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49973037 No.49973037 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically how many times can crypto boom and crash before people lose interest and the inflow of new money stops ?

The people who got burned in 2017 got burnt even worse in 2021

are they really going to get fooled again so soon? 2024 halving is only 18 months away…

Starting to think next halving cycle won’t even have a bullrun… especially due to macroeconomic conditions … rising interest rates, cost of living skyrocketing… a population that got rugged 2 times in 5 years….

It seems like crypto may just remain in a bear market until 2028-2030

>> No.49973074


Trend is a bullrun each halving and I see no reason to believe crypto wouldn’t pump in 2025 especially given fed cutting rates. Stack stables and chill bro

>> No.49973090
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It can go on forever. People are fucking retarded. The bulk of normal people will always be bandwaggon hopping faggots too late to the party to make money. This is true literally back to the beginning of time.

>> No.49973112
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Good point here too. If I’ve realized anything about markets it’s clear market participants are absolute monkeys

>> No.49973114

A lot probably. People have low attention span and will fomo back in when it looks like "it will never go down again"

>> No.49973163

2017 was a legitimate crypto boom and it fizzled out, but it was during a time of economic growth and everyone was positive for the future

2021 was a speculative boom on all assets in existence, not just crypto, and it was fed by massive government stimulus

We’re now in unprecedented times, the world is going to shit, if you don’t believe this you’re obviously not paying attention to what’s going on in the world. Cost of living issue, inflation, supply chains, war in Europe…. Rising tensions with China… this isn’t going to just magically fix itself, it is bulltarded as fuck to just assume it’ll all work itself out bro, just keep buying and holding bro… the bullrun will come back in 18 months bro trust me, just ignore the world going to crap bro, that’s all fud, we finna no cap fr fr moon soon

>> No.49973255

Fed determines the market and they can change shit in without warning. All it really takes is for them to become dovish and assets moon again

>> No.49973281


Uh yeah it’s obviously bad and will take years before any semblance of an market uptrend. I don’t think we’ll see a speculative market as retarted as last bull in our lifetimes. I sold absolutely everything and I’m content to sit and wait in stables because if there’s anything I’m confident in, it’s exploiting stupid people for money lmao

Permabulls are just as dumb as permabears

>> No.49973295

You're literally a permabear, retard. People always shit themselves at bear market lows.

>> No.49973300

Pride comes before the fall

>> No.49973316

Mainstream is expecting the bull run to come back next halving in 2024-2025

After 2017 mainstream was not expecting crypto to come back in 2020-2021.

Have you taken that into account?

This is why i don’t think it will be as simple as crypto booming at the next halving in 2024-2025

The halving either gets front run in 2023, or the space stays dormant until 2028-2020.

>> No.49973323


I sold the top lmao

>> No.49973334

You’re playing behind the curve, every factor you mentioned will probably be resolved or improved by the time frame you ne ruin. They align pretty well. By the time the sky is announced as “falling” it’s already been falling for quite a while. Look at macro for the last 130 years. They announce a recession and it’s usually half over. But nah buy high sell low or whatever idc

>> No.49973342


Indefinitely. Money inflates more than btc.

>> No.49973354

I don't think you know what you're talking about... I got burned in 2017 and spent the next year learning about the tech/field of crypto in earnest, and then have made a killing this time around

>> No.49973362

We’ve entered new times now. The world you know from 1950s - 2010s is gone.

We’re now in the downward period. This is only the start. That whole meme of the bear leaving its cave forever appears to be what occurs for us now.

>> No.49973369


This plus people are greedy and retarted

>> No.49973374
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>I’m content to sit and wait in stables
Why do people keep stablecoins instead of just cash on exchanges? I've always just held cash and then converted it into whatever when I wanted to buy. I'm a brainlet, please help me understand

>> No.49973376

Realistically, how many times can people drink water before they get tired of it?
It seems like water may just remain in a bear market until 2069-2420

>> No.49973382

congrats on your pennies
Halvings don't matter anymore. Most of the btc is mined.
>Mainstream didn't expect 2020-2021
Irrelevant. Also it was obvious on the technicals. I dcad in 2018 for a reason
>Taken that to account
No because relying on news for trades is what reddit midwits do.

>> No.49973398

Copeing bulltard analogy

>> No.49973403


If there’s a run on liquidity in exchanges they now have your money. I don’t trust Coinbase or any exchange really. Ledger is safe assuming you aren’t retarted and spreading your money across multiple bank accounts (250k is max fdic ensured for most banks) is safe as well.

