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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.02 MB, 792x1212, biddingwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49951235 No.49951235 [Reply] [Original]


>Getting in bidding wars just for the privelege of paying landchads more money

Guys please be more careful with your memes they keep coming true.

>> No.49951256

Landchads can't stop winning

>> No.49951281

I legit fucking love owning land so much it's unreal

>> No.49951305

If I was the landlord I'd ask for the cunny

>> No.49951340
File: 17 KB, 588x586, GigaChad-is-a-fitness-enthusiast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I just bought a condo and don't need to worry about any of this anymore

>> No.49951416

>buying at the top of the market

>> No.49951418

these mongrels are at fault. if landlords don't get anything rented they have to lower the prices. stop being stupid and paying so much for rent

>> No.49951425

also who the fuck secures a real estate agent to go rental hunting?

>pay a useless real estate agent to find you listings
>pay application fees multiple times just to apply
>bid over rent just to get noticed
>three months' rent as deposit even if you get selected
>0% of any of this goes into equity

Is there anything more insipid and loathsome than the modern-day rentoid?

>> No.49951433

>we'll arrange something

>> No.49951477

>Is there anything more insipid and loathsome than the modern-day rentoid?
RE agents in general tbqh. When I bought my house last year the guy put in maybe 20 total hours of work over the month it took to buy the house. Made out with 6k.

>> No.49951517

Better than continuing to donate until you're priced out forever.

>> No.49951612

cope rentoid. people said the same thing to me 4 years ago and now my house is worth over 2.3 million. although i will never sell because i love it too damn much.

>> No.49951624

middlemen serve no real function in modern society

>> No.49952311

soo glad i tip my landlord, maybe he will act benevolently the day im evicted for renos

>> No.49952365

What’s the problem with this? It’s free market real estate. You’re not communists right?

The market determines the value.

>> No.49952379

Guys, what if we could put landlord tips on the blockchain? That way everyone could see the tips being offered and rentcucks would compete even harder with each other.

>> No.49952410

i thought this was completely normal. are you saying you don’t tip your landchad? unbelievable + disgusting

>> No.49954222

Love this. Could also dutch auction the units out. Start the bid way above market value and let them panic and fight over the vacancy.

>> No.49954325
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Literally best feel,
>lost 30% of account value since start of year
>remember i own 40 hectares of arable land which gets rented to farming cucks
>20 hectares of forest. No longer care about market dip

>> No.49954339
File: 1.14 MB, 256x256, 86907593-EE56-4CD0-BD70-B049F8AFDB02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw live in Canada and there is rent increase control and have tenants paying 50% under market rate and can’t do anything to kick them out because renters have more rights then land lords here in this cucked country

>> No.49954363

We are way past antisemitism.
Please apologise, and be better in the future.

>> No.49954387


>> No.49954391

>condo fees double
>condo becomes basically unsellable

>> No.49954445

>refinanced mortgage for 2.6% last year
>have money to pay it off
>just put it into short term treasuries and get a higher % yield
>literally free money

Even if my house went to zero I would be ahead of rent cucks because I literally get paid to have a mortgage

>> No.49954504


>> No.49954650

How do you propose finding somewhere to rent without going through agents? There are a few sites for direct landlords but most of them are crap and the landlords use them because they're too cheap to pay agents' fees.

>> No.49954692

Where'd you get all that land anon?

>> No.49954716

Guys I am NOT KIDDING don't joke about this shit, especially not with trips. This stuff becomes real, act responsibly with your manifestation powers.

>> No.49954982

Will you elaborate on how this works a bit please? A friend mentioned something similar but I lack some of the fundamental information on treasuries to be able to apply it to myself.

>> No.49955066

You're a faggot.

>> No.49955088


Its simple. Instead of paying off your mortgage just put into a government bond ETF. The shorter the duration the less volatile it becomes, but the less yield. The safest thing is just putting into a savings account, but savings accounts aren't quite up to high rates yet, but they will be probably by next higher than my mortgage and I could literally just keep cash in a savings account and use it to pay my mortgage and it would earn more in yield than my mortgage in interest.

>> No.49955151

cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.49955239

Housing market is crashing. Renters market will follow.

>> No.49955479

This must be a city thing (New York, etc.). I've never heard of doing this.

