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49945654 No.49945654 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do with 200k in cash?

>> No.49945674

Cash out in pennies and insert them one by one in your anus

>> No.49945688
File: 170 KB, 646x663, coffee tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy me a coffee.

>> No.49945693

Agreed, buy this anon a coffee

>> No.49945737

Buy this anon a coffee

>> No.49945782
File: 962 KB, 245x170, 69e05e21cbc0f8dd61ffeb678ac369b0-2739242587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it in a banana stand

>> No.49945797

Yes. Coffee. This anon.

>> No.49946171

Best investment

>> No.49946450


>> No.49946458

Some asses are white... Get your mind on NFT and metaverse

>> No.49946501

>Get your mind on NFT and metaverse
Axs, Hero, Ride and Alice to be precise
and wait for few years.

>> No.49946563

You'll need something from the low cap, if the aim is to make a significant gain, that been said, check Rfox or PKR

>> No.49946604

Buy your wife dinner

>> No.49946638

Set it on fire, do your part to fight inflation

>> No.49946772

No one will buy, so sell of some shits. I pity some dumb BTC holders.

Crypto is down like granny's flappy breast

>> No.49946773

All in on oil

>> No.49946989
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Looks like OP have got some money to dish out.
Polygon is a shit layer 2 and I heard they could go to layer 1 eventually.
Meanwhile, devs on the platform could have it much easier on QTKT or Qanplatform, which are dev friendly.
This shit is worth lavishing on as the current price is on a steal.

>> No.49948948


>> No.49948997

50% link 50% icp, enjoy fuck you money in 3 years

>> No.49949022
File: 229 KB, 960x960, 1647477172141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burn 150k on a livestream, use the remaining 50k to advertise and then monetize the video

alternatively you can start with burning $1 on tik tok and double the money burnt everyday for like 3 weeks

>> No.49950419


Low and macro caps are big risks in a dip but as they say if you believe it in buy it. RFOX got traction tho that partnership with ORE protocol caught my attention, identity security is becoming a big thing.

>> No.49950538


>> No.49950556

Talk about this quantum shit 2060 not here.

>> No.49950561

Convert them to BitDAO tokens and stake them on ByBit
You’d literally live off the APY without having to work another day in your life

>> No.49950591

You might be wrong or right but should ETH go lower that $600 then I am stacking up hard.

>> No.49950642

>identity security is becoming a big thing.
Oh I see you caught up with ORE ID too, I opened an account and it's cool. I use same login details for both web 2 and web 3 via the Ore id tool, few products that actually makes sense.

>> No.49950668

Go float yourself


>> No.49950695

Its always a perfect combination with drugs.

>> No.49950698

>50% BTC
>20% Gold
>10% Silver
>20% XMR.

>> No.49950721

this anon >>49945688 would probably appreciate a coffee

>> No.49950735

New knee pads for boomers and crypto for millenials preferable ETH and others.

>> No.49950778

Occidental petroleum stock is a fucking bargain rn but id probaly hold till it goes lower, were heading into a recession which means less industrial demand and lesd demand for oil so imma watch for the oil crash then slurp

>> No.49950830

>20% XMR
Good usecase but price action is shit, why should I put 20% of 200k on that, GMT,BAT and maybe ORE will easily do a 5x recovery faster than XMR.

>> No.49950879

Cypto, oil, gold,silver, hookers and drugs will crash.

>> No.49951015

Utilities, good choice I am fond of ORE to it's cheap but mainly cos I use the product too. XMR is a need if Ygmi without taxes and feds.

>> No.49951115

suck my fucking COCK

>> No.49951729

Why is everubody talking about security, nfts and metaverse

>> No.49952320

10 BTC it is.

>> No.49952339

present it

>> No.49952352

Buy this anonymous poster a coffee

>> No.49952367

All in RLC thank me next week

>> No.49952412

Buy this anon >>49945688 a gween tea

>> No.49952449

Buy this anon a coffee. In fact, dubs means buy them two.

>> No.49952464

They are all related, some security protocol offers NFT creators validation and authentication services while metaverse users gets their identity secured from theft and also asset management.

>> No.49952678

You want to squander it, I guess not.
Give heed to stocks, or crypto anon, you can try the big chips but I'm particular about low cap gems though and for a starter DYOR on VRA, GMT and SYLO for possible holding or scalping.
Recession is going to step in and we all gonna be fucked so yeah do the right thing.

