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49961988 No.49961988 [Reply] [Original]

In 2019 I would come on biz and every week there was something new:
QNT -3m cap
FTM - 6m cap
DAG - 1m cap
VRA - 800k cap
UBT - 1m cap
TRB - 1m cap
Matic - 7m cap

And so many more, all of which had insane runs.
This time around there are NO new tech coins, and no good low caps.

Did all legit devs give up building high level teams and making serious projects because they could gamble with making a cheap dog coin that could go into the billions?

There's literally nothing coming out now.

Where have all the good coins gone?

>> No.49962061

check out coinsck

its a sleeper coin, has been rallying since march and is at 0.97 now from teens

>> No.49962068

>Bear market
This is a correction retard the bullrun hasn't ended.

>> No.49962154


Sir what

>> No.49962184

Shutup jeet.

>> No.49962260

I once believed this..
But alts are down 99% and BTC is down heavy.

It's a bear dude.

>> No.49962338

It's the absolute bottom, it will never close a weekly candle under 20k EVER.

>> No.49962853
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>Ethereans - $6.4m market cap
>Renaswap - $1.3m market cap
>Statera - $556k market cap
>Shade Cash - $231k market cap
>Soulswap - $2.5m market cap
>Unilayer $2.4m market cap
There are plenty of good shit here. /biz/ just goes after dog coins nowadays.

>> No.49962893



>> No.49962904

>plenty of good shit
ye plenty of shit

>> No.49962969
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Don't even think of robbing my house nigger.

>> No.49963609

We reached peak scamcoin, and now all the low hanging scams are obvious. You will never be able to scam new buyers like you did in 2018 again, please wait a generation or two until people have money again.

>> No.49963642

are QNT and TRB still gonna do something?

>> No.49963682

Yeah they had mad runs that were sexy af

>> No.49963690

I ain't sure, these devs are good team players and they sure do know their onions though.

>> No.49963715

That's what I think, a possible bull trap to pull more money in for possible dumping prolly, I'm just going to hold my stables or preferably DCA on VRA, RIDE and ARPA. I shorted the latter yesterday with some 60% profit on 40x leverage or maybe not going to do it today.

>> No.49963722

I can see the over 75% tanking even harder.

>> No.49963731

No shid, sexy is the word kek.

>> No.49963741

QNT, maybe.

>> No.49963769
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They're building and building. Tsunami is going to allow 6 billion queries per second, tracking of entire NFT collections and triggers related to them, and all sorts of new cool features that'll make building much easier and more streamlined. Check out their road map. Their marketing is dog shit, but the product is top notch.

>> No.49963881
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>he know

>> No.49964642

you're so fucked, with my port down with over 300%, what shitty correction do you say fucking brainlet

>> No.49964657


scam projects, rug pulls is the order of the day, i think its about time you retards know what's right and stop trusting those cexes

>> No.49964673
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You might wanna take a look at litentry.

>> No.49964679


Origin Protocol OGN

>> No.49964871

>In 2019 I would come on biz and every week there was something new:
>QNT -3m cap
>FTM - 6m cap
>DAG - 1m cap
>VRA - 800k cap
>UBT - 1m cap
>TRB - 1m cap
>Matic - 7m cap

And how many of those did you actually make money from, anon?

None. IF (and I doubt it) you were even aware of those coins back then, you didn't buy any. And IF you did buy it was a tiny amount, which you sold after a 2x.

Anyway, next cycle's mega mooners are out there. If you spotted those (unlikely) then you can spot this cycle's as well.

>> No.49964892

What a fucking moron you are, you seriously think no-one made money off QNT? The 80 cent coin that went to 350?

>> No.49965384

opinion invalidated

>> No.49965464

That's because we're not in "2019" yet, duh

>> No.49965685

The metaverse is where its at right now chad. You could explore the innovations in the sector.

>> No.49965732

Some are based though

>> No.49965738

name one

>> No.49965740

Damn. Why didn't I get in early.

>> No.49965745

They're coming along with bitDAO. The true gem of the bear market. Full destruction.

>> No.49965777

Aw fuck. Didn't check out what you were replying to. Thought it was Ops post.

>> No.49965785

What makes it the true gem

>> No.49965853

so what? is this bull run, it's bear retard

>> No.49965880

Y'all not seeing very good coins cos yo ass still chasing pamps
I literally had VRA at ATH but I'm not one to gamble with my low cap gem, I believe their time will come again

>> No.49965890

A true gem for me would be Lion club nfts. I'd give anything for the chance of having a private session with my favourite legends.

>> No.49965908

Where? Can't see shit

>> No.49965956

Kek. Never heard of bitdao anon. The top gem I've seen so far is Railgun, complete privacy protocol with defi integration and multichain capability. Likely to gain more adoption during the next bull run.

