada and my brother and me are the owners of the company and have a separate business bank account where we pay for the hardware and all associated equipment through our business account and collect profits and hold cash reserves there.

As long as I don't take any money out for myself any profits my company makes is taxed at 15% corporate tax rate and plus I have expensed $15,000 in equipment and hardware through the company and saved almost a couple grand in tax reductions.

I bought some crypto on the exchanges but most of my investment money is going into this because it serves as a way of training and educating myself on the latest technology instead of just dumping thousands into exchanges I now have assets and a running business.

>> No.5004284

Welcome to the new industry of Crypto fin-tech.

>> No.5004326


Maybe you should. If you into this. I would watch to learn stuff.

>> No.5004412

I'm thinking about putting down 5k to start a mining rig and I am looking at mining ETC, I am in Australia at the moment. What is the starting budget I should be looking at and is ETC a decent coin to go with? I am thinking that its miner pool may enlarge when POS comes out on ETH.

>> No.5004575
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thanks to all the miner anons sharing with others today

i have been researching and reading all i can about mining crypts

waiting for an ICO to drop so i can buy my first 2-1080s and jump in

is there anything i can mine solo?

can someone recommend a good motherboard/chipset that would handle 6-8 GPUs in the future?

also any setup/wiring advice resources for new minefags is welcome

thanks in advance

>> No.5004584

it really depends on what GPU's are instock and not sold out or overpriced.

>> No.5004757

what wattage do you get on rx480 rig? I got a mobo with 4 pcie slots I need to fill out, was thinking 1000W just to be safe.

>> No.5004937

Are you mining anons actually making money? Pretty much everything I've read points to just buying the coin.

>hardware investment
>electricity costs
>difficulty increase
>more hardware investment after your cards can't compete anymore
>somehow sell your old cards

How do you guys buy and sell hardware in bulk or at least in a way to stay in profit? I might make a small rig for fun, but I just can't imagine staying profitable.

>> No.5004968


I've tested on a bunch of stuff.

asrock 110 btc+ Can run upto 13 gpu's and are not too spendy.

anything z87 or newer works ok since it has 4g decoding or something like that.

technically intel h75 and up work pretty good.
Running 4 Vegas on a $50 Dell Vostro 270 I3-3120 for testing configs.

h61 do not work at all for more than one moodern card.

the Xeon 3040 chipset whitch can use original first gen I7 Cpu's can do upto 5 cards. That was also the oldest that I could find that could run Uefi cards like RX5xx cards.

I have also tried some older AMD am3+ boards with some success. But the limiing factor is alot of them don't have recent bios updates available any more. so may max out at 4 gpu's.

>> No.5005230

Mining now may be hard to justify, given the cost of GPUs...hard to say.

When I first started mining ETH, I was mining 15 ETH a month...at the time it was worth $40 or so. But I knew it would go up by quite a lot.

>> No.5005252

ETN for the win. Sitting on piles of the shit. Value has only increased while I've been accumulating.

Several AMD 580s + hodgepodge of other gpus checking in. (4.5kh etn)

>> No.5005281


>hardware investment
I buy cards through ebay or craigslist, and the earlier the better, because more time for that card to run and make profits. You can put rigs together relatively cheap.
>electricity costs
I got the cheapest state for energy costs in the union. Washington state truly is the greatest with cheap china hydro power.
>difficulty increase
you can make your money back in 4-9 months if you mine the right or wrong stuff
>more hardware investment after your cards can't compete anymore
You have PSU, mobos, CPUs, cases, etc, so it lowers cost.
>somehow sell your old cards

>> No.5005390

>somehow sell your old cards

even after 18 months and I have made many 100's of percent roi my cards are still worth half of new.

Don't believe me? Look at the price of 980ti's

>> No.5005518

I did the same strategy early on except with XMR
Until it was better to mine a shittier coin that was more profitable and just buy more monero in a day than i could have otherwise mined.

