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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49971497 No.49971497 [Reply] [Original]

This is the thread to discuss the meta aspects of the board and its moderation.

/pmg/ is being unfairly attacked by overzealous jannies incapable of equally applying the rules of the site. The posters there got together to fund a project, the project was successful, and an online store started up as part of that grassroots effort. However at a certain point, posts about that business and other coin projects became bannable offenses. Any linking to the store, and now any attempt to answer questions surrounding it are met with a warning.

This store is also no different than what you can currently find actively pushed on /k/, /out/, and /o/
>/k/ Patch Threads
>/out/ Patch Threads
>/o/ Auto Sticker Threads
All of these are threads created solely for the purpose of posters advertising their wares to people looking to buy.

Yet here on /biz/, a board that exists to shill crypto scams 90% of the time, a business that was founded by and for anons is immediately pushed down. The jannies here need educating.

>> No.49971556
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>Design, create, buy, sell, trade and discuss patches here :)

>Trade, create, and sell your patches here.

>>List of Vendors and Social Media

Jannies/Feds, I humbly request you hop off my back

>> No.49971583

>The posters there got together to fund a project, the project was successful, and an online store started up as part of that grassroots effort
sounds pretty gay, when are you /pmg/ fags finally going to understand that nobody wants to buy your shitty rocks, which are neither rare nor precious in any way. some guy was probably samefagging in your containment thread to create the illusion of some broader movement in order to sell more rocks to the doomers on this site.

>> No.49971634
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We want to sell our rocks to each other but the jannies have a hateboner for us because of how successful they are

>> No.49971647

or the reality is it's business related and thus is allowed on this board and just because you dont agree with it or like it doesnt make it less valid or means it isnt allowed. you sound like a liberal facist who thinks censorship is ok when its views you dont like

>> No.49971705

we let you have your silly thread. your (((grassroots))) shop just gets filtered because it most likely just as community based as any other shops that sells shiny stuff.

>> No.49971735

First two rounds did over $100k in sales over 400 different people

>> No.49971797

oh thats cute you talk as if you're some authority figure on this board that decides and dictates what is and isnt posted. who the fuck are you again? some evolutionary dead end nobody nothing never was posting big in a thread just so you think you have a big pp for 2 mins. you arent any authority figure on this site or irl in your house you virgin geek. dont fucking ever type like you're an authority figure on here again you scrawny virgin nerd you arent shit in lie and the fact you even type that way shows how mentally ill and delusional you are about things. we and let lol what a fucking faggot

>> No.49971824
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I don’t think you know what the ((())) means. I think you’re just a seething crypto cunt externalizing some of his anxiety. Go ahead, load up on fiat and digital “money”, idc. Maybe you’ll be laughing at us one day, but I doubt it.

>> No.49971837

See Kommandostore.

>> No.49971901

i think you /pmg/ers are stupid but jannies have been on shitcoin payrolls for some time now

>> No.49971906

kek, don't shoot up your school chud.

>> No.49971914

Conservatives are becoming obnoxious as fuck in /smg/. Every single fucking thread it's something about trannies. Talk about rent free.

>> No.49971975
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Seethe and cope pmg tranny. Your little thread belongs to >>>/toy/ because shiny rocks are not an investment, they are a collection hobby. Now kys and back to your containment thread.