>> No.49965988

Nigga needs glasses

>> No.49966014

Well it might be news to you but the space is already getting the support of big names like Sony and YouTube. It's even being taken seriously in the world of sports as Manchester City plans to build a stadium in the metaverse.

>> No.49966072

Celestia, Cosmos, grail ENS domains, and doing the Arbitrum odyssey for airdrop good goy points

>> No.49966129

Additionally, RSR, and ONE

>> No.49966285
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>> No.49966338

I got into Matic early and made a substantial amount

>> No.49966482

I did really well off Fantom. Wish some good new projects would pop up. Maybe nft based games or something and metaverse is the new thing…

>> No.49966576

i think SOL was the only really really good one

>> No.49966620

I stopped chasing pump and dump coins a long time ago. Now I just stake on defi and scout for long term assets. The metaverse is showing a lot of promise too, might be buying a land there soon.

>> No.49966638
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I personnaly took a bet on one of these knowing bear market would come. I'm down 90 percents on my biggest investment but I thinks I'm gonna add 10 percent of my initial investment to it as I believe it could go up next cycle.

>> No.49966687

none of you guys seem to know what the next wave of coins are going to be. my advice though would be to hang around here and hope to see them get posted before the normies all hop in. its not going to be as simple as last run but in a way it will be even simpler. goodluck goys

>> No.49966829

>Now I just stake on defi and scout for long term assets.

where do you stake and what long term asset do you hodl?

>> No.49967809

Sylo, look at the chart /biz
Been shilling this for months
Coinbase listing soon

>> No.49967860

Exactly, Its bear period now and the best time to invest, but newfags will miss out

>> No.49967922

True, I'm making little investments in Yok and Trias, If I perish I perish

>> No.49967957

>Where have all the good coins gone?

1. Since "defi-summer" there hasn't been any actual innovation at the token layer in crypto. All recent industry progress has been in tooling (hardhat, flashbots) or developments to existing projects (aave, uniswap, chainlink). New projects are all blatant scams (LUNA) or derivatives (BAYC).
2. Biz completely missed the NFT bullmarket, instead continued to shill HBAR and XRP (fucking hell). Very possible biz is sidelined from alpha for good now.

>> No.49967974

People post good shit here all the time.

>> No.49967978

New coins might be a serious risk now. Still sticking with FTM and SOL.
However also investing in new nftgames like Honeyland and Parallel.
Honeyland is built on sol while Parallel is on ethereum

>> No.49968009

nftgames will change gaming forever though it hard to find good ones now

>> No.49968055

Its true, a lot of scam games around.
Honeyland however provides insurance for hodlers of their nfts and even staking rewards.

You may have to do lots of research to find a few

>> No.49968076

Enrex, num, scrt, trias.
Enrex crashed like emheavy because badly launched but that shot is seriously promising to me when I think about all the zoomers and Europeans countries that are gonna invest in carbon allowances. That's a bet I took.

>> No.49968083

Lost money on lots of scams.
Can't underestimate the importance of research

>> No.49968497

Seen Railgun coming out? The only good things coming out now are either enhancing security in DeFi or improving its usability. I expected you to review Algorand as well though

>> No.49968523
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>bullrun hasn't ended.
It is just getting started right

>> No.49968536

99% is an exaggeration dude. Don't be fuckin cynical

>> No.49968909

Anyone who knows the gems is not going to talk about. We don't want you buying them.
Protip: if anyone mentions a coin here, it's not it.
People are silently accumulating the good coins and hoping no one else buys during accumulation

>> No.49969125

>What a fucking moron you are, you seriously think no-one made money off QNT? The 80 cent coin that went to 350?

No, I think OP didn't. I know many people did, including myself.

btw QNT it went from 17c to clean over 400, champ. I pulled north of 20mil from that trade alone.

>n-n-not like th-th-that you weren't supposed to make 8 figures I just meant a few thousand noooooo

But OP listing a whole collection of "gems" at their rock-bottom market cap tells me he's just hindsight trading and wishing he rode them.

>> No.49970791
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>Did all legit devs give up building high level teams and making serious projects
I doubt they did. Some devs have been coing up with brilliant project ideas in areas that are lacking, tech marketing is one fertile area for example.

>> No.49971230

im assuming that you're blind or can't read because matic has been pumping nonstop for the last 4 days and is up by over 50%

>> No.49971376

Fren, stop being a faggot and give us (ie, me) some hints. What do you think's going to be this next cycles major runner?

>> No.49971396

And how'd you determine QNT woudl be a huge runner? Good team? Good road map? Team has good connections? etc...

>> No.49971426

Ride is a solid one. With launch of its products by Q4, there would be mass adoption.