>> No.5005584

Are you just selling your old equipment on Ebay? Half is actually better than I expected on old hardware (especially mining hardware that has seen some shit). Speaking of which, do you disclose that your GPUs were used in mining?

>> No.5005616

So much great Info in this thread, thanks everyone

>> No.5005618

Awesome my man.
Doing just under 57kh/s on ETN at the moment here.

>> No.5005649
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no, underclock them tho so they might not get found out goy

>> No.5005746

I'm using 2x 750w psu in my miner that's currently running 3 gtx 1080s at 70% power.

Is it safe to use those 8pin to y-split dual 6+2 pin connectors for each card?

I'm hoping to expand up to 5 1080s relatively soon, but with each of them requiring 1 8pin and 1 6pin, I'm not sure how to do it.

>> No.5005784


I red around a little bti more. Those meme Vega cards that out of stoke everywhere - is it literally miners who buying them? Or card is so good that gamers bought everyhting?

Will manufacturer make more of them? Seems stange for hardware be out of stock, why would they not just make more.

>> No.5005834

Gamers haven't bought new GPUs in like 3 years.

>> No.5005865

Craigs list.

And to be honest. a card used for mining is probably better off than the average card in a Desktop pc.

I keep them clean and under 60C and they are rarely power cycled.

Heating up and then cooling down and then heating up again is hard on electronics

And I'm using high quality power supplies and surge protectors.

Also every card I won is actually underclocked and undervolted compared to factory specs.

And on top of that most of the cards I own have at minimum a 3yr warranty and most actually have a 5yr.

If I was looking for a good used card I wouldn't hesitate to buy one from a (Professional Cryptomining Farm).

The people I have sold to are fully aware that is has been used like this but it is still under warranty and I'll even take it back or swap no questions asked if there is a problem.

>> No.5005961

The Netherlands has high electricity costs so I'm not mining. Sucks desu, mining sounds fun.

>> No.5005975

Cool, clearing your inventory must take some time though.

How do you buy them? Buying retail from Newegg is great because you can use bitcoin and all but the prices are outrageous.

>> No.5006128

Where is a good place to buy frames? or what are good resources for making your own frames on the cheap?

>> No.5006163
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antminer s3 500gh/s for bitcoin cash
free electricity so its zero risk

>> No.5006166

Been mining at a hobbyist level but registering as a business sounds pretty cool.

Do you still mine out of your own home or do you rent office/warehouse space? At what scale of operation do you think it's better to register as a business than to not?

>t. 6x r9 290 miner rig dual mining ETH+DCR

>> No.5006211


Last time I sold cards I i moved 24 in a week.

Like the other anon said gamers haven't had good deals on new cards for years. So there is definitely a market for last gen cards that in many cases outperform a single current get card when sli'd or crossfired for the same money. I'd say that i sold about half of them, two at a time to people that did just that.

A mixture of newegg, amazon, bestbuy and B&H and a wholesale supplier I've been using for years for my IT business. It just depends on what is in stock and what the prices are.

>> No.5006220

General question about electricity. At what point do you decide its not worth mining? Anything above $.10/kWh?

>> No.5006222

I built mine out of a $30 shoe rack from Amazon. >>5001203
looks similar to mine, I think he probably did the same thing?

>> No.5006298

Thanks for the info, anon. Another question about retailers though. Are you getting access to deals that I my self coming off the street wouldn't be able to get, or are you in the same boat as everyone else?

>> No.5006373

It would literally have to be $3.44/kWh for me to not be profitable anymore with my current set up.

That includes paying myself $3300/mo salary But no ROI.

>> No.5006375

Bitcoin's greyed out as a payment option on newegg, just tried to buy parts for a rig.

>> No.5006416

Nope retail prices at all of the retail places.

Whole sale was only $10 bucks under msrp but they never are in stock.

>> No.5006467

I pay with normal bank account for all parts.

>> No.5006476

Awesome info. Currently I think I'm looking at about $.12/kWh although I could be moving in the near future to a place that is more like $.09/kWh.

