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File: 124 KB, 1051x627, 182232C8-CD1B-408D-9D1D-AD68BB97565C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49944895 No.49944895 [Reply] [Original]

Do ads advertising ugly black women actually sell more products or does it turn a large portion of buyers off?

>> No.49944910

I refuse to buy goods or services from companies that have adverts with race mixing or an overrepresentation of non-whites.

>> No.49944924 [DELETED] 

>advertisement caters to the lowest IQ population that more likely to overspend and get into debt
what do you think?

>> No.49944974

the entire point of advertising is to be seen and by posting this fucking picture every day you're doing free work for amazon and proving that this is actually good ad creative

>> No.49945093

WOHO she gon buy dem epic deals ain't she

>> No.49945132

Woman are the largest consoomer block so of course they want to advertise to the widest demographic of woman possible. Any buyer who would seriously be turned off by ads like this is probably a loser anyway who dosent buy much.

>> No.49945133

You forget most people look like that creaturea

>> No.49945146
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>> No.49945161

Yes. You're literally helping them right this minute as well. Kill yourself.

>> No.49945162 [DELETED] 

I live in a %99 white eastern european country and since St. Floyd ascended to heaven there has been a big push to have black people on ads for no fucking reason.

>> No.49945173
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sell more products?

>> No.49945191 [DELETED] 

you bunch are just as bad as actual niggers
t. Norwegian

>> No.49945211 [DELETED] 

Agree, russians are true niggers, while others manage to behave somehow

>> No.49945218 [DELETED] 

African women are hideous. They constantly lay this image in front of you to remind you that you are conquered.

>> No.49945266

polacks and lithuanians are still subhumans. Guess I can't blame them, they are west Russians
when it comes down to it

>> No.49945320
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>he knows

>> No.49945466

How much do these women sell for?

>> No.49945532
File: 176 KB, 1000x1000, RODEOH_GLO-FI-DILDO_GREEN_569e5f39-c403-473f-b7bc-580e24a8d322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESG score goes up

>> No.49945554

Are there any companies left that you can buy from?

>> No.49945583

Why does it look like the uh oh stinky meme? How did they get away with this?

>> No.49945628

This has always been an attack on beauty it has way less to do with race than it appears and yes I hate niggers

>> No.49945633

probably because it’s funny. That’s the only reason I can think of.

>> No.49945643

did you ever heard of local producers?

>> No.49945667

we don't want your money incel

>> No.49945696

It makes people think "if that low class, poor, ugly, obese women can afford to buy shit on amazon, so can I"
You are less likely to think "these prices are heavily inflated. I should look elsewhere for cheaper prices"

>> No.49945778

To continue - Everything about the woman says poor/low class. Several hints -
Bad teeth: poor genetics, could not afford braces.
Over weight: sedentary life style, poor food choices.
Fashion choices: green/poop color clothes, flimsy glasses, basic hair style.

>> No.49945785 [DELETED] 

and you will get replaced by low IQ africans, dumb libshit cuckold

>> No.49945811

no but it helps the company's ESG score. essentially a social credit score for businesses.


>> No.49945846
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1655283910239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that cant be real kek

>> No.49945852 [DELETED] 

Braces are a scam invented by kike dentists
they cause your teeth to unironically shatter later in your life
and by that point its too late to fix it and you will be forced to get them replaced with fakes which in turn the kike dentists profit from

>> No.49945881

imagine complainting about slavs when you import literal ferral niggers and inbred terrorist muzzies