>> No.49971434

it was in bed with banks and had uk govt backed team, it was a nobrainer

>> No.49971445

>This time around there are NO new tech coins, and no good low caps.
because now the core infra is established, and all the new projects are just dapps built on top
except dapps tokens are worthless dao shit and dapps have no moats and a much lower barrier of entry, anybody can fork the same protocols on a different chain, that combined with how pvp the markets have become with vcs and funds, the days of easy x100s are essentially over
what we will see instead is the big infra layers will keep consolidating and growing their monopolies

>> No.49971449

I believe you haven't looked in the right place, because if you did, you should have seen FUFU which is a digital marketing project on Web3, and it has a low marketcap

>> No.49971488

True. Do you know of any reliable marketing platform?

>> No.49971661


Check out XCAD. It’s around 50 million market cap right now but has a model that’ll almost guarantee a massive pump (watch2earn).

It’s the first of its kind in watch2earn and the jist of it is this: they’re launching a plug in on the 29th of this month that people will be able to download and use in sync with YouTube. What’s incredibly bullish is the fact that they’ve already got dozens of influencers on board with a conjoined subscriber count of over 500 million.

Now, where it gets even crazier is that all these YouTube normies must buy atleast $10 of XCAD to use the plug-in. They’ll in turn be rewarded with “creator tokens”, or NFTs, that will have unique purposes based on however the influencer wants to take it eg entrance to meet ups, or KSI’s next fight (who’s one of XCAD ambassadors).

If we do the maths and say only 1% of the 500 million subscribers buy the bare minimum $10 worth of XCAD, that’ll result in an XCAD worth over $100 per token, or a 30x + from here. That doesn’t even consider XCADs growth into twitch, further YouTube recruitment, nor crypto influencers getting involved or bigger buys from YouTube normies for further influencer perks. And remember, normies don’t care for the price of XCAD, they’ll just buy it to use the watch2earn model from their bank accounts on the plug-in (also has Apple Pay to XCAD purchase method built on, alongside debit card/ credit/ visa).

So in effect we buy before plug-in, then reap the rewards of millions of normies pumping our bags. See how Stepn tan it up from 50 million market cap to circa 3 billion for a similar first mover in a new massive niche “2earn” project.

Good luck. Remember, plug-in launches on the 29th of this month - five days time.

>> No.49971676

I’m also being conservative here, as general projections are a 5-10% uptake.

>> No.49971748

My daughter is a big fan of this project, and she enjoys playing its interactive quizzes

>> No.49971771

There are quite a number out there, I honestly can't give a verdict on which ones are reliable but I think they need to change their approach to start gettin good results. KOLnet or example, although new, is proposing IMOs in place of IDOs.

>> No.49971806

The problem with all these projects spoken about here are, unlike XCAD; that won’t acquire mass normie adoption in a fashion that is simple for them (like direct debit/ credit/ Apple Pay -> XCAD)

>> No.49971819

As in, most projects beside XCAD, are purely focused on a crypto audience. Half of which have left in the last few months since the mainstream media stopped talking of crypto + dog/meme season died.

>> No.49971865

I don't seem to understand your point though, I was talking about marketing platforms. Is XCAD a marketing platform?

>> No.49971902

KOLnet will be utilizing microKOLs who are one of the most important stakeholders in crypto media. It's not one to run out of use since there'll be new projects entering the market regularly.

>> No.49971939

I haven't seen anyone that played UwUFUFU quizzes the first time and didn't go back to it.
The quizzes are really interesting

>> No.49971947

SUKU is a good bet. Dyor.

>> No.49972094

Really? Didn't know IMO's would replace IDO. I have been participating in IDO from binance to pancakeswap. I even participated in AXL Launchpad last two weeks.

>> No.49972218

Is this live yet? I need to see results that back your claims.

>> No.49972588

Out of curiosity, I just checked out the quizzes, and desu, its quite interesting

>> No.49972967

TGE is in 4days, the launchpad should go live shortly after, so you can add this to your portfolio for monitoring.

>> No.49973867


>> No.49975613

I think the metaverse would lead to mass adoption as well. We can see it practically with Ronaldo planning to build his own web3 community and supporting nfts.

>> No.49975682

Research is necessary before making any choice on investing. Can't afford any more losses

>> No.49975704

Never heard of Umami

>> No.49975728

Xcad be giving me the vibe of something programming related

>> No.49975826

The only nft game I've played is axie infinity but I'm open to options. Encouraging to see how brands are picking interest in nfts too, Heard nike has their own nft sneakers that could be worn in the metaverse. Quite innovative, crypto is slowly creeping into the world of sports too.