Make sure you're buying from Newegg and not an affiliate.

>> No.5006492
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>post pics of your nigger tier rigs
>posts a broke boy rig with nigger tier (read: nonexistent) cable management

pic related: it's you

>> No.5006495
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riding mad profits with BWK

>> No.5006523

Ok guys, hoping for some help here

Ive set up my ccminer and its been working great with nist5 but now ive swapped to neoscrypt and suddenly the miner doesnt want to work

It shuts down right after displaying the commandline saying "cuda error at line XXX - out of memory"

What am i doing wrong?

>> No.5006608

Yeah I must have had a Marketplace item on my list, my bad.
I don't want to have the christmas shipping rush fuck with my packages, they're already always bashed to shit when they get to me. First world problems I guess.

>> No.5006636

Maybe you're out of memory?

>> No.5006685

>cuda error at line XXX - out of memory

What card?
How much vram?
How much system ram?
How much virtual memory?

>> No.5006742

>What card?
GTX 1060

>How much vram?

>How much system ram?

Im new to this shit but the nist5 has worked without a hitch

>> No.5007027


Can i contact you somehow regarding building rigs? I'm considering putting some money in to this and would love to hear opinion of a pro before buying parts.

>> No.5007065

Does anyone run a masternode for any coin? How do the profits stack up against mining?

>> No.5007073


The 3gb 1060 rely on sharing system memory kinda like integrated graphics do.

Virtual memory has to be on and set to at least 8GB. Prefer 16+GB

Install the latest drivers and make sure you install Cuda.

>> No.5007179

for you guys mining in places where they is sun, would you consider using solar panels to mitigate the cost of electricity

>> No.5007253


what's your contact info?

I'll send you mine in return.

I ran numbers last night and If I had $850,000 I could pull in at least 250k/mo But actually more like $500k/mo If I had a dedicated trading analyst on the team.

about 35k/ mo in overhead. And not factoring any discount for bulk power rates.

The hardest part would be getting enough hardware.

>> No.5007337

yup they are sturdy and stackable and cheap and available. they work great for cards with back plates.

If not just add foam

>> No.5007411

it would cost too much for enough solar panels and the large area of roof or land to mount them to run even a small sized mining farm.

>> No.5007499

new to mining scene, any beginner guides that helped you guys out?

>> No.5007503

Thank you anon. Please write me something at nameszeff@protonmail.com anything, so i know it's you.

>> No.5007598
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>wasting time and money on cable management and expensive cases

>> No.5007848

Ok ive installed the Cuda toolkit but its still not working

>> No.5008189

get the latest version of ccminer

all the info I could find of people having the same problems was from 2016 and was on other low ram cards like the 750ti

>> No.5008368

I got it to work, i updated the miner and tweaked some options in my .bat file
Thanks so much for your help

>> No.5008641

Good Luck sir!

>> No.5009482

Would powered risers be able to power cards that draw 75 watts off the mobo?
Because I can build a pretty cheap rig running Rx 560's. Each card can hash about 300 h/s on stock settings. I know other cards hash better, but it seems like 560's never suffer huge markups.

>> No.5009635

yes they can be powered that way.

>Each card can hash about 300 h/s on stock settings

So it takes 6x of them to equal 1x Vega 56
$150/each plus other hardware

I'd just over-pay for 1 Vega and call it a day DESU.

>> No.5009680

oh and low end cards have worse residual value when you are done with them.

>> No.5009790

I have 2 x s9 miners at 14th. Just ordered 8 Avalon 741s. Even going to add electrical.


>> No.5009832

add electrical how, if thats a house you might have to redo all your electric to get enough for all that shit

>> No.5009934

I am going to add 8 additional 20amp breakers to my office.

>> No.5010391

Might as well do 220/240V If you look up power supply info they all say they run more efficiently on high voltage.

like 10-20 percent better in some cases

and almost all computer equipment can run on 100-240v though some of the olderstuff have actual switches on the PSU to choose voltage. the newer stuff all auto switches.

