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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4995125 No.4995125 [Reply] [Original]

Buy the dip. Sit tight.

Collossus coming

>> No.4995165


>> No.4995177

>He still thinks the dip would be over.

>> No.4995245

Biz retards are gonna hate themselves between now and christmas

>> No.4995256
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>> No.4995290


>> No.4995302

In the next week or so

>> No.4995408

After the slaughter-house pulled by ETH it's holding up remarkably well. Hanging tough at 26 on the ratio. This just shows how bullish this coin is and WILL lift off

>> No.4995457

What exactly is this coin, and what will give it value apart from speculation?
I get that it's a system used for payment, but how does this affect the value of the coin itself?
Sorry in advance, I'm retarded.

>> No.4995478

yeah it's not losing that much indeed.

>> No.4995510

Read what REQ actually does and then stop making yourself look dumb.

>> No.4995568

Should I trade BTC or ETH for REQ ?

>> No.4995581

exactly. nows the time to buy.
I dont want to hear you whining in a few months when it will have taken off

>> No.4995618

Much larger than just payment requests.

Too lazy to spoon feed, but it's currency agnostic (works with any currency on Earth) and has auditing, invoicing, and accounting tools built in. It has the ability to put accountants, accounting software companies, and large auditing firms out of business.

Go read the white paper. There are plenty of example use cases.

>> No.4995621

But isn't he right? What else is REQ doing? In the end it's excatly the picutre. And don't come up with unrealistic ideas like audit and tax modules.

Oh yeah, nearly forgot about the crypto antagonistic thing...Kyber will do that too and not REQ. Great shitcoin

>> No.4995636

Do you enjoy your -30% loss?

>> No.4995646
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Looks like you just graduated from

Priced in University

>> No.4995675

Because you guys are lazy fucks:

4.1 B2B invoicing
Billions of invoices are shared each year between companies, with most of them still being sent in paper and
email format, which have to be copied. This results in a large number of errors, particularly when advanced
payment or tax rules are applied.
With Request, companies can share these bills directly via the ledger; there will be no more duplication,
as accounting systems will be immediately plugged in and updated.
The company awaiting payment will be able to detect a delay immediately, which will happen less often
due to the development of invoice payment systems. The company has the ability to pay on the optimal date
at the time of receiving the request.
Each year, thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) bankrupt while waiting for their
invoices to be paid. The ECB (European Central Bank), in particular, is setting up solutions that Request
complete by adding a payment reputation system and key indicators. Today, a provider still has to trust its
client and might not be paid. Tomorrow, the provider will be able to verify the payers clients reputation and
other indicators, such as DPO (Days Payable Outstanding) before agreeing on a contract.

>> No.4995700
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This >>4995510
I'll say it again
>only btc to usd

>> No.4995703

Redpilling one biztard at a time...

>> No.4995715

4.2 Online payments
For example, shopping on Amazon requires payment by credit/debit card, thereby exposing sensitive infor-
mation. Alternatively, selecting the option to pay via Request, the users data remain protected. Amazon
will post a Request on the network, the user’s account will detect it and request a confirmation of payment
from the user. This will trigger a transfer at the lowest cost, without exposing the payment information.
It becomes possible to avoid unforeseen credit/debit card payments that services charge in a hidden way,
because it provides a way to validate payments before they happen. Request empowers people.
The advantages of Request, compared to current systems, are:

: Payment information is never shared, there is no risk that someone intercepts and reuses
banking information.

: One click to pay, and no manual input error possible.

: No third-party like Paypal, Bitpay or Stripe
all of whom are providers that charge between
1% and 7% of the amounts sent. Request reduces the costs.

>> No.4995741

Wtf are you talking about, fag?

>> No.4995743

I am up over 200% USD.

>> No.4995773

With Request, the accounting is done automatically and in real time. Beyond cost reduction, this allows for
better, faster financial management, and with more information.
Use cases for accounting purposes:
Request brings
simultaneity to the accounting process
. Payments, accounting, and VAT refunds /
payments are done automatically.

In addition, it represents a switch from double-entry accounting
triple-entry accounting
. This
is a revolution, expected by experts, that raises some questions about the future value of external audits.
Indeed, a third validation point is added to double-entry accounting systems
, and this is where auditors are
currently acting for the validation of the authenticity of accounts.
Moreover, Request allows the
digitization of accounting systems
, where one currently spends time
to duplicate efforts through repetitive documentation and frequent checks. These manual tasks can now be
automated. Request will transform the role of a CPA into consulting and support activities. This system
leaves more time for value-added tasks, such as analysis, estimation and strategy.
Technically, credit notes, purchase orders, reimbursement, and every accounting concepts will be possible
on Request. The system will be compatible with the UN/EDIFACT standard and able to be updated to the
latest standards

>> No.4995782
File: 2.56 MB, 3648x2736, Bqk3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a newfag or sth?