>> No.49975892

Downturn has bearly started, we still got months of chopping
Its hard to tell what projects are worth accumulating right now
But one of the big problems was how bad this place got during the bullrun, the spamming and shilling made me leave this place for 12 months

>> No.49975915

Pulse chain and pulsex looks like it could be crazy like defi summer shit and spare me the “ oh b-but it’s a scam p-ponzi” maybe maybe not but so is 80% of crypto and that doesn’t stop people from making money on it.

>> No.49976110

if you don't know, now you know

>> No.49976266

It's really a bear and I have seen it for myself also. I never expected to go down this much on my holdings.

>> No.49976669

>Ethereans - $6.4m market cap
lmfao you Italian scamming motherfuckers

>> No.49976700


Go fuck yourself

>> No.49976721

I should add SYLO too.

>> No.49976788

kek, DOT is getting some good developments.

DCA is the key anon, crypto will come back even stronger. Keep learning and exploring new things around it.

Kek, no one really cares. It's how the market goes not only with crypto dumbass.

>> No.49976837

It's not looking pretty though. That's why I'm taking my chances with nfts, planning to get a land on the sport metaverse. Might win a ticket to a live event while am at it.

>> No.49976980

yeah ill pass

>> No.49977061

Just wait for EQ then they are going to have a token sale on Republic, it would be an fucking easy 5x, as it will change the defi space.

>> No.49977391

Haha. Did you just wake up to the market annon?
Fuck we have been on these for months now. Just get yourself on some passive income generating platform and wait out the dip.

>> No.49977430

truebit is the one

>> No.49977463


Bottom is well and truly in. It literally cannot go lower, and the next update - T1 listing, App release, SIA integration - will push it to new ATH within hours.

You want the easiest >20x of your life?


>> No.49977538

>Just get yourself on some passive income generating platform and wait out the dip.
that's the dumbest thing you can possibly do right now kek

>> No.49977876

Probably the annon was carried away by whatsoever and then forgot that the market was bleeding. I sometimes wish I were sleeping also to wake up to let's say EQ and MNZ token launch. I wish to get in early and ride a few projects this season.

>> No.49977918
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Opinion validated

>> No.49978055

To join projects at very early stage is truly the best cos one would almost be certain about being in profit.

>> No.49978073

Price prediction

Price prediction

Realistic price prediction and fuck you money stack size?

>> No.49978303

Everyone is in crypto now and knows the game. Coins will not be allowed to be flown under the radar like they did in the past, or at least there will be much less. Our only real hope to make things easier is a truly horrifying economic black swan event that will truly make people think it's really over and different this time

>> No.49978307


Dude I remember that fucking 2018 group hodling QNT and making memes about Gilbert. I got in at $0.40. I think it was called Quamfy Quamrades or something. Wish I had never left, sold my shit at $3 for a measly 3k profit and forgot about it, then saw it go to $300 a couple of years later.

>> No.49979074
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Lol you are right and on point anon. That's the main reason I have started to participate in metamasking at maiar dex with my UTK tokens for good returns in the longer run.

>> No.49979150
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AGRS flies under the radar since 2014.
At least they got a new website Tau.net right for the bear market.

>> No.49979166

Alt season soon sirs many moons Bitcoin going to 30k and usdt going to $5

>> No.49979199

MTRG, total supply 30 MILLION
GDAO solved sybil resistance WITHOUT KYC. Total Supply, 3 MILLION
HAPI, cyber security Oracle, total supply 1 MILLION

I'll be attracting monetary abundance so I can provide a better life for my children.

>> No.49979214

Anon with bitcoin going 30k is good but if a stable moons wtf is that, then it's not a fucking stable for all you know, never mind I'm confident with my UTK bag as it will moon when they scale up to US.

>> No.49979245

Bear doesn't mean 99% are going down. Don't be an idiot

>> No.49979251

We ain't see nothin yet>>4996568

>> No.49979258

For real it is. Totally left stunned by what sports metaverse is doing. Sports fans all over the world will be having the time of their lives right now. I am sure the entertainment industry are paying attention

>> No.49979269

Legends in what?

>> No.49979292

YFII (Defi.Money) just did a short 500% pump earlier today then settled back down to a 180% up from yesterday. My dumbass didnt set a limit sell after I bought the dump a month ago.

>> No.49979293
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You can't win if you don't lose

>> No.49979315
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Even Utrust a crypto payment gateway has been supporting S.L.Benfica an European football league. For some time now. I really look forward to use crypto to buy tickets and watch the matches desu

>> No.49979420

Based. Popping up a lot of interest especially in the sporting sector

>> No.49979437

Just like metaverse will change social interaction and real world experience forever

>> No.49979604

Wait till regular guys begin to grab free tickets in the lands they've got on the sports metaverse