>> No.5010426

i see everyone talking about hardware, but what Operating system are you guys using or does it not matter

>> No.5010524

linux for some things
windows 10 v1709 for others.

>> No.5010551

solar could never output that much power, anon. youd have to have several roofs full of panels

>> No.5010552

I'll have to look for vegas then. Thank you for answering my question and making that suggestion. If I can't get vegas what would give me a decent ROI?

>> No.5010631

1070/1070ti/1080/1080ti for neoscrypt coins

Easier setup if this is your first time doing this kind of thing.

>> No.5010742

contact me if you're serious

>> No.5010794
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Hi Tom.

>> No.5010867

How do you know my name?

>> No.5010920

580's are generally still good for eth and cryptonight.

on cryptonight 5x 580's is equal to 2 vegas and they cost about the same not including other stuff

on eth 3x 580'd equal the same as 2 vega's

and on neo scrypt the 580's are actually faster than the vega's by a fair amount.

All of the options are technically profitable.
Some more than others and some are a lot more work to get going.

rx480/580=moderate skills required. (flashing video bioses and stuff is involved for best results.)
Vega's=Hard mode (flashing bioses depending on cards, registry edits, Driver stability issues, etc)

>> No.5010930

youre a faggot for even doing that, the guy was trying to help you

>> No.5011064

Why does solar have to suck so much ass?

>> No.5011067

Arizona has a SHIT TON of sun

>> No.5011178

Holy shit my sides...

>> No.5011212

how in the hell would you make 500k/month? what coin would you be mining?

>> No.5011229

Where do u check profitability?

>> No.5011239

getting any energy out of light is pretty cool but yeah, solar will never be the wave of the future.
not until they replace roofs with solar panels.

>> No.5011441

how much did it cost to get entirely set up, and how long did it take you to learn everything needed to get started? maybe not necessarily how long until you are at the point now, but at the point where you felt confident and comfortable.

>> No.5011487

wait nvm, I saw your projection picture

>> No.5011574

sell while you still have a profit on this shittest of shitcoins

>> No.5011589

(((block reward)(60/block time))(shitcoin exchangerate*bitcoinprice in USD))((My farm's hashrate/networkhashrate)(24*30))

>> No.5011633
File: 407 KB, 1019x768, miner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gang.

>> No.5011646

Will swap to monero or KBR or something else when the profitability makes it no longer viable.
still very profitable to do most of the top coins.

>> No.5011752

1 week to do proof of concept.
2 weeks to scale up.
1 week to optimize

almost 20 yrs in the IT industry though. I'm not that old though. I started a business right out of school.

>> No.5012070
File: 115 KB, 870x554, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This can't be true, can it? This being sold for under $2000? Am I missing something here, like they're not including an important piece of equipment, or mislabeling something? Or did I put something in wrong in crypto-compare?

This is just free money waiting to be taken, there's no way these numbers are right.

>> No.5012375


Is this site legit?

>> No.5012434
File: 112 KB, 1300x941, senior-man-rests-his-face-in-his-hands-and-looks-disappointed-or-bored-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and that would be a no, they're not legit...


>> No.5012471

Rather than asking directly, can anyone point me in the right direction if I want to get into mining? why do I see you guys using graphic cards rather than ASIC's? I assume at this point mining altcoins would be more profitable/reasonable tha mining bitcoin, would a "Bitcoin mining ASIC" also be able to mine altcoins? what software would I need? also where could I buy hardware, everywhere I looked, even the cheapest hardware is insanely marked up.

>> No.5012505
File: 129 KB, 1312x634, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they're in China it seems, so I'm assuming no.

Never really trusted the Chinese on anything.


There's also this:

I'm starting to wonder how many scam sites are out there who promise hardware for super cheap prices, and just take your money and don't deliver (and get away with it due to some shitty fine print or loophole etc.)

>> No.5013119

Whats ur opinion on Zcash
I just built a x4 GTX 1070 rig to start off on them