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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49958217 No.49958217 [Reply] [Original]

Projects fails... ICP just a one of those projects. such fraud.... you lost all your investments, stop bitching, do your research move on to next big thing. e.g AVAX, SOL, Matic LINK are good picks.

>> No.49958252

sneed shitskin

>> No.49958264

locked 1000 at $4.9 I think I'm good, thanks bye
>t. you're seething faggot
>also, dilate

>> No.49958271

ICP baggies should look into AVAX they have a functional BTC integration now kek

>> No.49958300

going down fast then you can say double spend

>> No.49958376

> adds link at the end to make us think he's not getting paid by the Alameda Cartel
nice try

>> No.49959011
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seriously why would someone spend the time to even photoshop this

>> No.49959355

to warn others about dom's securities fraud. get this nigger audited already

>> No.49959659

hasn't icp been dead since 2021? honestly the only altcoin that has been impressive lately is matic, especially with all the recent developments happening on polygon

>> No.49959805


>> No.49959885

Stuff like this is one of main reasons I lurk here.

>> No.49960037
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organic posts

>> No.49960079

If i set up a giant rat trap with a piece of gold on it outside your house how long do you think would you last?

>> No.49961004

i'd get an U haul and take the trap. iron is expensive nowadays

>> No.49961853
File: 29 KB, 540x540, 1656099357277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a small bag of matic, what kind of price are you predicting OP? How many do I need to be a millionaire?

>> No.49963265

>move on to next big thing. e.g AVAX, SOL, Matic LINK are good picks.
eat shit faggot and stop shilling scams

>> No.49963311

a stupid insecure bridge is nothing compared to chain key cryptography btc integration kill yourself turkroach

>> No.49963333

I've heard rumors Dominic goes around spitting on the floor of the office and awkwardly flirting with his HR employees (they get paid way too much).

>> No.49963403

I'm invested in sol link matic
Avax might be good too idk I'm comfy

>> No.49963886
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Please refute this

>> No.49963971

double spend

>> No.49964050

I know you think its the world's fault no one love you. But, maybe, just maybe you should try thinking a little bit more before you say things. Maybe then life might get better for you annon.

>> No.49964416

the same time it takes a normie to think it's a good idea for vinu to add memecoins to the fucking vr chat

>> No.49964919
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, GawrGura-moneyhungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you all at sub 1$ eoy

>> No.49965675

Imagine trying to bandaid something like ETH as your life goal instead of just making something good.

>> No.49965915
File: 139 KB, 500x565, AA62B488-4C6B-4C0E-A540-3B7B52E77902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hold 1488 pee and i’ve never been happier