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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49963744 No.49963744 [Reply] [Original]

>leans back
>snaps suspenders
>outlaws abortion


>> No.49963775

>>outlaws abortion
Why the fuck are lefties sperging out, it's not outlawed it's just up to the states themselves now.

>> No.49963969

Yeah, I'm not going to war over something stupid like a high court ruling that something is up to the states individually to decide on. Who would be retarded enough to do that?

>> No.49964002

>Chamberlain: Slavery bad
>Longstreet: Slavery bad
Me watching the movie: Then what the fuck are they even fighting about?

>> No.49964025

>/biz/ business & finance

>> No.49964032

This. What the fuck? People can go to Cali forever and get abortions which is completely based and very Americana. This is yet another nothing-burger. The real showdown will be with ChinaxTaiwan in the future. This is all so pointless until the climax of the century.

>> No.49964033

Because they want their own way and you can force states to act a certain way through the courts, even if the people democratically want to change something.

Btw it has nothing to do with “womens rights” and everything to do with hypergamy. They want unilateral control over motherhood, whereas you have zero control over fatherhood and zero control over your finances if she decides to be a mother.

>> No.49964034

The South wanted to secede and the North invaded them to "preserve the Union". People conflate secession and then the subsequent war. The South didn't want to fight, they wanted a peace/independence treaty.

>> No.49964056

it's the weekend, faggot. take a day off.

>> No.49964133
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>> No.49964483

how the fuck can I profit from this?

>> No.49964499


>> No.49964511

>outlaws abortion
this is only valid if retard detector machines or vinu invertors are created, otherwise, let them cope

>> No.49964545
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Don't try to rewrite history. Historians collectively agree that the civil war was fought because of buck breaking.

>> No.49965052

Enjoy your unwanted babies of incompetent, emotionally or economically unstable parents. I’m sure you’re going to blame lefties for their stupid kids although they’re the ones who wanted to get rid of them in the first place.
Nice thinking, hicks

>> No.49965118

That happens regardless. Only smart people who know they don't want kids because they're not adequately prepared or ready ever actually actively avoid contraception. It's always the retards who aren't really thinking just randomly having babies. Haven't you seen idiocracy

>> No.49965158

don't worry we're gonna legalise the forced sterilization of any woman too retarded to raise a child too

>> No.49965362

>unwanted babies of incompetent, emotionally or economically unstable parents.

lmao, that's me, thank fuck I didn't get murdered in the womb.