>> No.49955795
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>bid over rent just to get noticed
>three months' rent as deposit even if you get selected
>>0% of any of this goes into equity
These are the margin payments to secure a short position on the real estate market.
Renting is literally shorting real estate and the price for somebody else to keep the asset on their books.

>> No.49955904

>if landlords don't get anything rented they have to lower the prices. stop being stupid and paying so much for rent
Damn could it be that simple guys? Just sleep under a bridge for 3 months and then landlords will beg for yo to rent their place?

>> No.49955926


>> No.49956063

>How do you propose finding somewhere to rent without going through agents?
Facebook, Apartments dot com, Craigslist, the list is endless. Imagine paying a jew or a roastie money to Google something for you, city cucks get more pathetic by the day.

>> No.49956136

I used to work in a small real estate company. The rentals were always lower class scum or foreigners. Most people find their own accommodation through property websites or facebook.

>> No.49956224

housing isn't a shitcoin

>> No.49956553

Can you rent out the forest to chop firewood.

>> No.49956695

It wouldn't be a problem if you could build apartments or smaller houses but they get blocked by cronies who wants to protect their Zestimate. In America, real estate is not a free market.

>> No.49956846

Earth is a free market. If you don't like it in one place you can always move to another.
I will never pay rent or mortgage.

>> No.49957022

you queers said this last year too

>> No.49957233

Landchads, I want to pick up a new larger house, some vacant land and maybe a rental property… just waiting for some dips

>> No.49957704
File: 178 KB, 750x751, 1582497709585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Mexicans are fucking Chads, having a wife, a kid and a dog while asking to pay more rent?
The fuck do we let commies in this country for?
Shit, maybe I should work longer hours.

>> No.49957719

Feudalism, also known as the feudal system, was the combination of the legal, economic, military, and cultural customs that flourished in medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. Broadly defined, it was a way of structuring society around relationships that were derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour. Although it is derived from the Latin word feodum or feudum (fief),[1]

>> No.49957736

Friggin' Schwed, Lois

>> No.49957810

>Is there anything more insipid and loathsome than the modern-day rentoid?
Trust fund kiddies and white people.

>> No.49957826

>cope rentoid.
Everything you say is some fucking buzzword.
Hey fag fuck, here's a cope for you, you wouldnt have shit without your parents footing the bill.

>> No.49957886
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>You’re not communists right?
White boys and kikes are the BIGGEST commies when THEY have to pay outta pocket.
Oh sure, the little fuckers love to talk about liberalism but they sure as fuck dont like to put their money where their mouth is.
>Man wanted an apartment.
>Offered more money to get one.
The fuck is the problem? Commie, He didnt have daddy give him a house for free?
Lmao, you want something? fuck you, pay up.
Welcome to Capitalism.
Cope and rope you fucking commie cuck.
Why dont YOU put your fucking money where your mouthy little shit hole is and BUILD some fucking commie blocks and charge 100 bucks a month?
No? That's work that might not pay off immediately.
Oh shit, guess we figured out why we cant build cheap shit for the working class, there is no money for rich people to passively leech.
Here's what real communism looks like, leech/poser.

>> No.49957993


>> No.49958067

Yeah and Adam Smith was a communist
Jesus Christ lolspergs need to just kill themselves with their brain dead takes. At some point all that’s going to happen is normal people will say “yes, and my non-communist “communism” is better than your horseshit”.

>> No.49958103
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Not buying your bags

>> No.49959310

Wtf i love Canada now. Based.

>> No.49959577
File: 308 KB, 800x800, mao_sq-2ec66eb3bf59f92803fe996c4c2cbc6a4c4ba8ba-s800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49959602

>he doesn't do yard work like a real man

>> No.49959630

Condo and maintenance fee and property tax still exist.

>> No.49959640

>imagine not putting a sell condition on your house to buy a new one when you can't afford to pay cash
Can people really be so stupid.

>> No.49960075

This you: >>49953524?

>> No.49960117

reported to mr greenblatt

>> No.49960124

yardwork is the stupidest fucking thing on the planet and the worst part is, you are freely promoting retarded consumerist shit like lawnmowers lmao. Grow food instead you fucking retarded faggot.

>> No.49960954

You have a problem with having a lawn? God man’s yard work industrial complex

>> No.49962451

wait landlord tipping is just a meme to you guys? ive tipped my landlord every month since i moved out of my parents house because i thought it was good manners