>> No.49973404

What I think of as “mainstream” has no theory on crypto cycles, but if you mean the bitcoin subreddit they were all banking on the cycle in 2018 and on

>> No.49973443

A new sucker is born every minute

>> No.49973482

There are new people entering crypto every year so it can go on forever.

>> No.49973491

Ok I see. So do you keep your stables on your hardware wallet then? Can you do transactions through a ledger/trezor?

>> No.49973496

Diminishing returns

>> No.49973508

Lets buy jpegs fellow apes!

>> No.49973547

The next halving is pretty insignificant though. Bitcoin inflation is already low enough to not really be holding back price so cutting the inflation in half will have little effect. Hence diminishing returns.
We'll get a mini bull run because people are expecting it but not directly because of the supply shock of the halving.

>> No.49973610

Not to mention crypto now has a bad name for repeatedly scamming people and the cexes can't be trusted at all, Bitcoin is le evil, governments are banning and regulating it do death etc. Hard to think of a legitimate bull case for crypto. We'll have rallies again and some coins will pop up and do really well for a while but I honestly don't know if Bitcoin will ever break ath.

>> No.49973654
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Retard alert

The dumbass permabulls from 2017 won big by just holding. People realize this and will slurp the dipper. Don't think everyone lost just because you did and even you're still here.

>> No.49973704

If you bought the top of Bitcoin in 2017 you're up 15% after five years. That's nothing. A lot of alts never had a comeback. Cardano is 1/3 the price now that it was at launch

>> No.49973722

>the top of Bitcoin in 2017 you're up 15% after five years.
Lmao that's literally no one. If you dcad you'd probably have it closer to sub 10k average buys

>> No.49973834

Again just because you bought the top doesn't mean everyone else did. Also most people who buy btc aren't desperately staring at the 15 min and they haven't allocated all of their life savings to it either. I'm not some plan b faggot saying the rocket ship launches in 2 weeks but it is clear that we are slowly trending up and it is still a possibility in many peoples eyes that it could potentially have some value.

>> No.49973876

>market is never stale
>people buy back when it oversells

Buy high, sell low.

>> No.49974011

>The people who got burned in 2017 got burnt even worse in 2021
Factually untrue. At the very worst, the biggest bagholder from 2017 doing a bit better than breakeven today. Obviously that's not adjusted for inflation, but you think the average retailtard knows that?

>are they really going to get fooled again so soon? 2024 halving is only 18 months away…
Kek, we had this exact same conversation in late 2018 till the 2020 halving. Turns out, yes, they will, and the economics of mining help fuel that melt up.

>Starting to think next halving cycle won’t even have a bullrun… especially due to macroeconomic conditions … rising interest rates, cost of living skyrocketing
Nice normie take. I doubt you could even detail the relationship between the fed funds rate and CPI. Your dumbass just regurgitates the headlines, failing to parse the intent of the Fed (hint: they have a dual mandate that prevents them from simply starting mass layoffs a true recession would cause) or the effect of a 3-4% fed funds rate (hint: very little, which is intentional given that a large amount of inflation is being caused by foreign policy -- namely sanctions and China's own Zero Covid protocol).

You are an absolutely retarded normie, and I hope you do an about face in a week, buy some seemingly cheap altcoins, and watch them burn 95% of their value in a year as you fail to learn from the past, you bumbling cunt.

>> No.49974064

bro shut the fuck up and think about what you're saying I've been born into a world that's going to shit 24/7 and yet shitcoins are worth something
>but muh worlds ending
the worlds always ending you retard
>but shitcoins are worth something
>worlds ending guys Hitler will nuke us
>but piss yellow metal worth something

>> No.49974232

>Cost of living issue
First off, you're spending too much time on 4chan if you believe this. Secondly, you obviously don't understand how cities expand. Over long period of time (say 100 years), more and more people flood into a city overwhelming the supply of real estate, forcing some to move just outside the perimeter to afford housing. This continues every generation. In a city like Atlanta or Charlotte, affordable housing can continuously expand outward.

Welcome to Q2 2020, retard. Inflation alone doesn't kill economics, it's the cure that's dangerous, and the US's central banking system (the only one that matters) is extremely aware of that. But please, convince me that I should trust the trepidation of some 20-something loser on 4chin over the most sophisticated economic body on the planet that hasn't gone a quarter without double checking they weren't permanently damaging the market. Volcker is dead, anon.