> Not up 1000% with raiblocks

>> No.4995803

4.3.2 Audit
With Request, audits become a simple algorithmic check, thanks to the immutability of the system. In
comparison, in 2014, Microsoft paid $46.2 million in audit fees to Deloitte
. Similarly, Bank of America paid
nearly $100 million. In total, the 100 biggest companies in the United States paid $2.5 billion in audit fees.
Henceforth, audits will be carried out in real time
. Let’s call them Smart Audits
. Blockchain auditing
solutions (”smart audits”) will likely become a reliable and inexpensive alternative to today’s manual audits.

Request brings significant benefits for improving the efficiency of such audits. In terms of digitization,
accounting software, states and companies are still far from optimal. Many companies send invoices by mail
every day, and most of them have missing invoices at the end of each year.
Yet the rules are clear. The methods and technological support could change everything and substitute
the intercompany and inter-subsidiary costly controls, which are carried out to ensure the reliability of the accounting statements.

>> No.4995807
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tfw people are being pajeet fudded into selling into these whales accumulating at this cheapo price.

there's a lot of dumb money in crypto

>> No.4995826

I also own Raiblocks.

>> No.4995873

let the panic pajeets sell out their 5k REQ.
desu I wouldn't have made it without panic pajeets.

>> No.4996056
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What's the deal with this coin?

Why, unlike every other coin, are we supposed to focus on the company's supposedly groundbreaking technology and utility rather than the technical value of the asset?

It feels like an organized shill campaign.

>> No.4996110
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>What's the deal with this coin?

>Why, unlike every other coin, are we supposed to focus on the company's supposedly groundbreaking technology and utility rather than the technical value of the asset?

People shill in whatever way they think is effective. Remember that skateboards with stickers on them, the words "vitalik is an advisor" and hanging around in the google lobby brought omisego to above 800m marketcap way before launch.

>> No.4996172

triggered pajeet

>With Request, the accounting is done automatically and in real time. Beyond cost reduction, this allows for better, faster financial management, and with more information.
you mean like a bank does?
>With Request, audits become a simple algorithmic check, thanks to the immutability of the system.
Not allowed under GAAP. There is a reason for independent auditors.
>Many companies send invoices by mail every day, and most of them have missing invoices at the end of each year.
Maybe in your backwards street shitting country.

also hilarious how you have to get pissed and spam their pre-written garbage off their website because you can't explain it yourself. The only good thing about REQ is their payment system which your cousin could create and release on the App Store.

>> No.4996212

Okay, so this sounds interesting. I have three questions.
Firstly, if this is a service, what am I buying if I purchase REQ?
Secondly, how will they overcome the massive industry around accounting and money management?
Thirdly, is this run by Indians? Why does the Pajeet meme supposedly apply here?

>> No.4996218

> The only good thing about REQ is their payment system which your cousin could create and release on the App Store.
My cousin Joost tried that once but his Lawyer Pravik Pajeet gave him so bad advice so he had to shut down.

>> No.4996335

>global institution uses request to make a payment
>payment doesnt go through because the latest pokemon tamagotchi craze just got released on ethereum and the network is overloaded
Truelly the future guys

>> No.4996372

>Firstly, if this is a service, what am I buying if I purchase REQ?
this shows you know nothing about crypto outside of bitcoin. please do not invest in alt coins. if you want to profit, just buy every coin on coinbase and you'll make more money than anyone else.
>Secondly, how will they overcome the massive industry around accounting and money management?
they won't. here's why:
1. they advertise their payment system release in 1Q but won't accept fiat until 2Q. to have a crypto payment system, it's basically becoming an exchange. it's impossible for such a small team with no money.
2. GAAP and federal regulations require auditors to be independent from the firm. if a system has their hand in the government, the firm, and the company, it's not independent. nothing is.
3. their team is comprised of literal whos from France.
I can continue if you have specific questions
>Thirdly, is this run by Indians? Why does the Pajeet meme supposedly apply here?
there's an Indian P&D discord shilling REQ right now and it's a convoluted coin that's conveniently being shilled right before it's supposed to deliver big stuff

>> No.4996616

whale trying to push the price down

>> No.4996643

die in a ditch ya damn pajeet.

>> No.4996660

do i put my link in req instead?

>> No.4996675

If they don't solve the scaling problem it isn't just REQ that's fucked.

>> No.4996759

yc is partnered with req , yc is going to aggressively shill req to silicon valley normies . They have a good backing

>> No.4996901

Yc bought req for 0.003 cents. You bought it for 0.20. I wonder who is getting rich here...

>> No.4996931

>There are people who think Request will run directly on the ethereum main net in its entirety

>> No.4996981

which translates to given a majority of the coin for free

>> No.4997367
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I fucking hate you you fucking assholes herding weak hands into your lowbuys with your fake sell walls on binance. I want this to moon NOW.

>> No.4997406
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$1 EOY

>> No.4997438
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what is this meme buy wall

>> No.4997612

You should've seen the buy walls a few hours ago anon, the whale just kept moving up his 5btc. It was scary

>> No.4997860

hodling 30k of that b1tch - will I make it?