>> No.49952705

Yo!! That's some gay shid like how do y'all come up with such thoughts. Fucking sissy

>> No.49952741

Poor bruv just spitting out shid

>> No.49952790

>and wait for years.
Prolly going to do that run with RIDE and TEAM, two metaverse projects with NFT integrations.
The former being situated in cars and the latter just an esports gaming guild

>> No.49952819

BTC won't even do a 2x till Eoy, it just gonna be all crabby.


I assume you know about Ore protocol if not dyor and you will appreciate your comment more.

>> No.49952824

Polygon a shit layer 2, now that's some dark shitty ass notion.

>> No.49952852

I wish you the very best in the escapade. ICP and I ain't jolly good fellows. NFTs on it are whack and token dumping to stupor.

>> No.49952915

Placing everything into BTC how sad.

>> No.49952948
File: 49 KB, 770x760, 1652369610211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got three ones for you to check out :

Memecoin + Metaverse +Fastest and Feesless Protocol + Binance Listing + VR Integration + Muh Doggy Coin

Meta backed service that uses Metaverse as a service toolkit to introduce more people to extend their scope into the digital world.

Ryoshi's latest scam, well we know how his first one went - SHIB

Thank me later

>> No.49952957

fund my business plan where alcohol taxes are calculated and paid to the state using a proprietary blockchain

I need fiddy k

>> No.49952977

>sippy time
>sip sip

>> No.49953007

put it in the bank. use what money you dont spend on bills/etc from your job to speculate. the markets are intentionally chaotic and very difficult to predict until you learn how. take this time to learn how without risking serious money

>> No.49953014

You got yours to talk about?
Shoot man, I just don't need tokens for the hypes but ones that can stand this upcoming market saga. Metaverse and NFTs tokens are my fucking safe havens and I think AxlToken is settling in there well. Axie being the pathfinder though but who the fuck cares if I place it on Hero as well.

>> No.49953027
File: 1.23 MB, 2786x3215, buysilverbtcdead2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By only real things, had assest! The markets are divorced from reality! stay aways from chuck e cheese tokens they also are not real.

>> No.49953048

Inflation stepping in good.

>> No.49953057

why are you on 4chan asking anons what to do with 200k when you can invest in MATIC on your own dumbass

>> No.49953510


>> No.49953521

NGMI, why waste that much on shitcoins when alts with utility will mostlikely have a better recovery path.
no spoonfeeding.

>> No.49953563
File: 12 KB, 306x306, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Or use an automated yield aggregator like SPOOL. Minimizes risk, diverse portfolio. A fucking win.

>> No.49953590

Buy this anon coffee, the good stuff.
Anon has spoken, op please deliver.

>> No.49953732

>All in RLC thank me next week
very good coin sire, I genuinely think its going to be big, literally one of the few that will up in the next cycle, including Sylo and Nii

>> No.49954742

lick my fucking balls FAGGOT

>> No.49955619

Convert it to BUSD and buy the dip when BTC gets to 7K

>> No.49955714

Finally, someone agrees with me that BTC is going to 7k.
I'm already preparing my fiat to buy FUFU and some other promising alts when that happens.

I'm quite confident that in the next bull cycle crypto should make me a millionaire

>> No.49955803

Invest in cocaine
I always say to my frens cocaine is a better store of value than gold

>> No.49955965

>What should I do with 200k in cash?
Wait a little longer, then buy eth, Aqt, Solana, ride and Ufoto make reasonable gain in the future.
i hold all, but heavier in Ethereum

>> No.49956547

Anyone that buys 200K BTC at 7K will surely become a millionaire by the time it creates a new ATH.
And let's assume anon also buys XPRESS token with it, which has the chances of going 100x and above, then anon will surely become a VC

>> No.49956558

Find a potion seller

>> No.49956602
File: 2 KB, 125x69, shorrterbus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to a goldern retriever fire hydrant to ask for financial advice

>> No.49956638

All in on GME through computershare

>> No.49956687

50k ICP, 50k link, 100k on side lines just in case markets go lower.

Guaranteed generational wealth. You are welcome

>> No.49956755

I'm only holding a small amount of XPRESS right now, but I'll be buying more of it in this bearish market, before it releases it metaverse banking feature

>> No.49956778

I will prefer to have a bag of DOT, RFOX, and EGLD instead. DOT parachain is still active af and the RFOX metaverse ecosystem is receiving lots of traction currently with its immersive ecosystem which offers digital solutions in the metaverse and EGLD due to its fast transactions. ICP and LINK are not doing great atm

>> No.49956817

Suit yourself, be retarded

>> No.49957127

I will heed this advice if I were you. Get some bag now or FOMO later and that's if you have something left to buy with.