>supply chains, war in Europe.... Rising tensions with China
So, the world is ending because of... an eastern European shithole war? Nice! Very excellent thesis there, anon! Kill yourself! Supply chain issues are being assuaged daily as countries either adapt to the war or work towards ending it. As for issues caused by China's Zero Covid policy, that'll pass as soon as its citizens finally get sick of it (contrary to popular belief, Xi/CCP is extremely cognizant of the will of the people, and being the bugs they are, the majority want absolutely zero covid in their country... for now).

>just ignore the world going to crap bro
God, I can't imagine what a nervous fucking wreck you were in Q1 2020 or Q3 2008. Those were legitimate world ending scenarios compared to the state of the world today you fucking pussy.

>> No.49974295

All of crypto combined has 1 trillion market cap, subtract stablecoins and it's 850 billion. Now compare it to stocks which represent tens of trillions in valuation, and homes which are tens of trillions more. The bullish case for crypto is that it's total value is still marginal compared to the value of everything else.

>> No.49974314

As long as there is excess money. These schemes are sustained by getting gullible idiots to fund the schemers who bail out and cash out.

>> No.49974375

Its use is a marginal use of everything else, by several orders of magnitude greater than its value.

>> No.49974442

Yeah, when it comes down to it people are fundamentally greedy and programmed to look for things they've seen before, if the market expects a bullrun after the next BTC halving, then they will collectively cause a bullrun. Also the Crypto market is heavily manipulated. All they need is some macroeconomic trigger to act as a catalyst

>> No.49975320

Retail paper hands dont matter, I go towards the market movers.

>> No.49975351

normies have a short 3 year memory lifespan. I saw a normie who was on my wrestling team 4 years after graduation in downtown and said Hi. He said who are you? I felt bad. but i didnt take it personally

>> No.49975559

Chill out, crypto will still pump far more than you can imagine, the only mistake we made and continue to make is buying at ATH and selling when it dips, I can't sell QANX and GLMR and every other altcoins I bought at ATH, I'd rather DCA and Hodl.

>> No.49975638

no. 2017 was it. that was the organic mania. 2021 is driven by tether, it is a confidence scam, and its end will be the end of public trust of crypto.

>> No.49975717

most of my friends bought like $20,50,100 maybe 1k on crypto because it was trending. no interest since

>> No.49975855

kek, any market has its own cycle. Only those people who stay are getting real profits.

almost all newfags have done this mistake.

kek, why jump in with the hype? Now is the best time to start learning about crypto.

>> No.49975961

Never sell when you are in loss, IMO best time to buy is now, I'm Holding QANX as well

>> No.49976891

kek, some people do cutloss to save their money. I'd rather lend my assets on Equilibrium rather than just holding it.

>> No.49977822

>it will just keep going up bro
You didn’t have to write all that.

>> No.49977871

oh yeah just like how if you don't buy BTC for 3 days in a row you literally die, I get it

>> No.49977896
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>> No.49977901


>> No.49978585
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Man that's the a wise option. Having our assets in a quantum resistant blockchain is really good as the Q-day is not too far. I am just waiting for the mainnet to go live.

>> No.49978605

Hey anon, I have heard about this, I think it's best because the gas fee will be fixed, and a TX speed will be1600tps will be dope after the mainnet goes live. Let's hope for the good.

>> No.49978813

>The people who got burned in 2017 got burnt even worse in 2021
This might be the most retarded thing I have seen on this board. The people that bought BTC at the top of 2017 would have done so at 20k and they still would be in profit whereas the zoomers who bought at 69k will be waiting a long time to turn a profit.

>> No.49978873

The people who bought at 20k watched bitcoin crash down to $3k 4-5 times until 2021

>> No.49979538

I can't realistically bear with the whole market right now, if im being totally honest i think that there are little to no coins out there that will actually moon. The only one im following right now (qom) is just holding because it's creator (ryoshi) is basically ramping up the community to not sell and it's working, might be the only one left out there

>> No.49979809

>when will people stop buying lottery tickets
>when will people stop gambling at the casino
Anon, think!

>> No.49980349

An unlimited amount of times. right now there are a ton of uneducated 16 year olds, some with rich parents, that will be 18 when the bullrun comes around, so they'll be able to buy coins and kyc with exchanges. This can happen an unlimited amount of times