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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49942675 No.49942675 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49942704

its your fault for voting for dutch politicians who support regulating crypto

>> No.49942705

fuck coinbase

>> No.49942708

No more jeet scams

>> No.49942713

Jk, looks like i have to delete my cb account.

>> No.49942720

lmao good, this is the speedrun to self-custody.

>> No.49942730

coinbase bankrupt speedrun

>> No.49942735

"crypto"currencies, am I right lads?

>> No.49942748

why burgers keep using cuckbase?

>> No.49942763

It's easy and they give you free shit pretty frequently. But yeah if I verify that this is real in the morning I'm deleting my account.

>> No.49942864

Just looked it up actually and it looks like this only affects users in the Netherlands. OP is a faggot as usual, but Coinbase is also a faggot so I'm probably gonna get rid of my account with them anyway.

>> No.49942891

>P-PAYING TAXES?????????

>> No.49942903

the big news is they cancelled coinbase pro so now u gotta use normal coinbase and pay 5% fees on there or whatever the fuck. they tried to charge me $600 in fees to sell my 25k grt stack during the bullrun

>> No.49944923

>under dutch regulation
nothingburger then

>> No.49944982

Big news is fees aren't changing you illiterate ape.

>> No.49945262

if you werent cheating your wealth taxes you should have reported your own wallet to the taxes already anyways
this is a nothing burger, just verify your wallet and move off exchange
come back when they outright ban sending coins of exchange

>> No.49945271

fuck coinbase, time to move to FTX

>> No.49945602

>if I verify that this is real in the morning I'm deleting my account.
No you aren't. They store customer data for 5 years as required by law for financial service providers.

>> No.49945698


>> No.49945718

as long as they dont retroactively try to punish me for buying weed i dont care

>> No.49945848

Glad I jumped ship from that shit hole a long time ago. Voyager bros ww@

>> No.49946657

>reported your own wallet
Imagine being this much of a docile goy cattle.

>> No.49946791

I switched to kraken as soon as the CEO told troons to fuck off

>> No.49946821

>paying taxes on your currency

>> No.49947040

coinbase has been holding my transfer for a week now it's over

>> No.49947046

how is cucking to (((regulators))) a viable business model in crypto? it has never and will never work.

the only option is buying 600 million dollars of government bonds of some uncancellable shithole like georgia and holding your USD in their accounts D I P L O M A T I C I M M U N I T Y

>> No.49947074


>> No.49947092

Crypto is used by criminals and all ditch people are drug dealers, this is bad

>> No.49947096
File: 167 KB, 1000x1000, pepe face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in New York

Also cashing out is much easier

>> No.49947115
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>> No.49947158

Go change your Yarmulke, it stinks.

>> No.49947170


>> No.49947196

you can buy and sell crypto with cash you know? or have the jews corrupted american society to the point where nobody trusts their fellow man not to beat or rape them

>> No.49947265
File: 20 KB, 178x311, 457645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pffft, the dutch

>> No.49947547


dont care, fuck off, sage goes in all fields

>> No.49947551
File: 32 KB, 850x145, CBERC20Delay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this news
>pic related
>my transaction has been pending for 5 hours now
It used to be alright as an on-ramp and off-ramp, but I truly hate Coinbase now.

>> No.49947610

>we may require you to link a Coinbase Wallet
looks like they're telling you how to fix this problem easy mode right the fuck now; based coinbase.

>we have to verify all outside transfers now
>just make all outside transfers to your personal fucking wallet where it should be to begin with
>transfer from your personal wallet freely
>ignore your gay ass eurofag law

>> No.49947640

genius, had to read it twice but you are right.

based goybase

>> No.49947668

They already have my bank account and my driver's license.
Lmao, this is the dumbest fudd.

>> No.49947680

Thank the fucking lord.
I might leave work and go get a chicken sandwich from Wendy's, you guys want something?

>> No.49947693

Who told troons to fuck off?

>> No.49947719

>Paying taxes on your stock market profits.
>Paying taxes when you get a paycheck.
>Paying taxes for when you buy and sell silver.

>> No.49947730

>nobody trusts their fellow man not to beat or rape them
That one, we fought wars for this country.

>> No.49947748

>Move to address that you verify as yours
>Move from said address to somewhere the fuck else.

There, issue solved

>> No.49947788

it's totally a not our problem thing and now they're making the dutch government enforce it directly on their citizens private wallets; which will make their citizens angry at their politicians and not coinbase

it's the best possible way to handle it, just pass it straight on to the customer

>> No.49948192

does anyone use gemini or any of the others and have any opinions on them, like kraken? i currently have all of my coin in binance and it's been fine but I'd prefer to split it across two or three.... juuuuust incase. currently thinking of coinbase (given it's popularity) and gemini (it's run by jp morgan reet?)