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49981056 No.49981056 [Reply] [Original]

A thread to discuss future top 10 crypto project.

>> No.49981282

i fw qanx fr fr no cap. issue is - when tf is it gon pump?? it'll take some time for this to move no? i think mainnet is in december or some shit

>> No.49981597

Lazy marketing thread

>> No.49982199

Have 100k stack am I gonna make it?

>> No.49982381

Once QVM and Librescan is realized we will see some real gains
Enoug to buy you a house in like 2 years

>> No.49982406

Lazy marketing thread

>> No.49982717

Stay poor

>> No.49982746


>> No.49983690

Stay poor and rope

>> No.49983872

thanks for the hopium eesti-coin brother

>> No.49984276

Seems an alright project overall in this sea of scams. I'm definitely thinking of jumping on board as a gamble. Market cap is low af.

>> No.49984302

>quantum resistant
Yeah, but weren't they hacked a while ago already?

>> No.49984306

Short anything with the name quantum

>> No.49984324

is this the token?

it looks interesting, where can i find more about it? worhless FUD aside, what is expected from this project? it feels early

>> No.49984454

This is what I could find. Are there other similar projects, do you know any?

>> No.49984503
File: 40 KB, 357x346, 4C19D58E-2EBE-40CF-9049-20AA3749CB09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockchain is not out yet which means its not quantum resistant YET
Yes this is the one.
Easiest way to learn about QANX is visit their website and join telegram group

>> No.49984606

>muh quantum
Well this coin will attract a few retarded boomers but nothing more

>> No.49984745
File: 131 KB, 1400x718, 8A945B6A-5361-4CCE-B964-FD655CD79C4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts how clueless you guys are.
This is officially spoon feed thread.

>> No.49985214

Bear market has caught up with crypto, and no alt will pump ATM.
If you still have fiat, buy the dip when BTC gets to 13K but anons are fucking broke right now

>> No.49985685

Quantum resistance is a lie. It's just PoS.
The entire project is a scam lying about what it is.

>> No.49985768

You sound like people calling bitcoin a scam when it was becoming mainstream

>> No.49985814

I've been using Bitcoin for over 10 years. QANX very own whitepaper is fraudulent and full of buzzwords that claim it's doing one thing while just using existing tech from projects before it. Good projects don't do that.

>> No.49986521

Its all about who does it best in my opinion

>> No.49986661

And this scam offers nothing new, doesn't improve it, and expects people to call it the best based on lies. It will eat the dust from any new project because they can't innovate.

>> No.49986836
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You are a fucking moron who don't understand shit. Read about the POR which is a eco-friendly way to mine tokens and then you talk fucking faggotish prick.

>> No.49986880

It's literally just proof of stake with randomized validators which already fucking exists on BSC.
Fucking inbred shills.

>> No.49986914
File: 6 KB, 241x209, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand your feeling boomer. Why do you need to stress your fresh used brains know about quantum resistant blockchains and shit. Instead you have your dick just jerk off and sleep. You are not even worth to fuck a girl may be a sponge or something gentleman.
You will be able to understand the QVM or the blockchain. Start to flip burgers

>> No.49986957

Lol moron did you really read with the POR concensus we can fucking mine with a mobile phone or a raspberry pie. I don't care what anon said desu kekk..get rekt soon

>> No.49986989

whatever jeet, you admit defeat.

>> No.49987307
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Really once the mainnet is live you guys will know the seriousness of a quantum resistant blockchain. What ever the anon said I don't care but you will realize when it hits you hard. If that's a stupid project why would IBM acknowledge it and why would a IBM Platinum partner audit it. Anyways I'm not gonna argue.

>> No.49987587
File: 66 KB, 495x495, BA030890-6FE3-4A14-9288-985F9AEAB3BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy 0.5 QANX so that you can afford a rope in 2/3 years

>> No.49987830

Haven't you heard of multi programming language feature it has? You are never gonna make it

>> No.49987860

There are many other chains with multiple smart contract languages. Literally just copypaste scam.

>> No.49988152
File: 6 KB, 218x218, 1653230360887s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know of any other one that has a decentralized blockchain explorer pageet?

>> No.49988271

I do actually. Librescan is self hosted meaning literally any open source explorer counts as decentralized in that regard.
All major chains:

Yet another nothingburger, jeet. Also you're posting literal thumbnails.